Outside the Laojun Palace.

It is also raining heavily here at this moment, but the incense table is set up.

Next to the incense table was a circle of flags of various colors, with the Great Protector alone in the middle of the flags.

He was not standing motionless, but was moving constantly with his feet on the ground. In his palm, he also held a mahogany sword. Needless to say, it was exactly the way to do it. .

The purple-robed man and the three green-robed men stood in the outer circle waiting, but there was no one else. They had just returned. The Great Protector asked Tan Fuyang to take care of the guests who had not yet recovered from the poisoning, but he personally opened the altar to practice.

The Great Protector walked around the flag circle for seven times before returning to the incense table. There were three pure bells and talismans on the incense table. The great protector picked up the three pure bells and kept shaking them while speaking eloquently.

About a minute later, he put down the Sanqing Bell, strung the three talisman papers on the table onto the mahogany sword, pointed his finger in the air, and shouted: "Pull the clouds and see the sun!"




The talisman stringed on the sword was shot directly into the sky, turning into three fireballs.

The fireball exploded in the air, bursting out with brilliant sparks.

As the sparks slowly dissipated, the heavy rain in the sky gradually became lighter and then stopped falling. The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing the shining stars.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work." "Brother, thank you for your hard work." ...The purple-robed man and the three green-robed men stepped forward together.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a trivial matter." The Great Protector said calmly.

At this moment, there were footsteps. The five people looked over and saw Tan Fuyang leading four men in white robes over.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work..." As soon as Tan Fuyang came closer, he said immediately: "I have settled those people properly. According to your wishes, I arranged them in four courtyards and asked people to watch them separately... "

"Very good." The Great Protector nodded and said, "Our next step is to find those who dare to go to the island to cause trouble."

"Senior brother, our island was not big to begin with. Now there is only this mountain left, and the area is even smaller. I think it should not be difficult to catch the person out." Wei Jianlin said.

"Senior brother, why don't you let me lead people to search now." A man in green robe said.

The man in green robe had not appeared in the mountainside before. After the accident, the man in purple robe just asked him to guard Laojun Palace to avoid any problems.

"Minghua, don't be anxious. Our people are working hard tonight, and it's still dark. The enemy is dark and we are clear, which is not good for us. I think it's better to search after dawn." The Great Protector said.

"That's right, I'm too impatient..." Zhao Minghua, the man in green robe, said.

"Someone dares to come here to cause trouble. In fact, I am more worried than you. It's just that the other party came prepared. We have only discovered their existence now. If we respond hastily, it will definitely be detrimental to us." The Great Protector said calmly: "Everyone today Have a good rest at night and go to Laojun Hall tomorrow morning to discuss matters. However, we must not relax our vigilance at night. Junior Brother Wei, I will leave the vigilance matters to you tonight."

"No problem!" Wei Jianlin said immediately.

“It’s not good!” “It’s not good!” “Something big happened!”…

Suddenly, there was a shouting sound in the distance.

Hearing this voice, the Great Protector and others were shocked. Zhao Minghua couldn't help but said: "What happened again!"

"Go over and take a look!" Before the Great Protector's voice fell, the person had already rushed out and was several meters away.

The other people also reacted and rushed towards the source of the sound together with the Great Protector.

The sound came from the side and rear of Laojun Hall, and the Great Protector could almost determine where the sound came from.

That place is very important, it is where the granary of Laojun Palace is located.

Just as they were running towards the yard of the granary, a man in white robes ran toward them in panic. The man in white robe ran and shouted, "It's not good! It's not good..."

"What's the matter? You're so panicked!"

They soon saw the man in white robe running over, and the man in purple robe stopped immediately and shouted.

The Great Protector and others stopped one after another. The man in white robe also saw them and hurriedly slowed down and stopped. The matter was too urgent, and his voice stuttered a little, "Acting Headmaster... Great Protector... It's not good... It's not good... The people guarding the granary are all dead, and the granary is on fire... Inside All the food was burned..."

"What!" The great protector's teeth were almost broken. He didn't ask any more questions and hurried towards the courtyard of the granary.

The purple-robed man and the others also followed quickly, and after a while, they arrived at a cross-yard.

In this yard, there is a warehouse and a value room. The warehouse door and the check-in door were both open, and there were eight men in black standing there, all of them panicked. In addition to those standing, there were also those lying down. Under two big trees in the yard, the bodies of two men in black lay respectively.

"The Acting Headmaster...the Great Protector...everyone is dead..." "All the food in the granary has been burned..."...When the people in black saw the Great Protector and the purple-robed men coming in, they all looked sad. said.

The Great Protector ignored them and went straight to the granary.

There was thick smoke coming out of the warehouse, but there was no flame. The Great Protector was the first to rush in, and there was a burning smell inside.

Others also entered inside, and they could see clearly that the food inside had been burned to black ashes.

"The food is all burned!" "Asshole!" "What the hell!"... The purple-robed, green-robed, and red-robed people all have very high status here, but at this moment, they couldn't help but swear.

Even the usually gentle face of the Great Protector showed a ferocious look.

Everyone knows the importance of food, especially on this island. Because of the tsunami, the island was flooded and only this mountain was left. There are no ships on the island, so food is extremely precious.

"Who is responsible for guarding the granary! Who is responsible for guarding the granary!" The Great Protector turned around and rushed outside, shouting loudly.

The people in black clothes in the courtyard were all trembling with fear. The man in white robes who reported the news also followed him to the courtyard.

The man in white robe quickly lowered his head and replied: "The person responsible for guarding the granary is Senior Brother Wang Huaxiang. He and his men, whether they were sentrying openly or secretly, are all dead..."

"Check, how did they all die!" the Great Protector shouted.

After saying this, he immediately rushed towards the check-in room.

Wei Jianlin and Gao Yusheng ran towards the two men in black who were dead under the tree. These two men were secret sentries hidden in the trees. Generally speaking, they would not be discovered. Moreover, the secret sentry has a signal cannon in his hand. Once there is an abnormality, the signal cannon will be fired immediately. In addition, there are people on duty in the duty room, and there are also messenger cannons. It can be said that it is impossible for someone to kill these people at the same time silently, without even taking the time to report the news.

However, this is the fact.

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