Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2230 No deal without fighting

"It was like this at the time, but your strength is no longer what it used to be. I will teach you the key to the Gemini star formation this night. The time is a little short. Whether you can understand it or not depends entirely on you. "Charles said earnestly.

"Yes, teacher! The disciple will definitely fulfill his mission!" Rockenwell said solemnly.

The car started all the way to the Anglican Church.

Let's talk about Zhang Yu's side. Zhang Yu is looking at Wilmore. Wilmore now has a detached look on his face, so natural and calm.

It can be seen that this is a kind of detachment after enlightenment. It can even be said that after Ronnie forgave him, all the baggage in his heart was finally left behind. It's a feeling of relief, but also a feeling of relief.

Sister Linna and Father Jason were standing next to Wilmore, and it was obvious that both of them were a little excited. Needless to say, the relationship between Linna and Wilmore, Jason is also Wilmore's confidant. Now that Wilmore has the cultivation of a cardinal archbishop, his status in the Catholic Church will definitely be higher in the future, and he, Jason, will definitely rise with the tide.

At this time, Wilmore looked at Zhang Yu and said sincerely: "Tao Zhang, thank you!"

"Mr. Archbishop, there is no need to be polite. Everything is because of your own perception." Zhang Yu said politely.

"You can't say that. If you hadn't awakened me with your words, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get rid of the shadow in my heart and get the purification of my soul." Wilmore said sincerely again: "Daozhang Zhang, you have a saying in the East, called No matter what trouble you encounter in the future, no matter whether I, Wilmore, can do it or not, I will do my best."

"Then I would like to thank the Archbishop first." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

The two said a few more words, and it could be said that they couldn't make a deal without fighting. Wilmore is a good person in nature. For the first credit, which is money, he betrayed himself and helped Jill do evil things. But after that, Wilmore did become a qualified priest. Otherwise, it would be impossible to hold the position of archbishop. In the Catholic Church, if you want to be an archbishop, strength must be one aspect. However, in the process of improving step by step, it is not only about strength, but also to be recognized by Catholics, and one must have good conduct. Otherwise, you will not be promoted, and you will not be able to obtain higher-level skills.

Wilmore started as a deacon at the lowest level and helped many believers solve their problems step by step before he could climb to where he is today.

Dudek suddenly coughed when he saw the two of them talking enthusiastically.

The two quickly stopped talking and looked at Dudek, who said: "It's already late, we should go down the mountain and leave. In addition, Zhang Yu has to prepare for the finals of the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference tomorrow, so he must work hard rest."

"Mr. Cardinal Archbishop, the final has been staged tonight. I think Rockenwell will not have the face to face me again tomorrow." Zhang Yu said.

"Haha." Dudek shook his head and laughed, "Normally speaking, Rockenwell would not be so shameless. But don't forget, this is England. We have fallen out with Charles. How could he allow you to do this? The Easterners won the final championship. Therefore, even if Rockenwell doesn't want to, he will definitely participate in tomorrow's contest. Not only that, but from what I know about Charles, he will definitely help Rockenwell win you at all costs. It can be regarded as getting back tonight’s place.”

"It makes sense." Zhang Yu nodded.

"It's so late now, and I don't have much time to prepare for you. All I can do is have a good rest. Let's go down the mountain first. Wilmore, you can ask Zhang Daochang to go back to his residence. If you want anything, wait until after the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting , let’s continue talking.” Dudek said.

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded.

At the moment, Wilmore asked Sister Linna to take Zhang Yu back to rest. They drove two cars in total, both in the darkness halfway up the mountain. Sister Linna asked Zhang Yu and Yuan Xiaoxiao to go over and get in the car and go down the mountain to leave.

Dudek on the mountain said that he would go back in a large truck with Wilmore.

In fact, there is a reason for this. Whether the large truck will be photographed getting out of the vehicle by surveillance, or whether Charles will not give up and intercept the large truck halfway, these are all risks.

If Dudek and Wilmore followed the car, they would definitely avoid these risks. Firstly, Charles didn't dare to intercept him, and secondly, when he saw the police station, he also had some opinions. Just say that they saved the child, and then report the case. The reason why they don't show up is because they do good deeds without leaving their name. I don’t believe it, but the patrol room dared to forcibly arrest high-level Catholic officials without anyone taking the stolen goods.

Wilmore went to greet the people in the big truck. The tall and thin priest and the driver never got out of the truck. That was because they were sitting in the cab honestly and did not dare to come out according to Zhang Yu's wishes.

The reason is also very simple. Ninety-nine children have been let go. It depends on what Zhang Yu tells Wilmore.

Because the windows of the car were closed previously, the two of them could not hear what happened. Later, as everyone came to the car, the two guys also rolled the windows open, but they did not hear what Zhang Yu said at all. The conspiracy is over, but it can be seen that Wilmore seems to be very happy. .

Wilmore came to the car door and motioned for the two of them to get out of the car. As soon as the two guys got out of the car, the tall and thin priest said carefully: "We are the archbishop."

"Well done." Wilmore just nodded and went to the back car to wake up the two priests who had been knocked unconscious by Zhang Yu.

The two priests didn't know anything, and they were frightened. One of them said: "Archbishop, there is an Oriental who freed all those children. We can't defeat him. He is too powerful."

"Things went well. Don't worry. Come down." Wilmore said directly with a smile.

Seeing Wilmore smile, the two were so frightened that they mistakenly thought Wilmore was saying something sarcastic.

Wilmore didn't say much. He jumped out of the car and asked Jason to drive another car over. Jason pulled the three priests out of the car. Wilmore and Dudek got into the back of the truck, leaving the driver alone to drive.

This driver is also someone Wilmore trusts. Otherwise, how could he be arranged to sit for such a thing.

The large truck slowly went down the hill. Wilmore looked at Dudek and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I was the one who failed the church and almost brought shame to the Catholic Church. I'm guilty, so I ask the archbishop to apologize."

"It's good that you know. Fortunately, Charles didn't succeed this time. Otherwise, English Catholicism will be completely destroyed in your hands, and even the Holy See will be a shame!" Dudek said in a stern tone.

"I know I was wrong, let the red archbishop handle it, and I don't dare to complain!" Wilmore said solemnly again.

"We will deal with your matter later. After I return to Rome and report to the Pope, the Pope will make a decision." Dudek still said seriously.

"I'm willing to let the Pope handle it!" Wilmore lowered his head and said.

"You are troubled by inner demons. As Zhang Yu said, you fell into Charles's trap because you had a knot in your heart that you couldn't untie. I didn't know the truth before. I wanted to take you into custody after this matter was over. Return to the Holy See. But looking at it now, I can’t blame you completely. After returning to the Holy See, I will report everything here to the Pope exactly as it is. I believe that the Pope will make a fair decision." Dudek’s tone became Temper down.

"Thank you Cardinal Archbishop!" Wilmore said gratefully.

Dudek nodded slightly and said nothing more.

After a moment, Wilmore said curiously: "I wonder why the Cardinal came here?"

"It's not because of Bredvar's incident. The Pope ordered me to rush to London this time to check on the progress of your revenge on Bredvar. By the way, take a look at the results of the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Meeting, as well as Zhang Yu's "Strength," Dudek said slowly: "As a result, I unexpectedly discovered that you did not seem to have any concrete measures to avenge Bredvar. In addition, I also discovered that you secretly sent people to kidnap children, which attracted my attention. So I wanted to see what you meant. Later I found out that your people gathered those children together and sent them to Fukud Mountain tonight. I don’t know what your specific purpose is, but I know that this It's definitely not a good thing. Of course, I didn't know that this was Charles's conspiracy at the time, but I decided to stop you, because this kind of thing is definitely not something we Catholics do. Once discovered, it will definitely bring dust to the Catholic Church. The tire of the truck burst, and I was thinking about how to deal with it. Zhang Yu happened to come and he rescued these children, which also saved me a lot of work. I heard Zhang Yu and your men in secret saying, "We are going to get rich." Kudshan, you seem to be here, so I rushed over to take a look."

"I see. Fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise, I would have made a big mistake." Wilmore said gratefully.

"Charles went too far this time. Even though the feud between the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church has been going on for a long time, Charles wouldn't have gone so far." Dudek said bitterly.

"That's why you made a temporary decision to give Zhang Yu the three pieces of land we used to build the church to cultivate his power here and fight against the English state religion together," Wilmore said.

"Exactly." Dudek nodded.

"But will the Pope agree? Otherwise, how about I invest in buying three pieces of land for Zhang Yu?" Wilmore said.

He was also worried that Dudek secretly gave Zhang Yu three pieces of land. This kind of thing could be big or small. If it arouses dissatisfaction with the Pope, it will also be a trouble, and I am afraid it will also cheat Zhang Yu. After all, Zhang Yu was nominally the murderer of Bredvar, and he also fought against the Catholic Church.

How could Dudek not understand Wilmore's good intentions? He said with certainty: "Don't worry about this. The Pope understands justice well. Now that I have found out, the murderer who killed Bredvar was someone from Charles' side." , the purpose is to sow discord, so how could the Pope anger Zhang Yu. Furthermore, Zhang Yu did the Holy See a big favor by exposing Charles' conspiracy. The Pope will not be stingy with just three pieces of land. I will do the same for you. That’s it.”

"Then I'm relieved." Wilmore nodded.

They did not dare to go directly to the church and took a detour.

Zhang Yu and Yuan Xiaoxiao sat in Sister Linna's car and returned to the manor.

It was already 3:30 in the middle of the night. When they arrived at the place, Sister Linna and Zhang Yu were polite and sincerely expressed their gratitude, and then the two parties broke up.

Zhang Yu and Yuan Xiaoxiao entered the villa together. When they entered the door, they found that Zhang Yinling and the other disciples were awake and were all waiting.

When they saw Zhang Yu and the others coming back, they all came to greet them. The little girl Zhang Yinling has the best relationship with Yuan Xiaoxiao. She went up and hugged Yuan Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, you are finally back, and I am so anxious. Those bad people didn't bully you, right? Zhang Yu is Aren’t they all dealt with?”

"Thank you, Master, for saving me." Yuan Xiaoxiao didn't listen to this. When she heard this, she couldn't help but shed tears, and then looked at Zhang Yu gratefully.

In the past few days, she had been possessed by Roni's ghost. Although she knew everything, she just couldn't say anything. Seeing that no one else could see the slightest problem, she almost died of panic.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu saved her tonight and gave her a feeling of new life.

"It's not what your master should have done to save you. Was it the bad guy who hurt me? Zhang Yu, since you have rescued Xiaoxiao, you must take it out on my behalf and repair him severely." Zhang Yinling followed and looked at Zhang Yu.

The other disciples were all confused. They had no idea when Zhang Yinling was injured. If Zhang Yinling hadn't blurted it out, she would still be in the dark at this moment.

They couldn't help but wonder who could hurt Zhang Yinling. Having said that, Zhang Yinling has been very lively these days. When she was at the venue during the day, she was the most energetic, and she didn't look like she was injured when she looked horizontally or vertically.

Of course, everyone also remembered one thing, that is, Zhang Yinling has never played with everyone since she came back in the past few days, which is quite abnormal.

The little girl asked this, so Zhang Yu had no choice but to say: "I injured that guy, but I still told him to go away. I guess he won't dare to act wild again in the future!"

"That's why I hurt him." Zhang Yinling curled her lips and said, "It's better to beat him to death!"

"It's not that easy." Zhang Yu shook his head and smiled, and then said: "I'm a little tired tonight. I have to go upstairs to rest, and I have to attend the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Meeting tomorrow morning. You must be sleepy by now, too. Go upstairs and rest for a while, then set off at dawn."

After saying that, Zhang Yu walked directly towards the stairs.

The disciples did not dare to pester Zhang Yu with questions. When Zhang Yu went upstairs, all the disciples immediately started asking about Yuan Xiaoxiao.

Halfway through, Zhang Yu had already told Yuan Xiaoxiao not to tell the truth when he came back. After all, they are all young people. After hearing this, they will inevitably hate the English Church. Zhang Yinling, in particular, has always hated evil, and letting this girl know that God knows what trouble she will cause.

There are many things that are inconvenient to reveal. The Catholic side has been secretly plotted, and it is impossible to speak out about it publicly. If the little girl reveals it, the trouble will be huge.

Therefore, Yuan Xiaoxiao started talking nonsense, saying that the other party was a weirdo whose identity was unclear. It was with great difficulty that she got through.

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