Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2361 Mr. Han again

"I..." Wu Dongguo's face showed embarrassment and he said slowly: "Actually, you don't need to be so serious... This matter... has nothing to do with the case..."

"Whether it matters or not is not for you to say, but for us to define on patrol!" Pan Yun said bluntly, "You say it now!"

"I patrolmen need to keep my privacy..." Wu Dongguo said hesitantly.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu, Pan Yun, and Niu Sanjiang couldn't help but be stunned. What does this mean? Why does it involve privacy?

Pan Yun said seriously: "Don't worry, our patrol will never leak your privacy!"

"Then, I'll just say it..." Wu Dongguo said still hesitantly: "Back then... I was actually a very introverted boy, and I didn't like girls, and I didn't have a girlfriend... I was often bullied. People often play tricks on me... I still remember that in my junior year, we went out for a party. At night, our department girl suddenly came to my room... She said she liked me, hugged me... lingered... and even took off my clothes. clothes...I was very shy at the time...but because she was pretty, I quite liked her. I thought she really liked me, so I took off my clothes...Who would have thought that just when I was naked, the door suddenly opened After opening it, many classmates rushed in and took photos of me crazily... They laughed at me loudly, saying that I was a toad who wanted to eat swan meat..."

After listening to Wu Dongguo's story, Zhang Yu, Pan Yun, and Niu Sanjiang were all a little confused. They really didn't expect that Wu Dongguo had such a past.

Neither of them spoke, they just looked at Wu Dongguo. The muscles on Wu Dongguo's face were trembling, as if the sad past events of that year were reappearing in his mind.

"Their ridicule made me so ashamed that I wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. I rushed out of the room crazily, only to find that I didn't even have any clothes on. I fled to a place where no one was around...and huddled there. inferior..." Wu Dongguo's body was shaking when he said this.

Zhang Yu and Pan Yun could definitely see that what Wu Dongguo said was definitely not a lie. If they hadn't been there personally, they would never have had such a reaction.

They looked at Wu Dongguo without making a sound. Wu Dongguo still seemed to have not recovered from the memories just now. Cold sweat broke out on his head and his breathing was a little heavy, as if he couldn't breathe.

After a while, Wu Dongguo said slowly: "After that day, I didn't dare to go to school anymore. I chose to take a break from school for a whole year. After they graduated, I dared to go to school again... After school, I met a school girl who liked history very much. The two of us had a very good chat and got together as soon as we went back and forth... However, when we reached that point, one night, we went to the hotel and booked a room... …I was on top of her, and she was under me… When everything was normal for me, for some reason, the scene from back then was all in my mind… It didn’t work for me all of a sudden… That night, neither of us had any Success, I just lay in bed and rest... Later, we went to the hotel several times, but every time, I would unconsciously think of the past, and then it made it difficult for me... The first two or three times, other girls She didn't say anything, but as I failed every time, she finally started to criticize me and broke up with me... After this time, I felt like I was useless and I didn't dare to go to bed with a woman at all... ...Even if I go to some messy places and find those bad women, it still won't work..."

Speaking of this, Wu Dongguo's face was full of despair.

At this time, Pan Yun and the others also understood. No wonder Wu Dongguo's expression changed so much when Zhang Yu said why Wu Dongguo had such a good physique when he was middle-aged. It turns out that this guy actually has such a past.

The fact that Wu Dongguo plays with female students so much now is obviously related to what happened to him back then. But now, it's obvious that he's doing well, so there must be something going on here. Next, I will probably talk about this matter.

Sure enough, Wu Dongguo said slowly: "Later, I was admitted to graduate school and never fell in love again. Even after I obtained a master's degree and came to teach at Zhenhai University, I was still single and never dared to fall in love. Suddenly one day, a man came to me. He said that I looked like I was suffering from a serious illness and that he could help me solve my illness... When I heard that he had the ability to cure my illness, I was very excited. , He promised and thanked me all the time... He then led me to a mountain, which was very desolate. There was a cave there. I didn't dare to go in, but he told me, with me like this, there is nothing to be afraid of... ...I thought so and was about to walk in, but he stopped me and asked me to drink a bowl of medicine first...Actually, I was also very scared at the time, but when I thought about it, this guy didn't know me, but he knew me at a glance. He must be a master who can see my stubborn disease. I am worthless like this, so I just gritted my teeth and drank it... After drinking it, I felt a little confused, and followed him into the cave in a daze. What happened next? I never remembered what happened... When I woke up, I was in the hotel room. I was wondering what was going on. When I sat up, I realized that I only had a pair of shorts on me. I wasn't wearing anything... At this time, a sexy woman came out of the bathroom, which shocked me. I asked her what she did and why I was here... She said that she had just arrived, and a boss had paid for it. I asked her to stay with me, and specifically told her not to disturb me when I was sleeping, and to take a shower first, and then serve me well after I woke up... Strangely enough, I just heard her voice and saw I couldn't stand her figure... I really wanted to know if my stubborn illness was cured, so I asked her to serve me... I still remember that it was night, and we had been struggling all day long... …”

"So, from now on, you become normal. And you start playing with female students." Zhang Yu said this time.

"It can't be said to be teasing, but after sleeping with them a few times, I will lose interest and can't help but look for the next target. And those female students seem to find me very attractive, and they will be easily acquired by me... ..." Wu Dongguo said truthfully: "Because of this, I have become more and more irresponsible...more and more female students are having sex with me..."

"It's interesting... By the way, who is this person who cured your disease?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I asked him, but he didn't tell me. He just said that we met by chance and came to help. I only remember that he was wearing white clothes, tall and thin, with silver hair, but he looked about forty years old. It looked like that." Wu Dongguo said while recalling.

"Mr. Han!" Upon hearing Wu Dongguo's description of the man, Zhang Yu couldn't help but shout out.

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