Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2428 The Master of Ceremony

Everyone was staring at Building 13, but soon, they began to murmur in their hearts.

Some people quickly said: "Where is this array of eyes? The abbot went to Building 8 at that time, Uncle Master went to Building 2, and now this guy is going to Building 13... It's really confusing. Totally confused..."

"That's true... I'm a little confused too. Why does everyone see the formation eye differently... Where is the formation eye..." Feng Chongjue also said in confusion.

It's really hard to tell what the strength of this sloppy Taoist from Jiu Mengzi is, but for the old Taoist Yuan Qiu to say so, he obviously has extraordinary strength.

However, Baimei Palace is quite confident in the strength of Yuan Zhenren and Baimei Laodao. It cannot be said that both of them are wrong.

As their thoughts wandered, time passed slowly. The sun became brighter and brighter, and an hour passed in this long wait.

Everyone was getting more and more anxious. Taoist Wang looked at his watch and whispered: "Uncle, is this uncle reliable? Why hasn't he come out yet..."

"If he says it's unreliable, none of us at Yangchun Temple can be reliable..." Zhan Laodao's voice was almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

Hearing this, Taoist Wang frowned, "But an hour has passed... I haven't seen the uncle coming out... Maybe he is also trapped in the formation... The abbot is trapped in Building No. 11 and has been there all night. ...The longer the time goes by, the more dangerous it becomes..."

"This..." Although Zhan Laodao was also anxious, he forced himself to calm down and said: "Don't worry... I believe in senior brother's strength..."

"I don't have any doubts about Master Uncle... The key is... he drank so much wine, I was worried that he would get drunk..." Taoist Wang said with some caution.

"Haha..." Zhan Laodao smiled bitterly and said, "Keep looking..."

Everyone in Baimei Palace is actually full of anxiety, after all, Yuan Zhenren and Mr. Baimei are both trapped inside.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this moment, the cell phone in Shangguan Ning's arms rang.

She took out her mobile phone and saw Zhang Yu's phone number on the caller ID, which made her a little excited. This situation is exactly when Zhang Yu is needed. After all, Zhang Yu is also a mage and often creates miracles. She answered immediately, took a few steps to the side, and said, "Infinite Heavenly Lord."

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable... Fellow Taoist Shangguan Ning? I am Zhang Yu..." Zhang Yu's voice rang on the phone, "I have something to call Master Yuan, but the phone cannot get through. I wonder if Master Yuan is with you..."

"Something happened to Master Abbot..." Shangguan Ning said, "Master Zhang, where are you now? Can you come to Zhenhai University as soon as possible?"

"Something happened? What happened? It didn't happen at Zhenhai University, right?" Zhang Yu asked in surprise.

"That's it...junior uncle is now trapped in the female dormitory building No. 8...She went in at night, and it's already daytime and she hasn't come out yet..." Shangguan Ning said.

"Trapped in the women's dormitory... Wasn't the person responsible for guarding the dormitory last night from Yangchun Guan?" Zhang Yu said curiously.

"It's true that they are from Yangchunguan, but Zhenren Lu and almost all the elites from Yangchunguan were trapped in the formation. My master is here to help..." Shangguan Ning did not hide anything, and immediately told the story of what happened. Again.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu was shocked again, and then said: "I'll rush over right away... By the way, didn't Yangchun Temple and Baimei Palace send more experts to break the formation? What does this formation look like? I'll think about it on the way..."

"Four uncles have come to our White Eyebrow Palace, led by Master Xue personally. I heard Master say that Master Xue is extremely powerful and will never be inferior to Master... Previously Master determined that the formation eye was at No. 8 In the building, after entering, he has not come out... After Grand Master Uncle arrived, he thought that the formation was wrong, and it was in the dormitory No. 2. However, it has been two hours since he entered, and he has not come out either..." Shangguan Ning He said truthfully: "In addition, a master came from Yangchunguan. He was said to be Lu Zhenren's master uncle. His strength was extremely high, even higher than Lu Zhenren's master... But this man seemed to be a drunkard. I heard He said that because of drinking, he was punished to shut up and think about his mistakes. It has been many years. Today is the first time he showed up... He went directly to dormitory building No. 13. It has been an hour now and no one has come out..."

"Thinking about one's mistakes behind closed doors..." As soon as Zhang Yu heard the word "thinking about one's faults", he couldn't help but think of the "Thinking Oversight Hall" marked on the map.

Seeing him pondering, Shangguan Ning immediately added: "I also heard from Grand Master Uncle about this... What's wrong..."

"It's nothing, I just suddenly wanted to ask why he thought about it and where he thought about it..." Zhang Yu said.

"Uncle Taishi said that he was punished to think about his mistakes because of drinking... I don't know where he thought about his mistakes... Why did you ask about this..." Shangguan Ning said.

"I can't tell, I'm just a little curious... By the way, can you help me ask where he has thought about it and what his specific strength is?" Zhang Yu said.

"Wait a minute, I'll go ask... I'll call you after I find out. You should also think about how to break the formation... It's best to get here as soon as possible..." Shangguan Ning finished speaking and hung up the phone.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was standing in the living room of Zhuo Wei's villa.

Zhang Yu grabbed the phone and kept thinking in his mind.

"Master Lu's uncle... was drinking and thinking about his mistakes... Now this formation has trapped both Master Yuan and Master Lu... The masters of Baimei Palace and Yangchunguan are all gone... Especially the elites of Yangchunguan have all been killed. Trapped... What is the connection here... And this formation... Why is the formation eye not the same place in everyone's eyes... Yuan Zhenren's cultivation level should be unmistakable... Hers Uncle Master, since his strength is not inferior to Zhenren Yuan, he will not take his eyes off you...this..."

Zhang Yu felt that there seemed to be something wrong here. Suddenly, his heart suddenly moved, "I keep changing the formation of the formation... Could it be that formation..."

Zhang Yu suddenly thought of the formation with four eyes. He didn't know its specific name, so he called it the four-eye formation for the time being.

This formation has an obvious formation eye. Once you break it first, you will be trapped in the formation around the formation eye, unable to find a way out, and it will be difficult to get out. Likewise, new formation eyes will be regenerated.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Zhang Yu saw that it was Shangguan Ning who called back. He immediately answered, "Hello, how are you?"

"I have already asked clearly. Lu Zhenren's master, Xi Hongzi, was the youngest mage in Zhenhai at that time... Of course, he cannot be compared with you, but apart from you, he is the youngest person to become a mage... No one knows why he likes to drink, but his cultivation level... is a bit unclear. He has reached the level of a master of ceremony, and I'm afraid it's not accurate... The place where he thought about it should be in the Siguotang in Yangchun Temple... " Shangguan Ning said.

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