Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2469 Strong alliance

Bao Jiayin drove all the way to Wudang Group. Along the way, Zhang Yu was thinking about his funeral. Before Zhang Yu, he was also a person who dared to fight hard, but once people know the date of his death, they can't help but think of their relatives.

Bao Jiayin looked at Zhang Yu from time to time, always feeling that Zhang Yu was worried. But she didn't have Meng Xing'er's ability, so naturally she couldn't figure out what was going on.

When the car arrived at the parking lot of Wudang Group, Bao Jiayin said, "We're here."

"Okay, get off the car." Zhang Yu said immediately.

"Is there anything else that needs to happen to me? If not, I will go back." Bao Jiayin said.

"How could it not be? Let's go up together." Zhang Yu said.

"Mysterious." Bao Jiayin glanced at Zhang Yu.

The two got out of the car together, taking Dahei with them, and walked towards the company.

If anyone had dared to bring a dog to the company, they would have been stopped by the security guards. But when the security guards saw that the dog was brought by Zhang Yu, they would not dare to say anything. Everyone nodded and bowed, and said: "Chairman, your dog is really beautiful." "Chairman, this dog is a famous breed at first glance." "That is a must, with my twenty years of experience in raising dogs. , this is definitely the purest German Shepherd in the world.”…

The security guards praised him one after another. Dahei seemed to understand what they meant and knew that he was praising himself. When he walked, he was also full of energy and looked high-spirited.

Taking the elevator to the floor where the chairman's office is located, Zhang Yu and Bao Jiayin came to their offices first. Luo Chen was waiting outside. When he saw Zhang Yu arriving, he immediately stood up excitedly, "Chairman Zhang... you are here..."

When she saw Bao Jiayin was there, she was so excited that she wanted to call him by his first name, so she quickly changed her title.

"Here we are." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Call Jiejie to tell me there is a meeting. I'll be there right away. Also, ask my little aunt to come to the meeting too."

After saying that, he entered the back office and asked Bao Jiayin and Big Black Dog to wait in the room first. He left the room and headed to the conference room.

There was no one in the conference room yet, so Zhang Yu sat down alone in the middle of the conference table. After a while, people came in one after another, and the first one was Yang Ying.

As soon as she saw Zhang Yu, her eyes immediately showed excitement and concern. She immediately noticed that Zhang Yu's face was a little gloomy, and said with concern: "Xiao Yu, have you not slept well these days..."

"I am indeed a little tired these days...but it's nothing..." Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "Little aunt, hurry up and sit down..."

"Yeah." Although Yang Ying is the financial director, she also knows that there is no place for her in the small conference room.

She walked to the end of the conference table and sat down, and soon Xiao Jiejie, Jiang Yulin, Li Meizhen, and Yuan Tianru entered the conference room. Xiao Jiejie and Jiang Yulin sat down next to him, while Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru sat down next to them respectively.

Except for Xiao Jiejie, they didn't think much of Yang Ying's presence. After all, everyone knows that Yang Ying's status in the company is very high.

Zhang Yu simply said a few opening remarks before getting down to the topic, "Brother Jiang, I heard that you, Mr. Li and Miss Yuan went to Changxing Hotel Group for an inspection. I don't know what the result of the inspection was... Regarding Mr. Li and Yuan What do you think of Miss's project..."

Zhang Yu had no objections to the original cooperation, so he asked Xiao Jiejie to communicate with Jiang Xianzhang and hear what the old man meant. After all, he is a veteran of the world, has a broad vision in the business world, and is one of the major shareholders of Wudang Group, so he naturally wants to get involved.

Jiang Xianzhang also thought it was feasible at the time, and even sent Jiang Yulin to investigate.

Jiang Yulin immediately said: "Chairman, my father is very in favor of the project to enter the hotel industry and the plan to acquire Changxing Hotel Group. He believes that there is a lot of room for development. So, he sent me to follow Mr. Li and Miss Yuan went to conduct an on-site inspection, mainly to check the assets of Changxing Hotel Group... Although Changxing Hotel is not well managed, it has strong assets. If it can absorb it, it will indeed greatly improve the development of Wudang Group... But That is to say, because Changxing Hotel Group has strong assets, it is not easy to acquire it, especially if it is acquired in the securities market, which is obviously unrealistic... So, I had a simple discussion with Mr. Xu Changxing, the chairman of Changxing Group. Talk to find out whether the other party intends to sell the assets under his name...Xu Changxing's attitude is that he is willing to cooperate with our Wudang Group to join forces and develop together..."

"Cooperate and develop together..." Zhang Yu pondered and then said, "Then what kind of cooperation is this?"

"What Xu Changxing means is to merge Changxing Group into Wudang Group through asset injection in exchange for corresponding shares of Wudang Group..." Jiang Yulin said.

"That's it..." Zhang Yu muttered, and then said: "Then what does Mr. Jiang mean? If we agree, how much shares will Xu Changxing hold?"

"If it is merged into Wudang Group through capital injection, everyone's shares will inevitably be diluted. With the assets of Changxing Group, Xu Changxing should hold at least 30% of the shares. What my father means is to invest in Changxing Group. Wudang Group's consumption is too great, and I'm afraid it doesn't have enough funds... Merging into Changxing Group in this form is extremely beneficial to Wudang Group..." Jiang Yulin said.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think?" Zhang Yu looked at Xiao Jiejie.

Xiao Jiejie said: "I have no objection. As long as it is beneficial to the group and can make money."

Zhang Yu nodded, his point of view was naturally the same.

But at this time, Li Meizhen said: "Chairman Zhang, I have something to say about this."

"Mr. Li, please speak." Zhang Yu said.

"Our Yangtze River Tourism Group has great advantages in the tourism industry. At present, Wudang Group and Changxing Hotel Group have made major breakthroughs in business... So I wonder if we can take our projects to a higher level..." Li Meizhen said.

Zhang Yu could hear what Li Meizhen meant. It was Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru who first found them to enter the hotel and tourism industry. Even the plan belonged to them. They originally planned to join forces to join the Changxing Hotel Group, but if things didn't go so smoothly, the Changxing Hotel Group was even willing to merge into the Wudang Group.

In this way, Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru basically have nothing to worry about.

Because as long as Wudang Group has all the hotels under Changxing Hotel Group, it can basically solve everything easily.

This result was unacceptable to Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru.

"Going to the next level, what does that mean?" Zhang Yu asked.

This time Li Meizhen didn't need to speak, Yuan Tianru said first: "Chairman, it's like this... After hearing about Changxing Hotel Group's attitude, my father also believed that strong alliances are the main way to develop in the future... So we flew Hua Decoration Group is also willing to merge into Wudang Group to achieve the goals of common development and common growth..."

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