Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2211 Is it broken or not?

After Zhang Yu's Mountain Thunder Talisman was thrown into the toilet, the black smoke that had just emerged from the toilet suddenly surged downwards and disappeared into the toilet. And the evil spirit flowing out also shrank back at an extremely fast speed with the influx of black smoke. The strong sinister aura that originally filled the bathroom seemed to have received some instruction to stop flowing into the villa and turned around and entered the toilet.

The evil spirit that permeated the villa began to gather towards the bathroom, then returned the same way, entered the toilet, and disappeared.

The evil spirit here is getting weaker and weaker, Zhang Yu, Charles, and Edwards can really feel this.

Edwards and Charles were obviously stunned. Charles said: "Great astrologer, didn't you say that this is the place where the stars are hidden? The bad luck and the deep air here are integrated into one, and the power is amazing. But now, why suddenly Going back again?"

"This..." Edwards couldn't explain why for a while.

The problem here can naturally be solved with the strength of the great astrologer Edwards, but it will take some effort. It is simply unheard of for someone like Zhang Yu to easily let the deep energy return to the place where the stars are hidden.

"I don't know what method this kid used..." Edwards shook his head and said.

"Even you don't know..." Charles said in astonishment: "I can't believe it, I really can't believe it... Zhang Yu is actually stronger than I imagined..."

"It's really unexpected...such a person has appeared in the East. No wonder he dares to preach in England..." Edwards frowned slightly.

"It's not easy to preach in England... The best is yet to come..." Charles stared at Zhang Yu as he spoke.

All the evil spirits in the villa left the toilet in the bathroom after three minutes. Instead, the wealth here has become strong and the villa is peaceful.

Zhang Yu smiled with satisfaction, put away the Bagua Mirror and the five small flags, turned to look at Charles and Edwards, and said: "Two notaries, the formation has been withdrawn."

"Very good, very good..." Edwards nodded. Even though he understood what was going on, he still pretended to be confused and said: "Daozhang Zhang's strength is really amazing. He can send and receive formations freely, which is admirable. Okay, let’s leave here now and go to the front.”

"Okay." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

The three people made an invitation gesture to each other and walked upstairs together.

When we arrived on the first floor of the villa, there was no sinister atmosphere here. The dog tied under the stairs was also a good fortune teller. He was lying on the ground in a daze, but now he opened his eyes and became alive.

The three of them walked out of the villa and saw Miss Allen, Yumi Cha, and Duke Goodson sitting at the table in front of them. Miss Allen has woken up, and so have the staff and camera operators.

Seeing them coming out, Duke Goodson immediately stood up and said, "How is the situation?"

He spoke in jerky Mandarin, which Zhang Yu could understand. Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "Your Excellency, the problem in the villa has been solved."

"Oh, then I'll go in and take a look." Duke Goodson was extremely obsessed with astrology and feng shui. The powerful evil spirit in the formation just now made him a little bit too much.

As soon as he heard that the problem was solved, he couldn't help but get up and run towards the villa.

Che Xinyumi glanced at Zhang Yu, and then walked towards the villa. Judging from her meaning, it seemed that she was still very confused about her previous fainting situation, and now she wanted to see what was going on inside.

Since Charles and Edwards had just come out, they had no intention of going in again. Miss Allen slowly stood up and walked towards the villa.

She hadn't taken two steps, but her expression was still frightened. She glanced at Zhang Yu subconsciously and said, "Dao Zhang, can we go in together?"

"No problem." Zhang Yu turned around and walked towards the villa.

Miss Allen and Zhang Yu walked hand in hand. The moment they entered the villa, Miss Allen suddenly glanced at Zhang Yu with a charming smile on her face. She said softly: "Thank you just now..."

"You're welcome..." Zhang Yu replied casually.

After saying this, he realized that although Miss Allen was unconscious just now, she should still be conscious at the moment of unconsciousness. I just don’t know if I have noticed that I accidentally grabbed the wrong position.

Miss Allen said nothing else, and with the corners of her mouth raised again, she took a few steps forward and stood in the large living room of the villa.

Duke Goodson and Yumi Che were also standing there. Duke Goodson couldn't help but said: "Mr. Zhang, it's really amazing. I was standing here just now, and my head was dizzy. In such a short time, everything happened. It's back to normal and there's something peaceful about it. It's really, really nice..."

"Thank you, Mr. Duke, for the compliment..." Zhang Yu nodded and smiled.

However, Che Xinyumi glanced at Zhang Yu doubtfully, and immediately walked downstairs to the basement. Once in the basement, she looked around again, and soon came to the bathroom.

Of course she could feel the strong sinister aura before. What puzzled her was not this, but that Che Xinyumi couldn't figure out whether she had broken Zhang Yu's formation.

In my impression, I clearly broke Zhang Yu's formation. The weird thing is that after the formation is broken, there will be evil energy flowing out, which will directly make you faint. Even the staff here are not immune.

Why this happens is really puzzling.

Zhang Yu, Miss Allen, and Duke Goodson also came to the basement. In fact, Zhang Yu and Miss Allen were just visiting with the Duke.

Duke Goodson looked around, his face full of curiosity, but he couldn't figure out the reason. The three of them met with Che Xinyumi. Che Xinyumi looked at Zhang Yu. Her mouth moved, as if she wanted to say something, but she closed it in the end.

She didn't speak, but Miss Allen said: "Miss Yumi, we came here because we saw you fainted on the big screen. Fortunately, we were in time and there was no danger. According to the rules of the competition, with your condition at the time In this situation, we can only be ruled out and lose the game, and Taoist Zhang Yu will be promoted. At this point, I think you have no objection, right?"

Perhaps also deliberately hoping that Zhang Yu would understand, Miss Allen asked in Mandarin.

"Yeah." Che Xinyumi nodded slightly and said, "I have no objection."

He had already fainted in the villa, but was saved by Zhang Yu. I expected that many people would see it on the big screen. If he cheats and refuses to admit defeat, he will probably become the laughing stock of everyone like Dhruv and Inzaghi two days ago.

Cha Xinyumi doesn’t have the shame yet, so it’s better to just do it.

Four people came up from the basement and walked out of the villa. Edwards, Charles and the staff were all waiting there. Miss Allen took out the walkie-talkie and said into the room: "Have all the guests come out now?"

"Not yet, Deacon Atobili and Joseph have not completed breaking the formation yet." A voice came from the intercom.

Although the winner is now decided, this is after all an Eastern and Western astrology and feng shui exchange meeting. Unless the time is up, there is no reason to directly declare the winner or loser. In that case, it wouldn’t be called an exchange meeting.

Miss Allen looked at Zhang Yu and Che Xinyumi and said: "Both of you, according to the rules, all the guests must finish before they can go back to the front together. There are still people who haven't finished yet, so you two have to wait here temporarily. Regardless. Whatever you two need, we will satisfy it. By the way, Miss Yumi, there is nothing wrong with your health now."

"No problem." Che Xinyumi nodded slightly, walked to the table and sat down.

In fact, her face was not particularly good-looking, it was still a bit black, and the sinister aura on her body had not been completely removed. Not only that, her vitality was severely damaged and she felt very uncomfortable. But this woman didn't show any weakness at all.

Miss Allen and the three notaries left together. Zhang Yu did not sit down at Che Xinyumi's place, but sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated.

Seeing that Zhang Yu didn't come to sit down, Che Xinyumi unconsciously flashed a look of disappointment on her face. After waiting for a moment, Che Xinyumi said seriously: "Daozhang Zhang, did I break your formation?"

Zhang Yu didn't expect Che Xinyumi to ask this, so he couldn't help but hesitated and didn't answer immediately.

"Your cultivation level is indeed above mine, I admit this. But I still know whether the formation has been broken. Those evil spirits that suddenly appear should not come from your Coming from the formation, there is something else going on, right?" Che Xinyumi said with a sincere face.

Zhang Yu didn't know what this woman meant, so he couldn't admit it easily. After all, Cha Xinyumi's fainting was an accident. If judged based on the rules alone, he had actually lost.

Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said, "Maybe it's God's will."

"I understand..." Che Xinyumi nodded and said solemnly: "Actually, with my current situation, even if I am promoted, I will not be able to participate in tomorrow's exchange meeting. Besides, without you, I'm afraid I He is already dead. You saved my life, and this must be God’s will. I misunderstood you before, I’m sorry!”

A little ghost woman is always humble and sincere, and appears to be polite. No matter what her thoughts were, at least she looked harmless.

But Zhang Yu didn't like to deal with this kind of people, so he just said calmly: "You don't have to be polite all the time. Well, your health is not good, so don't talk anymore and have a good rest."

"Thank you!" Che Xinyumi nodded again and said sincerely.

The winners and losers of the four groups have been decided, and basically everyone knows who wins and who loses. All everyone has to do now is wait.

According to regulations, the maximum time limit for breaking the formation is two hours. At one hour and forty-eight minutes, Aituobile finally broke Rockenwell's formation. His formation speed was not as fast as Rockenwell's. After walking out of the villa, he saw Rockenwell waiting outside. It was obvious whether he was winning or losing.

As for Deacon Joseph, it was a bit more miserable. Two full hours passed before he was finally invited out by the staff.

Among the top eight, there were only two people who did not break the formation on the surface. In fact, the only one who really did not break the formation was Deacon Joseph.

As the Archdeacon of the English Catholic Church, his strength cannot be underestimated, but he did not break Leonardo's formation within two hours, which made many people realize that this Leonardo from Portugal might It's not as simple as imagined.

The little nun Kong Yi defeated Master Wu Heng with a four-minute advantage. When the old monk heard that he had lost, he seemed eager to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. Losing to a Buddhist junior was simply shameless.

Rockenwell won by an overwhelming margin. The winning or losing relationship between Zhang Yu and Che Xinyumi is somewhat unclear. In the eyes of some people, Zhang Yu actually narrowly defeated Che Xinyumi. After all, Zhang Yu also suffered a hard battle when breaking the formation. But some people think that Zhang Yu should also win with an overwhelming advantage over Che Xinyumi. After all, Zhang Yu not only broke Che Xinyumi's formation, but also saved Che Xinyumi's life.

In any case, the top four players have been decided, namely Zhang Yu, Kong Yi, Rockenwell and Leonardo.

Eight guests stood on the stage. After Miss Allen announced the promotion results, the four eliminated guests were asked to step down.

The four people who went down had a look of resentment on their faces, as if someone owed them millions. Cha Xinyumi may be better, but her face is really ugly.

When they returned to their seats and sat down, Miss Allen on the stage said loudly: "After the list of the top four is determined, what we will do next is tomorrow's group draw. Today's exchange has been very exciting. People have benefited a lot. I believe that tomorrow's exchange will be a battle between dragons and tigers. At this time, it is difficult for anyone to say, who will definitely advance to the finals!"

At this point, Miss Allen paused and then said: "Stop talking nonsense, let's draw out the situation of tomorrow's game. Now please invite Mr. Duke Goodson to come to me and let the two of us play together. Draw lots! By the way... I forgot about our hostess... We also invited the hostess to come on stage..."

Soon, the etiquette lady pushed the car and computer to the stage. On the big screen behind the stage, the screen changed and turned into photos of the top four guests. But these four photos kept turning, which made people’s eyes dazzled.

Miss Allen and Goodson were standing on the left and right sides of the computer respectively. She deliberately joked: "Mr. Duke, as long as we press our hands, tomorrow's match situation will be determined. Here, I don't know Mr. Duke." Do you have any expectations? Which two guests do you hope to be drawn together?"

"At the stage of the semi-finals, in fact, as you said, every game is a battle between dragons and tigers, no matter who meets whom. I believe that no matter how the four guests are combined, they will give us a game that can be left in the history of astrology and feng shui. A famous match." Duke Goodson said.

"Indeed, no matter which two are drawn together, they will not disappoint us. Now, let's work together to determine the candidate!" After Miss Allen finished speaking, she raised her hand on the keys on the left side of the computer Take a shot.


The first of the four screens that had been spinning all of a sudden suddenly froze. The person in the photo was none other than Kong Yi, a little nun wearing a black cassock!

Duke Goodson immediately took a photo, and the second screen quickly froze. The person in the photo was none other than Rockenwell.

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