Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2273 Qi Wuxuan

"There's no devil in her!" Pisano replied bluntly.

"There is no inner demon." Qi Wuxuan was stunned for a moment and said curiously: "Didn't you say before that everyone has a demon living in their heart?"

"Yes, there is a devil living in everyone's heart, but a key is needed to release the devil. There is a saying in the East, which is that suspicion breeds ghosts. If a person is always entangled in one thing, he will always It's the inability to let go that creates inner demons." Pisano said slowly: "This girl is very simple. She doesn't have any entanglements in her heart. She just trusts Zhang Yu extremely. It is precisely because she has no entanglements in her heart, so I won't have inner demons. No matter how great I am, I can't make a person with no distracting thoughts have inner demons. You should understand what I mean."

"I understand." Qi Wuxuan nodded and said.

At this moment, Pisano couldn't help but sigh, "There are very few people in this world who can have unconditional trust without any entanglement in their hearts."

"Actually, it's not a big deal without her. Fang Tong is the most worthless person on Zhang Yu's side. Xiao Jiejie is the most important. She has no shares in the group, which is the key to victory or defeat. In addition, there are There are Yang Ying and Luo Chen, both of whom are close to Zhang Yu. If they are used appropriately, they will definitely make Zhang Yu exhausted and exhausted." Qi Wuxuan said confidently.

"Is he really the most worthless person?" Pisano muttered softly.

"What's wrong?" Qi Wuxuan looked at Pisano curiously.

"I can't tell. As you said, such a simple little girl really has no value. However, it is extremely difficult for people to do this. This is the first time I have seen it. I guess, even Zhang Yu , if the cultivation is not enough, I will also lead out the devil in my heart." Pisano said this and shook his head gently.

"I will never despise anyone, especially the great astrologer said so, and I can't despise her even more." Qi Wuxuan said immediately.

"That's not necessary, you can act according to your plan. If you need me to do anything, you can tell me directly." Pisano said.

"Thank you, great astrologer." Qi Wuxuan nodded and said, "If this trick can be used on Zhang Yu's allies, will they all turn against Zhang Yu?"

Pisano shook his head slightly and said: "The devils hidden in everyone's heart are different. It mainly depends on what they are struggling with and what they have doubted. It does not mean that if I use this trick on these people, they will all be like Zhang Yu Turning against each other may be self-defeating, and it may make these people get closer to Zhang Yu. Moreover, the formation I set up consumes a lot of money, so it is impossible to use it casually in large quantities."

"That's it." Qi Wuxuan nodded. He was so smart. Of course he understood what Pisano meant. Everyone has entanglements in their hearts. As long as they are entangled with Zhang Yu, they will doubt Zhang Yu. But if you are not entangled with Zhang Yu, you will only doubt others, and you may even trust Zhang Yu more.

In addition, although Pisano helped, he did not work for him Qi Wuxuan. He also wanted to use it for everyone. The cost of setting up a formation did not mean that he had money. Qi Wuxuan smiled and said, "That's it for now. It's getting late, so I won't disturb the great astrologer's rest."

Pisano nodded slightly and said, "Padoin, please send Mr. Qi off for me."

Qi Wuxuan stood up and was sent out of the study by Padoin, then went downstairs and left the villa on the top of the mountain.

After coming out of the villa, there were two followers waiting for him outside the courtyard. Then they took a sightseeing car and followed Qi Wuxuan down the mountain.

Qi Wuxuan was sitting in the car, glanced at a man in his thirties sitting behind him, and said, "Ah Jin, is there any news about Pan Chonghai?"

"No. We have investigated all the Pan family's current properties. No matter where they are, there is no whereabouts of Pan Chonghai. We also inquired about the Pan family gathering, and we only know that he may be with Zhang Yu. Others I don’t know anything.” Ah Jin said.

"I believe that he will often check the stock price of Wudang Group. Once we make any move, he will definitely be discovered. It is really not a good thing for us to always let him hide in the dark." Qi Wuxuan said.

"Beside Zhang Yu, there are tall and thin traders like Jin Aoxiang and Yang Huainian. With their abilities, even if Pan Chonghai is not around, they may be able to see some problems." Ah Jin said.

"Jin Aoxiang and Yang Huainian are generals. Under the correct command, they can fight for cities and land, and decide the gains and losses of one city or one place. Pan Chonghai is a well-deserved general. He can coordinate the overall situation, determine the outcome of the entire battle, and has the ability to turn the tide of the war. Zhang Yu is like Xiang Yu, Pan Chonghai is like Fan Zeng, Jin Aoxiang and Yang Huainian are like Long Qie and Yingbu. If Xiang Yu listened to Fan Zeng in everything, how terrible would it be? How could Liu Bang stand up? Land. If Fan Zeng is not here, then Xiang Yu will only end up with one fate just relying on Long Qie and Yingbu." Qi Wuxuan said eloquently.

"What the boss said is absolutely true. Unfortunately, we don't know where he is. If we want to divide him and Zhang Yu, we may not be able to do it," A Jin said.

"The most important thing in Pan Chonghai's heart should be the Pan family. In my opinion, it is better to use the Pan family to lure him out first." Qi Wuxuan said, waving back gently.

Ah Jin quickly stretched his neck and moved his face towards her.

Qi Wuxuan whispered in A Jin's ear, and A Jin nodded repeatedly.

The sightseeing bus slowly came down from the mountain and came to the villa where Qi Wuxuan lived.

The villa he lives in is not big. It was assigned to him in Longhu Villa when Qi Tongwei was in power. The layout and quality are just average.

But Qi Wuxuan is not picky about these, after all, he does not live here often.

Now that he has moved into Longhu Villa, he can choose any villa there, but Qi Wuxuan has not changed and still lives in this relatively ordinary two-story villa.

After getting off the sightseeing car, Qi Wuxuan looked at A Jin and said, "You should do what I want now."

"Yes, boss." Ah Jin nodded and left immediately.

After he left, Qi Wuxuan looked at another follower. This man was nearly forty. From his appearance, he looked like a very capable person.

"Aqun, starting from tomorrow, you will start buying Wudang Group's stocks in the securities market." Qi Wuxuan said.

"Yes, boss." Aqun nodded and continued: "But Wudang Group does not have many shares on the market. Fan Shiji's shares were pledged in the bank, and Zhang Yu had already obtained them at a low price. He has a heavy share of the shares. , are you sure we take action now?"

"I will find a way to make him spit out some of the chips in his hand. We will definitely win this round!" Qi Wuxuan said confidently.

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