Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2267 Music Box

If it was an ordinary express mail, Xiao Jiejie would definitely not go down by herself. She would just put it in the mail room and let the secretary pick it up.

But when she heard that it was from England, her first thought was that the express mail was probably sent by Zhang Yu.

As long as it was about Zhang Yu, this girl was absolutely positive and she immediately went downstairs. Sure enough, she saw a delivery car parked downstairs, and a young man in work clothes was waiting for her with a box in his hand.

Xiao Jiejie greeted the other party and then signed for it.

This box is not small, square and square, measuring 40 centimeters in length, width and height. Look at the labels affixed above, they are all from England, but there is no name of the sender signed on them. Xiao Jiejie held it in her hand and couldn't wait to open it.

She took the box upstairs and back to her office. Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Jiejie placed the box on the coffee table and then opened the box.

There is an inflatable protective film inside, and inside the protective film is a delicate box.

White with gold, European elegance, it looks so beautiful.

Xiao Jiejie opened the box and looked inside. There was a golden ball inside.

"What is this?" Xiao Jiejie was very curious and took the golden ball out. It was definitely made of metal, but it probably wasn't gold. It weighed almost half a catty.

After just a little research, Xiao Jiejie discovered that it turned out to be a music box. She flipped the switch, and the middle of the ball opened automatically, revealing a crystal piano inside.

Then, the beautiful music sounded, so beautiful and beautiful.

Listening to the music, Xiao Jiejie closed her eyes involuntarily, leaned on the sofa, and started to enjoy it.

The beautiful music made the corners of her mouth curl up, and she felt sweet in her heart, "This stinky guy actually knows how to be romantic. He lives in England and knows how to send me gifts. This music box is so beautiful."

She was sweet, completely lost in ambiguity and joy.

At the same time, in the financial office downstairs.

Yang Ying's director's office is inside the big office. She sits inside and looks at the reports. It's December, and there are a lot of things going on in the group.

"Ring ring ring"

The cell phone she placed on the boss's desk rang.

Yang Ying picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. She answered the call and said, "Hello, hello."

"Hello, hello. I'm from Delivery Service. Are you Yang Ying?" A man's voice rang on the phone.

"It's me, what's the matter?" Yang Ying asked.

"Here is a copy of your overseas express, which was airlifted from England. I'm downstairs at Wudang Group. Can you go downstairs and pick it up?" the man said.

"Express from England." Yang Ying's heart suddenly moved, and then she said: "I'll get down right now!"

After saying this, she stood up and walked out of the office.

Yang Ying arrived outside the company very quickly and saw a delivery car parked there. A young man in uniform was waiting for her, holding a box in his hands.

After simply signing for it, Yang Ying took the box upstairs. This box is exactly the same as the box Xiao Jiejie received just now.

Because it had an English label on it, Yang Ying's first feeling was that this thing was mailed by Zhang Yu.

Back in her office, Yang Ying, like Xiao Jiejie, couldn't wait to open it. The packaging inside is exactly the same as Xiao Jiejie's, it is also a golden ball music box.

Yang Ying also turned on the switch, the balls separated, and beautiful music sounded. For a moment, Yang Ying felt happy, as if she was in a sea of ​​sweetness.

Not only Xiao Jiejie and Yang Ying received the music box, but after a while, Luo Chen and Fang Tong also received the same gift.

Luo Chen usually stays outside Zhang Yu's office, and Fang Tong usually follows him to the company in the morning. But in December, the company was very busy, and Xiao Jiejie and the others didn't have much time, so Fang Tong simply stayed at home.

The music box was sent to her in the Jixiang Villa area. As soon as Fang Yatou heard that it was from England, she immediately went out to sign for it, and then went to the bedroom to open it. Seeing such a beautiful music box, the little girl immediately listened to it and was immediately intoxicated.

It is really a pleasure to listen to such beautiful music.

Listening to the music, she almost fell asleep, but couldn't. I don’t know how long it took, but the music stopped automatically.

Suddenly there was no movement. Fang Tong opened his eyes and saw that the music box on the bedside had closed by itself. She turned it on again, but there was no music playing, as if the battery was out of power.

"I just listened to it for a while. The quality of the matching battery is too poor." Fang Tong muttered and looked at his phone. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon.

"Did I fall asleep at this time? I don't think I fell asleep." She muttered in her heart again, and her eyes fell on the music box again.

Suddenly, another thought suddenly appeared in her mind, "Zhang Yu mailed me a gift from England. I don't know if my aunt and Jiejie are there. If they don't have them, Zhang Yu will definitely be unhappy." It certainly won’t be mailed to just me, but what if it’s not mailed to them, or they haven’t received it yet?”

"No, I can't let them see it, lest they think about it if they don't have it. When they come back, if they bring a gift, I will take it out. If not, I will pretend that I didn't receive it at all." This girl was determined. The idea was to put the music box into the box and put the outer boxes together as well.

After thinking about it, I definitely can't put it in this bedroom.

Although Fang Tong has been living with Yang Ying at night, she has a bedroom in the villa, and some clothes and other things are placed in another bedroom.

The little girl took the box to the bedroom where she kept her clothes. The layout was the same. She put the box in the closet and covered it with clothes.

Seeing that she was safe, she came out and went downstairs to the living room to sit and watch TV, waiting for Yang Ying and the others to come back.

At around six o'clock, Yang Ying, Xiao Jiejie, and Luo Chen went home on time. The little girl immediately said hello, "You are back."

As she said this, her eyes carefully observed the hands of the three people to see if they came back with Zhang Yu's gift.

All three of Yang Ying's bags have small bags, but it's obvious that they can't hold the music box at all. Nothing more than the packet.

"I'm back." "I'm back." "I'll go upstairs to change my clothes first, and we'll have dinner together later." All three women said this.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Fang Yatou said sweetly.

Having said that, she was murmuring in her heart, "The three of them. Sister Luo Chen must not have any gifts. Why don't the little aunt and Xiao Jiejie have any? Could it be that Zhang Yu only mailed them to me? Then I'd better Take a look first, don’t take it out, it will save them from overthinking.”

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