Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2225 Failed

"Wilmore, you are wrong. You said you were tricked by me, but is it still on you now?" Charles said with a smile.

"It doesn't happen now, it will happen tomorrow!" Wilmore said with eyes wide open.

"To tell you the truth, after you have an attack today, you won't have an attack tomorrow. In other words, today is the last day to have an attack," Charles said proudly.

"You!" Wilmore originally thought that even if he was caught, it would be impossible for Charles to lock him up. In that case, the matter would be serious. At most, Charles could use the power of the police station to convict him openly and openly.

In this way, if the ulcer breaks out on his body tomorrow, he will have various reasons to ask for bail pending trial. No matter how bad it is, you can still see people from the Holy See, and they will make it clear that they are being plotted. The evidence is conclusive, and the account will definitely be settled on Charles.

However, if there is no evidence, there are no ulcers on his body, and Sister Lina’s body is fine, then who can believe it. Under the overwhelming evidence, Wilmore is absolutely unable to defend himself.

"Okay, save your energy, I don't have time to argue with you now." Charles looked at Zhang Yu again and said coldly: "Oriental, you are really powerful, with piercing eyes and a quick mind. By the time you understood all this, it was already too late. You said it yourself. I have your apprentice as a witness, saying that you conspired with Wilmore to kidnap children. By then, even if you have a sharp tongue, you will only be able to talk to the jury. Let’s see if they believe you.”

After saying this, Charles had a proud look on his face.

"That's true." Zhang Yu said, deliberately taking two steps back.

"Why do you still want to run away? As your disciple testifies, you can run away but a monk cannot run away from the temple. Besides, when you were talking just now, weren't you very high-spirited?" Charles said with a proud look on his face.

Looking at the meaning, it seems that Zhang Yu has been convinced.

Zhang Yu deliberately smiled awkwardly and said, "Archbishop, I didn't say I wanted to run away."

"Just don't run." Charles raised his hand, waved forward slightly, and said, "Go and open the car!"

After saying this, he slowly walked towards Wilmore.

Rockenwell and Yuan Xiaoxiao, who were walking beside him, slowly walked toward Zhang Yu. Judging from Rockenwell's intentions, they seemed to be worried that Zhang Yu would run away.

Behind Charles, ten men in white ran towards the container truck.

"How dare you!" Wilmore was furious and shouted.

"Wilmore, you'd better not act rashly, otherwise, don't blame me for taking action," Charles said in a deep voice.

"Asshole!" Wilmore gritted his teeth, but he knew that his strength was indeed inferior to that of the other party. If he really took action, he would definitely not get any good results.

He didn't dare to move, and Jason and Sister Lina didn't dare to move even more.

Soon, ten men in white ran to the back of the large truck and opened the door.

Immediately afterwards, there were exclamations, "Ah", "No!", "Why are there only two people!".

At this exclamation, Charles immediately exclaimed: "What's the matter?"

"Archbishop, there are no children here, only two Catholic priests!" shouted a man in white robes from behind the car.

When Wilmore heard this, he immediately became energetic and ran directly towards the back of the large truck. Seeing him running that way, Sister Linna and Jason also ran over.

Charles and the others rushed that way, leaving only Zhang Yu and Rockenwell.

In a blink of an eye, Wilmore came to the back of the court. He looked into the container and saw that there were no children, but only two priests in black robes. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He couldn't control his emotions for a moment, and he laughed proudly. "Hahahaha. Hahahaha, no, no, no"

Charles also rushed over with others and took a look inside the car. Charles was also confused.

He couldn't believe his eyes. It was obviously time to harvest, but the evidence was gone.

"Hahahaha. Charles. You have exhausted all your mechanisms. What will happen in the end? Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence? Without evidence, no matter how capable you are, what can you do to me? You have to know that I am also a Catholic region of England. The Archbishop. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Wilmore could not suppress the ecstasy in his heart. After being nervous for so long, he was finally able to completely release it.

"How could this happen?" Charles turned to look at Wilmore.

Wilmore shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and showed an innocent expression, "I don't know, maybe it's God's blessing."

"Asshole!" Charles was so angry that he was breathing heavily.

After finally getting over this situation, not only could he crucify Charles, but even the Catholic Church could not be cured. What is the difference between doing this kind of thing and Xie Cult? If it is banned directly, no one can even say no. In addition, there is no need to spread Zhang Yu's Taoism in England. He can just go to prison and spend the rest of his life.

But now, everything is gone. The agency planned to decide who would be able to suffer such an ending.

Zhang Yu was confronting Rockenwell and Yuan Xiaoxiao over there. Hearing the sound from behind the car, Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said to Rockenwell: "What happened? Otherwise, let's go over and have a look."

He said it lightly, then turned and walked towards the truck.

Rockenwell and Yuan Xiaoxiao were also extremely curious and walked over together.

After the three of them arrived at the truck, Zhang Yu naturally knew what was going on, but he still deliberately said: "Oh, there are only two in there, like priests, and there are no children. Are you mistaken?"

Rockenwell's mouth was open, and he was almost like Charles. He couldn't be more confused.

"Teacher, this, this" He looked at Charles, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Charles ignored Rockenwell and jumped onto the car. He grabbed an unconscious priest and shouted: "Get up! Get up! Where is he?"

Seeing Charles like this, Wilmore gave up. He rushed forward, raised his hand to grab Charles' wrist, and said: "Archbishop Charles, this is my person, what do you mean? Isn't it too disrespectful?" You take me seriously!"

Then, he shouted out of the car, "Sister Lina, call back to the church immediately and ask for help! Just tell Archbishop Charles that he wants to keep me as a guest and ask them to notify the Holy See!"

Lina immediately took out the phone, but a white-robed priest not far from her immediately rushed in front of her and grabbed Lina's hand and neck.

"Wait!" the priest said coldly.

"What do you want to do?" Sister Linna didn't show any weakness. Now that things have changed, Wilmore dared to challenge Charles. What was she afraid of?

Charles in the car let go of the unconscious priest, glanced at Wilmore, and said coldly: "Let go!"

Wilmore let go of Charles's wrist and said coldly: "Isn't your man a bit too much?"

"Let her go!" Charles looked at the priest under the car.

The priest let go of Sister Lina's wrist and said nothing.

"Wilmore, ninety-nine children are just gone, should you give me an explanation?" Charles said lightly.

"Ninety-nine children, I don't even know what's going on. Don't lie about it." Wilmore lied directly.

At this time, if you admit it, you will be a fool.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. You can leave now. But no one in this car is allowed to leave. They can only leave after I investigate clearly." Charles said in a deep voice.

"Are you kidding? They are my Catholic people, why do you leave them here?" Wilmore said arrogantly.

How could he still be afraid of Charles when he had no leverage? He didn't believe that Charles really dared to kill him.

"You have to know that with your strength, it is impossible to stop me from taking them away. So, I hope you will be wiser." Charles was already furious. If he just stopped with his painstaking plan, he would be What a joke. He was absolutely unwilling to give in. In desperation, he simply made his position clear. If he was not allowed to find out what was going on, he would rather take action.

Sure enough, Wilmore's morale immediately weakened a bit at this moment. He knew he was outmatched. If he tried, Charles wouldn't be able to kill him, but his face would also be lost.

At this moment, he didn't know what to do? I could only bite the bullet and say: "You are clearly bullying the small with your big one!"

"I just bully the younger ones, so what?" Now that he has broken his skin, Charles is not polite.

After listening to Charles' words, the people under Charles's command in the car all started to stare at him with eager eyes. Rockenwell became more energetic and stared at Zhang Yu again.

It seemed as if everything was still under their control.

The woods suddenly became silent. No one questioned the two sides anymore. The two sides just looked at each other. Especially Jason and Sister Linna, their faces showed timidity.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly rang out from behind a tree not far away, "Archbishop Charles, are you a bit deceiving me as a Catholic?"

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned and quickly turned their heads to look. Charles also looked over and shouted: "Who?"

"We are old acquaintances."

Along with this sound, an elder wearing a red robe turned around from behind a tree.

This elder was nearly sixty years old. The red robe he wore was extremely bright, but one look at the style revealed that it was similar to what the church priest wore, only more expensive.

The elder had a cross hanging on his chest, a short cane in his hand, and a red crystal ball on the palm of his hand.

He walked not fast, with a faint smile on his face full of vicissitudes of life.

"Archbishop Dudek!" Wilmore in the car recognized the person at a glance and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Cardinal Archbishop Dudek." When Charles saw the person coming, his momentum couldn't help but weaken a bit.

If it were based on magic power alone, Charles would not be afraid of a red archbishop, but the appearance of red archbishop Dudek meant that the Holy See already knew about this.

Conspiracy can turn into conspiracy in front of Wilmore, but not in front of the Holy See.

Dudek slowly walked towards the car. Sister Linna and Jason instantly became energetic when they saw that the person coming was the red archbishop.

The two of them immediately greeted each other, "See the red archbishop." "See the red archbishop."

Dudek nodded slightly, followed Charles who looked directly into the car, and said slowly: "Can the matter be over?"

"Haha." Charles forced a smile and said: "The Cardinal came to England, why didn't he say hello in advance so that I could greet him personally?"

"How dare you trouble Archbishop Charles." Dudek said with a smile.

"Tonight, I'm really tired, so I'm leaving. I won't accompany the Cardinal here anymore." Even though Charles was unwilling to do so, he jumped out of the car helplessly.

For today's plan, it can only end like this.

"It just so happens that I have something to talk to Wilmore about, so I don't need the archbishop." Dudek nodded and smiled.


This is the embodiment of strength!

With just a few words, Charles could stop himself from causing trouble.

Charles's men all lowered their heads, their morale had hit rock bottom.

Rockenwell's face showed disappointment, and he worked hard, but it turned out to be in vain.

Yuan's small face was full of resentment and unwillingness. Her eyes had turned blood red, and she looked like she wanted to eat someone.

Yuan Xiaoxiao and Rockenwell were relatively close to Zhang Yu. At this time, Zhang Yu had secretly pinched out an exorcism charm.

Seeing that Rockenwell's attention was focused on Charles, his body suddenly rushed towards Yuan Xiaoxiao. He stepped in front of Yuan Xiaoxiao, then raised his hand and slapped the exorcism charm in his hand on Yuan Xiaoxiao. on the head.


Yuan Xiaoxiao screamed suddenly, and then she saw a red shadow flying out from Yuan Xiaoxiao's body.

Zhang Yu, on the other hand, grabbed Yuan's small body, snatched her to his side, and immediately jumped back, jumping three or four meters away.

Yuan Xiaoxiao is possessed by a Yin spirit, which is the same as when Wen Qiong was possessed by Guan Hu. At that time, Zhang Yu's cultivation was not enough, and he was worried that Guan Hu would notice and jump off the building, so he used special means to beat Guan Hu out of Wen Qiong's body.

But now the Yin spirit on Yuan Xiaoxiao is different. The Yin spirit's attention is all on Charles and doesn't pay attention to Zhang Yu at all. Coupled with Zhang Yu's current strength, it will not be easy to fight him out.

The red air flow was shot far away by Zhang Yu, and he let out a scream that attracted everyone present. Everyone looked over together. Rockenwell was the closest to Zhang Yu. He was the first to notice the problem. He quickly turned to look at the red shadow. Seeing that the red shadow had not dispersed, he immediately looked at Zhang Yu and shouted angrily: "What do you mean? ?”

Zhang Yu said coldly: "What do you mean? This body belongs to my apprentice, of course I want to get it back. Do you plan to keep it for the rest of your life?"

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