Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2430 Entering the Hall of Thought Alone

Shangguan Ning did not dare to look down upon the sloppy Taoist Xi Hongzi before. After all, people with quirks like Xi Hongzi often have great abilities. Moreover, Master Yuanqiu also said that Xi Hongzi was a mage-level figure in his early years. Even if he was addicted to alcohol, he probably would not give up on his cultivation. It is very likely that he has advanced to a master of ceremony.

But at the moment, what Zhang Yu said makes sense. There should really be four formation eyes in this formation. Shangguan Ning still has confidence in Yuan Zhenren, and he will definitely not find the wrong formation. Yuanqiu Lao Dao and the others can also determine that Building 2 is where the formation eye is, and they have seen it before.

In this case, it must be as Zhang Yu said, Yuan Zhenren and Baimei Laodao have broken the formation eye respectively, but Xi Hongzi has not broken it yet.

So now, Shangguan Ning is suspicious of Xi Hongzi.

Zhang Yu didn't quite believe that Xihongzi couldn't break it. After hearing what Shangguan Ning said, he hesitated and said, "Otherwise, regardless of whether Xihongzi is really capable or not, he still hasn't broken the formation eye. On your side, you might as well send someone to break the formation in Building 13. I estimate that with Master Lu’s cultivation, he shouldn’t be unable to break the formation. The last formation is most likely in Building 13. Building. If it is not broken, you can choose Building 11 by then."

"Okay!" Shangguan Ning said: "Then let's do some research here and break the formation hole in Building 13."

"Remember to be careful." Zhang Yu warned.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu sat in the car, closed his eyes and rested.

Yangchunguan is located in the urban area of ​​Zhenbei District. It is magnificent in scale. In the afternoon, the car finally arrived at Yangchunguan.

When they were approaching the main entrance, Song Feng, who was driving, looked at Zhang Yu and said, "Brother, we are here."

After hearing Song Feng's words, Zhang Yu opened his eyes, looked around, and found that in front of him was the main entrance of Yangchun Temple.

Zhang Yu couldn't go through the main entrance, so he immediately said: "Let's take a detour, along the courtyard wall of Yangchunguan, and find a place where there is no one to stop."

"Okay." Song Feng continued to drive, along the courtyard wall of Yangchun Temple, and came to the diagonal side.

Yangchunguan is surrounded by streets, but not every road is full of people. Seeing no one on the road, Song Feng stopped the car and said, "There is no one here."

Zhang Yu said: "I'll get off the car now. You wait for news from me nearby."

"Be careful." Song Feng warned.

Although he didn't know what the purpose of Zhang Yu's Yangchun Temple was. But he believed that Zhang Yu must have made a major discovery.

Zhang Yu opened the door and got out of the car. The courtyard wall of Yangchun Temple was not short. Naturally, he couldn't stop Zhang Yu from entering.

Zhang Yu climbed over the courtyard wall easily. He had seen the map of Yangchun Temple. As long as he avoided the Taoist priests here and found a clear target, he could find any place.

All the reliable people in Yangchun Temple were taken away by Master Lu, and the Taoist temple seemed very deserted. Zhang Yu looked for a side hall along the road. After confirming the location, he rushed all the way towards Si Guotang.

Siguotang was a courtyard, and the courtyard door was closed. When Zhang Yu arrived, he leaned against the courtyard wall and listened inside, but there was no movement inside. He climbed over the courtyard wall, and then he saw a lobby inside. There was a plaque hanging on the lobby, and there were three big characters on the side - Si Guo Tang.

The door of Siguotang was closed. Zhang Yu slowly leaned over and came to the door. He listened again but did not hear any sound. The door of Siguodian is a wooden door handed down from ancient times, but the ancient window paper has been replaced by frosted glass, so the situation inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Zhang Yu felt it with his mind's eye, but he didn't feel that there was anyone inside. He gently pushed the palace door open, glanced inside, and seeing no reaction, he pushed the door wider and ducked in.

The Si Guo Hall is indeed a place where you can face the wall and think about your past. There was only a bare wall in front of me, with a futon placed under the wall and nothing else.

Zhang Yu looked around and immediately discovered that a stone door had opened on the left wall, revealing the door inside. It was so dark inside that it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

"There is indeed a problem..."

There is a secret door in Siguo Hall. It is impossible to say that there is no problem. Zhang Yu murmured in his heart and walked over slowly.

The opened stone door showed that it was a secret door. Zhang Yu walked closer and looked inside, and then he roughly saw that there were only steps going down inside.

This is the place where Yangchun Temple is located. It is obviously not appropriate to break in without permission. But now, Zhang Yu thought he had to go down and have a look. He stepped down and walked down. After only a few steps, he could see a faint light below. Not only was there light, he could even feel a trace of the breath of the formation.

Needless to say, if you go further down, you will definitely fall into a formation.

It is not surprising that you will encounter formations here. There is a secret room in the place where you have thought, and there must be ulterior secrets in the secret room.

Zhang Yu thought for a while and continued walking. The further he went down, the better the light became. When he reached the end of the stairs, he saw a small square stone chamber in front of him, with candles lit on both sides of the stone chamber. On the opposite side, there is a moon gate. Above the moon gate, there are four words engraved - trespassers will die!

"I didn't expect that this is actually the forbidden area of ​​Yangchun Temple..." Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward again.

Even though he had clearly felt that the breath of the formation was coming from the moon gate, he could never look back.

Zhang Yu took a few steps to the Moon Gate and took a look inside. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

He took out a fire gathering charm from his pocket and punched it in.

With a "pop" sound, the fire talisman shot into the Moon Gate.

Immediately afterwards, something unexpected happened to Zhang Yu.

It stands to reason that if the fire gathering talisman enters it, there will definitely be fire. However, when his fireball hit it, it seemed like it was lost in the sea, and there was no light at all.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yu took a deep breath, and then he took out another Fire Gathering Talisman.

This time he didn't throw it inside, but just past the Moon Gate.

There was a "pop", and immediately after, the scene that just happened happened again.

The fire talisman was just one step away when thrown in, but it was like a mud cow thrown into the sea, without any light at all.

"This..." Zhang Yu's heart trembled. He could fully imagine that this was definitely caused by the formation in the Moon Gate.

Such a formation seems to be more powerful than the formation arranged by Mr. Han.

Similarly, with Yangchun Guan's years of experience, it seems not surprising that he can arrange such a formation. But what is hidden in such a formation is really curious. Zhang Yu was absolutely certain that the things hidden inside must be extremely precious.

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