Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2294 Morgue

There is usually someone on duty at the entrance to the morgue. However, when Zhang Yu followed Chu Zhenhuan in, he saw no one in the duty room.

Chu Zhenhuan's call must have worked, as the hospital had transferred the person on duty.

After passing the first door, there is a metal door going forward. The metal door is open at this moment. Chu Zhenhuan and Zhang Yu went in together with two followers. At this time, the follower walked forward and soon arrived at a morgue freezer.

The two put on white gloves and opened the door of the freezer. There was a body lying inside, covered with a white cloth.

"Director..." The two followers looked at Chu Zhenhuan together, waiting for Chu Zhenhuan's instructions.

Chu Zhenhuan didn't say anything, just waved his fingers.

The two people understood immediately, and one of them lifted the white cloth directly. Under the white cloth, there is a clear corpse with knife wounds on it, which has obviously been dissected. Judging from the appearance of the corpse, it was exactly the same as the deceased Dong Luo in the photo. Looking at the corpse spots on the body, it is similar to what Chu Zhenhuan said, at least for more than three days.

"Can you see what's wrong?" Chu Zhenhuan looked at Zhang Yu and whispered.

Although Zhang Yu was proficient in medicine, he was not strong in autopsies. At most, he could roughly judge how a person died and how long he had been dead from the scars on the corpse.

The forensic doctor must have studied Dong Luo's body carefully now. No matter whether it was internal or external injuries, they would never escape their eyes.

The most obvious injury on Dong Luo's body was the strangulation mark on his neck, and there was only one mark, which clearly indicated that he had been strangled to death. One strangulation mark means that he was strangled only once. If he was strangled and then hung, there would definitely be two marks.

Zhang Yu looked carefully and couldn't see anything wrong. So he reached out and grabbed the corpse's wrist, which was cold. He then closed his eyes and felt Dong Luo's corpse with his inner eye.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu was immediately stunned.

It turned out that although the three souls were no longer in Dong Luo's body, two of the seven souls remained in the body and had not dispersed.

After death, the soul of life is the first to leave the body. The heavenly soul goes to heaven, the earthly soul returns to the underworld, and the seven souls will also leave the body and disappear with the departure of the three souls.

But at this moment, there is still strength and courage in Dong Luo's body. The force is on the heart chakra, and is connected to the center of both hands and feet at the same time. It is very dim at the moment, and it is not difficult for Zhang Yu to confirm that Dong Luo's force will disappear in two more days. And that aura was even more weird, as it was entangled in black silk airflow, but it was about to dissipate.

The coroner must not be able to see the condition of Dong Luo's soul in his body, but Zhang Yu can clearly see it.

This is a kind of evil magic, and Zhang Yu knows its principles. You need to know the birth date of the deceased, and then you can easily do it by making origami people.

However, it is very harmful to one's moral character to kill people by this method. A real Taoist master would not bother to use this method at all.

The specific method is that before hanging, the person puts his soul into the paper man. There is only one spirit left in the body, and that is the force spirit. Why should I keep the force in my body? It is used to hang myself. If all the strength and energy left the body, he would definitely not be able to go up and would need someone to help him commit suicide.

If someone hangs the body up, the police may find clues. If the deceased were to tie a rope and hang himself up, no one would be able to find him.

But the problem is that Dong Luo still has aura in his body, and the aura is still entangled by the black air flow. Soon, Zhang Yu realized that Dong Luo was mute. I had never been mute before and was an excellent policeman. However, due to the death of my father, I suddenly became mute from crying. Vigor is in the throat chakra. Once the vigor is damaged, it will not directly kill the person, but it can make the person mute immediately. Such a method is even more painful than killing a person.

Dong Luo cried mutely and could not be cured. Zhang Yu originally thought it was impossible. At this moment, Zhang Yu completely understood what was going on. It is clear that Dong Luo's muteness was calculated by others.

After understanding what was going on, Zhang Yu opened his eyes and said calmly: "Uncle Chu, we can go."

Chu Zhenhuan glanced at Zhang Yu, said nothing, just nodded, turned around and left. Zhang Yu and him walked hand in hand, and the two followers were responsible for covering the body and pushing it into the freezer again.

Zhang Yu and Chu Zhenhuan got into the car. They were the only two people in the car. Chu Zhenhuan said, "How is Xiao Yu? Did you see anything?"

"I can see that the person died before hanging himself." Zhang Yu replied.

"How did you die?" Chu Zhenhuan asked.

"My life was directly taken away by a master using sorcery. This kind of sorcery requires knowing the target's birth date. As long as you have this, it is not difficult to implement it. In addition, Dong Luo became mute back then, and it was also calculated by others. Come to think of it, The enemy must have hired a master... I just don't know if the person who attacked Dong Luo is the same one..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"So that's it..." Chu Zhenhuan couldn't help but take a breath and said, "I really didn't expect that there would be such a person next to the other party... So do you think you can handle it..."

"Uncle Chu, don't worry. If you can't find that person, you'll just have to deal with it. Once I see him, he's angry enough. I will definitely eliminate the demon and defend the way!" Zhang Yu said solemnly.

His tone was full of confidence, and it seemed that he didn't take that evil sect master seriously at all.

Chu Zhenhuan nodded and said, "But now that the clues are interrupted, it's not easy to find that person. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Method..." Zhang Yu thought for a while and said: "I think the key point of this case lies in Luo Chen. She probably knows a lot of things, but she is in the hands of the patrol. I don't know the specifics. I don’t know the situation at all, and it’s really hard to find a breakthrough...Uncle Chu, please see if you can release Luo Chen first, even if you let me talk to her..."

"I also know something about her situation... She once entered Dong Luo's home, but did not report the crime. This is very suspicious... Although there is no evidence, the patrol room must be released after 48 hours. "Human, coupled with your identity, there is a lot of pressure on the patrol... But it is hard to say whether the crime squad will find excuses to keep Luo Chen..." Chu Zhenhuan said slowly: "I think so, Forty-eight hours, plus the time that has passed, I will ask the patrol chief to detain her for a total of forty-eight hours at most, and then let her come out to meet you..."

"Then I'll bother Uncle Chu." Zhang Yu said.

"You're welcome, this matter... now I need to rely on your ability. The one who should say thank you is actually me..." Chu Zhenhuan said.

"Uncle Chu, didn't you say that we all work for the Office, so please don't thank me..." Zhang Yu laughed.

"Hahahaha..." Chu Zhenhuan couldn't help laughing and said: "You kid, you have learned to speak in official style now..."

At this time, Chu Zhenhuan's two fundamentals came out. However, the two did not get into the car, but just stayed outside the car.

After Chu Zhenhuan rolled up the window, the two got in the car and drove out of the hospital through the back door.

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