Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2474 There must be something wrong here

"I dare to hide anything from you..." Zhang Yu smiled playfully and simply walked up to Yang Ying and stretched out his arms to hug her waist.

As soon as Yang Ying was hugged, she immediately said coyly: "Tongtong is still outside..."

"Look at how nervous you are, I didn't tell you what to do..." Zhang Yu put his chin on Yang Ying's shoulder and whispered.

"You guy..." Yang Ying complained, and then said: "I am not qualified for the job of chairman... You must go back quickly..."

"I know..." Zhang Yu said with a smile, "How was the meeting?"

"There were no problems in the initial talks, but Yuan Tianru and Li Meizhen obviously cannot make the final decision on the specific details... The two have already stated that they will report the matter to the company today, and the person who makes the decision will come tomorrow, and then start further talks. ..." Yang Ying said.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

After saying that, he kissed Yang Ying gently on the cheek, "Boo..."

"It's so annoying..." Yang Ying said and immediately turned around.

Zhang Yu also knew that Fang Yatou was sitting outside and could not stay with Yang Ying for too long, so the two of them left the room together.

She gave Yang Ying the wrong gift that day, but Xiao Jiejie turned around and gave Yang Ying the gift Zhang Yu had given her. There was still one for Xiao Jiejie left in the office. When Yang Ying saw the gift and saw that Fang Tong had already taken one, she said, "Xiao Yu, this gift is for Jiejie."

Zhang Yu was about to nod in agreement, but then hesitated, shook his head and said, "No."

With that said, he picked up the gift for Xiao Jiejie on the sofa and walked into the lounge.

Seeing him like this, Fang Tong and Yang Ying were both stunned, not understanding what this was.

Zhang Yu put the gift for Xiao Jiejie on the bed, lowered his head, and couldn't help but show a touch of sadness on his face.

"Jiejie...I'm life or death is uncertain after I leave...I really don't want to involve more people...if I can come back alive, I will definitely give you the things with my own hands...but if not, you You may hate me...but it's better to hate me than to miss me..."

Zhang Yu said this in his heart. He didn't know whether this was right or wrong.

But for people like this, perhaps the long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. He didn't even know what Fang Tong and Yang Ying would be like if he couldn't come back.

After leaving the lounge, Luo Chen also came in. She had already made an announcement according to Zhang Yu's wishes. Zhang Yu directly signed it, stamped it with the official seal of the chairman, and immediately informed the entire company.

Then, he called another legal officer of the company and directly entrusted all the Wudang Group shares under his name to Yang Ying within this month.

Good guy, as soon as this news was announced, the entire Wudang Group immediately exploded. No one would have thought why there was such an appointment. Fortunately, everyone also knows that this financial director is Boss Zhang's confidant and the person he trusts the most. Being the interim chairman seems to be no problem.

Everything was arranged and it was time to get off work in the evening. Zhang Yu proposed that they go to a restaurant to have dinner together instead of going home to eat.

Because he thought of one thing, that is, there is also a master in the family. Meng Xing'er could see her own problem, maybe Ye Fenghuang could also see it. To be on the safe side, it's better not to meet Ye Fenghuang.

During the dinner in the evening, Zhang Yu seemed to be calm and chatting and laughing. However, everyone can see that Zhang Yu seems to have neglected someone, and this person is naturally Xiao Jiejie.

Zhang Yu joked with Yang Ying, joked with Fang Tong, and drank with Luo Chen, but he didn't say anything to Xiao Jiejie.

The meal lasted until eight o'clock in the evening. Zhang Yu said that he was going to do errands now and you should go home and have a good rest.

Yang Ying, Fang Tong, and Luo Chen were all reluctant to leave. Xiao Jiejie frowned, as if thinking about something. However, Zhang Yu did not ask her.

After leaving the hotel, Zhang Yu took a taxi and left alone.

After the car had gone a few blocks, Zhang Yu asked the driver to take him to Daniutun. When he heard that it was such a long way away, the driver's head was shaking like a rattle. Usually at this time, problems that can be solved with money are no longer problems.

Even for the extra money, the driver also drove Zhang Yu to the patrol room, registered his car, and asked Zhang Yu to register his ID card. After all, this was going to the countryside, and Zhang Yu had a big wolf dog with him. If anything happened, who would he talk to?

Longhu Villa.

In the villa where Qi Wuxuan lived, he and his father Qin Tonghui were sitting on the sofa in the large living room drinking tea.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this time, the mobile phone placed on the coffee table rang.

Qi Wuxuan picked up the phone and answered it immediately, "Hello, hello... Oh? There is such a thing... What does this mean... Okay, okay... I understand..."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Wuxuan looked at his father and said, "Dad, something happened to Wudang Group..."

"What happened?" Qi Tonghui asked curiously.

"Just this afternoon, Zhang Yu suddenly announced that he appointed Financial Director Yang Ying as interim chairman, and entrusted all the shares of Wudang Group under his name to Yang Ying for one month... He only said that he was going out to do things and could not affect the company. Normal operations..." Qi Wuxuan said.

"There is such a thing...this kid...what does he mean by doing this..." Qi Tonghui said with little doubt.

"I don't know...but I think something must have happened here..." Qi Wuxuan said, he couldn't help but raise his hand and gently pinched his chin.

"Wu Xuan, you are right, there must be something wrong here... Do you think about what kind of society we are now? How advanced the communication system is. No matter where he goes to do things, he can control it remotely... Not to mention, this kid generally doesn't When you go to the company, Xiao Jiejie and the Jiang family will take care of everything... If you are smart, see if you can figure out what changes are going on here..." Qi Tonghui said.

"If I can find out... where Zhang Yu went today... I might be able to guess some clues..." Qi Wuxuan thought for a moment and said, "Dad, can you think of a way... to search in the traffic patrol room? Find connections, get surveillance on the streets of Wudang Group, and see where Zhang Yu...has been..."

"Okay, I'll figure this out." Qi Tonghui said.

After saying that, he dialed a phone number.

After the call was connected, Qi Tonghui kept talking for a long time. The other party always gave various reasons for his embarrassment. In the end, it was because Qi Tonghui was bleeding heavily that the person on the other end of the phone reluctantly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, the father and son were still sitting on the sofa thinking. After all, this sudden change is really hard to see through.

But Qi Wuxuan could faintly smell something, but he couldn't be sure.

Just like that, more than an hour later, Qi Tonghui's phone rang. Qi Tonghui answered directly. After a few polite words, the person on the other end of the phone said: "I spent a lot of effort to call up the surveillance. After investigation, Zhang Yu left the Wudang Group not long after he arrived. company, took a taxi to the Zhendong District Notary Office. As for what I was going to do there, I don’t know.”

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