Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 248 Decisive Battle (Twelfth Update)

Chen Guangwei's ferocious face and the words he said made Shen Qing painful. After Hua Yunong heard this, he subconsciously looked at Zhang Yu.

In the eyes of others, Hua Yunong may be worried that Zhang Yu will betray him, but Hua Yunong is not worried about this because she trusts Zhang Yu. The reason why she looked at Zhang Yu was because she didn't understand that Zhang Yu would still be related to Shen Qing. What happened between the two of them when He came to the mountain?

Women are all sensitive, and Hua Yunong is no exception.

As Hua Yunong expected, Zhang Yu could not agree to Chen Guangwei's conditions. Although he was not experienced in the world, he also knew that this was sowing discord, and there was no way that Chen Guangwei and the others could fulfill their promise. Moreover, it is impossible for Zhang Yu to betray Hua Yunong.

In fact, now, even if Zhang Yu wants to rebel, he is powerless. Hitting two palm thunders in a row was already considered the limit before. Before that, he also used the eight-character fortune-seeking technique. If he hadn't taken snake gall, which doubled his energy, he would probably be lying down now.

Of course, in the eyes of others, Zhang Yu was really unfathomable. It's so amazing, he can strike lightning with his bare hands, he's like a god.

"Don't believe him, he is sowing discord." Bai Tianfang, who didn't know Zhang Yu, shouted loudly at this moment.

He was afraid that Zhang Yu would listen to what the other party said.

"Where do you come from with so many words? I believe Zhang Yu!" Hua Yunong immediately glared at Bai Tianfang.

During the day, Fang didn't dare to make any more noise. His eyes were fixed on the opposite side. Now the situation is reversed, the enemy is weak and we are strong. If Zhang Yu helps to create another palm thunder, the battle will probably be over.

The same goes for Tietou, the female driver, and others. All they were waiting for was Hua Yunong's order. In their eyes, whether it was Shen Qing or Shen Yu, life was worthless. The key is just Zhang Yu. If he wasn't a little afraid of Zhang Yu, he would probably have fired.

"Chen Guangwei! I advise you to let Grandpa Shen and Shen Qing go now. In this case, I can spare your lives!" Zhang Yu said.

"That's right! Let you two go, and I'll let you go!" Hua Yunong immediately followed and shouted.

"A joke! Are we people with black gloves afraid of death? If you dare, just shoot! We will die together!" Chen Guangwei shouted fiercely without any fear.

"You think we don't dare!" Bai Tianfang shouted immediately.

But when he said this, he still glanced at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu is now the person most feared by both sides. A bolt of lightning can kill a line of people, and they basically ignore bulletproof vests and the like.

"Shoot! Shoot! I don't want to live anymore! Chen Guangwei, kill me!" Shen Qing glared at Chen Guangwei and shouted at the top of her lungs.

At this time, she really didn't want to live anymore.

"You are still valuable, and I won't let you die right away..." Chen Guangwei laughed evilly and said, "Zhang Yu, I will count to three now. When I count to three, if you don't kill them, I will Just kill Shen Qing! One!"

"Chen Guangwei! Chen Guangwei..." Shen Qing's tears continued to flow, her eyes were bloodshot, and her voice became hoarse, "You ungrateful thing! It's a waste that my grandfather was so good to you! It's a waste of me. I am devoted to you! You are so heartless...ah..."

At this point, Shen Qing suddenly had a splitting headache, screamed in pain, rolled her eyes, and fell to the ground.

"Xiao Qing!" Seeing Shen Qing fall to the ground, Chen Guangwei couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart and exclaimed.

But right at this stall, a gunshot was heard. Chen Guangwei's head was directly punched through. Zhang Yu was stunned and saw that there was a gun in Hua Yunong's hand at some point, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed at Chen Guangwei's position.

"Get down!" Hua Yunong shouted.

Shen Yu fell forward, followed by "bang bang bang bang..." "bang bang bang bang..."...

Gunshots rang out loudly from both sides, and screams followed one after another. Within a moment, the sound stopped.

Looking at the people on both sides, everyone on Chen Guangwei's side was lying down, and several on Hua Yunong's side were also lying down. Now there were only nine people left.

Tietou was shot six times. Fortunately, he had a bulletproof vest. There were several holes in his clothes, and blood was dripping from his left shoulder.

Because as soon as the fire started, he rushed to the front. To ensure Hua Yunong’s safety.

The female driver was also the same. Three holes were ripped out of her clothes, and she was shot in the leg and was bleeding continuously.

There were three other men, all of whom were seriously or lightly injured. Hua Yunong and Bai Tiantai were unscathed.

"Go over and have a look." Hua Yunong gestured towards Bai Tianfang.

This guy immediately rushed over with two uninjured men, checked them, and shot the seriously injured man on the other side who was still alive, and shot him in the head on the spot.

Zhang Yu also rushed over, first checking on Shen Yu's condition. The reason why the old man fell so fast was not because of his quick reaction. He didn't know who shot the old man in the calf. The old man fell down passively. But in that case, being able to save one's life is pretty good. Zhang Yu also understood that Hua Yunong would definitely shoot.

He went to check on Shen Qing's condition. Shen Qing was unconscious. Fortunately, her life was not in danger. But from the pulse, Zhang Yu could tell that Shen Qing must be suffering from a strange disease. In the current situation, he naturally couldn't examine it carefully, nor could he revive Shen Qing now to avoid excessive grief and aggravating the condition.

"It's all solved!" Bai Tianfang turned to look at Hua Yunong.

Hua Yunong nodded slightly and said, "Check the marks on their arms. Tietou, call all the remaining people here immediately to deal with the bodies."

"Yes Yes Yes."……

The men agreed one after another and started working together to check the deceased's arm.

Most people have pinky tattoos on their arms. There are also some like Chen Guangwei who don't have any tattoos on their arms, but there are not many, only a few. The leading masked man's arm was blown to pieces by Zhang Yu's palm thunder. The arm was bloody and bloody, and no mark could be seen.

"Miss! Look!" Suddenly, the female driver shouted.

It turned out that despite the pain in her legs, she actually opened the sleeves of the headless "Pei Jianhan".

Hua Yunong heard the sound and walked over quickly. When she saw it, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "This..."

Other people ran over and wanted to see what happened. Zhang Yu was also curious and rushed to Hua Yunong's side.

I saw that Pei Jianhan's left arm also had black finger marks tattooed on it. But his mark is not the little finger, but the middle finger.

"Don't they all say that the mark on the black glove is the little finger? Why is there a middle finger?" Tietou said in surprise.

"Yeah, why is there still a mark on the middle finger?" Bai Tianfang said a little worriedly.

"If there is a little finger, there will naturally be a middle finger, and there may even be a thumb. It's just that characters of this level should rarely miss, so they are rarely seen." Hua Yunong said leisurely.

"Miss, what should we do now?" Bai Tianfang asked worriedly again.

"Go down the mountain immediately and get out of here!" Hua Yunong said decisively.

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