Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2181 Seven Luck Beads

Inzaghi stood up and walked calmly towards the stage. Many people looked at him. Some people had already noticed that Dhruv was gone, while others only noticed now.

It is inevitable that some people will say: "Where is Dhruv?" "He's gone." "Why are you leaving now." "Why are you staying? I think it's not embarrassing enough." "That's true." By the way, let's see if Inzaghi can be the opponent of that Eastern boy." "That's terrible.".

These people's discussions were not loud, but Inzaghi could hear them. He seemed to be calm, just smiled and quickly walked to the stage.

After taking the stage, Inzaghi came to Zhang Yu and said politely: "Hello, Mr. Zhang."

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, hello Mr. Inzaghi." Zhang Yu clasped his hands and said politely.

Miss Allen waited for the two of them to finish their polite remarks, and immediately said with a smile: "You two are now your opponents in the second round, the first group. At this moment, I don't know if you have anything to say in your heart."

After speaking, Miss Allen looked at Zhang Yu first.

Zhang Yu said casually: "In such a grand exchange meeting, no matter what kind of opponent you encounter, they are all the same, which can open your eyes. Especially when you meet an opponent like Mr. Inzaghi, it is even more... It’s extremely honorable.”

Miss Allen then looked at Inzaghi, who smiled and said: "It is also an honor for me to meet Mr. Zhang. Just now my senior lost to Mr. Zhang, I think the probability of me losing is also very high. Since It’s about communication, so winning or losing is not important, what’s important is exchanging experiences and learning from each other.”

The two people on the stage didn't mean to be tit-for-tat at all, and they were very harmonious, which somewhat disappointed the people in the audience. It seems that in their eyes, because Dhruv lost to Zhang Yu, Inzaghi and Zhang Yu should be facing each other, and it should be like sparks hitting the earth.

Of course, in this situation, no one would lose his grace as easily as Dhruv. Sometimes, silence is better than sound here.

"Now, would you please name the two guests from the next group." Miss Allen said.

It was now around two o'clock in the afternoon, and Dhruv, who had left alone before, had now arrived at the hotel where he was staying.

He was in a very unhappy mood. This time he was completely defeated. Even the people who followed him had fallen to Inzaghi's side.

When the car parked outside the hotel, he threw the keys to the parking boy and walked directly inside.

Arriving at the lobby on the first floor, he went straight to the elevator. When he arrived at the elevator door, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Yes, it was Paris who was waiting for the elevator, and in Paris's hands, she was carrying a box.

"Paris." Dhruv said as he walked over.

Following him, he saw that Paris's body seemed to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, Paris turned around and said nervously: "Senior, you are back."

"Back." Dhruv nodded slightly, looked at Paris twice, and said, "Why are you so dusty? Didn't you go to bed in the morning? Where have you been?"

"I have something to do. I went to buy something." Paris explained quickly.

She was really tired and looked like she hadn't slept well. It's true that Paris quickly took a plane to Italy after Dhruv left.

It only takes about two hours to fly from London to Rome, which is very fast, and there are many flights, just like domestic trains. When Paris returned to Rome, she naturally looked for books about vampire families. She found a lot and planned to give these evenings to Zhang Yu. Now that Dhruv was bumping into him, he would inevitably be a little nervous.

But she soon discovered that something was wrong. Dhruv's face was not very good and he couldn't say anything. There was no one else there.

Paris asked casually: "Senior, where are Pisoa and the others?"

"They." Dhruv couldn't help but grit his teeth. He barely suppressed the anger in his heart and did not burst out.

Just because Paris raised this issue, Dhruv was not in the mood to pay attention to where Paris had gone.

Just as the elevator arrived, as soon as the door opened, Dhruv walked inside and said, "Let's go upstairs and talk."

"Okay." Paris said, entering the location.

She has discovered that something seems to have happened, otherwise Dhruv would not be able to do this.

Today is the day to compete with Zhang Yu. Dhruv came back alone with such a look on his face. He must have lost.

Paris was almost certain that Dhruv would most likely lose.

The two people arrived at the 9th floor, got out of the elevator, and walked towards their room. Paris's room was on the outside. He came to her door first. She opened the door and said, "Senior, let me tidy up first and then go to your room."

"Let's talk in your room," Dhruv said.

This is a suite. Dhruv went to sit in the living room outside. Paris put the suitcase in the bedroom, then turned around and came out and sat down on the sofa next to Dhruv.

Dhruv's face was sullen, and Paris didn't dare to speak first.

"Ring ring ring"

Just then, Dhruv's cell phone rang in his pocket. He took out his cell phone and looked at it. His expression became even more ugly, but he still answered the call and said, "Hello."

"Senior, this is Pisoya." Pisoya's voice rang on the phone.

Dhruv said displeasedly with a cold face: "Didn't you stay and continue watching the exchange meeting with Inzaghi and the others? Why are you calling me now?"

"Senior, don't get me wrong. I stayed here mainly to see who will play against whom in the next draw." Pisoa said quickly.

"Are you taking it out now?" Dhruv asked.

"Pull it out. Inzaghi vs. Zhang Yu," Pissoya said in a low voice this time.

"What!" Hearing this, Dhruv couldn't help but feel shocked. After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "What are the rules of this contest?"

"It's a battle of wealth formations."

At that moment, Pizoya repeated the rules that Miss Allen had said before exactly.

After listening, Dhruv pondered for a moment and said, "I understand. Is there anything else?"

"No, I made the call secretly while I was in the bathroom." Pisoa said.

"Very good, let's hang up now and we'll talk about it later," Dhruv said.

"Yes, senior." Pisoya said respectfully.

Dhruv hung up the phone, put his hand on the back of the sofa, and tapped lightly with his fingers.

Paris didn't know what was going on. She just saw that Dhruv seemed to be thinking about something, so she didn't dare to interrupt.

After a while, Dhruv said calmly: "I lost to Zhang Yu today."

Paris lowered her head and said nothing. Because at this time, what can be said? It seems inappropriate to say that victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists.

Dhruv then said to himself: "The next round is Inzaghi vs. Zhang Yu. If he wins against Zhang Yu, I'm afraid I really won't be able to stand up."

"Senior, even you will have no chance of winning if you lose to Inzaghi," Paris said carefully.

"I lost inexplicably. I don't even know what that kid Zhang Yu did. But this game is not a competition to break the formation, it is just a competition to set up the formation to see whose formation can gather more wealth." Dhruv said.

"In the opinion of the seniors, which one of them has a higher chance of winning?" Paris said.

"It's hard to say. I lost to Zhang Yu twice, both times inexplicably. It's hard for me to evaluate how strong Zhang Yu really is. It seems that he shouldn't be below me. Under normal circumstances, he and It's normal for Inzaghi to win or lose, but this time he is allowed to use magic weapons. The master gave Inzaghi a very powerful treasure, and I am afraid that Zhang Yu will definitely lose." Dhruv said slowly.

"Master did give Inzaghi a treasure, but I don't know what it is, and I don't know if it can be used in this competition." Paris said curiously.

"I have found out that it is the Seven Luck Beads. In fact, astrology and feng shui competitions are not mainly about luck. With the Seven Luck Beads, the Feng Shui situation arranged will have strong luck and is difficult to break. To be precise, it cannot be broken. Even if Zhang Yu knows any special skills, they will be of no use. Therefore, Zhang Yu will definitely lose." Dhruv said with a solemn expression.

"Then, what if Inzaghi wins?" Paris said worriedly.

"There is no way." Dhruv said.

"What method? Didn't you say that Zhang Yu must be there without any doubt?" Paris said.

"If Zhang Yu was not prepared, he would definitely lose. If he was prepared, I think it would not be a problem. Maybe he could come up with something," Dhruv said.

"But how could Zhang Yu know?" Paris said in confusion.

"That's not easy to handle. Just think of a way to inform him," Dhruv said bluntly.

"Me!" Paris's heart trembled and she said hurriedly: "How can I inform him? Not only are we not familiar with each other, we are also enemies."

When she said this, Paris's heart kept beating, wondering if Dhruv knew about her and Zhang Yu.

Dhruv was not in the mood to observe this detail, and then said: "I told you to find a way. You were able to sneak in and set fire yesterday. Why not find a way to send him a letter tonight?"

Seeing what he said, Paris breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I'll try my best to think of a solution."

Royal resort estate.

The draw is now over, and the top 16 guests have drawn their respective opponents.

Next, they went to visit the model house. The model house was no longer a townhouse, but a single-family villa in the back.

As Miss Allen said, there is a peach tree at a corner on the second floor of the villa.

There are wind chimes hanging on the peach tree in this lesson, and it is even full of peach blossoms. In this season, if you want the peach trees to bloom, you must be like Zhang Yu and have certain strength.

The peach tree exudes the aura of peach luck, permeating the entire villa. It is absolutely certain that this is a formation that increases peach luck, and the formation's eye is actually on the peach tree.

In addition, this formation is indeed unique. It is not like the image Feng Shui formation in the West, and has nothing to do with the Eastern one.

Zhang Yu and his party visited the villa. After seeing the peach blossom tree, Zhang Yu stood here all the time. He opened his heavenly eyes and looked at the flow of peach blossom luck floating here, wondering what kind of formation this was.

"Huh?" After a while, Zhang Yu suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong here.

Yes, this is indeed not Taoist Feng Shui, nor is it Western Feng Shui. Zhang Yu was vaguely sure that this should be a kind of witchcraft and feng shui.

Witchcraft was one of the earliest forms of magic, which also included Feng Shui. Moreover, witchcraft is not only found in the East. In the earliest period of time, witchcraft was also present in the West.

Zhang Yu walked to the tree, put his hand on the tree pole, and felt the tree with his mind. Soon he could see that there were countless fractures in the trees. What's even weirder is that there is red blood in it.

In an instant, Zhang Yu completely understood what was going on.

The peach blossom tree with its bright appearance will not survive long. The organizer used witchcraft and feng shui to promote the peach blossom luck in a short period of time, bringing the peach blossom luck here to its peak.

The life of a peach tree can last for a week at most, and then it will die. After the death of the peach tree, the owner of the house will be able to have countless luck with women temporarily through the luck of the peach blossom. But the problem is that this formation is nourished by the blood of the owner, not the blood of the person who set up the formation. This blood represents life. To put it bluntly, the owner of the house has paid a certain amount of life while getting lucky. For example, you will live ten years less.

Many things have pros and cons, especially some of the most direct witchcraft.

Zhang Yu was absolutely certain that someone had paid a price before to set up this array.

Who this person is is unknown, and it is not within the scope of his consideration. All he has to do is to match his formation with this formation according to the rules.

In this way, it is very possible to save the tree and save the lives of those who pay the price.

After seeing all this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but grit his teeth in his heart. This organizer really had a way to improve others' luck. He also wanted to let these people save the tree and make up for the life span of those who sacrificed it.

Of course, the person setting up the formation should also have enough strength to do this. Unfortunately, the top 16 guests all used this formation. No matter how powerful the people who set up the formation were, they could not save all the peach blossom trees before they died.

Fortunately, simply reviving one tree would not cost much. No one can save sixteen trees at once.

Zhang Yu can also choose not to save the trees here, but the rules are here. If he doesn't save them, wouldn't it be the same as losing to Inzaghi?

After visiting the formation, Zhang Yu and others came out of the model villa. They had already had lunch and could leave now. They could wait until the hotel tomorrow to continue the exchange.

Miss Allen was responsible for seeing off the guests at the door, but the three notaries had already disappeared.

In the villa where Dhruv had set up his formation before, there was a notary standing at the moment. This man was Archbishop Charleson of the Anglican Church.

Charlson looked around the villa. He had been here for a while. To be precise, he must have been here when Zhang Yu and the others visited the model house.

He walked to the money tree in a bedroom on the second floor and observed the pot of money tree with doubts in his eyes.

"Deng Deng Deng"

Suddenly, there were gentle footsteps outside. Charleson turned to look and soon saw a man walking over.

"Great Astrologer, you are here too." Charleson said politely.

The person who came was none other than the great astrologer Edwards.

Edwards nodded and said, "You feel something is wrong, too."

"That's right." Charleson nodded and said, "Dhruv should have used the constellation of Pegasus for layout. The main star position should be here, but now it's gone, and there's no sign of being broken. It's really surprising. I’m confused.”

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