Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2249 Thousands of clues

The two qi of yin and yang wrap the green career luck and flow from the third floor to the second floor. In the process of spreading out, the white filaments of air flowing up are taken into the arms, letting it intertwine with the green career luck flow. Come together. Everything went so smoothly, and the Yin and Yang energy spread from the second floor to the first floor.

There are many people on the first floor and stairs, including many experts. As soon as several experts saw the Yin and Yang air currents rushing down, they immediately observed carefully.

The two qi of yin and yang, as the name suggests, one yin and one yang. When yin and yang are coordinated, the breath will make people feel particularly comfortable. Even if you can't see the yin and yang here, you can still feel the breath of the formation floating down now. The yin and yang energy seemed to have eyes, drifting slowly towards the living room, getting closer and closer to the chandelier on the living room.

The white air flow emitted from the chandelier is wrapped step by step by the yin and yang, and then blends and entwines with the green air flow.

Finally, the Yin and Yang Qi came to the chandelier in the large living room, and the air flow slowly surrounded the chandelier. The masters downstairs stared closely at this, because they understood that this was the critical moment for the formation stacking.

As long as the green career luck is completely connected with the formation eye with the help of Yin and Yang Qi, then this step of superposition will be successful.

The experts at the scene nodded slightly. In their opinion, Zhang Yu's formation was really easy to use. It is estimated that the formation stacking can be completed in less than a minute. But after only twenty seconds, something unexpected happened.

They lowered their eyes and saw a series of white air currents suddenly pouring out from the chandelier. This is completely different from the previous stream of air slowly flowing out. Although it is also in the shape of thin threads, it is like thousands of strands, densely packed, and the endless white threads are like wild horses running wild. They are not controlled by the yin and yang at all, and they are not integrated with the green flow of career luck. They just follow the flow. Following the path of the yin and yang energy, he quickly rushed upstairs.

Seeing this, the experts on the first floor were stunned for a moment, and then someone shouted: "There is a problem here! Go up and take a look!"

Almost at the same moment, someone turned around and ran up the stairs. There were some people who could only feel luck. After hearing this, they saw some masters running upwards. They all followed suit and ran upstairs, as if something good was about to happen.

Zhang Yu, who was upstairs, did not see what happened downstairs, but he could still feel that the yin and yang qi enveloped the formation eye on the first floor and slowly stacked the formations.


For a moment, Zhang Yu was suddenly stunned, and he felt something was wrong. Before he could react, thousands of white filaments poured into the corridor on the third floor.

The sudden change was really unexpected. Wilmore, Che Xinyumi and others scattered around Zhang Yu were also shocked when they saw this. In their opinion, there should be no problem if Zhang Yu wants to stack formations.

"What's going on?" "Something's wrong!" "Why is this happening?"... These people screamed in their hearts.

The speed at which the white silk threads came was too fast. No matter how capable and experienced Zhang Yu was, it was absolutely impossible to respond in such a short period of time.

Zhang Yu stared down at the thousands of threads coming up, and within a second, they rushed to the side of the rotating copper coins above his head, and then surrounded the copper coin formation.

The white silk airflow looked very fierce and domineering, and in the blink of an eye it wrapped up all the eighty-eight-sixty-four copper coins in the outer circle.

Just three seconds later, everyone on the third floor heard a "buzzing" sound, which was the trembling sound of copper coins.

"Tang Teng Teng..." "Tang Teng Teng..." "Tang Teng Teng..."...

A series of footsteps roared from downstairs, and other guests arrived one after another. Regardless of whether they could see the flow of Qi or not, they could clearly see that the copper coins suspended above Zhang Yu's head were trembling and making sounds.

"Something's really wrong!" "What's going on? It was fine just now." "It seems that the formation here is attacking Zhang Yu's formation." "Yes, that's it, Rockenwell's formation , it’s too weird.” “Why do I feel now that this formation is somewhat different from the last formation. Last time, it didn’t seem so troublesome!” “It must be different, this is still useful Say." "Then, wouldn't that be tantamount to cheating." "Do you have evidence? We can only look at it before talking." "Yes, look at it first before talking about it."...

None of the guests who can come here are stupid. They have realized at this moment that the formation arranged by Rockenwell this time is definitely different from last time.

They all murmured quietly, but their eyes kept staring at the trembling copper coins.

Edwards, the great astrologer, was not surprised at all when he saw this scene. He just had a faint smile on his face.

He turned to look at Charles and said in a very low voice: "Rockenwell's talent is indeed very high. I just learned the layout of the Gemini star formation from you yesterday, and today I can actually apply it in this way... Although it is slightly dangerous, But he has mastered the essence of the Gemini astrological formation. I think given time, his achievements will be extremely high..."

"Don't praise me so much, a great astrologer, but Rockenwell's talent is indeed very strong. Among my many disciples, he is the one who can inherit my position." Charles seemed humble, but he was also somewhat proud.

Rockenwell's talent is indeed too high. It is really unimaginable that the Gemini astrological formation that I just learned last night could be arranged like this after Zhang Yu's setback and with my vitality severely damaged.

Even Charles himself could not do this back then.

Edwards whispered again: "But Archbishop, you are a bit unkind..."

Charles was stunned for a moment, then smiled and asked in a low voice: "Why did the great astrologer say this..."

"Right now, it seems that Rockenwell has definitely crossed the threshold of a great astrologer, but you didn't tell me... Isn't this unkind..." Charles said with a deliberately serious face.

"I don't tell anyone because I'm afraid that Rockenwell will be too frivolous despite his fame... He still focuses on cultivation and has reached the level of a great astrologer. I have not told anyone about it, and I don't allow him to say it to the outside world... ..." Charles said quickly.

Edwards nodded and said: "Low-key and modesty are indeed virtues..."

While he was saying this, he was lamenting in his heart that his disciples were really not up to par. Looking at his disciples, each one was really more talented than the last one.

Charles has Rockenwell here, the island country has Che Xinyoumei, and the big eastern country has young masters like Kong Yi and Zhang Yu.

"Look! What's going on..." Suddenly, someone in the crowd couldn't help shouting.

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