"Soul-binding rope!" "Ten thousand yuan!" "Another ten thousand yuan!" "Where did you get this magic weapon?" "It must have been dug out somewhere." "This is really good luck. "...

After everyone present heard Tang Qixuan's valuation, they couldn't help but start discussing privately.

A mourning stick is worth 10,000 yuan, and a soul-binding rope is worth 10,000 yuan. These two items alone are equivalent to 20,000 pieces of lightning-struck peach wood. If so much thunder-struck peach wood were used to refine magic weapons, how much could be produced?

Of course, no one would exchange so much Thunder-Cracked Peach Wood to refine magic weapons, thinking that no matter who it was, they would not be able to use up so much Thunder-Cracked Peach Wood in their lifetime. Rao is a sect and cannot use so many at one time.

Tang Qixuan put down the chain and picked up another token.

The token is black on the outside, with a white circle in the middle, and inside the white circle is a red word "order". Tang Qi The one on the soul-binding rope is a bit richer, so I value it at fifteen thousand yuan!"

"Fifteen thousand yuan!" "This token is worth fifteen thousand yuan!" "My dear, what kind of magic weapon is this?" "It's... it's... it's too powerful... …”…

Everyone present couldn't help but start talking again. This time it was no longer a private discussion but a heated discussion.

After all, people have conducted magic weapon appraisals before, not just at this counter, but at other counters as well. The value of many magic weapons varies, but currently, the most expensive one is this token.

A cassock costs only 7,000, and a token costs 15,000. It seems a bit exaggerated. But for those who know the industry, it is not an exaggeration at all. Because in Taoism, a token is also a magical weapon, and it is also a very high-standard magical weapon. Even the tokens are beyond the control of ordinary experts.

Everyone else was talking a lot, and there were even more people who were envious and jealous.

Zhang Yu brought a lot of things with him this time, basically all of which he got at the hinterland of the Taihang Mountains. There are only three evil magic weapons, and the other magic weapons are decent.

At that moment, Zhang Yu thanked Tang Qixuan, packed up the three magical artifacts, put them back in the box, and then walked towards the decent magical artifact counter.

When the other people saw the change of counters, they hurried over one by one, and even murmured, "There are some good things." "That's for sure, they all came from the same place on purpose." "I guess. The bad thing is that the Black and White Wuchang died together with others, so the magic weapon will stay in the same place." "It seems that the Black and White Wuchang is an extremely master, and anyone who can die with them must also be a master. I just don't know, this one who died together What kind of magic weapon will people leave behind?" "I'll see it later."...

These people followed Zhang Yu to the counter opposite.

The two thin men wearing smiling faces and crying face dolls did not move. At this moment, they looked at each other again.

The thin man with a crying face whispered: "What else he has is not important to us. We must also get the soul-binding rope and the soul-seeking order!"

"Damn it, it's just these three things. If you add them together, the price is too high... I'm afraid if we add one piece of stuff in our hands, it won't be enough..." The smiley-faced man's voice was loud, but the tone in his tone , somewhat showing a hint of helplessness.

Isn't it? The three magical instruments together are worth thirty-five thousand yuan. According to the public price of magic weapons sold on the black market, thirty-five thousand yuan can buy a lot of things.

From the tone of the two thin men, one can completely hear their desire for these three things. But the two of them know the same thing, and they may not be able to come up with anything that can be exchanged of equal value.

The two of them didn't move, and everyone around them gradually disappeared. At this time, a man wearing a blue suit and a red mask walked up to the two of them.

The two thin men were very vigilant, and they didn't even bring the man in black with them. In the hands of the thin man with a smiling face, he was holding a suitcase. When they noticed someone approaching, they both looked at each other, and the thin man with a smile said, "What can you do, sir?"

"I know your identities well... I think you two must be very fascinated by those three magic weapons now, and you must be determined to get them..." the man in the red mask said in a low voice.

"You...who are you...and what do you mean by saying this..." This time it was the crying-faced thin man who spoke. From his tone, it was not difficult to hear his vigilance.

"You two don't need to worry about who I am... I know that you two probably don't have so many things with you, so go and trade these three magic weapons... If you really want it, then I can Come and help, help you two get the things..." the red-faced masked man said in a low voice.

"It's all for no reason...why are you helping us...do you have any requirements..." the thin man with a crying face whispered.

"I just like to deal with smart people like you two... You two are also very capable people. Although the things in your hands are not enough for 35,000 yuan, I believe that there is still no problem for 15,000 yuan... I I can give you a magic weapon worth 20,000 yuan. You two only need to do two things for me... Based on the prices on the black market, I think the price I offer is very fair..." Hong-faced The masked man whispered.

Although his voice was small, it was full of confidence.

"There's nothing wrong with doing two things. I just don't know what it is..." The thin man with a crying face said in a deep voice.

This guy knew in his heart that the other party knew that the two brothers were determined to obtain these three magic weapons, so they must know their identities. What they want them to do will definitely not be simple.

"This matter may be said to be simple, but it is not easy. It may be said to be difficult, but it is not very difficult. There is absolutely no problem for you two." The man in the red mask said with a smile.

At this moment, no one noticed the three of them. Everyone here, including the stewards at the counter, focused their attention on the counter where Zhang Yu was.

They all wanted to see what other magical weapons Zhang Yu could bring out for appraisal.

Zhang Yu stood in front of the decent counter and slowly took out an iron wheel from the box. The outer circle of the iron wheel is engraved with Sanskrit characters, and there is a vast Buddhist energy on it. This was also picked up by Zhang Yu in the heart of Taihang Mountain. The iron wheel was outside the gate of the government agency, together with the mourning stick. At that time, in addition to these magical weapons, Zhang Yu also picked up a pair of peach wood swords, which he gave to Shangguan Ning.

He put the iron wheel he took out on the counter and said, "Excuse me, sir, please help me identify it."

The reason why he called the manager directly was because the person standing at the counter this time who took the initiative to receive Zhang Yu was not a man in white robes, but an old man in blue robes. It can be seen that the black market now attaches great importance to the magic weapon brought by Zhang Yu.

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