Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2348 Doctor Han

Zhang Yu saw Li Ping agreeing. After waiting for a while, he said sincerely: "Uncle, aunt, come and sit down. Let's continue chatting... But don't hold this kitchen knife... In case of injury, the most sad person will be It must be Xi Tong..."

"I'll put the kitchen knife back..." Li Ping also knew that there was actually no point in taking the kitchen knife. At most, it would just kill herself.

In particular, Zhang Yu's words went deep into Liping's heart. If he really committed suicide, his son would be devastated if he knew about it.

She returned the kitchen knife to the kitchen and went back to the living room to sit with her husband.

Song Feng, Zhang Qingfeng, and Wang Chunlan also sat back on the sofa. The three of them all looked at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu did his part and was the first to speak: "Auntie, I wonder where Xi Tong is?"

"Even I don't know where he is..." Li Ping said sadly.

"Even you don't know... How is this possible... Even if he can't visit you often, he should at least leave you a contact information..." Zhang Yu said.

"He can secretly visit me once a year on his birthday... In order not to be discovered, I don't even dare to tell his father..." Li Ping said painfully.

"You..." Xi Huai couldn't help but look at his wife, a little angry, "How could you even hide it from me? Do you mean that I, a father, can still betray my son..."

"If you don't know the truth, of course you won't show it... Once you know it, if you get drunk one day and tell others nonsense, it will be very dangerous..." Li Ping said seriously.

"Even if I drank too much, I wouldn't be able to say such a thing..." Xi Huai was still a little angry.

"Uncle, aunt, you two should stop arguing about this..." Zhang Yu quickly said calmly: "Xi Tong can only come back once a year, so how do you contact each other? There must be a way..."

"He knows my phone number and will contact me before he comes back to see me. But it seems that his phone number is only used once and then will be changed. I also want to call him often, but he said it is too dangerous. , once the patrolman knows that he is not dead, it is very likely that he will be arrested again... I think it makes sense, and for his safety, I will not ask more questions..." Li Ping said.

There is information about Xi Tong in the case file, and Zhang Yu also knows the date of his birthday.

It's almost half a year before Xi Tong's birthday, so we can't stay here for half a year.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while and said, "Auntie, I have one more thing to ask you. It was originally said that Xi Tong suffered from pneumonia and died of ineffective treatment. The coroner also conducted an examination and even stayed at home for three days. Finally, Buried...he, how did he survive..."

This matter is definitely a puzzling thing, and even Zhang Yu can't figure out the reason.

He didn't understand, and the others were naturally even more curious, including Xi Huai. They all looked at Liping, waiting for her answer.

Liping did not hide anything, and said with some sadness: "At the hospital, the doctor announced that my son was dead after resuscitation failed... At that moment, my heart collapsed, as if the sky was falling... Originally, they were going to send the body to I went to the crematorium, but I didn’t want my son to die and not be able to return home, so I insisted on taking my son home and staying there for three days... However, on the first day after I got home, I received a strange call On the phone, this person claimed to be a doctor in the hospital and wanted to have a few words with me alone. I didn’t know what he meant, but I still followed his instructions and went out to meet him..."

Speaking of this, Liping paused for a moment, as if recalling.

"After meeting that person, I felt like I had never seen him in the hospital. He told me that he was the chief physician of the hospital, and he had heard about my son. He was sure that my son He must have been unjustly accused, and he told me that my son was actually not dead..." Li Ping spoke very slowly.

"Then I was there at that time, so why are you looking sideways and vertically...Our son is also dead...Also, if he hadn't died, how could he have been lying there for three days without moving or even going to the toilet... ..." Xi Huai really couldn't believe it.

"I didn't think about this at the time. When he said that our son was not dead, I was so excited... So I asked him what was going on with my son now and why he didn't even have a heartbeat... He said He did this to save our son. Xi Tong's illness is not terminal, but if he is cured, he will definitely be taken back to prison... He also said that our son's illness is most likely caused by He was tortured in prison. If he goes in again, he might die in there... I think so too. How much suffering will our son have to endure if he is locked up with those prisoners... He also told me that he is He used a drug to make our son fake his death so that no one could see it... He told me not to be cremated but to bury him as far away as possible to avoid being discovered... He also He said, after the burial, go back and wait for news about him, and he will go to the mountain to dig our son out of the grave..." Li Ping said as she recalled.

"There is such a medicine in the world..." Zhang Yu didn't believe it, and he immediately asked: "Auntie, then he really dug out your son and brought him to you?"

"Yes. Only one day later, I received a call from him. He asked me to meet at the foot of Sandao Mountain, but I was not allowed to tell anyone, including my husband." Li Ping said truthfully: "I followed As he said, I rushed to the foot of Sandao Mountain alone, and sure enough I saw him and Xiaotong standing there waiting for me... Xiaotong was very excited when he saw me, and we, mother and son, hugged each other and cried... we cried for a long, long time. …”

"What's next?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Then I kept thanking the doctor and said that I would give him everything in the house when the house was demolished to repay his kindness. But he said no, the reason why I saved Xiaotong was that the road was rough... I I was very grateful and wanted to take Xiaotong home. The doctor said, if I take my son home now, wouldn’t it be exposed and Xiaotong would be arrested by the police... I thought it made sense, so I asked him what to do. He said that Xiaotong should follow him and avoid the limelight first. After a few years, when the limelight has passed, we can be reunited as mother and son. Xiaotong also felt that what the doctor said made sense, and asked me to take good care of myself... The doctor was taking Xiaotong with him. Before Tong left, he specifically told me not to tell anyone about this matter. He also said that he hoped that we and our husbands would leave here, so that I would not be able to show my grief because my son was not dead, and others would find out... So... , I followed his wishes and moved away with my husband after the demolition... Since then, I can only see my son once a year, but as long as my son is alive, I am satisfied..." Li Ping said Finally, I was quite emotional.

A look of confusion flashed across Zhang Yu's face, and he immediately asked: "Auntie, what is the doctor's name and what does he look like, do you remember?"

"I only know his surname is Han, and I call him Dr. Han. He is probably in his early forties and has silver hair. He was wearing white clothes at the time and was tall and thin..." Li Ping said.

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