Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2424 Extremely precious things

Zhang Yu observed this drawing and suddenly saw a circle drawn on a location.

On this courtyard, a name was marked with the words "Si Guotang".

"Si Guo Tang..." Zhang Yu muttered, and couldn't help but become curious, "What does Mr. Han mean? Why should this place be marked? Is there anything special about it..."

He couldn't figure out what this meant, but he could vaguely realize that this place should be very important. At least for Mr. Han, this place is very important.

He continued to observe the drawings. Except for "Si Guo Tang" which was specially circled, there was nothing special about other places.

Zhang Yu picked up the drawings. There was a table underneath and nothing else. Zhang Yu's eyes inadvertently fell on the vase next to him.

There is a vase next to it, with a scroll inside. Zhang Yu knew that the things that Mr. Han could put in this secret room must be relatively important.

Zhang Yu walked to the vase and took out a scroll from it. This vase is relatively tall, and the scroll can still be exposed, which shows how big the scroll is when rolled up. He took the scroll, pressed it on the table, and spread it out flat. The size was similar to the map below. Zhang Yu looked at this picture. After just a few glances, he could tell that this should be a formation picture.

At the first glance, Zhang Yu felt that it looked familiar. Isn't this the Tiangang Beidou Formation? But when I look at it again, that’s not the case.

There are a total of ninety-eight star positions in the formation, and every seven star positions are in a group, making a total of fourteen groups. These fourteen groups of star positions are arranged into fourteen Tiangang Beidou arrays, and every seven Beidou arrays are arranged into a Great Beidou array. The two Big Dipper Formations, one upright and the other strange, reinforce and restrain each other. They are the horns of each other. They are ever-changing and infinitely powerful.

But looking at the array diagram, Zhang Yu could tell that this Tiangang Beidou Formation should be a superposition of the Killing Formation and the Trapping Formation. Due to the ingenious layout and various changes, even using the "Star Movement" technique has no effect.

There is only one way to break the formation, and that is to find the hole in the formation and break it. In fact, it is not difficult to find the location of the formation eye. Among the two big Big Dipper formations, the small Tiangang Beidou formation standing at the Tianshu star position is the location of the formation eye. As long as this place is destroyed, the formation will be broken.

It sounds simple, but this kind of killing formation contains hidden changes. It is definitely not a fixed position and will move with the movement of the formation. To put it bluntly, those who break the formation are bound to be strangled by other stars. It is estimated that before encountering the Little Tiangang Beidou Formation, which is facing the Beidou Tianshu Star, at least the other star positions in the formation must be beaten to pieces. Facing so many star snipers, and with the power bonus in the formation, as long as the strength of the person setting up the formation is not too weak, and there is not a big difference in the cultivation level of the one who breaks the formation, then the one who breaks the formation will definitely die.

The most important thing is that those who can arrange such a formation will definitely not be weak themselves.

Therefore, this kind of formation is extremely difficult to break. Zhang Yu thought that he might not have this ability. Not only that, Zhang Yu even believed that even if he had this formation, if he didn't know the changes, it would only be a prototype at best, and he would not be able to truly reach the essence of the formation.

"Awesome...awesome..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but admire in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, another thought came to his mind, that is, could this formation be the formation arranged by Mr. Han.

If Mr. Han can arrange such a formation, Zhang Yu thinks that he may not be Mr. Han's opponent.

But when he thought about it again, he felt something was wrong.

This unpredictable Tiangang Beidou Formation is absolutely impossible for Mr. Han to study. First, the person who can study this formation is definitely a master. Mr. Han may not be qualified. Secondly, this formation is clearly used by a well-known and upright sect, and there is no way it can be possessed by crooked sects.

However, how such a formation fell into the hands of Mr. Han was really hard for Zhang Yu to imagine. Fortunately, this formation, even if there is a formation diagram, not just anyone can understand it.

Zhang Yu also dabbled in the Tiangang Beidou Formation and taught his disciples how to lay out the Tiangang Beidou Formation. He even used seven, seven or forty-nine people to lay out the Tiangang Beidou Formation. But he knew that the formation he set up and the formation on this formation diagram must be nothing at all.

On the array diagram, there are four lines of red, blue, yellow, and purple, as well as a line drawn with a pencil. Zhang Yu only looked at it for a moment before he was completely attracted by these lines.

These four lines of red, blue, yellow, and purple connect the two Big Tiangang Beidou Formations, which are clearly four variations of this formation. His study of a change, a change, made him take a breath of cold air. These four changes, no matter which one they are, are extremely powerful. Zhang Yu is absolutely sure that if he faces the changes of the four formations, he will definitely die.

He finally looked at the pencil line again, and Zhang Yu's eyes lit up when he saw the trajectory of the line.

"This...this...this is so amazing..."

This Great Tiangang Beidou Formation is a combination of a trapping formation and a killing formation. Since there is a trapping formation, there must be a way to survive. A trapped formation without a living gate cannot be formed at all. This pencil-drawn line is exactly a route that can pass through the trajectory, avoid the fierce attack of the Tiangang Beidou Formation, and find the Shengmen.

Zhang Yu was shocked because of this. Because if he were asked to look for the Shengmen, he might not be able to find it, and he would be killed by the full strength of the formation.


At this time, Zhang Yu discovered that there were several marks on the drawing. He looked carefully and finally discovered that these marks were lines previously marked with a pencil and then erased with an eraser. Some have been wiped clean, and some have traces left after several connections.

"It seems that Mr. Han is studying how to find the students of the Great Tiangang Beidou Formation... What does this mean..." Zhang Yu murmured curiously in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, few people would spend a lot of time studying the birth of a formation. Because there is actually no point in doing so. You know, although the formation is dead, the people who set it up are alive. If an opponent breaks into the formation during a head-on confrontation, the opponent's movements will be easily discovered by the people setting up the formation. The organizer will temporarily adjust the formation according to the opponent's movements, and will never leave the opponent unchanged.

After most people have a formation diagram, they basically study how to break the formation.

Of course, there are also some people who will spend a lot of time studying the birth of a formation. Usually there is a reason for doing this. Firstly, it is certain that the person who set up the formation is not there at all; secondly, there is something extremely precious hidden behind the formation's gate.

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