Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2406 There is someone behind the scenes

"Cai Hongyuan is dead..."

Chu Zhenhuan hung up the phone and looked at Zhang Yu and Song Feng.

"Dead..." Zhang Yu shook his head slightly, but he was not surprised at all by this result.

I have fought against the silver-haired man before, and this man is most likely Mr. Han. Mr. Han would definitely realize that Cai Tingdong's affairs were exposed if he escaped. It seems to be expected to kill Cai Hongyuan and silence him.

The only thing that puzzled Zhang Yu was one thing, and that was why A Liang wanted to kill Cai Tingdong? Assuming that the silver-haired man is Mr. Han, logically this shouldn't be the case. The matter of fishing for Cai Tingdong by himself is considered a secret, which is really confusing.

Song Feng, on the other hand, was on patrol after all, and wanted to know everything clearly, "Director Chu, how did Cai Hongyuan die?"

"He committed suicide by taking poison in the nursing home... There was a suspect, his nurse, who has disappeared..." Chu Zhenhuan said.

"This Mr. Han is really powerful..." Song Feng said, frowning slightly.

"Mr. Han has great powers. Behind him, there must be someone with even greater powers..." Chu Zhenhuan said seriously.

"There is another person with great supernatural powers..." Zhang Yu was startled for a moment and immediately asked: "Uncle Chu, why do you say that? The opponent I met tonight is probably Mr. Han. Who could be behind him? people."

In Zhang Yu's opinion, Mr. Han is already powerful enough. In terms of strength, he is not inferior to himself at all. If we continue to fight, it is estimated that the winner will not be easily determined.

"Xiao Yu, you only saw one side... You are very capable, and so is he, but your abilities are limited, and they only depend on your spell cultivation... I have to admit, this is true It can make people fearful..." Chu Zhenhuan spoke slowly. At this point, he changed the topic and continued: "But based on this alone, he wants to blackmail important officials of the public office and social celebrities. That's It won't work. This matter involves many people from top to bottom. He only relies on coercion to drive these people. He really thinks that these people are all paper... Where there is evil, there is good, for example The Religious Administration, as soon as the matter is reported there, will naturally ask Taoist temples and temples in Zhenhai to help solve the problem... Those so-called important people who help with things often need benefits. What benefits can Mr. Han give them... Pure intimidation ,threaten……"

At the end of the sentence, Chu Zhenhuan shook his head.

After Zhang Yu heard these words, he immediately understood what they meant.

As the old saying goes, learn martial arts and serve the emperor's family. In fact, the same is true for Taoism and magic. They need to serve the court and the public office. I have never heard of a person who knew magic and became an emperor in the end; I have never heard of an emperor or general being threatened by a person who knew magic. Even if they are low-level officials, it is okay to blackmail one person, but blackmailing a large number of people will definitely not work.

After all, every mountain is higher than the next. If you dare to do such an outrageous thing, the consequences will often be death. Therefore, most monks, whether good or evil, tend to work for rich and powerful people.

It's like no evil heretic dares to threaten people like Wen Qiong and Chu Zhenhuan. It may be easy to kill them, but the consequences can be imagined. The Office will be furious and will definitely send a large number of experts to hunt down the murderers across the country. If you blackmail them, you may agree on the spot. Once they turn around and leave, you will immediately find the relevant departments and dispatch a large number of experts to act secretly, and you will definitely kill this person.

Just like the saying of a hero using force to break the ban, using skills to break the ban is even more zero-tolerance.

"Then according to what Uncle Chu said, there must be an interest organization here?" Zhang Yu said.

"There must be such an organization. In this organization, Mr. Han may be a pawn or a partner. But he will definitely not be the real person in power here!" Chu Zhenhuan said.

"I also think what Director Chu said makes sense..." Song Feng nodded and said: "If it was just Mr. Han, after he was exposed, there would be no need to kill Cai Hongyuan to silence him. So I think there must be one of them. Interest chain, in this interest chain, Cai Hongyuan must know other things."

"I can't believe's getting more and more complicated here...Fortunately, Mr. Han has surfaced, and my goal now is to find him..." Zhang Yu said, looking at Cai Tingdong lying on the ground, and said: " Uncle Chu, look at how he will deal with it..."

"He..." Chu Zhenhuan glanced at Cai Tingdong, then at Song Feng, and said: "Inspector Song, he was the case that your Zhennan District handled originally. I think it is better to leave it to you to rehabilitate the deceased. "

"Okay." Song Feng nodded.

With Cai Tingdong in such a state, if Zhang Yu didn't save him, he would definitely die. However, if Cai Tingdong dies, the case will be over and there will be no chance of overturning the case.

Zhang Yu knelt down and looked at Cai Tingdong. In fact, Cai Tingdong heard what they said. When he heard that his grandfather was dead, Cai Tingdong had a look of pain on his face.

"Cai Tingdong, now you have heard about your grandfather. We all know about your incident. You accidentally killed Shen Qiu... Then, your grandfather played a role in it, causing Xi Tong to be imprisoned unjustly... "Zhang Yu said this, paused, and said: "The way you are now, you are not far from death... I can save you, but I hope you can only cooperate with the patrol to solve the case. Firstly, it is for Xi Tong. Rehabilitate, and secondly find the murderer of your grandfather... If you are willing, just blink your eyes and I will heal you..."

Cai Tingdong was speechless, Zhang Yu was sure of this. It depends on whether Cai Tingdong agrees to the conditions he proposed.

Cai Tingdong did not give an answer immediately, but seemed to be thinking about it. If he agrees, he will go to jail. Even if it is not the death penalty, he will be sentenced severely, and it is very likely that he will be indefinitely. If he doesn't admit it, Zhang Yu will never save him. The more important point is that his grandfather is dead. His parents died early, and his grandfather who was the best to him also died, leaving him with nothing.

He also heard that his grandfather was killed and silenced. He said with emotion in his heart: "If you go to jail, go to jail... Grandpa... I have been useless all my life, and you have been implicated by me... At this time, I must find a way to avenge you..."

Thinking of this, he blinked.

Zhang Yu had already used the evil talisman to control the ulcers on Cai Tingdong's body. Seeing Cai Tingdong's promise, Zhang Yu entered the bathroom. There was a dental jar inside. When he was hiding in it, he observed carefully. He took a glass of water with his toothbrush, and when he came out, he took out an evil-proofing talisman from his pocket. With a pop, the talisman ignited. He opened Cai Tingdong's mouth, put the burned ashes in, poured water into Cai Tingdong's mouth, and helped him go down.

Zhang Yu tried this trick every time, and after a while, the ulcers on Cai Tingdong's body completely faded away, and the skin returned to its previous state.

Cai Tingdong was also very cooperative and admitted truthfully after arriving at the patrol room. According to the law, Xi Tong was unjustly imprisoned due to manslaughter and escape. He should have been sentenced harshly, but he was sentenced to life imprisonment. But this is something for later, so I won’t mention it for now.

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