Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2275 No problem

Wenxian took the plan out of the document bag and looked at it directly. Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru on the side did not say anything, just waiting quietly. Although Wen Xian was just a secretary, she was Xiao Mingshan's right-hand man left to Xiao Jiejie. She had seen many big scenes with Xiao Mingshan back then, so she could naturally understand this kind of plan.

There were several pages in the plan. Wenxian nodded while reading it. It took almost half an hour to read the entire plan. It can be seen how carefully Wenxian looked.

After reading it, Wenxian put the plan on the coffee table, with a smile on her face, and said: "You two, I have read your plan, and the content on it is quite ideal. The chairman is not here at the moment From home, Mr. Xiao will have to wait until a meeting later, so I don’t think it’s better to do this. I’ll send you two to the reception room to rest for a while, and after Mr. Xiao comes, we can have an interview again.”


"no problem."

Yuan Tianru and Li Meizhen both nodded and said.

Wenxian immediately arranged for her secretary to send the two of them to the reception room to rest, and she followed them to the door.

When someone came, she closed the door, immediately took out her cell phone, and dialed Xiao Jiejie's number.

The phone was quickly connected, and Xiao Jiejie's voice sounded, "Hello, Sister Wen."

"Miss Xiao, I have already read the plans that the two sent me," Wen Xian said.

"What do you think?" Xiao Jiejie asked.

"The project is very good and will be of great benefit to the company's development prospects. It is mutually beneficial," Wen Xian said.

"Is there really no problem?" Xiao Jiejie was somewhat unconvinced.

"According to the content in the plan, there is indeed no problem. If there is a problem, it should be that the investment is relatively large. However, the hotel industry has always invested heavily in the early stage, and there is no investment in the later stage." Wen Xian said slowly : "They hope that the three companies will join forces to acquire Changxing Hotel Group. Due to poor management, Changxing Hotel Group's annual financial report has been negative, but its assets are considerable. Once acquired, it can indeed flex its muscles."

"That's it... I'm almost at the company now. When I arrive, we'll talk in detail." Xiao Jiejie said.


After hanging up the phone, Wenxian waited in the office. After about twenty minutes, the door of the office opened and the person who came in was Xiao Jiejie.

"Mr. Xiao." Wenxian immediately stood up from the sofa.

The other secretary also stood up and said hello, "Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Jiejie nodded slightly, waved to Wenxian, and said in a dignified manner: "Come in and chat."

After saying that, she went directly into the large office inside.

Wenxian followed with the plan, and the two sat down on the big sofa. Xiao Jiejie did not treat Wenxian as an outsider and said directly: "Sister Wen, please tell me the details in the plan."

Wenxian first handed the plan to Xiao Jiejie. Xiao Jiejie read it while Wenxian explained it beside her.

The content of the plan is divided into several steps and is explained very clearly. Yangtze River Tourism Group is mainly engaged in the tourism industry. It has travel agencies in major cities in all provinces across the country and has a huge business volume. Feihua Decoration Group is a relatively well-known manufacturer of decorative materials in China and has a huge sales network.

If you want to cooperate, you must show sincerity. Both companies have provided three years of financial statements. Yangtze River Tourism Group's main business income has been growing positively for the past three years, but today's growth is slow and has reached a bottleneck period.

Feihua Decoration was a trend-setter during the boom period of the real estate industry. However, as the real estate market has shown a slump in the past two days, transaction volume has dropped significantly, and the output and sales of decorative materials have gradually declined.

In this case, the two companies decided to expand into the hotel industry. They set their target at the Changxing Hotel Group, which was currently in decline. However, it was still difficult to support it with the strength of the two companies. After thinking about it, they decided to seek cooperation with Wudang Group.

The two companies are very optimistic about the prospects of the hotel industry. Coupled with the natural advantages of Yangtze River Tourism Group, they have a certain guarantee for the hotel's passenger flow.

After Xiao Jiejie finished reading the plan, Wenxian also finished her explanation.

Xiao Jiejie nodded slightly and said: "The idea of ​​the two of them is indeed good. Judging from the current trends in the real estate industry, it has reached an absolute bottleneck period. The market is relatively saturated. I am afraid that the future prospects will not be optimistic. Generally speaking, both Mainly based on property income. If we can enter the hotel industry, it would be a good choice..."

At this point, Xiao Jiejie paused and then said: "If we, Wudang Group, acquire Changxing Hotel Group by ourselves, what is the success rate?"

"Changxing Hotel Group has a lot of fixed assets, and hotels are located in all major administrative and executive districts across the country. The assets of Changxing Hotel Group are evaluated in the plan, which is about 40 billion. I just conducted a simple survey online, although It's not very accurate, but it's generally worth this amount. Wudang Group is currently developing rapidly, but it is almost impossible to spend so much money to complete the acquisition at once." Wen Xian said seriously.

"So, do you think this cooperation is feasible?" Xiao Jiejie asked again.

"It's feasible." Wen Xian nodded and said.

Xiao Jiejie also nodded and leaned on the back of the sofa, with a solemn look on her face.

Seeing her like this, Wenxian couldn't help but said curiously: "Mr. Xiao, what's wrong? Why do you look so embarrassed?"

"You said there is no problem here, and it is feasible...but why do I think it is unreliable..." Xiao Jiejie frowned and said.

"This plan does have great prospects, but we don't have to cooperate. If Mr. Xiao thinks it's inappropriate, we don't have to do it. Of course, the chairman is not here, so I think it's best to ask for his opinion." Wen Xian Said gently.

"Seek Zhang Yu's opinion..." Xiao Jiejie pondered, then muttered in her heart, "Okay, let me see what Zhang Yu means..."

It can be said that if Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru were not brought here by Yang Ying, Xiao Jiejie might not be suspicious. Just because she was involved with Yang Ying, Xiao Jiejie would think about it even if there seemed to be no problem.


The daytime in China is the night in England. At this moment, Zhang Yu was dining with Dudek and Wilmore at the Intercontinental Hotel.

During the day, the three of them visited a piece of land owned by the Catholic Church. This piece of land was one of the three pieces of land Dudek promised to Zhang Yu. It was located in Liverpool.

The land is very large, and it is used to build Taoist temples, so the scale will never be small. The land had been renamed and transferred, so Zhang Yu was naturally not polite, but he had already made up his mind to build a Taoist temple without any rush.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this time, the mobile phone in his arms rang. He took it out and saw that it was Xiao Jiejie calling.

Zhang Yu stood up and gestured to go out to answer the phone. He left the room before answering, "Hello, Jie Jie."

"Zhang Yu, isn't your matter over there yet?" Xiao Jiejie asked.

"It's all over. We will return home early tomorrow morning." Zhang Yu said.

"That's just right. Representatives from two companies came to discuss cooperation with us. I have already read the plan. There is no problem. I will wait for you to come back and make a decision." Xiao Jiejie said.

"What kind of project is the cooperative business?" Zhang Yu asked.

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