Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2175 The first round of competition

After listening to Jill's story, Wilmore pondered for a moment and then said: "Why do people who have not had a relationship with that woman also have body ulcers?"

"I'm not sure about this." Jill shook her head and said.

"Can you show me that diary?" Wilmore asked.

"The diary is where I live and I don't have it with me," Jill said.

"My promise to you will definitely be fulfilled. Now, I will go with you to get the diary." Wilmore said, slowly standing up.

Royal resort estate.

Dawn is the competition day of the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Conference.

The arrival time is set at nine in the morning. The traffic in London is actually not much different from that in Zhenhai. During the morning rush hour, the vehicles are just as congested.

Zhang Yu and the others needed to leave early, and it was 8:40 when they arrived at the manor.

According to the regulations, everyone still sat at the venue yesterday, and the location was the same as yesterday.

When it was almost nine o'clock, all the guests attending the exchange meeting were present. At the right time, Miss Allen and yesterday's judges also came on stage.

The three judges and several others still went to their seats and sat down. Only Miss Allen stood in front. She smiled and said in English: "Dear guests, today is the official moment of the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Meeting. Yesterday we held a lottery ceremony, and thirty-two guests were divided into A competition for catching pairs for sixteen groups. Each game lasts one hour. However, if the sixteen groups of guests communicate together, it will inevitably be a bit confusing and the communication effect will not be achieved. Therefore, we now have to sort out the order of each four. The guests are grouped into a sequence, and the competition is divided into four times. No matter who comes first and who comes last, the time is fair to every guest. I think all the guests here should have no problem. Bar."

Her words were immediately translated into multiple languages ​​and delivered to the headsets of each guest.

To everyone, as Miss Allen said, it makes no difference to go up first and then up. After all, the preparation time for each group of guests competing against each other is the same.

Everyone nodded, but Dhruv frowned. Paris returned to the hotel where they were staying at dawn and told Dhruv that a fire had been set at Zhang Yu's residence during the night.

In fact, Dhruv already knew this. The reason is simple. Dhruv also sent someone to watch outside the villa. In the eyes of others, they can't see this formation at all, they only see a normal villa. Zhang Yu's glass window in the basement was smashed, and so much smoke came out that it was easy to spot it in the dark.

But at this moment, Paris was not there. Her reason was that she was too tired after a night and needed to rest.

Dhruv didn't think anything was wrong and came with his confidants. Although he and Inzaghi were from the same school, they didn't stay in the same hotel at all.

Seeing that no one in the audience raised any objections, Miss Allen on the stage immediately said: "Now Miss etiquette, please bring up the lottery equipment prepared in advance."

After he finished speaking, he soon saw two hostesses pushing a large trolley onto the stage. After the trolley was stable, it was quickly fixed and quickly turned into a large long table.

There is a plate on the table, one is very large, and the remaining four are slightly smaller. There were sixteen small balls in the big plate, and there was nothing in the small plate except for the four numbers "1, 2, 3, 4" marked on them.

The big screen on the stage lit up, and Miss Allen said: "Now please bring the notary Duke Goodson over."

Duke Goodson stood up, walked to Miss Allen, and said gently: "Alan, what's the matter?"

"Can you please Duke, draw lots and put the small balls from the big plate into four small plates respectively to determine the order." Miss Allen said with a smile.

"No problem." Duke Goodson nodded.

He followed Miss Allen's request, grabbed the small balls from the big plate, and put them into four plates one by one.

Miss Allen then said: "Now the order has been decided. The four groups of guests on plate No. 1 will be the four groups of guests in the first round of communication. The four groups of guests on plate No. 2 will be the second round, and so on."

As she spoke, she grabbed a small ball from plate No. 1 and added, "Time is very tight, so let us reveal which of the four groups of guests will be in each round of communication."

She gently unscrewed the ball. Inside the ball was a folded piece of paper, which she unfolded. He took a look at it first, then turned to the audience and said, "The first group of guests in the first round are Mr. Inzaghi from the Italian Federation and Master Arjun Atwal from the Tianzhu Federation."

Along with her voice, the camera also captured the name on the note and displayed it on the big screen.

Inzaghi was still sitting with Dhruv. Seeing that he was the first one to be pulled out, he turned to look at Dhruv and said: "Senior, I didn't expect that I was the first one. Don't worry, I will definitely do it." If you take the lead first, you won’t disappoint your master and seniors.”

"I believe in your strength." Dhruv forced a smile on his face and nodded.

At this time, Miss Allen on the stage pulled out a second small ball, opened it, and announced the result.

"The guests of the second group in the first round are Miss Cha Shin Yumi from the island country and Mr. Romagnoli from Brazil!"

Everyone just looked around and said nothing.

Miss Allen pulled out another small ball and said, "The guests of the third group in the first round are Mr. Rockenwell from England and Mr. Ragus from Australia."

Three groups have been drawn in the first round. Dhruv could not help but grit his teeth secretly and said in his heart, "Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu, I will give you a little more time to prepare. I have already thought of the formation. It depends on how you do this time." break!"

Ms. Allen on the stage picked up the last small ball on the plate, unscrewed it, glanced at the content on it, and immediately said: "The guests of the fourth group in the first round are Mr. Zhang Yu from the East and Mr. Zhang Yu from Italy. Mr. Dhruv!”

Immediately afterwards, the words on the note appeared on the big screen.

If we talk about the draw for the first round, it may be a bit tricky. After all, it is also the computer controller. It is not difficult to rank someone as a weaker opponent. However, in terms of the order of the matches, there is nothing to cheat, you have to play sooner or later.

When Dhruv heard the name "Zhang Yu", he couldn't help but feel excited.

I originally thought that Zhang Yu would not be drawn in the first round, but the result was great, there was a surprise at the end.

He couldn't help but beam with joy. Inzaghi turned to look at him and said with a smile: "Seeing that the senior is so happy, it seems that he is sure to win."

"It's okay." Dhruv said a little proudly.

"Then I wish the senior a good start and immediate success." Inzaghi said with a smile again.

He said this, but he said secretly in his heart, Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu, I hope you can be more angry, but don't let this guy win you.

When Zhang Yu heard his name, his expression was calm, as if nothing happened.

Next to her sat Zhang Yinling, and the little girl said, "Zhang Yu, did you study the formation last night?"

"No." Zhang Yu said bluntly.

"Is that possible?" Zhang Yinling immediately opened her eyes and looked at Zhang Yu.

Not to mention the little girl, Zhang Yu's disciples almost slipped off their chairs after hearing this.

The contest is about to begin. Master has not even thought of any formations. What is the point?

But then I thought about it, so many things happened last night, how could Master have time to think about it.

Also, Master's opponent Dhruv was no ordinary person. At the Eastern and Western Astrology and Feng Shui Exchange Meeting at Longhu Villa, Dhruv showed off his skills and many people were defeated by Dhruv.

But if the master loses to Dhruv in the first game, the loss of face will be too great. For a moment, everyone was sweating for Zhang Yu.

Miss Allen was still not idle, and continued to take out the balls from the second plate, and then showed her names to determine who the four groups of guests in each round were.

In a short time, all the orders were finalized.

Miss Allen said: "The order of communication has been determined. Next, we will go to the exchange meeting site, which is the villa that you visited yesterday. I already said the rules of communication yesterday, and I will repeat them now."

At that moment, she explained the rules again. The time was one hour, forty minutes to set up the formation, twenty minutes to break the formation, and a detailed plan for determining the outcome. In addition, when it comes to the selection of villas, there will be a coin-guessing process when you arrive at the venue to determine which of the townhouses the two contestants in each group will choose.

After saying this, Miss Allen added: "Although there will be winners and losers in this astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting, it is mainly about communication and we can learn from each other. I hope that all the guests can show the essence of their own astrology and Feng Shui skills as much as possible." Come out. In addition, in addition to the guests, various sponsors also came to the scene. They are already waiting at the villa area. Well, without further ado, Miss Qing etiquette will lead all the guests to the exchange meeting! "

Just like yesterday, the etiquette ladies immediately came to each faction and led each faction to the villa area of ​​the manor in an orderly manner.

The place for this competition is the townhouse area. The villas are connected two by two. The eight villas are all in a row and they are not far apart.

In the Royal Manor, townhouses can only be regarded as mid-range suites. In front of the villa, there is a small landscaped square. All the furnishings here have been removed and eight large screens have been installed. Tables and chairs were placed on the square and surrounding lawns, and many people in well-dressed suits sat down here.

Miss Allen has just said that these people are the sponsors of this astrology and Feng Shui exchange meeting. There are Chinese and foreigners, and of course the majority are foreigners.

The sponsors all sat on the left, while the guests attending the exchange meeting sat on the right.

Four groups of eight guests from the first round including Zhang Yu, Dhruv, and Inzaghi were invited to the front.

A coin-guessing ceremony was held on-site. The rules were very simple. The eight villas were divided into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 78. Inzaghi and Arjun Atwal in the first group are stipulated to be in the first townhouse, that is, No. 1 and No. 2. They are determined, who will go to Villa No. 1 and who will go to No. 2.

Zhang Yu and Dhruv belong to the fourth group, and the options are No. 7 and No. 8.

This is actually a symbolic ceremony, because every villa is the same. After the previous three groups guessed, it was the turn of Zhang Yu and Dhruv. Zhang Yu guessed heads and Dhruv guessed tails. As a result, Dhruv guessed correctly and he chose first.

Dhruv picked No. 7, and Zhang Yu was No. 8.

Miss Allen said that after everyone walked to the door and stood still, the timer was announced.

The eight people walked to the door and stood down. The voice of "start" immediately sounded on the radio. No one was slow and walked quickly into the villa.

Everyone outside can see their every move clearly through the big screen. It can be seen that there is camera equipment inside, and the live broadcast must be carried out as soon as possible.

As for it being seen by people on site when setting up the formation, this is normal. If no one is allowed to see it, is it still called an exchange meeting? Let’s just call it a battle.

In addition to Zhang Yu, there are four people on the screen who appear to be surveillance staff. The competition is timed, and other magic weapons are not allowed to be used, and project targets must be completed. All of this needs to be watched by someone, including the people sitting in front of the big screen.

The judging criteria for the competition is a dog, which is a German Shepherd, and it is also an adult dog. The dog fell on the handrail of the stairs. It might be the first time he came here, and there were so many strangers here. The dog seemed very vigilant and stared at the people inside carefully.

There are eight large screens, each of which mainly observes different people.

Zhang Yu's disciples mainly observed Zhang Yu and Dhruv.

I saw Dhruv arranging ten flower plates in a circle. He was sitting alone in the middle with his eyes closed, not knowing what he was doing. Of course, if he didn't use a magic weapon, it wouldn't be a violation.

Looking at Zhang Yu again, he was busy. He first moved a pot of money tree to the second floor and placed it directly opposite the stairs. Immediately afterwards, the remaining nine pots of money trees were placed in the living room, four rooms, and on the terrace.

Waiting for him to fix his position, he came to the potted flower that was placed first. He muttered a few words, waved his sleeves, turned to the person who had been following him and said, "OK!"

The four people following him were all shocked, their mouths opened in an "O" shape, but the man in charge of pinching the watch reacted quickly and was able to freeze the watch.

With a click, even the time displayed on the big screen outside froze.

It says "OK" and the time is 4 minutes and 39 seconds.

"It's done!" "So fast!" "Is the formation ready?" "Really or not?" Everyone at the scene, whether they were guests or sponsors, even one brother was completely confused, and they all showed expressions of disbelief. color.

There were also those who responded quickly and said, "Isn't that dog the standard of judgment? Let's see how the dog reacts."

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on the dog in the branch shot on the big screen.

The German Shepherd, who was full of vigilance just now, is now lying on the ground, looking very honest. Zhang Yu and four staff members went downstairs together. When they came to the stairs, the German Shepherd not only did not bark, but also lay down and wagged its tail. Judging from its expression, it looked very down-to-earth, which meant that Zhang Yu had completed the layout in accordance with the regulations.

"Master is great. It was completed so quickly." "That's right. Otherwise, can I call you master?" "But it was completed in such a short time. I don't know how this formation is?" "With master's strength , it must be a very clever formation."

Zhang Yu's disciples began to whisper again.

After hearing what they said, Zhang Yinling couldn't help curling her lips and said disapprovingly: "What a brilliant formation. There is a surveillance view of each room on the screen, and you can see the placement of flower pots. It's not like we didn't go in yesterday. , the arrangement of these flower pots by your master is too childish, even I can see it. There are four flower pots, placed in the four directions, and six flower pots, which are Liuhe auxiliary. This is clearly a Four images and six combined formations.”

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