Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2367 Ambush

Zhang Yu hung up the phone and went to the professional courtyard of the palace management alone. Pan Yun originally wanted to follow, but she was not a Taoist and the people attending the meeting were all Taoist priests. It was not convenient for her to go, so she could only wait for news in Wu Dongguo's dormitory.

When Zhang Yu arrived at the courtyard where the public relations management major was located, he saw young people waiting there. Zhang Yu recognized him at a glance and it was Qiu Yunji, Jia Zhenren’s fourth disciple. But this boy is wearing casual clothes today, not Taoist robes.

Qiu Yunji saw Zhang Yu and immediately came over, "Master Zhang, you are here."

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, senior brother, you are so polite." Zhang Yu clasped his hands and said politely.

With Zhang Yu's current status, calling him senior brother would give him enough face. Of course, Zhang Yu is a person who respects his teachers. He is a recent disciple of Zhenren Jia. Qiu Yunji became a disciple early, so he deserves a good name. Even if Qiu Yunji's ability is really not that good.

Qiu Yunji felt happy when he heard Zhang Yu call him senior brother. Whatever Zhang Yu's status is, he should be called his senior brother. It would be a great honor to spread the word.

"Junior brother, please come in quickly. Master and uncle are waiting for you in the small conference room. They asked me to come here to pick you up." Qiu Yunji said with a smile.

At the moment, he led the way and Zhang Yu followed. The two of them entered the teaching building and came to a room at the end of the fourth floor.

Qiu Yunji knocked on the door first, and then opened the door when he heard the voice of "Please come in" from inside.

He reported that Zhang Yu was here and that he would be invited immediately.

Zhang Yu walked in and looked around. This conference room was not small, but it was not decorated in a modern style. It was all decorated according to Taoism.

There is an altar table in front of it, where the Three Purities are enshrined. There are futons around it, and there can be ten old Taoists, both male and female, sitting there.

Among them, Jia Zhenren and Feng Chongjue are the most familiar, and other Taoist priests have also met. They were all junior brothers and sisters of Yuan Zhenren, and Zhang Yu had to give a nice shout. These people will not show off in front of Zhang Yu. After all, Zhang Yu is also a mage. Moreover, none of these people wore robes, obviously because they were worried about alerting others.

After greeting each other, Master Jia asked Zhang Yu to sit next to him and chatted for a few words before getting down to business.

"Xiao Yu, you said you have a goal. Who is this goal?"

Zhang Yu answered directly: "She is a senior student, her name is Chuxue. She lives in Building 6, Room 407, of the women's dormitory."

"How do you know this?" Feng Chongjue, who was sitting next to him, asked curiously.

"The specific situation is this..." Zhang Yu told him everything about his encounter with Wu Dongguo last night and his journey to Sandao Mountain today.

Of course, he could only talk about the case at Zhenhai University. As for the previous case, it was inconvenient for Zhang Yu to mention it because it involved the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, Jia Zhenren's eyes lit up and he said: "Originally, we thought that with so many dormitories, we didn't have enough manpower, and there might be areas that couldn't be taken care of. Now that we have a goal, everything is much simpler. ”

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "That's true. We originally planned to ask the school to help make arrangements tonight. We would stay in Chuxue's room and wait and see what happens."

"I will inform the school about this matter and follow your wishes." Jia Zhenren said a little excitedly.

There are many people in Baimei Palace, but the experts are limited after all. Among these people here, one person is not enough to be responsible for one building. Although more people can be mobilized, even a fool can discover that there is a problem. Their goal is not just to protect, but to catch the killer.

Master Jia then looked at Zhang Yu and said, "That man named Wu Dongguo is also in the school now."

"The patrol officer is responsible for watching over him. He is in the staff dormitory." Zhang Yu said.

"In this way..." Zhenren Jia pondered and said, "Let's go see him again and get to know him better... You said that the essence in his body is strong now, and the remaining three souls and six souls are dim. I'm afraid the same is true here. Is there something wrong... Also, the coffin lid needs to be looked at carefully..."

"That's what I meant. Master, let's go over there right now," Zhang Yu said.

He is not omnipotent. The skills that Old Wangtou taught him and some things that he has experienced seem to be a lot, but after all, there are also things that he has not experienced.

As a major sect and one of the nine sects in the world, Baimei Palace has many years of history and has never experienced anything. I expected that people in the White Eyebrow Palace would most likely understand what I didn’t understand.

Master Jia didn't ask everyone to go, he just called Feng Chongjue and an old man to go with him.

Zhang Yu also knew this old Taoist. He was a master of Baimei Palace and his name was Ma Chaoxing.

The four of them left the conference room together, and Zhang Yu led the way to the dormitory of the school staff.

When they arrived at Wu Dongguo's room, Pan Yun and others were there, having dinner.

Zhang Yu gave two introductions, and the eyes of Jia Zhenren, Ma Chaoxing, and Feng Chongjue fell on Wu Dongguo.

Next, he had to be cross-examined again. Wu Dongguo knew everything and had already told Zhang Yu and the others before, so he would tell it again now.

What was more important was not him, but the coffin board brought back from Sandao Mountain.

Because Zhang Yu thought there might be something wrong with this thing, he moved it into the dormitory and placed it in the big living room when he came back.

Seeing that nothing new could be found, Jia Zhenren and others turned their attention to the coffin board.

There are only seven red birth date characters on it. It seems to be written by a primary school student, and the writing is crooked. There is no evil or yin energy on the coffin board, only a faint yang energy.

Zhang Yu originally thought that these three people could see something, but the three of them, Jia Zhenren, shook their heads.

In the end, Jia Zhenren said that it was getting late today, so he might as well start the arrangements later. After the murderer was caught, everything would be clear. If the other party is on guard and does not come tonight, then tomorrow morning we will send the coffin board to the White Eyebrow Palace together and ask Master Yuan to apologize.

Once you have goals, setting them up is easy. Jia Zhenren contacted the school leaders to ensure that everything was convenient. Jia Zhenren’s arrangement can be said to be flawless.

Zhang Yu was responsible for entering Chuxue's dormitory, hiding in the closet, and staring at Chuxue. If there is a misunderstanding, I will say hello, but it is naturally impossible to tell the truth to the person involved. There are two people ambushed on the first, fourth and sixth floors of Building 6, just in case. Because Chuxue lives on the fourth floor, it is very convenient to go up and down.

In addition to the interior of the dormitory, arrangements were also made in the yard. Ma Chaoxing and three other veterans hid in a blind corner of the yard to prevent the murderer from escaping.

As for Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang and others, they can only stay in the dormitory and be responsible for watching over Wu Dongguo.

Everything is arranged and the murderer is caught tonight.

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