Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2413 It’s over now

"I didn't see it..." Taoist Wang became a little anxious and said, "How could you not see it? We were standing at the entrance of Building 11 and saw with our own eyes the duty room where he entered..."

"But... I really didn't see it..." Ming Yanzi on the other end of the phone said aggrievedly.

"Then you come out now, and I will wait for you at the entrance of the building." Taoist Wang said.

"Okay, then I'll go out now." Ming Yanzi said.

Taoist Wang didn't hang up the phone either, but soon, the phone beeped, as if the line on the other end was hung up.

Taoist Wang looked inside the cave, but he didn't see the door to the duty room open for a long time, let alone anyone coming out. He felt a little dissatisfied and couldn't help but said: "What does this kid mean? Why are you dawdling in there..."

He then dialed Ming Yanzi's phone number again, but this time, a voice came from inside, "The phone number you dialed is not in the service area."

" is this...not in the service area again..." Taoist Wang stammered.

"Huh?"...The patrolman and the two security guards were shocked again.

"What's weird here..." Taoist Wang thought about it for a moment, then said to himself: "I'll call Ming Zhenzi again, they are in the same class."

Taoist Wang then dialed another phone number, and the call was quickly connected. A young man's voice rang out, "Infinite Heavenly Lord, is this Uncle Wang..."

"Ming Zhenzi, where is Ming Yanzi?" Taoist Wang asked directly.

"Ming Yanzi just said you asked him to go out. He took the phone and went out. Didn't you see him..." Ming Zhenzi said a little inexplicably.

"He came out...but...I didn't see the door open at all outside..." Taoist Wang said.

"How is this possible? Then I'll go out and have a look..." Ming Zhenzi said.

Soon, in just a few seconds, there was no movement in the receiver of Wang Daoshi's phone.

"" Taoist Wang was a little stupid.

The three people next to him quickly asked: "What's wrong?"...

"It's over... Just like before... Ming Zhenzi is... missing now..." Taoist Wang said helplessly, shaking his head.

Of course the other three understood what this meant, and one security guard said: "What...what should we do..."

Another security guard looked at the patrolman and said, "The situation is very clear now. We need to make an idea..."

"I'll report it to my superiors now... But I think this matter is a bit evil... It's best to ask an expert to take a look..." The patrolman took out his mobile phone and looked at Taoist Wang.

After all, the only expert here is Taoist Wang. Of course, it's hard to say whether he is an expert or not, but he is the only one who understands it at the moment.

Taoist Wang said: "I'll make a call to the temple..."

At this point, he frowned again, "There doesn't seem to be anyone in the temple anymore. All the reliable people seem to be here... Yes, a few junior uncles and others are in other buildings... I should now Call them..."

Taoist Wang was so confused before that he completely forgot about this problem.

Isn't that right? They are not the only ones who mobilized troops to take charge of Zhenhai University this time. In addition to the disciples watching in the clothes drying room on each floor of the dormitory building, there is also a master of Yangchun Guan sitting on the fourth floor in each building, so that emergency reinforcements can be provided in case of emergencies. Among these people, Lu Zhenren was his uncle, and Lu Zhenren was his junior brother. Not to mention that it is a place where the elites are exhausted, but it is almost there. The people who stayed in Yangchunguan are all weak, and those who have some abilities were brought over by Zhenren Lu.

Sitting in Building 11 is Taoist Wang's senior brother, who is also Lu Zhenren's junior brother. He quickly dialed the phone number, only to receive a message, "The number you dialed is not in the service area."

He took a look and realized that the people here were obviously unreliable, so he immediately dialed the phone number of a senior who lived in Building 10 of the women's dormitory.

Needless to say, the call was answered immediately. Taoist Wang immediately told what happened here and asked his senior brother to come over for help. He was contacting other people.

Master Lu had an accident, and no one in Yangchun Temple dared to neglect him. As soon as the person on the phone heard that such a big thing had happened, he agreed and said he would come down right away.

Taoist Wang then called an uncle who was in Building 5 of the women's dormitory. When the uncle heard about this, he didn't hesitate and said he would come over immediately.

Taoist Wang made calls one after another and greeted people in each building. Everyone was the same, whether it was Lu Zhenren's uncle or Lu Zhenren's junior brother, they all responded immediately and said they would come over right away.

After this call, I had to briefly explain the situation, which took a lot of time. However, when he finished his last call, he didn't even see a single person rushing over to help.

He checked the first call record and then looked at the time. Twenty minutes had passed. Building 10 is so close to Building 11, it’s time to climb down. But people just didn’t arrive.

"Senior Brother You, why haven't you arrived yet? What's the delay? He's the closest. Something happened to Senior Brother Abbot, and he's still taking his time..." Taoist Wang was really anxious and couldn't help but complain.

The patrolman and the two security guards were also waiting impatiently. The patrolman said, "I think I'd better call our detective first..."

He immediately dialed Inspector Bai's phone number and reported exactly what happened when Ma Sihai, Lu Zhenren and others entered the dormitory building.

After hearing this, Inspector Bai was inevitably confused. He told the patrolman not to panic. He would immediately report to his superiors for instructions. The problem will definitely be solved.

The young patrolman hung up the phone and said, "The superiors asked us to stay where we are. Why haven't the Taoist priests in your Taoist temple come down yet?"

"I'm also wondering why no one has arrived. I'll ask again..."

As Taoist Wang spoke, he dialed the phone number of Senior Brother You on the 10th floor.

But this time when I dialed, I heard a voice like this from the phone, "Hello, the number you dialed is not in the service area..."

"No...not in the service area..." Taoist Wang muttered, and then he was stunned.

The patrolman and the two security guards were also stunned, "It's not in the service area..." "It's not in the service area..." "This, this..."

They couldn't help but look around. The dormitory buildings here were all lit up, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But for some reason, the hairs on the four of them suddenly stood up, and there was an inexplicable feeling of nervousness and fear.

"It won't be like this in other buildings..." a security guard said tremblingly.

"I...I'll try again..." Taoist Wang's hand holding the mobile phone began to tremble unconsciously, and he dialed another uncle's mobile phone number.

"Hello, the number you dialed is not in the service area..."

"Still not here..." Taoist Wang was completely confused, "Isn't everything going to happen... It's over... It's over now..."

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