Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 253 Unkind Invitation

With the formation of these four stones as a reference, Zhang Yu understood more and more about the Four Symbols of Return to Truth. He couldn't care about anything else now, and he was almost forgetting to eat and sleep.

Of course, I didn’t even want to eat.

As for sleeping, it doesn't matter whether you sleep or not, you will die sooner or later.

It's rare to encounter something that can kill time and make people forget many things, which is actually not bad.

I don’t know how long it took, one hour, two hours, half a day, one day, two days, Zhang Yu was already hungry, but he was still studying the Four Symbols of Guizhen in his hand.

Suddenly, several beams of light shone down from above, making the well next to it bright. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu heard a somewhat familiar voice, "Zhang Yu! Zhang Yu! Are you here?"

It was a man's voice, and Zhang Yu couldn't remember who it was, but since the other person called him by his name, he obviously knew him, and he might have come to save him.

Zhang Yu immediately shouted: "I'm here!"

His voice was full of excitement, almost shouting at the top of his lungs.

"Just stay here, I'll put the rope down right now, tie it to your waist, and I'll have someone pull you up!" the man above shouted.

Hearing the voice again, Zhang Yu finally remembered that the speaker seemed to be Jiang Yulin.

Zhang Yu then said: "Okay! Is this Brother Jiang?"

"It's me!" Jiang Yulin agreed.

After confirming that it was Jiang Yulin, Zhang Yu immediately understood that Jiang Yulin could not possibly know that he was here. The reason why he was able to find him was most likely because Hua Yunong told him.

At this moment, a rope, neither thick nor thin, hung down from the edge. Zhang Yu took the Guizhen Four Elephants Tray and grabbed the rope into his hand. Jiang Yulin on top shouted again: "Tell me after you've tied it up and I'll pull you up."

"Okay!" Zhang Yu agreed.

The rope was quite strong. Now it would be quite difficult for Zhang Yu to climb up the rope by himself. He was so hungry that he felt exhausted.

He quickly tied the rope, held it with both hands, and said, "Brother Jiang, it's ready."

The voice settled, and a strong force slowly pulled him up.

As soon as he got out of the dry well, Zhang Yu felt like he was a human being again. He took a few deep breaths. The air outside was really much better than the air inside.

Jiang Yulin stood by the well, along with a dozen other men.

Zhang Yu said gratefully: "Brother Jiang, thank you!"

After saying that, he untied the rope around his waist and stretched his waist.

Jiang Yulin had a kind face and said with a smile: "You're welcome. By the way, are you hungry?"

"Indeed." Zhang Yu smiled honestly.

Jiang Yulin waved his hand gently, and the men immediately took action. After a while, a low table, two round stools, eight dishes were placed on the table, and a bottle of red wine was brought in from outside.

"Brother, please!" Jiang Yulin made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was so hungry that when he saw food, he didn't even notice it. The worst thing is thirst. As soon as the cork of the red wine was pulled out, Zhang Yu took the bottle, "Dong dong dong dong..."

A bottle of wine and down.

The wine Jiang Yulin prepared must be good wine, but Zhang Yu didn't understand the French on it. Although the wine was a bit astringent, I still felt it didn't quench my thirst.

Only then did Jiang Yulin realize that he hadn't drunk the water yet, so he quickly asked someone to bring him water and brought him a bottle of red wine.

Zhang Yu drank enough water and felt better. The next step was to start eating. Jiang Yulin seems to want to have a few drinks with him, which shows that he is like a starving ghost reincarnated, so he should wait.

With a wave of his hand, he motioned for his men to go down first, and he sat quietly across from him and watched Zhang Yu eat. Zhang Yu could have eaten at all, let alone at this time. After a meal, the plates and bowls on the table were all empty.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Yu finally let go of his chopsticks. Jiang Yulin smiled and said, "Are you full?"

"I'm full." Zhang Yu smiled awkwardly and let himself eat everything on the table.

Jiang Yulin held up the goblet with a smile on his face, but did not speak this time. Zhang Yu also raised his wine glass, the two clinked glasses and drank together.

After drinking a glass of wine, Jiang Yulin took out an envelope from his pocket and said, "She asked me to give this to you. She told me to burn it after you read it."

Zhang Yu knew who the "she" in Jiang Yulin's mouth was. He took the envelope. The seal was sticky. He tore it open and took out the letter paper inside. When he unfolded it, he saw that there were not many words written on it.

"Zhang Yu, I'm sorry. I have no choice but to make you suffer. Shen Yu and Shen Qing are fine, don't worry about them. Please forget what happened here and don't spread it. Take care!"

He had seen Hua Yunong's handwriting and was sure it was written by Hua Yunong. Following Hua Yunong's wishes, Zhang Yu took out a lighter and lit the letter on fire.

The paper turned into fly ash in an instant and flew away. Zhang Yu looked at Jiang Yulin and asked curiously: "I wonder what the relationship between Brother Jiang and her is?"

Jiang Yulin smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe they are friends, maybe they are chess pieces..."

From the first time Zhang Yu met Jiang Yulin, he could tell that he was no ordinary person. If you don't have some skills, how can you make those dandy boys submissive?

Everyone could see that Jiang Yulin must have wanted to pursue Hua Yunong before. But now, Jiang Yulin must have felt something was wrong, so he could say such a thing.

Zhang Yu also smiled bitterly in his heart. Who was he in Hua Yunong's mind?

piece? Or something else?

However, Zhang Yu no longer wanted to think about this. After this incident was over, he might be able to live a normal life, something more ordinary, and stop having such ups and downs.

Zhang Yu looked at Jiang Yulin sincerely and said, "Brother Jiang, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. If you need me for anything in the future, just speak up."

After all, if Hua Yunong asked Jiang Yulin to save him, then Jiang Yulin also had to come. If he came late or was unwilling to come, there was no telling what the consequences would be. Therefore, Zhang Yu must accept this favor.

"Brother, since you said so, I really have a merciless request." Jiang Yulin was really rude. Seeing Zhang Yu say this, he immediately said it.

"Brother Jiang, please speak." Zhang Yu said.

After saying this, Zhang Yu also murmured in his heart. It seems that Jiang Yulin really didn't come in vain. He must have thought about it before coming.

"I know that I am proficient in physiognomy and Feng Shui, so I would like to ask my brother to help me with Feng Shui." Jiang Yulin said gently.

"No problem, where is it?" Zhang Yu said cheerfully.

"It's Tianzi Square..." Jiang Yulin said a little helplessly: "This square was built with a joint investment of 15 billion by my father and Uncle Xiao from Jindu Real Estate. It has a full range of restaurants, entertainment, supermarkets, commerce, etc." Project. It was completed more than two years ago and is open for investment and operation. Everything was going well at first. Just three months ago, my father gave me full responsibility for the square. The result was great. Within a month, it turned into a dead city. Nowadays, there are not many people in the square all day long, and the merchants inside are complaining. Now is the time to pay the rent, and one by one they have asked to lower the rent, otherwise they will all vacate. Although this is not my first time I am responsible for one thing at a time, but if it happens like this right from the start, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to my father and Uncle Xiao."

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