Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2432 I’m going in

The route is clear and looks very simple. If you don't touch the wooden people, they won't do it easily. But this is not the case. You must step forward firmly, and you must not make a wrong step. The steps must be perfectly matched, otherwise, it is very likely that the formation will be triggered.

When you enter the formation, there are wooden figures in front and behind. If you make a mistake, you will be attacked from both sides and fall into death.

Zhang Yu was careful and cautious, taking one step at a time, not daring to be hasty or to slow down his pace. After a while, we finally came to the big rock between the first group and the second group.

This stone was almost one meter in diameter and one and two meters high. Zhang Yu stood under it, pulled onions on the spot, and jumped on it. Standing on the big rock, everything here can be seen at a glance.

Sure enough, on the front wall of the stone chamber, there is a moon gate, which is the exit, which is where the living gate is.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Zhang Yu realized something was wrong.

Where he is currently, there are three groups of wooden men. In the third row behind him, there are also three groups of wooden men. In the last row, there are four groups of wooden men.

According to the markings on the drawing, when you reach the last row of wooden figures, you need to pass between the two groups of wooden figures in the middle. But the group of wooden figures on the left in the middle is actually a little different. There are seven wooden figures, but two of them should be the two wooden figures representing Tianji Star and Yuheng Star. They have two big holes in their chests. There are still a lot of sawdust on the ground.

From this scene, Zhang Yu was able to determine that when someone came in, something went wrong at the last step, which triggered the formation and started a fight. He must have been lucky enough to rush into the living gate in time and not fall into the formation.

The two wooden men were severely injured, but they were not destroyed. From this, it can be concluded that the person who broke into the formation is a master, and the wooden man here is an even more powerful magic weapon.

Zhang Yu continued to move forward, walked to the other end of the big rock, and jumped straight down. Following the route, the next step is to pass between the first group and the second group of wooden figures on the left.

But on the road straight ahead, there are many rocks, some big and some small. These are actually used to confuse people. You cannot walk around the stones, nor can you go directly forward. You must follow the Gang steps and the routes marked on the map.

This route is very simple, just follow the shape of the Big Dipper and come out in a spoon shape. Along the way, no matter what obstacles you encounter, you must go through them without making any mistakes.

Zhang Yu moved forward slowly, step by step. No matter whether he encountered big rocks or small rocks, his steps were very steady. There are those small rocks that are very annoying, and there are those big rocks that need to be jumped on the spot, raised and landed, and there should be no deviation due to obstruction.

Along the way, Zhang Yu also sweated a little. Passing through the wooden figures in the third row, you will see the fourth row in front of you. Zhang Yu walked slowly towards the intersection of the two groups of wooden figures in the middle. When they arrived at the place, Zhang Yu could see more clearly. The ground was full of uneven stones of different sizes. Some of the stones even had sharp edges.

It was not easy to walk across it with Gang Steps. Zhang Yu looked it over and walked forward slowly. After walking for about ten steps, it was nothing, but a larger stone appeared in front of it. Zhang Yu jumped on it with a slight leap. When he stood on the stone and looked down, he was stunned. It turns out that the stones behind this big stone all look extremely sharp. If you jump from the stone, you will inevitably fall on the sharp stone.

Zhang Yu secretly cursed, wasn't this intentional?

Fortunately, he had the divine talisman to protect his body. He gritted his teeth and jumped down. The sharp surface immediately pierced a hole in the sole of his shoe. If not for the divine talisman, the soles of his feet would have been pierced.

Although it doesn't hurt, people's feet cannot stand on it, otherwise they will inevitably slide down. Zhang Yu had just observed that the road ahead of him was not difficult except for a sharp stone. He took one step with his left foot to get on top of the sharp stone, followed with one step with his right foot, and came to a round stone.

It can be said that as long as he steps over this stone, he can take a breath and continue moving forward. However, something unexpected happened to him. As soon as his right foot stepped on the stone, the stone that originally looked very ordinary turned out to be extremely smooth on the surface. Zhang Yu's foot slipped and he instantly slipped off the stone.


At this moment, the wooden people who were just walking around on their own suddenly stopped. The long swords in their hands pointed at Zhang Yu in unison.

Zhenhai University, outside dormitory building No. 13.

Everyone was waiting there anxiously, looking towards the building from time to time.

The fire truck was right below, and the elevator went up to the top. Before that, Shangguan Ning asked for the floor plan of the school, and then specially asked Mr. Yuanqiu and the other two Taishishu to take the elevator to the roof of Building 13. Check.

Everyone didn't know what Shangguan Ning meant. At this time, the elevator slowly came down. After settling down, Shangguan Ning and Yuan Qiu Laodao filed down.

Feng Chongjue said: "Three uncles, Xiao Ning, what did you find?"

There are three Yuanqiu Taoists. The details are not clear. They just look at Shangguan Ning.

Shangguan Ning said: "Master Zhang said that this formation seems to have four formation eyes, which is very weird. But now, there should be only this last formation eye left. Just go in and break the formation eyes here, and the formation will The law will naturally be broken.”

"Real or false?" Feng Chongjue was somewhat unconvinced.

Old Taoist Yuan Qiu also asked: "Is this really going to happen?"

"I think if Zhang Zhenren is right, there should be no problem." Shangguan Ning said.

"But... the abbot and the master uncle are all trapped in the formation right now, and all the elites at Yangchunguan are trapped in the formation from top to bottom... Now Zhang Daoyou said, all you need to do is enter this building and break the formation's eyes, everything will be done It can be solved... Why do I feel that it is a bit unreliable..." Feng Chongjue said a little worriedly.

"I believe what Master Zhang said. He has no reason to deceive our Baimei Palace, and he probably wouldn't dare." Shangguan Ning said.

"I know this too, but since no one else is here, I can't be sure just by looking at a floor plan..." Feng Chongjue said with a frown.

The others also nodded. This is indeed the case. No matter how powerful Zhang Yu is, it is impossible to say that even if no one is present, he knows what the formation is and how to break it.

After all, now, those trapped in the formation are all masters. Are these masters who were present in person inferior to Zhang Yu who was not present? Once they enter the formation, life or death is unpredictable. No one who is taller than them can come out. They know their own strength well, so how can they dare to go in randomly. What if I can't get out?

"Master, uncles, masters, uncles... I think Zhang Yu's statement is a bit hasty, but now there is no other way... Otherwise, I will enter Building 13 Let's see if we can really break this formation..." Shangguan Ning said.

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