Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 24 Unheard of meridians

The female doctor looked to be about 24 or 25 years old. She was wearing a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. She has long hair, which is draped over her shoulders, and has a heart-shaped face. She exudes a charming, delicate and delicate unique temperament. A pair of big eyes were very clear, looking at the old man so intently that he didn't even notice that the collar of the T-shirt protruded forward, revealing the light green bra underneath. The ditch is not deep, so it is considered a medium-sized model.

Her technique is still effective for ordinary heart attacks, but Zhang Yu can see that the old man's illness is very serious this time, and the female doctor's technique alone may not be able to save him.

So, Zhang Yu grabbed it, squatted down, took off the old man's left shoe, and then used his fingers to hold the area under the old man's feet that represented the heart.

When the female doctor saw Zhang Yu suddenly appearing, she frowned and said, "What are you doing? Don't cause trouble!"

"I'm afraid you can't make it alone. I'm here to help you save you!" Zhang Yu said in desperation.

He was just thinking, which made the female doctor unhappy. The female doctor kept her hands on her and asked, "What do you do?"

"Buying fish." Zhang Yu replied.

"I asked you what your job is. Are you a doctor? It would be a disservice if you were not here. What if something goes wrong?" the female doctor shouted.

"Yeah, you don't understand either, don't make trouble." "That's right, don't make trouble, let the doctor come, and get out of the way."... The people watching also shouted.

The girl next to her was the granddaughter of the old man. She was already panicking. Seeing everyone saying this, she felt that Zhang Yu was unreliable. Don't let anything happen to her grandfather, so she hurried over and took Zhang Yu's arm.

She said aggrievedly: "Stop helping, let her do it alone."

"Uh..." The old man made a sound from his mouth, but still did not open his eyes.

His voice immediately attracted the girl's attention, and the hand holding Zhang Yu's arm loosened a little.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "It's okay, there is help."

Then, he stretched his arms forward, pressed his left thumb on the old man's chest, took the old man's left arm with his right hand, and kneaded it in several places.

His movements will inevitably affect the movements of the female doctor. The female doctor couldn't fight him off, so she had to stop her hand and shouted: "I'm warning you, don't press blindly. If something happens, you must be responsible!"

But Zhang Yu had no intention of stopping, and the female doctor was quickly attracted by Zhang Yu's actions. Zhang Yu's movements were very skillful, similar to those of an experienced Chinese doctor who had been practicing for many years. Although the female doctor was a Western medicine doctor, she also knew a little bit about Chinese medicine.

There are several acupoints on the right arm that are used to prevent heart disease, namely Neiguan acupoint, Shenmen acupoint, Tianquan acupoint and Quze acupoint. The first thing Zhang Yu grasped was the Shenmen point on the inside of his wrist. This was no problem, but next, Zhang Yu grasped a position next to the Neiguan point. Especially Zhang Yu's left hand has been pressing on the old man's chest between the Tanzhong point and the Yutang point. What is this?

The female doctor said anxiously: "Did you press the wrong place? You didn't press the Neiguan point!"

"I know that this is the heart meridian. Massaging it can enhance the vitality of the heart!" Zhang Yu blurted out.

"Heart Meridian?" The female doctor wondered. She had never heard of a Heart Meridian on her arm.

"Uh... uh..." The old man lying on the ground made a sound again. It could be heard that his voice was very uncomfortable, as if he was choked by something.

Zhang Yu's right hand moved again, holding the Quze point on his elbow. The female doctor thought this was reliable, but soon discovered that the position Zhang Yu took was just a little short of the Quze point.

"Do you really understand or do you pretend to understand? That's not Quze point!" the female doctor frowned and shouted.

"This is the Heart-Protecting Sutra, which can reduce the pressure on the heart!" Zhang Yu said directly.

After just a few presses, a miracle happened. The lying old man suddenly exhaled a long breath, "Huh..."

Then, I heard the old man say intermittently: "Oh... I was so uncomfortable just now... now... I finally feel better..."

"Grandpa! You're awake!" When the girl saw her grandfather speaking, she still cared about Zhang Yu, and immediately rushed to his face, with tears streaming down her face, "I was scared to death..."

"It's okay, it's okay..." The old man's voice gradually became stronger.

Seeing that he was okay, Zhang Yu let go of his hand. The female doctor's eyes still stayed on the spot where Zhang Yu had just massaged, and she was extremely confused.

There is a heart meridian, but it is not at this location, and the heart protection meridian mentioned by Zhang Yu is even more unheard of. And what's the use of Zhang Yu's left hand pressing on his chest? For a sudden heart attack, if you press his chest, it will make him die quickly.

She looked at Zhang Yu out of curiosity again, and only then did she notice that the outfit Zhang Yu was wearing looked like that of a migrant worker from the countryside. No one would believe him even if he said he knew Chinese medicine. The female doctor gradually determined that Zhang Yu should be a warm-hearted and simple rural person. He probably learned some folk tricks in the countryside, but in fact he didn't at all. The fact that Zhang Yu was able to save the old man this time basically had nothing to do with him. It was because of his previous treatment and the fact that the old man was lucky enough to recover.

After confirming this, the female doctor said sternly: "I know you have good intentions, but if you encounter such a thing in the future, it's better not to do anything casually. It was so dangerous just now. If I hadn't handled it properly before, you would have been of no help. , it will definitely kill people!”

"I..." Zhang Yu was stunned and said to himself, what's wrong with me?

Seeing Zhang Yu's deliberately innocent expression, the female doctor snorted angrily, then stood up and said, "Since I'm fine, I'm leaving!"

After saying that, she walked directly forward.

Zhang Yu was baffled. Judging from the woman's face, she should be a very gentle girl. How could she have such a bad temper?

"Thank you, thank you..." The girl thanked the female doctor who left.

Zhang Yu slowly helped the old man up and said, "Old man, I'll help you get up and sit down for a while. It's better not to lie down like this."

"Thank you... Young man, thank you very much just now... Although she said that to you, I could feel it very comfortable when you pressed my arm just now..."

Although the old man had not opened his eyes before, he was actually conscious when he made the first sound, and could faintly hear some voices, but he could not speak.

Zhang Yu's massage relieved the pressure on his heart, like a cardiotonic drug, and gradually allowed him to recover.

Therefore, in the eyes of the female doctor, Zhang Yu seemed to be messing around, and only those who have experienced it personally will know the benefits.

"That's all she said. As long as you wake up, it's fine. You have a good rest. I'll leave first. I have to buy fish." Zhang Yu straightened up with a smile and planned to leave.

As soon as the old man heard that Zhang Yu was going to buy fish, he immediately said: "Wait, wait..."

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