Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2359 Different Phase

"Teacher Wu, I am Huang Wei." said the security director.

"Director Huang, what do you want from me this late at night..." Wu Dongguo was obviously a little confused.

This is true, it is now three o'clock in the middle of the night, and the security director suddenly comes to the door, which is really surprising.

When Huang Wei just arrived, he had already discussed the words with Pan Yun. Huang Wei deliberately said in an official tone: "It's like this. Today, the principal discovered that there are many posts on the Internet about you and female students. The impact of this on the school... The principal asked me to find you. I hope you can go over now and explain to him. one time……"

"Ah?" After hearing this, Wu Dongguo was obviously surprised, and then said: "Director Huang, please wait a moment, I will change my clothes and I will be back soon."

Then, hurried footsteps sounded, probably going back to the bedroom.

Zhang Yu and others were not in a hurry. They waited for about three minutes before the footsteps came back.

With a click, the door opened, and a middle-aged man appeared in Zhang Yu's mind. That's right, he was the one he saw.

Wu Dongguo also saw Zhang Yu, Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang and others, and was obviously stunned for a moment. He then said: "Director Huang, these are..."

Pan Yun directly showed his ID and said, "You must be Teacher Wu Dongguo. I am from the Zhendong District Major Crime Team. We have a case and we hope you will assist in the investigation."

"I...I...I've never done anything...helping or anything..." Wu Dongguo was obviously confused and his voice stuttered.

It's not a good thing to be found by the police at night.

"You'll know what I'm helping you with later. Let's go in and talk first..." Pan Yun said seriously.

She waved her hand gently, and Niu Sanjiang and the other two patrolmen walked in without any explanation. The door was so big. The three of them entered, and Wu Dongguo could only retreat.

After retreating to the door, Wu Dongguo was caught by Niu Sanjiang and the others. Pan Yun and Zhang Yu filed in, followed by Huang Wei.

Pan Yun was not polite. When he saw the large living room on the left, he walked directly towards the living room and said, "Let's sit here and talk."

After saying this, she came to the big sofa and sat down. Zhang Yu sat next to her, accompanied by Huang Wei.

Niu Sanjiang gestured towards Wu Dongguo, and Wu Dongguo was helpless and walked over bitterly. He sat down on a separate sofa, and two young patrolmen stood behind him, as if looking at prisoners. This move made Wu Dongguo very uncomfortable and he didn't dare to do anything.

Pan Yun looked at Wu Dongguo and said, "Wu Dongguo, are you a history teacher?"

"Yes." Wu Dongguo nodded.

"What is your relationship with Yang Yi, a student in your school?" Pan Yun asked.

"It doesn't matter, she is my student." Wu Dongguo said.

"She is your student... Then let me ask you, what will you say when you two return to school together from outside tonight?" Pan Yun asked in a deep voice.

"I met him by chance..." Wu Dongguo said a little embarrassed.

"What a coincidence, what a coincidence..." Pan Yun looked at Zhang Yu and winked at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu immediately understood and said: "Teacher Wu, do you have any impression of me..."

"You..." Wu Dongguo looked at Zhang Yu and said slowly: "I have an impression... I think... I have seen him on the road..."

"Yes, we met when you and Yang Yi went back to school. I remember that you two were quite close at that time... and I told her that no matter what, you would always be good to her... This, That's right..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Wu Dongguo didn't expect that Zhang Yu would even hear this. There was a look of embarrassment on his face and he said: "Actually, the relationship between us is quite good... but it's definitely not what you think..."

"It's definitely not what we thought..." Pan Yun suddenly opened his eyes and asked sternly: "Then tell me, what do we think?"

"I...I don't know..." Wu Dongguo said quickly and cautiously.

"You don't know, then I'll let you know..." Pan Yun said sharply.

Having said this, she hesitated for a moment, turned to look at Huang Wei, and said: "Director Huang, our patrol wants to discuss the case with Teacher Wu..."

As the security director, Huang Wei is also a smart person. When he heard this, he immediately understood what was going on.

He quickly raised his buttocks and said, "Inspector Pan, I still have some work to deal with here, so let's take a step first."

After Huang Wei finished speaking, he quickly left the room and closed the door.

Seeing Huang Wei leaving, Wu Dongguo couldn't help but beat his heart again. He glanced at Pan Yun timidly, as if he couldn't figure out how serious a crime he had committed.

Pan Yun looked at him again and said seriously: "I might as well tell you frankly now that Yang Yi is dead and we found your DNA on her body. I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation for this." !”

"Ah?" This time, Wu Dongguo was shocked and said in surprise: "How is this possible... When we came back, she was still fine... How could she be dead... You're not mistaken..."

"Look at me now, do I seem to have made a mistake?" Pan Yun said seriously.

"I don't think you police officers made a's's just...this is impossible...she was so could she die...who harmed her...we were separated outside the school, She went back to school first, and I came in after... And after I came in, I went directly back to the staff dormitory... and never went out again... There are surveillance cameras in the school, and there are surveillance cameras downstairs in our dormitory building... After I came back , have you ever been can see it all at once..." Wu Dongguo was obviously panicked and stammered to explain.

But his words were still very organized and could fully prove that he did not harm Yang Yi.

Of course, he did not kill Yang Yi, everyone knew this.

Zhang Yu kept staring at him, observing his words and expressions, trying to see if there was anything wrong with Wu Dongguo's expression.

Wu Dongguo's face was indeed a little panicked and a little innocent, but these were normal human reactions.

"Huh?" After watching for a while, Zhang Yu suddenly found that Wu Dongguo's face looked a little wrong.

Wu Dongguo was in good spirits, but he seemed a little weak, as if he had a terminal illness and would not live long.

Pan Yun was also watching Wu Dongguo's words and expressions, but didn't see anything wrong. She could only look at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu stood up, came to Wu Dongguo's side, and said with a smile: "Teacher Wu, can you extend your hand?"

Wu Dongguo didn't know what was going on, but he still extended his hand to Zhang Yu honestly. He didn't know Zhang Yu's identity and thought that Zhang Yu, like Pan Yun, was also on patrol. Zhang Yu estimated that looking at his hands, it might be related to the case.

Zhang Yu grabbed Wu Dongguo's wrist and could feel from the pulse that Wu Dongguo's pulse was very strong, especially the kidney meridian, which was even more powerful. Kidneys are the source of life. Generally speaking, people with good kidneys will not be in any bad health.

He then used his inner eye to examine the three souls and seven souls in Wu Dongguo's body. Zhang Yu couldn't help but be shocked at just one glance.

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