Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2334 What’s the use of you!

All the dignitaries of the public office were very hungry, but no one dared to say anything and just sat there honestly.

Li Junao smokes a cigarette from time to time, and maybe half of the people here also smoke. Unfortunately, there was always only one ashtray on the conference table, and that was the ashtray in front of Li Junao.

Anyone else who dares to smoke can only endure it. The craving for cigarettes and hunger were really killing me.

Finally, when it was almost one o'clock, there was a knock on the door outside the conference room.


Li Junao didn't say anything, but glanced at the secretary-general sitting beside him. The secretary-general stood up immediately, walked quickly to the door, and pushed it open.

There were five people standing outside the door. They were all dressed decently, but they were sweating on their heads. They looked a little embarrassed, as if they were in a hurry.

Seeing these five people, the Secretary-General first turned around and said, "CEO, Director Zhang of the Forestry Department, they are all here."

"Let them all come in." Li Junao lowered his head, seemingly still reading the information in front of him.

The secretary-general motioned for the five people outside to come in. As soon as these five people entered the door, they quickly greeted, "CEO, we are here." "Chief Li, we are here." "Chief Li, good afternoon."...

Li Junao didn't say anything, but the Secretary-General asked Director Zhang to sit in his seat. The other four deputy directors had no seats, but there were some chairs around the conference room. They all sat behind Director Zhang. , none of them spoke honestly, and were very reserved, like children who had done something wrong.

When they all sat down, Li Junao finally said: "Zhang Yao, are you back from the Zhenhai Anti-corruption Patrol Office?"

"I'm back..." Hearing Li Junao come up and ask this directly without mentioning anything else, Director Zhang was so frightened that his heart trembled and his voice trembled.

"Someone from our district was invited to have tea by the Zhenhai Anti-Corruption Patrol Office... How was the chat?" Li Junao asked lightly.

"Actually, it's just a misunderstanding..." Zhang Yao said cautiously.

The four deputy directors behind actually wanted to say this, but they didn't dare. They just nodded repeatedly to express their approval of Zhang Yao.

"What did the Independent Commission Against Corruption say in the end?" Li Junao asked again.

"We are not allowed to leave Zhenhai and we will be there whenever we are called." Zhang Yao said with his head lowered.

"The treatment is good..." Li Junao said calmly again: "What did the Independent Commission Against Corruption ask you? This matter has nothing to do with me, and I will not ask, unless the Independent Commission Against Corruption takes the initiative to inform me. However, I am now representing the district office and I have a question to ask you..."

"CEO, you can ask whatever you want..." Zhang Yao naturally knew Li Jun'ao's temper. If something like this happened today, it would probably be difficult if he didn't give Li Jun'ao a perfect explanation. I don’t know what question Li Junao wants to ask at this moment.

"I have here a resume of Wang Zhongmin, the director of the Zhennan District Forestry Farm. It came from your Forestry Department. I want to ask you, this Wang Zhongmin has been promoted from an ordinary employee to the director of the factory in one go for three consecutive years. This is Why?" Li Junao asked.

"These are appointments and decisions made by the District Forestry Farm and Zhenhai Forestry Farm. Our District Forestry Department doesn't know how they made the decision..." Zhang Yao said carefully.

"Wang Zhongmin was promoted from an ordinary employee to section chief. This district forest farm can make its own decisions within the forest farm. Then Wang Zhongmin was promoted to deputy director and then director the following year. Is his promotion too fast? Does it comply with the cadre promotion regulations?" When Li Junao said this, a pair of eyes suddenly stared at Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yaozha's heart trembled when Li Junao stared at him like this. He stammered: "Wang Zhongmin was promoted to deputy director... It was proposed by the former director Zhu Qing and approved by the Zhenhai Forestry Farm. , after we saw the appointment proposal, we thought it was okay and passed it... After all, to a certain extent, the district forestry farm is still mainly under the control of Zhenhai Forestry Farm, and we are just business guidance... When the deputy director was promoted to director , it was also proposed by the former director Zhu Qing, and Zhenhai Forest Farm approved the appointment... After we saw the appointment proposal, we also agreed..."


Just when Zhang Yao said this, a sound of banging on the table was heard.

Everyone present was so frightened that they trembled after hearing this. Zhang Yao was even more shocked, because the only person who rushed here to pound the table was CEO Li Junao.

Zhang Yao was too scared to say anything and looked at Li Junao timidly.

Li Junao looked at him with a stern face and said in a bad tone: "After seeing the appointment proposal, I thought it was no problem and passed it! Is it no problem? Is it really no problem? What are the principles for cadre promotion? As the director, you , isn’t it clear at all?”

"The opinions of the Zhenhai Forestry Farm and the District Forestry Farm are that Wang Zhongmin has performed well during his work, has done well in all aspects of his work, and is capable of being the director of the factory..." Zhang Yao said with his head lowered.

"Fart!" Li Junao shouted angrily, grabbed the information in front of him, raised his hand and threw it towards Zhang Yao. That is to say, these pages were too light and fell on the table without hitting Zhang Yao's face. .

Everyone was even more shocked when they saw Li Junao like this. Although this was not the first time, he was definitely unique in Zhenhai with such a tough style.

Li Junao continued: "These so-called achievements are not all just plain talk about organizing fire prevention and planting trees. I am afraid that all the top cadres in the forest farm will use this when they are promoted. Come on! With just this, he can rise to the top. Your Forestry Department has the nerve to call it a business director, but I think you are just a decoration! If I just put two clay figures on it, it’s nothing more than that!"

Zhang Yao lowered his head and did not dare to say anything, especially the four deputy directors.

"Whether it's the appointment recommendation from Zhenhai Forestry Farm or the recommendation from the District Forestry Farm, can he be promoted like this without the official seal of our District Forestry Department? I don't know if you have any disciplinary problems, and I won't ask for the time being! But, your What they have done is simply laziness and laziness! Like you important officials of the Office, you just sit in the office drinking tea and reading newspapers all day long. What does the Office want from you?" This time, Li Junao had already stretched out his fingers. He looked at Zhang Yao and cursed loudly.

"We..." "We..." "CEO, I..." "Chief Li..."...

Zhang Yao and other directors were immediately frightened by Li Junao's words. Regardless of anything else, just being accused of neglecting government and laziness in government will eliminate the need for this official to work. After all, Li Junao has pointed out many times that this kind of behavior is more hateful than corruption.

Once an important official in the office is labeled as such by Li Junao, he will basically leave.

Sure enough, Li Junao looked at Zhang Yao and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I won't say any more unnecessary nonsense. I am very busy with official duties every day, but I am not as free as you. From today on, all five of you will Suspended, let me go home and reflect. Dismissed!"

After saying this, Li Junao stood up directly and walked out of the conference room. Look at what he means, he doesn't allow others to say no at all.

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