Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2245 Essence

Everyone present could see Rockenwell's face, but almost everyone mistakenly thought that Rockenwell was tired.

After all, Edwards was a great astrologer, and he had a very good relationship with Charles, and he also knew some of the Feng Shui methods of the state religion.

Seeing Rockenwell's face, Edwards subconsciously glanced at Charles next to him. Seeing that Charles didn't show any expression, he hesitated for a moment and said nothing. He turned his head and still looked at Rockenwell. In Rockenwell's mouth, he was talking plausibly, and his voice was very vague, as if he didn't want the blood in his mouth to flow out.

Five minutes passed in the blink of an eye. Rockenwell put down his hand, picked up the Bible on the bed, immediately got out of bed, and walked outside.

Everyone made way for him, and after he went out, they followed him until he reached the bedroom at the other end of the corridor.

Rockenwell's steps were a little weak now, but he gritted his teeth, held himself up, and said in his heart: "Zhang Yu! Don't you have the ability to superimpose formations... Okay, I'll show you this time Look at how powerful I am..."

Arriving in the opposite bedroom, Rockenwell sat on the bed again, still in the same posture as before, holding up his right hand and talking plausibly.

Five minutes may seem like a short time to those who are watching, but to Rockenwell who is setting up the formation, it is such a long time.

Time passed by, and Rockenwell finally finished chanting. He stood up and walked outside again. He went all the way downstairs to the large living room on the first floor. At this time, someone needed to help him move a ladder. Even with the help of the staff, Rockenwell slowly climbed up.

A staff member unscrewed the lampshade and helped Rockenwell remove the two light bulbs. Rockenwell just took two out of his arms and replaced them.

This move was the same as last time. After Rockenwell came down, he sat cross-legged under the chandelier. This time he put the Bible on his lap, held it up with his hands, and muttered plausibly again.

Soon, everyone saw Rockenwell's body slowly turning on the ground, sometimes rushing forward, sometimes facing behind, back and forth.

His movements didn't look fast, but to his eyes, it looked like there were two people sitting under the chandelier in the large living room.

After a while, everyone felt that the aura of the formation was generated, and two streams of wealth and luck slowly floated downstairs.

The Westerners watching the scene were all astonished. They had also seen the layout of Rockenwell on the big screen before. Although it was mysterious at the time, it was still visible but not tangible. Now that it is visible and tangible, it seems even more magical.

The brilliance of a formation often lies in the fact that it is arranged in front of you. After you look at it, you will definitely not be able to arrange it according to the routine they laid out.

Because the formation is about the essence, the steps are not important. The basics are that there is a first and a last, and the order cannot be messed up. When a certain level is reached, none of this is a problem.

Rockenwell's formation has reached the essence of the formation. There is no need to follow the steps, you only need to follow the true meaning, and everything will be settled.

However, Rockenwell's face was even uglier than before, his face was as golden as paper. He propped himself up with his hands and tried to stand up, but failed. He simply stopped getting up and looked up at Zhang Yu, with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.

"Zhang Yu, please superimpose my formation. If you don't break the formation, but actually superimpose it successfully, then I will be convinced..." Rockenwell's words were quite strong, but his voice was very weak.

"No problem." A confident smile appeared on Zhang Yu's face. He turned around and walked straight towards the stairs.

Everyone was originally looking at Rockenwell. When they saw Zhang Yu walking upstairs, they no longer cared about Rockenwell and followed Zhang Yu upstairs.

Rockenwell sat on the ground, staring at everyone. Charles walked behind, looking at Rockenwell from the corner of his eye from time to time as he walked. In any case, Charles couldn't stay, because Wilmore and Dudek walked very slowly, as if they were waiting for Charles on purpose. Rockenwell watched as all these people went upstairs, leaving only four staff members downstairs. These four people were responsible for taking care of him, and they were all worried about Rockenwell lying down.

"You guys go out." Rockenwell waved his hand gently and said weakly.

The four staff members looked at each other and left the villa without daring to say anything.

Rockenwell opened his mouth and placed the palm of his right hand on his chin. A large mouthful of blood flowed from his mouth and fell on his hand. He grabbed the Bible with his left hand and wiped the blood on his right hand on the Bible.

Immediately, the blood on that hand slowly disappeared, as if it had been swallowed by the Bible.

"Zhang will never expect...this time, even if you don't die, you will definitely lose..." Rockenwell's eyes were blood red, and he said fiercely in his heart.

Zhang Yu went directly to the third floor. He looked at the sky and could see that the villa was now filled with red and orange air, just like the previous villa. However, there is one difference, that is, the current strength of luck is obviously stronger than the last time.

No one else knew about this, only Zhang Yu could discover it. After all, no other guests have come in before, and the strength of the formation is also related to the amount of energy invested by the person setting it up. It is not difficult to determine that Rockenwell should be risking his life this time.

Zhang Yu did not take action immediately, but first went to the rooms on both sides of the corridor to take a look.

That's right, only red air flowed out of the bed in the left room, and only orange-red air flowed out of the bed in the right room. The two streams of air were so strong that Zhang Yu had to admire that in this state, Rockenwell was able to arrange another formation with stronger luck in a short period of time.

"Even if your luck is stronger and your investment is bigger, I can still superimpose your formations..." Zhang Yu was still confident. He came out of the room on the right and walked slowly to the corridor on the third floor. middle.

All the guests have already witnessed it once. Zhang Yu laid out the superimposed Gemini star formation in this position.

This is the key to the magic of the formation. Everyone opens their eyes wide, wanting to see the clues.

Zhang Yu flipped his right hand, and the money sword appeared in his palm. He sat down cross-legged, and the money sword immediately spread out and turned into 108 copper coins. He first placed 8,864 copper coins in eight directions on his body. This arrangement, Kong Yi and Zen Master Wu Heng can tell at a glance that this is the Bagua orientation. Even Cha Xinyumi nodded slightly, seeming to know what it meant.

Zhang Yu then placed the eighteen copper coins in a circle around him. Finally, he took back eight copper coins and held nine copper coins in each hand.

Soon, he started to talk plausibly. As he was talking, eight hundred and sixty-four copper coins in the shape of eight trigrams were suspended first, followed by a circle of eighteen copper coins. Waiting for these copper coins to float in mid-air. After settling down, the copper coins on Zhang Yu's palms slowly floated up.

The nine copper coins in both hands were tightly gathered together, looking like two swimming fish.

When all the copper coins were formed, they began to rotate slowly, and two streams of air slowly emanated from the copper coins.

Feeling this, while standing and watching the car, Nobu Yumi couldn't help shouting, "Yes!"

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