Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2202 Chapter 2202 The source of evil spirits

Today is the same as yesterday. Zhang Yu and a group of guests and investors arrived at the Royal Resort Manor on time.

Still sitting in the small square, everyone greeted each other when they met, and it was really lively. However, everyone soon discovered that there was only one woman sitting at Dhruv's table, and that was Paris. Neither Dhruv nor Inzaghi came to the scene.

Not only did these two lose to Zhang Yu one after another, but they also lost their masters. It is reasonable for them not to come today. Therefore, everyone did not pay too much attention to it, just waiting to see today's show.

Not long after, Miss Allen and three notaries came to the stage. The notary took his seat first, and Miss Allen stood there alone with a microphone, looking at everyone in the audience.

"Welcome to the Royal Resort Manor again. Today is the exchange between the top eight and the semi-finals. The previous exchanges were wonderful. I think today's exchange will be particularly exciting."

Miss Allen first made some opening remarks, and then said: "Some friends will definitely wonder now what the topic of today's exchange is, and whether it should be revealed. I won't be shy, and I will immediately announce the topic of today's exchange... "

At this point, Miss Allen paused and said that she was not selling it, but she still seemed to be selling it.

"You still remember the first exchange. The topic was that the guests arranged a house with good luck and a particularly peaceful house. However, by exchanging pairs, they broke the other party's formation and made the other party's villa have bad luck. Dogs are not allowed to be quiet...Today's exchange is actually the opposite of the exchange on the first day. The guests have to arrange a formation that has bad luck and can even make people sick, and then the guests in the same group exchange, breaking After the formation, the room became very lucky and the environment was peaceful. As for how to judge the outcome, it is very simple. It is the same as last time. A dog is put into each villa and the dog's performance is used to judge. Win or lose. If the dog becomes manic and restless, it means that the first formation has been successfully deployed. As long as the dog becomes steady and calm, it means that the formation is broken successfully. I believe everyone here can understand what I am saying. ." Miss Allen said calmly.

After speaking, she glanced at everyone in the audience.

Everyone nodded and seemed to have no objections.

Miss Allen saw that everyone was silent, so she said: "Since you have no objections, the exchange will begin immediately. But before the exchange, I have one more thing to say... Because everyone here is a master, and you cannot win against each other. , it would be bad to set up too harsh a formation and kill people... Therefore, what our organizer means is that after the first cycle of formation is completed, there needs to be a waiting time of thirty minutes. If the room is If the dog dies, the person who set up the formation will be considered a failure. In turn, the guests in the same group will exchange to break the opponent's formation. At this time, if the dog dies, it will be considered a failure for the person breaking the formation, and the person breaking the formation must immediately Once you leave the villa, don’t stay!”

At the end of the sentence, Miss Allen's expression looked very serious.

It seems that he has some understanding of the strength of the guests present, or the three notaries have stipulated this. In the final analysis, it is still a principle, that is, value life and never let anyone make any mistakes.

Everyone present, whether they were the wealthy people or guests such as Zhang Yu, understood this truth, so they did not raise any objections.

I didn’t know who it was, but suddenly said something in English, “I don’t know how long it takes to set up the formation and how long it takes to break the formation. Is there any regulation on this?”

"Of course there must be regulations for this..." Miss Allen immediately replied: "The time to set up the formation is two hours, and the time to break the formation is also two hours. Because of the limited time, and for the sake of fairness and justice, after all, this is a test of on-the-spot performance. So the next eight guests will go to the scene together to arrange the formation. The location of your arrangement is still the townhouse area there on the first day. Arrange according to the sequence number of yesterday's grouping. The rule for determining victory or defeat is still calculated based on time. , it’s the same as the first one. In addition, the guests can arrange the layout through the furnishings in the room, and can also use magic weapons. But the ugly word is up front, if the magic weapons used are destroyed, you will be responsible for the consequences."

It seemed that she had learned to be good, and was worried that the incident involving Inzaghi would happen again yesterday and the guests would get entangled, so she warned her in advance to avoid any disputes.

Miss Allen then made an invitation gesture and said: "Okay... without further ado, the exchange will begin. First, please invite the eight guests from yesterday to come to the stage and follow the etiquette lady to the exchange site... "

Zhang Yu, little nun Kong Yi and other eight guests stood up one after another and walked towards the stage.

On the side, eight etiquette ladies also walked to the stage. They all had number plates hanging on their left breasts. They were matched according to the order of yesterday's draw, and then set off together.

When the eight guests met, they were all polite. When they came to the townhouse, Zhang Yu and Che Xinyumi were in an adjacent apartment. As soon as he arrived at the door, he had already said hello, but Che Xinyumi bowed to Zhang Yu again and said politely: "Daozhang Zhang, please take good care of me. I hope you can stay with me."

This woman has always been very polite and courteous, but Zhang Yu knew in his heart that such a person is not necessarily a good person. But the other party was polite, and Zhang Yu said symbolically: "To each other."

The two of them entered the villa respectively. This villa was different from the villa where Zhang Yu fought with Dhruv last time, but the decoration inside was similar. Next to the stairs on the first floor, there was a German shepherd tied up. The big wolf dog looked at Zhang Yu warily. After a few glances, he was no longer so wary, as if he saw that Zhang Yu had no ill intentions towards it.

There was also a cameraman and four staff members in the room. They were the same as before. The staff accompanied Zhang Yu and were responsible for timing. The cameraman pointed the camera at Zhang Yu for live broadcast.

Although this villa is similar to the last one, Zhang Yu has never been there before, so he wanted to make a general observation. In addition, he also had to think about how to lay it out.

The tricks used against Dhruv last time didn't seem to work this time. After all, Che Xinyumi is different from Dhruv. He is an onmyoji, and the Feng Shui bureau he arranges is not based on astrology, so his own fortune-telling will not be used.

If he arranges a simple formation, Cha Xinyumi will be able to break it in a very short time. It is estimated that the time to set up the formation and the time to break it are about the same. The key to victory or defeat will depend on the time spent by Che Shinyumi's layout and the time it takes to break her formation. Once you make a mistake, you lose.

While he was thinking about it, he was touring the villa. The villa has a basement with a pool table and a bar for entertainment. The second floor mainly has two guest rooms and a terrace. On the third floor is a king-sized room with all the necessary facilities. There is also a large bathtub by the window.

Throughout the villa, there are flowers, plants, and various furniture, all of which can be used to set up formations.

With Zhang Yu's cultivation level, if he wanted to arrange a formation that met the requirements, he could arrange several formations with just a raise of his hands.

He was a little hesitant, using the existing things to figure out what kind of formation would be better.

After thinking about it for a moment, I made a calculation in my mind. I must use a familiar formation. After all, there is a time limit. In a familiar formation, slightly increase the difficulty to make it more difficult for the opponent to break the formation.

Zhang Yu's formation is simple, but it is definitely not simple; but it is complicated, but not particularly complicated. The way of formation can bring luck, but it can also do the opposite. It can be used to help others, and it can be used to harm others.

Everyone knows that bathrooms are filthy places. There are five bathrooms in this villa. One in the basement, one on the first floor, two on the second floor, and one on the third floor.

When he first broke through Jack Liu's Pisces formation, he used the Eight-Nine Gathering Evil pattern. So now I went directly to the bathroom in the basement, took out the money sword, bit the tip of my tongue, and spurted a mouthful of blood on it.


Blood splashed on the money sword, and Zhang Yu scratched the sword with two fingers.

The bathroom in the villa is also quite large. Because of the competition, surveillance is also set up here. There are also cameramen outside taking follow-up shots.

The eight guests were all in formation, and the guests in the square were watching on the big screen. As soon as everyone saw Zhang Yu spurting blood onto the money sword, some people immediately started shouting.

"Look, look, that Zhang Yu is spurting blood again." "He spurted blood yesterday. At first, I thought he was injured, but it seems that's not the case. It should be a Taoist technique." "I It looks similar." "Yes, it must be a kind of magic."...

Except for those who were directly related to the other guests, the eyes of the spectators were almost all focused on Zhang Yu's screen.

You know, Zhang Yu won for two consecutive days, first defeating Dhruv, and then defeating Inzaghi. There were some stories that happened in the process, which made him famous and became the main focus of this astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting.

But how can these discerning people know the mysteries of Taoism? Yesterday Zhang Yu spurted blood, which was a backlash. Today's spurt of blood was a real use of magic.

Even Zhang Yinling, Zhang Qingfeng and others couldn't explain it. They also asked Zhang Yu yesterday if there was anything wrong. Zhang Yu's answer was simple, nothing happened at all. This just made everyone feel relieved, thinking that he was using Taoism and was not injured.

Of course, who has ever seen someone vomiting blood when using Taoism like yesterday?

Next, they arrived again, and Zhang Yu took out a large handful of apricot-yellow talisman papers from his arms. For these people, they naturally don’t understand what this means. Zhang Yu suddenly threw the talisman papers towards the ceiling, and then the money sword in his hand turned into copper coins and hit the talisman papers.

On the big screen, it's impossible to see what these talismans look like. These talisman papers are actually blank. Zhang Yu brought a lot of talisman papers from China this time, some of which have been drawn, and some of which have not been drawn. Today he was going to compete with Che Xinyoumei, so Zhang Yu had to prepare more in case of emergencies.

After the blank talisman paper rose, it was immediately sealed by seventy-two copper coins. Zhang Yu's money sword contained 108 copper coins, so he could not use so many coins. Only 72 pieces are enough.

So many talisman papers were printed on the ceiling of the bathroom with copper coins. Although the bathroom was not small, the talisman papers on the ceiling were densely pasted.

He took back the copper coin and looked at the talisman on it. Something unexpected happened.

It turned out that on each talisman, there was a blood-red copper coin seal.

"Look, look, there are red seals on those yellow papers." "It seems to be copper coin seals." "How did you do this?" "Didn't you see it just now? He sprayed blood on it. On the sword made of copper coins." "I saw it, but he just vomited out so much blood. How could every copper coin be covered with blood and printed so clearly." "It is indeed a question. But this should be a superb Taoist skill."...

Everyone watching the excitement started talking again.

For many people, coming here this time is simply an eye-opener. There are a total of thirty-six masters in the world of astrology and feng shui in the world, and some are even masters of the same school. They come from different countries, and even if they are from the same country, they use different methods. All kinds of magical means are fascinating.

While everyone was talking, Zhang Yu took action again. He just raised his hand and pulled it, and then pointed to the toilet aside.

"Puff puff puff puff..."

Then he saw the talismans printed with red copper coins on the roof of the shed, one by one, forming a line of fire and shooting towards the toilet. Such a scene, like a fire dragon, looks so shocking.

The only thing that surprised people was that the fire dragon was poured into the toilet.

"This, this, this..." "It's too exaggerated..." "What kind of method is this..." "Why are so many fireballs flying into the toilet..." "Good guy, you are doing a trick..." "What kind of magic is this? This is a superb Taoist skill..."...

Everyone started talking again, originally they were all talking about the fireball. Suddenly, someone shouted, "Look at that dog!"

The big guy’s eyes were immediately drawn to the screen at the top of the stairs on the first floor, and then he shouted in surprise, “This dog is getting mad.” “It seems to be barking non-stop.” “It seems like there is really something in this house. Something went wrong." "How is this done?" "If I knew, I would not sit here and watch, but also go and communicate with them." "That's true." "But this is too powerful "It took only three or two strokes to make such a big change in this dog." "Who said it wasn't right?" "Look, this dog is struggling more and more fiercely, and it's starting to bite the chain."...

Zhang Yu's move was definitely not a fault.

The layout of the formation pays attention to the right time, place and people, which is different from the Pisces formation used by the Eight-Nine Evil Gathering Formation to defeat Jack Liu last time.

You know, the first place here is the basement. There is less sunlight and the yin is relatively heavier. Especially in the toilet, there is no sunlight at all. The toilet itself is also a place where evil spirits gather. Zhang Yu used the Eight-nine Evil Gathering Formation to lay out here, which simply took advantage of the right time, place and people, and was naturally extremely powerful.

At this moment, evil spirits kept pouring out of the toilet, and this place had simply become a source of evil spirits.

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