Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2379 It is impossible to join forces

Zhenhai Administrative Region Religious Administration.

Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning came here with Zhenren Yuan. Since only three presidents were invited to the meeting, Shangguan Ning could only wait below. Zhang Yu and Zhenren Yuan went upstairs to the small conference room.

Because they were coming from Sandao Mountain, they wasted a lot of time on the way. When they entered the conference room, they saw Director Qin and Lu Zhenren from Yangchunguan already sitting there, drinking tea and chatting.

When Master Lu saw the two people coming in, he immediately greeted them politely. The three of them were polite according to Taoist etiquette. Zhang Yu and Master Yuan then greeted Director Qin.

Director Qin asked the two of them to sit down and exchanged a few words with each other before Director Qin introduced the topic. He said in an official tone: "The three presidents were suddenly invited here today because something happened in Zhenhai and we urgently needed it. The three presidents have taken action to solve the problem, and I hope the three of them will never refuse."

"Director Qin, what you said is completely out of context. If the office needs to come to our place, we are obliged to come to our place. How can we say no? If you have anything, just tell me. Who are Yuan Daoyou and Zhang Daoyou? I don't know the attitude, but I, Yangchun Guan, will definitely go all out!" Lu Zhenren immediately expressed his stance, his tone was righteous.

Who can really say no to this kind of thing?

Master Yuan immediately said: "The same is true for our White Eyebrow Palace. If Director Qin has anything to do, just say it. Our White Eyebrow Palace will never refuse and will definitely get things done."

Zhang Yu also followed up and said: "The same is true for our Wudang Taoist Temple. It is our duty at Baimei Palace to share the worries of the Office. How can we refuse?"

Director Qin nodded with satisfaction. In fact, what the three people said seemed to have been what he had expected. Director Qin said again in an official tone: "It's like this. For three consecutive days, students at Zhenhai University committed suicide by jumping off the building. This incident has a great impact and has attracted the attention of the patrol chief and the education department. Important officials of the Zhenhai Office , is also very concerned about the matter of Zhenhai University. However, there is currently nothing the patrol chief can do about this matter. We can only ask the Taoist Association for help first... If that fails, we will go to the Buddhist Association for help..."

"So that's what happened..." After Director Qin finished speaking, Master Lu immediately pondered, and then said: "Isn't the palace management major of our Taoist Association there, and there are also people in Baimei Palace. Zhenhai University... I heard someone mention this this morning, saying that two students majoring in palace management committed suicide by jumping off a building... I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect it to be true... How could something like this happen? What's going on..."

At the end, he looked at Yuan Zhenren in surprise.

Master Yuan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all, people from Baimei Palace had always been in charge of the palace management profession.

If anyone dares to cause trouble here, they are clearly not giving Baimei Palace any face. Especially now, when these words came out of Zhenren Lu's mouth, it was a bit embarrassing for Zhenren Yuan.

"It is true that there is such a thing. Two students majoring in palace management also committed suicide by jumping off the building. At present, our Baimei Palace is fully investigating and will definitely find out the reason in the shortest time. If someone is here to play tricks, they will definitely He will be brought to justice!" Yuan Zhenren said seriously.

"I also know about this. Director Qin, please rest assured. We, the Wudang Taoist Temple, are cooperating with the Baimei Palace in the investigation. We will definitely find out the truth and bring justice to the deceased." Zhang Yu continued.

"This matter is not just a matter of words..." Director Qin said seriously: "It must be resolved immediately, otherwise, the reputation of Zhenhai University will be greatly affected. People in the school are panicked. Now The Internet is so developed, this kind of thing spreads the fastest, and there are already various rumors on the Internet. If this matter cannot be settled immediately, and someone else dies, the consequences will be extremely serious! So, I don’t care when you can find out the truth, but No one wants to hear about the death of another student at Zhenhai University tomorrow!"

Zhenhai University is the number one university in Zhenhai and is also a famous university in the country. There was a jumping incident at the school. This is not a big deal. After all, suicides have occurred in many schools. If the school communicates with the parents and pays a sum of money, the matter will be settled and it won't have much impact.

However, for three consecutive nights, students committed suicide by jumping off the building. There were various rumors on campus and on the Internet, which had a great impact on Zhenhai University.

Director Qin's words made it even more clear. Whether the truth can be found out is only a small aspect. The important thing is that no more students can commit suicide.

Master Yuan couldn't help but frown slightly. It was uncertain whether someone would jump off the building tonight. If it was just the women's dormitory, it would be somewhat okay, but unfortunately something happened to the men's dormitory last night. There are so many dormitories in the whole school, so sending all the people from Baimei Palace there will be enough, but it will not be effective.

Furthermore, this is a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. Unless the culprit is caught, the disciples of Baimei Palace cannot go to Zhenhai University to work as dormitory security guards every day. What does that sound like?

Zhenren Lu had been observing Zhenren Yuan. When he saw Zhenren Yuan frowning, he immediately said: "Fellow Daoist Yuan, the palace management major of Zhenhai University is a cooperation between the Taoist Association and the school. Now there are people who dare to pretend to be gods and ghosts at Zhenhai University and do something like this The reputation really does not give our Taoist Association face. I think it is worse than this. From today on, our Yangchun Temple will also send people to the temple management department. First, we can work together to find the culprit, and we can stop this person no matter what. Continue to make mischief. Secondly, it can stabilize people's hearts and allow the students of the school and those students majoring in palace management who are dedicated to the Tao to feel at ease."

Baimei Palace has always been responsible for the palace management major. Regarding the distribution of students, because of the students' voluntariness, more people go to Baimei Palace than to Yangchun Temple.

After all, the teacher is from Baimei Palace. When teaching Taoist inheritance, he naturally promotes the Zhengyi religion. So I have always felt that Baimei Palace is a bit of a bully in this regard. Even if Baimei Palace has stronger appeal in Zhenhai and is the staunch president of the Taoist Association, it doesn't mean that everything will be controlled by you, right? Be fair. We cannot always promote the Zhengyi Sect in the palace management profession. If this continues, the Quanzhen Sect will definitely suffer. Especially when another Wudang Taoist temple appeared and came to take a share of the pie, Lu Zhenren believed that he had to find a way to let the Quanzhen religion penetrate into the temple management profession, and he could not say that he could only rely on fame.

Yuan Zhenren heard what he was thinking right away.

How could Master Yuan agree to this? She immediately said: "Pin Dao understands Lu Daoyou's kindness. This kind of thing has been happening in the past two days. It is mainly due to negligence and carelessness. We thought it was just an accident, so our Baimei Palace did not investigate seriously. Now Having been able to determine that there is a problem, I, Bai Mei Gong, will never be careless again. Everyone knows that I, Bai Mei Gong, have always been in charge of the palace management major at Zhenhai University. If anyone dares to act wild here, it is simply not my fault. Baimei Palace takes it seriously..."

Having said this, she looked at Director Qin and said with assurance: "Director Qin, please rest assured about this matter. Not to mention that something similar will not happen tonight, and it will never happen in the future." Something like this won’t happen again!”

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