Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2205 Chapter 2205 Each shows his or her special powers

"She's trying to break Zhang Yu's formation!" Seeing the two white wooden fish in Che Xinyumi's hands floating up, someone immediately shouted again on the other side of the big screen.

"Did you notice that the two fish over there just now were black fish, and this time she used white fish. What's going on?" "I don't know what kind of magical weapon this thing should be." "Could it be that , can you use this to break Zhang Yu's formation?" "It should be possible." "Does anyone know what's the significance of this?"...Other people were talking about it, and now they were all worried about the magic weapon used by Che Xinyumi. curious. For foreigners, of course they don’t know the details.

However, there are also some Easterners who came here to participate in the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Meeting, such as the nuns from Putuo Temple and the monks from Erlin Temple.

Many of these people are knowledgeable, including Zhang Yu's disciples, and they also understand why.

"Among the yin and yang fish, the black fish is yin and the white fish is yang. The island country woman uses two black fish to form an array, the purpose is to gather yin energy. On the contrary, the white fish is used to gather yang energy. Now she takes out two white fish, it must be I want to gather Yang Qi and break Zhang Yu’s formation!" The little girl Zhang Yingling said seriously.

When I said this, I was still a little worried.

Even though the little girl has an average knowledge of astrology and feng shui, she still understands this common sense.

Zhang Qingfeng on the side said: "I also understand this truth, but is the Yin Qi she gathered with two black fish really that powerful? With Master's cultivation, it is impossible that she cannot break her formation."

"Yes, she just used two black fish to set up the formation, and by the way, there is also a black fan... This is used to gather Yin Qi, but now it has been destroyed by the master, why can't she break her formation? ..." Wang Chunlan also said worriedly and puzzled.

"This..." Zhang Yinling made up her mouth, because she couldn't tell the reason.

After all, on the surface, everything Zhang Yu did was definitely breaking Che Xinyumi's formation. But looking at Zhang Yu's appearance at this moment, it was obvious that he was not broken.

The little nuns sitting behind them were also discussing this. But the most powerful Kong Yi is not here, so how can others see the clues in the formation.

At this time, on the big screen where Che Xinyumi was, the pair of floating white fish had slowly landed on the toilet, about one and a half meters high. The two fish began to fall slowly. After falling for about fifty centimeters, they began to rotate slowly.

Che Xinyumi's hands were still holding the pin, and she was talking plausibly. No one knew what she was talking about.

But just like that, after a minute, beads of sweat appeared on Cha Xinyumi's forehead.

The audience in front of the big screen held their breath for a while. They didn't dare to say anything, they just stared at the big screen, especially Zhang Yinling and others, who were almost the same as Yumi Che on the screen, and there was sweat on their foreheads.

They knew that the key to victory or defeat lay here. If Che Xinyumi broke Zhang Yu's formation, then Zhang Yu would lose.

Those people sitting on the stage also turned around and stared at the screen. Duke Goodson held his chin with his right hand and either glanced at the screen on Zhang Yu's side or on the screen on Che Xinyumi's side.

The Duke is indeed a crazy astrology and Feng Shui enthusiast. Judging from his appearance, he seems to be more anxious than the guests participating in the exchange.

Another half minute passed, and more and more sweat began to form on Che Xinyumi's head. She was wearing a kimono, with fair skin and bunted hair. She originally looked dignified and beautiful, but as sweat flowed, her face turned red. For those who don’t know, I thought I drank two kilograms of liquor.

Edwards, the great astrologer sitting next to Goodson, looked at Archbishop Charles on the other side and whispered: "There seems to be something wrong."

"Something is indeed wrong..." Charles also whispered.

The two of them can almost be said to be the strongest people on the scene. Although they don’t know why Che Xinyumi is like this, they can see that there is a problem here. Che Xinyumi wants to break Zhang Yu’s formation, I’m afraid it’s not so easy.

However, Charles continued: "Fortunately, the dog on Zhang Yu's side will probably be unable to hold on and die soon. Even if Che Xinyumi can't break Zhang Yu's formation, he should still win."

"That's right..." Edwards nodded.

But before he could finish his words, someone in the audience said, "It's over with Leonardo!"

Because most people were staring at the screens of Zhang Yu and Che Xinyumi, almost ignoring the other six guests. Even the little nuns at Kong Yi's side, many of them were watching the contest between Zhang Yu and Che Xinyumi.

Focus battle? It will naturally attract more people.

Now someone suddenly spoke like this, and other people's attention was attracted.

Everyone took a look and saw that on the screen where Leonardo and Deacon Joseph were fighting, the time on Leonardo's side had been frozen at 6 minutes and 27 seconds.

"So fast!" "What's going on? I didn't realize that Leonardo was so powerful before!" "Who said otherwise? I always thought that Zhang Yu and Che Xinyumi were the strongest, but now it seems that this is not the case. "Nonsense, that's because Zhang Yu defeated Dhruv and Inzaghi, and so many stories happened, so he became the focus and people thought he was the strongest. Let me tell you, we in the West The astrology and feng shui must be better than those in the East!" "That makes sense!" "Leonardo's opponent was Deacon Joseph. Joseph was the Archdeacon of the Catholic Church, and he seemed to be very powerful. As a result, the formation he arranged turned out to be like this He was soon broken by Leonardo." "Oh my god, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that Leonardo's opponent is Deacon Joseph!" "Omagaga!"...

Leonardo broke Deacon Joseph's formation in a very short period of time and attracted countless eyeballs.

On the big screen, in addition to the current formation breaking time, there is also a time display for the previous formation. Leonardo's formation time was 1 hour, 06 minutes and 21 seconds, and his opponent Joseph Deacon's formation time was 1 hour, 22 minutes and 13 seconds. At this moment, Leonardo has broken Deacon Joseph's formation, which means that Leonardo has won.

In the eyes of many people, this should have been a close contest. In addition, Deacon Joseph was more famous, so more people thought that Deacon Joseph would definitely win. The huge contrast even makes some people unbelievable.

Let’s talk about Zhang Yu. He was standing in the room on the third floor of the villa thinking about what to do. The black fan and two black fish were destroyed by him. The formation has become stronger, but I don't know where the formation's eye is.

"By the way, use yang to break yin..." For a moment, an idea came to Zhang Yu's mind.

It was still noon and the sun was shining brightly. Zhang Yu glanced at the window and smiled again on his face.

He stepped towards the window, but only took two steps, and there happened to be a dressing mirror in front of him. Through the mirror, he could directly see the staff and cameramen behind him.

Just one look made Zhang Yu's heart tremble. The faces of these five people turned pale. It was obvious that they were eroded by the strong Yin Qi and their bodies were weak.

More importantly, there is a dog downstairs. Now that people have become like this, what will the dog downstairs look like?

"No, I have to go down and take a look first. Don't make any mistakes!" Zhang Yu reacted quickly. As soon as he thought of this, he hurriedly turned around and ran downstairs.

For Zhang Yu, the life of the dog downstairs is much more important than these staff members. Firstly, the dog is the key to victory or defeat, and secondly, the dog is tied here and cannot escape even if he wants to.

Zhang Yu quickly went downstairs and rushed to the first floor. The four staff members and the cameraman wanted to follow him, but they couldn't. The yin energy here is strong, and the yang energy in the five people's bodies has been eroded by the yin energy, making their bodies weak. Zhang Yu had the Eight Trigrams Immortal Clothes to protect his body, so he could not be easily injured by Yin Qi.

He came to the first floor, rushed to the side of the dog in a few steps, and saw the German Shepherd lying on the ground, weak and looking like he was dying.

Zhang Yu secretly called out the danger, and followed without hesitation. He turned over his hand and showed thirty-six copper coins, in groups of nine, surrounding the dog. But he deliberately kept a certain distance from the dog to avoid people thinking he was deliberately saving his life.

Of course, he was saving the dog's life, but he did so in a subtle way, which would make people mistakenly think that he was setting up a formation.

The competition has rules. For example, if Zhang Yu wants to save the dog, the easiest way is to stick an amulet on the dog's body, or to light the amulet and let the dog eat it.

But this approach is too obvious. If someone finds fault, they will say that he is cheating. After all, the dog is the most important judge in the competition, and the contestants are not allowed to touch the dog.

Zhang Yu didn't want to cause more trouble. After placing the thirty-six copper coins, he immediately activated his energy and spoke plausibly.

Immediately afterwards, the thirty-six copper coins on the ground stood up together, and then they kept spinning on the ground, and even made a "buzzing" sound.

That’s right! Forty-nine Tiangang Formation!

This is a very simple formation that simply generates Tiangang Qi on the ground surrounded by copper coins. Gang Qi can fight against evil spirits, and it can also fight against Yin Qi.

Sure enough, after a while, the already dying dog started to regain energy. The dog raised its head and looked at Zhang Yu, with gratitude in its eyes. It knew in its heart that Zhang Yu had saved it, otherwise it would have died.

"Yeah! The dog came back to life!" Zhang Yinling was sweating while watching the big screen in the square. Firstly, she was worried that Che Xinyumi would break Zhang Yu's formation, and secondly, she was worried that the dog in the villa would die.

Well now, the dog is alive.

"I'm alive!" "Master can't lose!" "I'm telling you, Master can definitely win!" "It's not certain yet, that female devil is breaking Master's formation." "Can you not say that you are injured? In terms of morale, Master will definitely win, and the female devil will never be able to break Master’s formation!” “Yes, yes, yes, female devil will definitely not be able to break Master’s formation!”…

Zhang Yu's disciples, who had been holding back their breath just now, finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to cheer.

Other people also saw this scene, and many of them became excited, "Look, that dog is alive!" "It's really alive. It seems that Zhang Yu has already thought of a way to break the formation!" "I knew that Zhang Yu would definitely be able to break the formation!"...

Paris's face also showed excitement. She clenched her fists tightly and shouted in her heart: "It's in time! It's in time! Zhang Yu, you can definitely beat her!"

No one on the stage was idle either.

When Duke Goodson saw that Zhang Yu's dog was alive, he also breathed a sigh of relief and said to himself: "I knew that this Oriental would not lose easily. In the fight between dragon and tiger, there is no chance at all." Wrong! It’s just...why didn’t I understand the mystery behind their formation..."

With his strength, it is too normal for him not to understand.

Archbishop Charles on the side looked at Edwards first this time and said in a cold voice: "Great Astrologer, Zhang Yu is obviously saving the dog. According to the rules, can he be considered a loser?"

Edwards shook his head slightly, spread his hands, and said slowly: "According to the rules, you cannot do anything to this dog. At this moment, Zhang Yu is not close to this dog. The formation he set up with copper coins is not the same as the dog." Keeping a certain distance. If he said that he was playing tricks on the dog, he would probably say that he was setting up a formation. Moreover, if he went to interrupt him now, he would have various reasons for losing. The notary delayed his time. He would even bring up the matter of Dhruv and Inzaghi. When the time comes, we will be the ones in the wrong. We can’t let Che Xinyumi rematch with him. In that case, I think Che Xin Youmei has a greater chance of losing."

"This kid is really good at taking advantage of loopholes!" Charles said bitterly.

In fact, he also understood this truth. Otherwise, he would have stood up long ago, and how could he discuss it with Edwards first.

Their eyes fell on Cha Xinyumi's screen again.

Che Xinyumi's face was still red before, but now, it has changed color. The blush disappeared and became paler. Anyone can tell from this change in his face that this is not a good thing. Of course, this is also very likely that she has entered the intense stage of breaking the formation. Perhaps Zhang Yu's formation could be broken by her at any time.

She spent less time setting up the formation than Zhang Yu. It can be said that as soon as the formation is broken, she will win.

"Senior sister has won! Senior sister has won!" Suddenly, a girl's crisp voice rang out.

This voice immediately attracted Zhang Yingling and others, because the voice was in Mandarin and was right behind them.

"Won!" "Won!" "Senior sister won!" "Senior sister actually defeated Master Wu Heng!" "It's incredible!"... A group of little nuns shouted excitedly. At this moment, they It seems that they have forgotten their identity.

Zhang Yingling and others all looked over. On the screen of little nun Kong Yi, time had frozen. The dog in her villa looks very at ease and is enjoying the comfort of the villa.

Masters Kong Yi and Wu Heng are both Buddhists, and Wu Heng can be said to be Kong Yi’s elder. At such a young age, Kong Yi was able to defeat Zen Master Wu Heng, and in such a short period of time, which is simply unimaginable. For this reason, it’s no wonder that Kong Yi’s junior sisters were so excited.

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