Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2270 Eye Disease

Yang Ying didn't understand why Xiao Jiejie was still crying. Although she had just heard the secret of "Xiao Jiejie" and "Zhang Yu", she still asked with concern: "What happened?"

However, when Xiao Jiejie heard this, she immediately gave Yang Ying a hateful look and said, "You don't have to worry about it!"

After saying this, she gritted her teeth and walked towards her room.

How did Yang Ying know Xiao Jiejie's thoughts? Seeing Xiao Jiejie's malicious eyes, Yang Ying couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

She wondered in her mind what was going on with this girl. Could it be that she just heard the secret outside? Xiao Jiejie told Zhang Yu about it, but Zhang Yu told her? So this girl felt wronged and cried.

Women's imagination has always been richer than men's, and they are even more suspicious when it comes to emotions.

Especially this kind of heart-wrenching thing, often makes women lose their ability to think and become cranky. Just like best friends of ten or twenty years, they can turn against each other because of some trivial things or other people's instigation. Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie have only known each other for a long time, but their hearts are apart from each other. Just because they are good on the surface does not mean they are really good.

Xiao Jiejie returned to her room. After her father passed away, she became stronger than before. But now, she couldn't help but feel sad and aggrieved. Zhang Yu was her only support, and she also regarded Yang Ying as her big sister. She didn't expect that this was the only thing on her mind, which made her feel betrayed.

Her tears continued to fall, and she walked feebly to the closet. She wanted to change her clothes and leave, but when she opened the closet, another ominous premonition suddenly appeared in her heart.

"If I just leave like this, Yang Ying will definitely think that I heard their conversation outside the door. She will definitely tell Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu has great supernatural powers. If he wants to do something to me... No, I can't Let them find out... I must bear it now and never let them see it..." Xiao Jiejie warned herself in her heart.

She immediately calmed down and walked towards the bathroom. She went inside, wiped away her tears, washed her face, and pretended that nothing was wrong.

When I looked in the mirror, the circles under my eyes were still slightly red, and it was hard not to notice someone who had just cried.

Xiao Jiejie stabilized her emotions, and after coming out of the bathroom, she opened the door and left the room.

Yang Ying was still standing in the corridor, thinking wildly. As soon as Xiao Jiejie saw her, she immediately smiled and said softly: "Little aunt, I just saw that you seemed a little unhappy, so I went over to take a look, but accidentally twisted it. My feet. My ankles hurt too much, so I went back to the room to relax for a while."

Hearing what she said, Yang Ying cursed in her heart, are you fooling around here? I even sprained my foot, and it only took a few steps. I just saw you walking very neatly when you returned to the bedroom.

Yang Ying thought that Xiao Jiejie must still be pretending. Maybe after returning to the room, she called Zhang Yu, and maybe she was scolded by Zhang Yu. She vaguely realized that Zhang Yu probably still missed her old relationship, and she really couldn't bear to let him go. After all, Zhang Yu hadn't chased her out in person yet.

"That's all..." Yang Ying said in her heart: "I am not worthy of Xiao Yu. It's all my fault that I am here today... Xiao Yu probably doesn't want me to leave now. When will he really... When you ask me to leave, I might as well leave again..."

She also made up her mind, so she said: "I just slipped in the corridor and was in a bad mood. Don't mind. By the way, I guess they are also impatient. Let's go downstairs to eat together." "

"You're still pretending..." Xiao Jiejie cursed fiercely in her heart.

A smile appeared on the girl's face and she said, "Yes, don't keep them waiting, let's go downstairs to eat."

In this way, the two of them had their own thoughts and walked downstairs in harmony.

Luo Chen was still sitting on the corner of the second floor and shedding tears. Suddenly she heard footsteps going downstairs. She was so frightened that she quickly got up from the ground and wiped her tears.

Soon, Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie came down. When Luo Chen saw them, he hurriedly said hello, "You guys are down."

Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie were so preoccupied that they didn't even notice how Luo Chen ended up here after spending so long up there. He even didn't pay attention to Luo Chen's red eyes.

The two of them just greeted Luo Chen symbolically, "Come down." "Go downstairs to eat."

Seeing that Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie didn't notice his tears, Luo Chen reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't go downstairs, for fear of being discovered later, so she said, "I think I forgot something. Let's go upstairs to get it first."

After saying that, she quickly ran upstairs.

Likewise, she was a little panicked and didn't notice the red circles in Yang Ying's eyes.

Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie went downstairs, where Fang Tong and Ye Fenghuang were sitting in the big living room. As soon as they met, the little girl immediately realized that something was wrong between Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie. She hurriedly asked: "Little aunt, Jiejie, what's wrong with you two? The circles under your eyes are red."

"My eyes were a little dull, so I went back to the room and put some eye drops." Yang Ying explained.

"My eyes seem to be a little inflamed. I just rubbed them with my hands." Xiao Jiejie explained.

No one would believe that sand got into the eyes, so I can only say this.

Fang Tong was also naive and said: "Little aunt, you want eye drops, why don't you call me. Jiejie, you are the same. You know that your eyes are inflamed and you can't rub them with your hands. By the way, sister Luo Chen, why haven't you done it yet? Come down, she always comes down earlier than you..."

As she said that, the little girl glanced at the stairs.

"Luo Chen said he forgot something and went back to his room. Let's go sit in the restaurant and wait for her." Yang Ying pretended to be gentle and said.

"Okay." Fang Tong nodded.

At that moment, the girls walked towards the restaurant together. The nanny has already prepared the meal, so no one else is needed to serve the meal. Usually, Fang Yatou is responsible for serving the meal.

To be honest, Ye Fenghuang is also a rough woman. She can only understand modern society through TV. Therefore, she couldn't hear anything wrong with Yang Ying and Xiao Jiejie's words, and she even had a vague impression of what inflammation meant.

Entering the restaurant, he waited for a while before seeing Luo Chen come in. However, Luo Chen was fully prepared and even wore a pair of glasses with purple lenses.

Seeing her wearing glasses, Xiao Jiejie and Yang Ying didn't take it to heart, and the little girl was inevitably puzzled again. Luo Chen had already thought of how to explain, using the excuse that he didn't sleep well last night and had just put on some eye drops so he couldn't be blown away by the wind.

After hearing this, the little girl thought to herself, what's wrong with you three? Your eyes are sick all day long.

This lunch was really hasty and I lost the joy of the past. Normally, they would play mahjong for a while after eating, but tonight, they didn't have any thoughts.

Luo Chen only ate a few mouthfuls and then said he was full. Xiao Jiejie went upstairs only half a minute later than Luo Chen. Yang Ying waited for Xiao Jiejie to go upstairs, then went upstairs, but she didn't go to the bedroom on the third floor. Instead, she went to the rooftop to enjoy the cold wind.

Seeing the three people leaving so quickly, Fang Tong couldn't help but pursed his lips, and couldn't help but wonder in his mind, "What happened to them today? They don't seem to be willing to talk to me... It can't be Zhang Yu mailing me a gift." , they must have known about it...and they didn't..."

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