Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2214 The unusualness of the royal estate

The little girl looked at her clothes, pouted her lips, frowned, then pulled the robe off and put it on.

After she put on her Taoist robe, she didn't say anything, just sat on the bed with her head lowered, her face still red, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

Zhang Yu stood in front and heard that she must have put on her clothes, but she didn't say anything, so he had to ask: "Aren't you dressed yet?"

"Get dressed," Zhang Yinling said with her mouth flat.

"Then don't say anything." Zhang Yu turned around and looked at the little girl.

At this moment, Zhang Yinling looked like a little girl who had been wronged. Of course, she was originally a little girl.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Isn't it already healed? Don't be sad."

"Yes." Zhang Yinling lowered her head and responded softly, her little face still pink.

Zhang Yu also understood that this must be the shyness of the little girl, so he simply said deliberately: "I just said that I would treat you first, but you refused to do it. You have to see if what I said is right. Okay, now it's okay. That’s what you were thinking. By the way, didn’t you look at it, how many red dots are there under your feet now?”

In fact, Zhang Yu also wanted to see if there was only one mole left under Zhang Yinling's feet.

After Zhang Yu's reminder, Zhang Yinling also realized, wasn't it? The reason why she suffered was just to see, there are still a few red spots under her feet.

The little girl suddenly crossed her legs, lifted her feet, and looked at the soles of her feet. Looking at it, it’s not true. There were two red dots on the sole of the left foot just now, but now, they have become one.

When Zhang Yu said it, she believed it because she knew that Zhang Yu couldn't lie to her. But this kind of thing is really unbelievable. Seeing it with her own eyes now made her a little stunned.

"How could this happen? The two red dots have really turned into one?" Zhang Yinling suddenly forgot her previous shyness and stammered.

"Didn't I tell you everything? If you don't believe it yourself, why don't you blame me?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"It's not that I don't believe it." Zhang Yinling curled her lips and said, "I just want to see it with my own eyes. How do you know this?"

This girl is not stupid either. She quickly thought of this, and for no reason, Zhang Yu suddenly knew what was going on.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "You think it's all over if I temporarily cure you every day. I still have to do research. I saw three red dots under your feet last night, and I was suspicious. After my research, then Coupled with the fact that the red dots under your feet just turned into two, I can already confirm that the problem really arises here."

Of course he couldn't tell the truth, but these words seemed to be said very casually, but in the little girl's ears, they were very touching and made her heart warm.

Zhang Yinling said gratefully: "Thank you so much. It turns out that not only do you have to study how to compete with those foreigners every day, you also have to study how to cure me. It must be very hard."

"It's not a big deal. You came to England because of me. If you go back with injuries, I can't bear it." Zhang Yu grinned and said, "Stretch your legs over and I'll cure you completely."

"Yes." The little girl nodded and extended her feet to Zhang Yu.

However, it is also embarrassing for a girl to extend her feet to a man. Especially girls like Zhang Yinling, who grew up in Tianshi Mansion and received the kind of feudal traditional education, are completely different from girls from ordinary families.

Zhang Yu dealt with the problem from a doctor's perspective. He first went to find the cupping jars used yesterday and had already cleaned them. He took out an evil-proofing talisman from his arms and prepared it. Then he grabbed Zhang Yinling's feet and gently pricked the red dots on them with a seven-star knife.

Blood flowed out all of a sudden, and there was still a smell in the blood. Zhang Yu was familiar with the way, lit the evil-proof charm and threw it into the cup, and then buckled it on the soles of Zhang Yinling's feet.

"Ah!" Zhang Yinling screamed in pain, and then she saw pus and blood spurting out from the soles of her feet.

Seeing this, she almost forgot about the pain, her eyes widened, she really didn't expect that this would happen.

Zhang Yu was also curious about a question in his heart.

That is, when the ulcer broke out yesterday, it was only the size of a fist. Why did the ulcer suddenly become so large today?

This made Zhang Yu feel a little worried for Paris, and he didn't know what Paris would be like tonight.

After about five minutes, pus and blood stopped flowing out from Zhang Yinling's feet. Zhang Yu took off the cupping pot, and a strong stench immediately emerged.

The little girl raised her hand and pinched her nose, flattening her mouth and said, "It stinks."

"The smell also comes from your feet." Zhang Yu grinned, turned and walked towards the bathroom.

Zhang Yinling glared at Zhang Yu's back, feeling aggrieved again, "Today is really embarrassing."

Zhang Yu rinsed the cupping pot clean, and when he came out, he looked at the little girl sitting on the bed. He smiled slightly and said, "I will gather all the disciples to have evening classes in the big living room later. You can use this time to go back and change your clothes." "

After saying that, without waiting for Zhang Yinling to say anything, he walked towards the door.

After opening the door, the big wolf dog lying on the ground stood up and followed Zhang Yu outside.

When Zhang Yu saw it following, he immediately said: "Ogou, stay and watch the door. Don't wander around."

Not to mention, the big wolf dog seemed to have become a spirit. He nodded towards Zhang Yu and then returned to the room majestically. He was obviously a soldier who had received a mission.

Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Zhang Yinling's heart felt warm again. She said in her heart: "This guy is really considerate. Knowing that I am embarrassed to go back to the room now, he took everyone away specifically to give me a chance to go back." Change clothes."

Zhang Yu went down to the first floor and happened to see Zhang Qingfeng and several other disciples studying formations in the living room. Zhang Yu asked Zhang Qingfeng to call all the disciples down for evening classes.

His evening classes were not about asking everyone to chant sutras. Zhang Yu was not good at this. Zhang Yu's lectures were usually down to earth.

Tonight, Zhang Yu is talking about medical skills. In Zhang Yu's words, he will definitely preach in England in the future. Although Feng Shui and other things are used in many places, Chinese medicine is the most direct.

After all, Feng Shui does not serve everyone, but Chinese Medicine serves the public.

Zhang Yu had taught his disciples a lot before, and this time he explained it step by step. Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on looking, hearing, asking, and feeling, and pulse is the most important part of it.

After talking for a while, Zhang Yu said: "Yuan Xiaoxiao, come here and take my pulse."

"Yes, Master."

Zhang Yu was sitting cross-legged on the sofa in the living room, and his disciples were all sitting cross-legged on the floor. Yuan Xiaoxiao stood up and came to the sofa. Zhang Yu motioned for her to sit down, then stretched out his left hand and placed his right hand on the upper part of his left arm. He continued: "Take my pulse now and see how my pulse is now?"

"Yes." Yuan Xiaoxiao put his hand on Zhang Yu's pulse gate. After a while, he said slowly: "No, nothing is wrong, everything is normal."

"How can it be normal?" Zhang Yu immediately said in a scolding tone: "If I put my hand on the pulse, it will definitely affect the pulse. You said everything is normal. How do you usually learn it? How do I teach you!"

"I, I, I've been feeling a little unwell for the past two days. My mind is heavy, so, that's why I didn't find it out." Yuan Xiaoxiao quickly explained aggrievedly.

"It turns out you're sick," Zhang Yu said gently, "Give me your wrist and I'll feel your pulse."

"Yes." Yuan Xiaoxiao agreed softly and handed his hand to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu grabbed Yuan's small wrist and said after a while: "There doesn't seem to be any problem, I guess it's just not getting enough rest. In the next few days, you must pay attention to rest and go to bed early."

"Yes, Master." Yuan Xiaoxiao nodded again.

Zhang Yu asked her to go back and sit down, and asked other disciples to come up and practice taking her pulse.

Pressing one hand on the pulse will have a certain impact on the pulse condition. Zhang Yu also learned this way at the beginning. Otherwise, there would not be so many patients to practice with him. The performance of the disciples is quite good. More than half of the disciples can give a general idea, and even the worst ones can still say a few words.

Zhang Yu was still very satisfied with everyone's performance.

Unconsciously, it was around eight o'clock in the evening. Zhang Yinling was bored upstairs, so she went downstairs to watch.

She had already changed into her underwear and was sitting on the edge of the small garden, listening to Zhang Yu's lecture. They continued talking until ten o'clock, and then they finished. Zhang Yu asked everyone to go upstairs to rest, while he stayed alone in the lobby on the first floor.

In fact, Zhang Yu himself couldn't explain why he stayed here. After everyone went up, he unconsciously pondered in his heart, "I don't know if Paris will come tonight. What is her condition like?" It will happen. Probably not."

He was thinking wildly, always thinking about Paris, worrying about what would happen to this woman.

Time passed little by little, and Zhang Yu finally fell asleep in a daze. When I opened my eyes, it was already dawn and Paris was not here.

The disciples went downstairs one after another and began to prepare breakfast. Zhang Yu went up and brought his dog down, and asked his disciples to arrange food for the dog.

After eating, Zhang Yu left Agou to look after the house, and the group left the villa and headed to the royal estate.

Zhang Yu was relieved that Paris didn't come, because since Paris didn't come, it meant that everything was fine.

Sitting in the car, Zhao Hua, as usual, held his mobile phone in his hand and read the news on his mobile phone.

His mobile phone is all in English, and the news on it is naturally also in English. After watching for a while, he suddenly said: "Holy crap, something like this happened."

He was sitting next to Zhang Yu. After hearing this, Zhang Yu asked curiously: "What happened?"

"There have been incidents of missing children in Merseyside and South Yorkshire. This kind of thing rarely happens in England. But this time, reports say that more than 20 children have gone missing." Zhao Hua said.

"Looking at it this way, in fact, the security situation is the same everywhere, and this kind of thing happens." Zhang Yu said.

"That's not the case. Such things rarely happen in Yingjili. I don't know what happened this time. In addition, Yingjili's surveillance facilities are very strong. Anyone who does this kind of case will definitely not be able to escape. Moreover, Yingjili has great protection for minors. It is very strict. Once a criminal is caught, he will be sentenced to at least 200 years in prison," Zhao Hua said.

"A 200-year prison sentence," Zhang Yu said in astonishment, "How can he live for so many years?"

"If you don't survive, you will die in there." Zhao Hua said.

"That might as well be called life imprisonment." Zhang Yu said.

"In the past, there was life imprisonment, but it was later changed. For any crime, it is punishable by a certain number of years. If several crimes are punished at the same time, it is not unusual to have hundreds of years. Although there are commutations, they are only three to five years, and there is a limit on the number of times. , if the sentence is one hundred and eighty years, even if the sentence is reduced, he will not be able to get out in his lifetime." Zhao Hua said.

"That's true." Zhang Yu nodded.

According to domestic law, although there is an indefinite sentence, it will become a fixed term, and the sentence will be commuted twice. Basically, a life sentence can be released in twenty years. But in England, if you are sentenced to hundreds of years, you really won't be able to escape in your lifetime.

Zhang Yu didn't have much time to study this kind of thing.

Royal estate.

The staff in the manor usually get up very early, usually at half past six.

Luyas is a head waiter at the manor, and her biological clock is always on time. I wake up on time at 6:30 every day, usually earlier than later. But this morning, it was already 6:50, and Luyas was still lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

"Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

The phone rang rapidly, and Luyas slowly opened her eyes and dozed off, "Who is calling so early..."

She felt very unhappy, so she picked up the mobile phone on the bedside and answered, "Hello, who is this?"

"Luas, why haven't you gotten up yet? The manager is looking for you." A girl's voice rang on the phone.

"Pooh, what time is it? What does the manager want from me?" Luyas asked in confusion.

"It's already six-fifty," the girl said.

"Ah?" Luyas was shocked and said quickly: "I'll get up right away."

She hung up the phone and looked at the time on her phone. It was already six-fifty. She hurriedly got out of bed, but unexpectedly, her feet went limp when they touched the ground, and she stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Ouch..." Luyas cried out in pain and couldn't help but muttered to herself: "What's wrong with me? Why did I get up so late today? Why do I still feel so tired after sleeping last night? It’s not too late…”

She feebly got up from the ground, then dozed off again. She hurriedly put on her clothes without even bothering to wash her face, and then left the room and headed to the lobby.

As soon as we arrived at the lobby, there were many male and female waiters standing there, all of them were chatting all day long, as if they hadn't slept well. Even the manager would open his mouth and doze off from time to time.

"Manager, I'm here..." Luyas said carefully.

The manager nodded slightly and said with a displeased look on his face: "Look at you, you are all listless. What did you do last night and you don't know if you have to work in the morning? How can you work in your current state..."

Having said this, he couldn't help but dozed off again.

None of the waiters dared to speak out, they just said in their hearts, are you much better than us?

"Okay, okay, let's get to work quickly." The manager said angrily.

After saying this, she walked upstairs to her office. As she walked, she was still muttering in her heart, "I drank a glass of whiskey last night, why haven't I recovered now..."

The situation inside the manor hotel is just a microcosm of the huge manor.

In the entire royal estate, everyone woke up late in the morning. After waking up, even if they washed their faces with cold water, they were still listless. My body is not in good shape and I feel weak.

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