Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2371 Inferi

Seeing that Niu Sanjiang was fine, Pan Yun's heart dropped completely. She and Niu Sanjiang were colleagues. She really didn't expect that Niu Sanjiang could stand up like this at a critical moment. Although Niu Sanjiang does not have the strength of Zhang Yu, it is precisely because of this that he can particularly show Niu Sanjiang's friendship.

Pan Yun couldn't help but grit his teeth as his nervousness calmed down. The severe pain in his calf was really unbearable.

Zhang Yu just looked at Niu Sanjiang and found that Niu Sanjiang was fine. Then he heard Pan Yun gritting his teeth in pain and immediately turned his head to look over.

"Xiaoyun, what's wrong with you..." Zhang Yu asked with concern, and he could already see Pan Yun's hand on his lap.

"It's nothing... I jumped down from above and sprained my foot..." Pan Yun gritted his teeth and said in pain.

"It doesn't look like a sprained foot..." Zhang Yu could see that Pan Yun's forehead was covered in sweat. How could the sprained foot hurt so much? "It should be a fracture..."

"I'm fine..." Pan Yun gritted his teeth and said, "I still have two colleagues up there, and I don't know if they are dead or not... Wu Dongguo bit their necks, like zombies on TV. ...You, you go and see first...if they can save you..."

She didn't care about her own injuries at all and was still caring about the other two little patrol officers.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but tremble when he heard this. He quickly took out a small bag from his arms. After opening it, he found a silver needle inside.

He knelt on one knee in front of Pan Yun, showed his black scissors, and cut off Pan Yun's trousers. With Pan Yun's current situation, plus the fact that it was winter again and he had to wear more clothes, it was simply impossible to roll up his trouser legs. Zhang Yu then pointed the silver needle at the acupuncture point on Pan Yun's leg and said, "I'll give you pain relief first, and then I'll go check it out."

After saying this, several silver needles were inserted into the acupuncture points on Pan Yun's legs.

After using Zhang Yu's technique and inserting the silver needle into the acupuncture point, Pan Yun felt a little numbness in his leg, and the previous pain was relieved a lot.

"I'm much better." Pan Yun didn't have to grit his teeth when he spoke this time.

"That's good, I'll go take a look first." Zhang Yu said gently.

"Yes." Pan Yun responded softly. She still missed the comfort of the two young patrolmen. As long as there is a little hope, we must strive for it.

Zhang Yu stood up and walked quickly forward.

He first passed by Wu Dongguo. Wu Dongguo was tied up with Yuxu rope and was still shouting "Uh-huh", but he no longer dared to struggle.

Wu Dongguo's eyes were still red, and his mouth was full of blood. Zhang Yu squatted down, reached out to touch Wu Dongguo's hand and neck, and pressed two fingers on the pulse door. In an instant, Zhang Yu's heart trembled again.

It turned out that Wu Dongguo's wrist was already cold and there was no body temperature at all. And he didn't even have a pulse, he was no different from a dead person.

Zhang Yu originally wanted to take a look and go upstairs, but now, he couldn't help but close his eyes and use his inner eye to check the situation inside Wu Dongguo's body.

In Wu Dongguo's body, the heavenly soul and the earthly soul have all disappeared, as well as the seven souls, including the previously powerful essence. The only thing left is the life soul on the navel chakra. Not only that, Zhang Yu could also feel that Wu Dongguo's body was full of yin energy.

This is different from ordinary walking corpses. Although the walking corpses also have Yin Qi, there is very little of it. The main thing is corpse Qi. But in Wu Dongguo's body, the corpse energy was very small, just like Night Phoenix. If he didn't show it deliberately, no one would notice it at all.


Zhang Yu took a breath of cold air. He was already sure that Wu Dongguo had now turned into an Inferi.

How it changed, he really couldn't imagine.

The only good thing is that Wu Dongguo has just turned into an Inferi, his strength is very limited, and he is just bloodthirsty at the moment.

Pan Yun and Niu Sanjiang were both looking at Zhang Yu. Seeing him squatting next to Wu Dongguo to check, Niu Sanjiang said: "Brother, what's wrong with him? Why did he suddenly become so powerful, and he doesn't look like a human or a ghost? …”

His words made Zhang Yu react in shock.

Zhang Yu glanced at Wu Dongguo's face again, and then said: "You guys wait here, I'll go upstairs and take a look..."

After saying that, he ran upstairs.

Entering the building where Wu Dongguo lived, Zhang Yu quickly reached the third floor. Wu Dongguo's door was locked. Zhang Yu took out his pin, opened the door directly, and stepped in.

The coffin board in the large living room had turned into a ball of black ash, and the tiles on the floor were also burnt black, and the roof of the shed was also baked black. Fortunately, there were no flammable items around, so it did not cause a fire.

There were two little patrolmen lying on the sofa. Zhang Yu fell closer, and he only needed to grab his wrist to confirm that the two of them were already cold, and all three souls and seven souls were gone.

There were tooth marks on their necks and they were dripping with blood.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth. He had never thought that something would happen here in Wu Dongguo. He turned to look at the coffin board that was burned to black ash, and he became curious again, how could something that his fire charm couldn't light be burned like this.

The sudden change was unbelievable. Zhang Yu briefly checked here and saw the wooden door torn by Wu Dongguo. Standing in front of the bedroom window, he could still see Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang, and Wu Dongguo below.

He walked out of the room, went down the stairs, and came downstairs. When Pan Yun saw him coming out, he immediately asked, "Zhang Yu, how are they two?"

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "The person is already dead and cannot be saved."

"It can't be saved..." Pan Yun felt sad and lost, "He died like this... This..."

Two fresh human lives, they were fine during the day, but unexpectedly, they died as soon as they said they would die.

Zhang Yu walked up to Pan Yun and comforted him softly: "Xiaoyun, don't be sad... We still have a lot to do now. The first thing is to avenge your two colleagues..."

"Yes, I must avenge them!" Pan Yun couldn't help gritting his teeth when he heard about revenge.

She then pointed to Wu Dongguo lying over there, and said bitterly: "It's him...he, he...he is the murderer...but, how could he become like this..."

Zhang Yu said: "I also want to know why this is happening. Do you still remember the coffin board we brought back? I just went up to look at it and it was burned...I didn't even light it in the cave at that time, how could it happen? It suddenly burned down..."

"I don't know, I was sleeping at the time, and I was woken up when I heard shouting. When I woke up, there was a fire next to me, but Brother Niu and I didn't care about it at all. Wu Dongguo choked my colleague and wanted to inhale it. His blood. I could only shoot, but the bullet hit Wu Dongguo, but it was of no use... As soon as Brother Niu and I saw something bad, we ran away quickly. After running into the bedroom, we jumped out of the window... "Pan Yun told the truth what he knew.

"Did the two of them sleep at that time?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"The two of them said they were on duty all night, but when I was sleeping, they were both awake," Pan Yun said.

"If they didn't sleep..." Zhang Yu subconsciously turned his head and looked at Wu Dongguo again.

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