Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2178 Dissatisfaction

Kong Yi's doubts are not without reason. Although the two belong to the Buddhist and Taoist families, they still have something in common. Moreover, there are only two ways to break the formation, one is to forcefully break the formation, and the other is to find the center of the formation.

It takes a certain amount of time to forcibly break the formation. The time it took Zhang Yu to break the formation was very short, and it didn't look like forcibly breaking the formation at all. As for the formation eye, the location where Zhang Yu is located is not the location of the formation eye.

Of course she couldn't figure out what method Zhang Yu used. No one present could understand it.

This move of his is actually a movement of stars. Zhang Yu had no time to study the formation last night. There was simply not enough time. When he sent Paris away, it was already four o'clock in the evening. There were so many things at home, and he had to rush over so early in the morning, so there was no time.

The fact that Zhang Yu couldn't come up with a brilliant formation doesn't mean that Zhang Yu couldn't come up with a solution. Zhang Yu soon discovered that this contest was an offensive and defensive exercise. As long as he takes a short time to set up the formation and a short time to break the formation, he can win.

Zhang Yu still knew something about his opponent Dhruv. Dhruv's formation mainly relies on combining constellations. It used to be difficult for him to break it, but after experiencing the battle in Casino Royale, it was very easy to break it. As long as he uses Star Shift to move the star position, Dhruv will lose.

Knowing one's self and knowing one's enemy is enough to win a hundred battles. After he figured out this truth, the balance of victory and defeat had completely tilted to his side. He had set up the Star Shift position at home early in the morning, and he could move the stars in Dhruv's formation at any time.

With such a method, during the layout, Zhang Yu lightly used ten ready-made pots of fortune trees to set up a four-image and six-combination array. It takes the shortest time and is not difficult.

Then, he began to wait for Dhruv to set up the formation and see how long it would take for Dhruv to set up the formation. As long as the combined time of setting up and breaking the formation is shorter than Dhruv, then there is nothing to fear. After Zhang Yu saw that it took Dhruv thirty minutes to set up the formation, he was already excited. Because no matter how long it takes Dhruv to break the formation, even if it's just a second, he will definitely win.

After he entered Dhruv's villa, he took the Four Symbols of Guizhen and passed it around. Although he was really looking for the formation, there was also some element of acting. Anyway, there is enough time. It would be boring to break the formation so quickly. It is better to give Dhruv a little hope and then kill it. Likewise, he didn't want to go too far. If he used this move to break Dhruv's formation, the scene would explode.

Even so, there was a lot of heated discussion at the scene.

Dhruv was the closest to Zhang Yu. Dhruv stood at the door and kept staring at Zhang Yu. Seeing Zhang Yu coming out, Dhruv couldn't help but be secretly surprised. He obviously didn't expect that Zhang Yu could break his formation.

But Dhruv was still secretly glad that even if Zhang Yu broke through the formation, it took him long enough, so he probably still won.

The people in front of the big screen knew the time, but in order not to affect the competing guests, the time would not be announced. Therefore, they only know their own time, not their opponent's time. Dhruv asked the staff how long it took Zhang Yu to set up the formation, but the staff followed the regulations and did not tell him. Everything has to wait for the results to be announced.

In addition, the villa is not close to the small square in front, so the discussions there cannot be heard here.

Soon, the twenty minutes were up. Only Cha Shinyumi’s opponent Romagnoli has not yet come out.

However, less than a minute later, staff accompanied Romagnoli out.

The announcement then sounded, "Now the eight guests from the first round are invited to come to the stage in the small square to announce the results of the first round and the promoted guests."

The eight people walked forward together and met halfway. It was better to say that the other groups had a clear winner after all. For example, Yumi Che, Inzaghi, and Rockenwell came out first when setting up the formation. Their opponents came out behind them both times, and everyone knew the result. Especially Romagnoli, who failed to break the formation even when the time was up, which clearly meant he was completely defeated.

Dhruv kept staring at Zhang Yu, who seemed calm and composed. After all, he had already concluded from the time that he had won.

Eight people came to the small square in front of the big screen. There is a small podium there.

They filed onto the stage and stood in order on the stage.

Miss Allen held a list in her hand. When she saw them coming up, she said with a smile: "The first round of exchanges is over. On behalf of the British royal family and the organizer of the exchange meeting, I would like to thank the eight guests for their presentations. Now, let's I'll announce the result"

At this point, Miss Allen paused. In fact, everyone in the audience knew the result. It was just a formality to let the eight people on the stage know the result. After all, it must be fair and impartial. In addition to the three elected notaries, the so-called notaries, the people in the audience are also witnesses.

"In the first round, the two guests in the first group are Mr. Inzaghi from Italy and Master Arjun Atwal from India. Inzaghi's formation time is and the time to break the formation is. The final time is"

She first told Inzaghi's time, and then said: "Master Arjun Atwal's formation time is. The time to break the formation is. The final time is"

At this point, she prolonged her voice and finally said: "The final winner between the two is Mr. Inzaghi!"

"Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap."

The audience immediately burst into applause.

After the applause had settled, Miss Allen read out again, "The guests of the second group in the first round are Miss Yumi Cha from the island country and Mr. Romagnoli from Brazil. Because Mr. Romagnoli did not complete the formation on time, Miss Cha Shin Yumi completed it on time, so the winner among the two is Miss Cha Shin Yumi!”

"Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap."

The same goes for the next group and the winner is Rockenwell.

"The guests of the fourth group in the first round are Mr. Zhang Yu from the East and Mr. Duruf from Italy. Mr. Zhang Yu's formation time was 4 minutes and 39 seconds."

Everyone in the audience didn't think anything of it. Dhruv, who was standing next to Zhang Yu, turned green when he heard the time. He never dreamed that Zhang Yu's formation time would be so short.

Before he could calculate Zhang Yu's total time, Miss Allen continued: "Mr. Zhang Yu's formation time was 18 minutes and 52 seconds, and the total time was 23 minutes and 31 seconds. Mr. Dhruv's formation time was It took 31 minutes and 24 seconds to break the formation, 2 minutes and 32 seconds, and the total time was 33 minutes and 56 seconds. Therefore, the final winner is Mr. Zhang Yu!"

When Dhruv heard that Zhang Yu's total time was 23 minutes and 31 seconds, he staggered before hearing the result and almost fell down on the stage.

His whole body was trembling, and his mind almost went blank for a moment.

"Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap." "Pap-pap-pap-pap."

As usual, the audience burst into fierce applause. Only when he heard the applause did Dhruv finally react.

He knew what this result meant. This was not simply that he was eliminated, but that he had lost so much that he no longer had the face to see his master.

Dhruv couldn't accept this result. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Yu, pointed and shouted crazily: "You are cheating! The formation you arranged is simply a messy formation! Everyone present can see it. , you didn’t set up the formation carefully at all, I only need two minutes to break your formation, why should I be judged to lose! I am the winner!"

Because there are people from all over the world here, they are equipped with headsets as usual, which can instantly translate the words on stage into various languages.

Normally speaking, it is actually the result announced by the translator Miss Allen. But the translators didn't know whether they should translate Dhruv's words, so they simply translated them.

This time, everyone in the audience could understand.

Zhang Yu glanced at Dhruv and said calmly: "Don't worry about what formation I have arranged. As long as it is completed successfully according to the regulations of the conference, it will be fine."

"You!" Zhang Yu's words almost angered Dhruv to death.

Dhruv gritted his teeth and said: "This is the Eastern and Western Astrology Feng Shui Exchange Meeting. The formation is to show the true strength of astrology and Feng Shui. Your formation is clearly a blasphemy to the exchange meeting! Miss Allen, I hope you can Give me a reasonable explanation! Does it mean that if he sets up the formation like this, it will pass?"

For a moment, everyone in the audience focused their attention on Miss Allen, wanting to see what Miss Allen said.

Everyone now understands that what Dhruv said is right. Zhang Yu's formation is indeed opportunistic.

Before Miss Allen could speak, Zhang Yu glanced at Miss Allen and said with a smile: "I strictly follow the regulations of the conference. You may say that my formation is messy, but I am still the target of completion. I think , it is not an easy task to be able to lay out a formation that achieves the target within five minutes. I also do this to show the simplicity and efficiency of my Eastern astrological Feng Shui."

"Don't argue anymore." Miss Allen shrugged her shoulders, and then said solemnly: "The rules are like this. As long as it can make the dogs in the villa become stable, it is considered completed. As for whether it is smart, the conference has no idea. It is clearly stated, so it can only be implemented in accordance with the rules. And I made it very clear on the stage yesterday about this rule, and everyone has no objection. If a guest uses the rules to win, it is his wisdom."

Everyone in the audience nodded unconsciously. Rules are rules, and everyone is just working hard for results.

The little girl sitting below saw Dhruv acting wildly and couldn't help shouting, "You are a defeated general. Don't you want to admit your defeat? You were opportunistic last time. You don't know what your strength is. Why are you still here?" a shame!"

Her father lost last time, and she still remembers this debt. She also heard from her father about the specific situation of the subsequent formation, which was Dhruv's opportunism. Zhang Yu relied on his wisdom to discover the flaws and break them.

Seeing him shouting like this, Zhang Yu's disciples also shouted, "You don't want to admit your defeat!" "What do you mean by smashing the formation? My master followed the rules, okay?" "You lose, just do it!" You’ve lost and you still don’t accept it!” “You can’t afford to lose!”.

When the audience shouted, the scene was a bit chaotic. Their voices could be heard clearly by Dhruv on the stage. His face turned blue and white. His great apprentice, Pisano, the great astrologer, was now being ridiculed by a bunch of young boys. He couldn't wait to kill him. These people were all slaughtered.

Inzaghi on the stage kept secretly looking at Dhruv, with a trace of pride flashing on his face. Because he knew that the more Dhruv behaved like this, the more embarrassing he would be.

Not only him, but the three Montolivo people in the audience also had proud looks on their faces. Pissoya and Xierehe could only keep worrying, but there was nothing they could do.

Almost everyone could see that Dhruv's body was trembling. In his field of vision, it seemed that everyone in the audience had a mocking expression.

His body was about to explode.

But at this moment, he suddenly trembled, "That's not right."

Immediately, Dhruv shouted loudly: "I protest. My formation was not broken by Zhang Yu at all. He is simply cheating! I don't accept it!"

As soon as these words came out, the people present were stunned. They never expected that he could say such words.

Miss Allen looked at Dhruv seriously and said, "Mr. Dhruv, don't be kidding me. On the big screen, you can still see the dog in the villa barking all the time out of uneasiness." .You said the formation was not broken, so how could this happen?"

Dhruv replied directly and forcefully: "My colleagues present, I think you all know that even if the formation you set up is not blessed with life, once the formation is broken at close range, the person who set it up will also be destroyed. You can feel it! However, I didn't feel at all that my formation was broken! So I was sure that Zhang Yu must have cheated, and he must have used other methods to make the dogs in the villa become agitated. I I believe that knowledgeable people can feel what the aura in the formation is like as long as they enter the villa in a few seconds! Here, I hope the organizer of the conference can conduct a review! Don't let some people take advantage of it. Got a loophole!"

The audience was already quiet. Their eyes shifted from Dhruv to Miss Allen, wanting to see what Miss Allen would say this time.

Similarly, there are also people who are curious and don't understand why Dhruv said such things.

You know, there are quite a few experts talking about it here. You can feel what the atmosphere in the villa is like when you enter it. If the formation is not broken, there is still the aura of the formation left by Dhruv, which can be discovered immediately. Of course, if it is gone, you can also find it immediately.

The most important thing is that if Zhang Yu has broken the formation and does not find Dhruv's formation aura, it means that Dhruv cannot afford to lose and is obviously cheating. This is also a form of self-humiliation and will really become a big joke.

This kind of shame is even more embarrassing than losing.

Miss Allen did not dare to answer immediately, but looked at the first notary, Archbishop Charleson, and said respectfully: "Archbishop, I wonder what your attitude is towards Mr. Dhruv's review proposal?"

Charleson had hardly spoken before and looked aloof. Seeing Miss Allen asking this question, he stood up slowly and said calmly: "The purpose of this Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Meeting is to be fair and just. Since some people feel that their formation has not been broken, they want to ask for a review. , of course it is allowed. I think so, now let’s go to the villa and take a look to determine whether the formation has been broken. "

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