Zhang Yu followed the stairs to the basement. The smoke has been blown away by the strong wind and is no longer so choking. Zhang Yu walked into the home theater inside. There were no lights on. He punched in three fire gathering charms for lighting, and then he saw a mess.

The originally grand home theater was blackened by fireworks, and the sofa and other items were burned to charcoal.

Most of the things in front of me were blown to the side of the glass window by the strong wind. Although the wind was very strong, because this was the first fire scene, there was still a lot of burning smell.

Zhang Yu walked in slowly and looked around, looking for any suspicious signs.

After looking around in front and seeing nothing special, Zhang Yu walked back again. Behind them were all collapsed and charred sofas, some of which had not been blown away by the strong wind. They were a mess.

Zhang Yu walked to the end and saw no problem. He could only turn around and go back. But on the way back, he showed his money sword and lifted up the burned sofas on the ground to see what was underneath. different.


When Zhang Yu walked back to the front and reached the second row of sofas, he pushed aside the tattered sofas and saw what seemed to be a hole in the ground.

Because it was dark, he could see very clearly. Zhang Yu simply tested it with the money sword again. Sure enough, it was a hole, and there was a lot of black ash in the hole.

The hole was square and about 30 centimeters long. Zhang Yu slowly squatted down and swept it with the sleeve of Bagua Immortal Clothes. Immediately, black ash flew everywhere, allowing him to see clearly.

Below, there is a very obvious cross. This cross is half black and half red. The black part looks like it has been smoked.

In addition to this, there is some cement in the cave and some around it, which are traces of being chiseled. Otherwise, even if it catches fire, it cannot burn like this.

"This man first dug this place and then set it on fire. It seems that he wanted to burn down the things here. The cross. There may be something wrong with this cross." Zhang Yu murmured in his heart and looked at the cross again.

"If that person wants to destroy things here, why is the cross still here?" Zhang Yu wanted to reach out and take out the cross, but hesitated for a moment and still did not do it. Instead, he stretched out the money sword in his hand. Turn it upward slightly.

There was a soft "click" sound, and the cross loosened a little. Zhang Yu applied a little more force, and the entire cross was lifted up by it.

Immediately, Zhang Yu saw another thing in the cave, which looked like a box with gold color and a cross pattern on it. The size of the pattern seems to be about the same as the cross he lifted up.

Zhang Yu didn't immediately pick up the box below, but picked up the red cross first. Now he could see more clearly. One side of the cross was half black and half red, and the other side was completely red. This means that the black color above is really blackened.

He could then feel that there was this rich spiritual energy on top of the cross. But this kind of spiritual energy is quite special and does not belong to Taoist or Buddhist spiritual energy. It was similar to the aura on the Western instruments that Zhang Yu had seen. Another point is that the spiritual energy on the cross is particularly rich, much richer than the Western instruments I have seen before. At most, it is slightly inferior to his most powerful Yu Xusheng.

"How could there be such a powerful magic weapon here?" Zhang Yu's eyes fell on the golden box below again.

Zhang Yu didn't know how to use the other party's Western instruments. The cross was placed here, and it seemed that it would not be difficult to take it out. Why did the person just set it on fire and not take out the cross?

Zhang Yu's heart was full of doubts, and gradually, he had an idea in his mind.

"Could it be that the person didn't dare to touch the cross at all? That's why he couldn't take out the cross."

Zhang Yu has also seen some movies in which crosses are used to deal with zombies.

The cross is a magical weapon, just like some Eastern magical weapons. Even ordinary people can touch it, but those dirty things cannot be touched. Otherwise, they may be injured or killed. In addition, there is a statue of Jesus on top of the cross. It is not difficult to determine that this is a Catholic cross.

As for the box held down by the cross, it seems not difficult to imagine what would be in the box.

"Looking at it this way, the guy's purpose was to destroy the box under the cross. But even with such a big fire, he couldn't do it. What should I do now? Should I take out the box?" Zhang Yu pondered this in his mind.

"If the box is placed here, this guy will always find ways to destroy it, and even play some tricks. It doesn't seem right to always be so concerned about it." At this moment, Zhang Yu finally made up his mind, "How about Just take out this box and see what's inside. Maybe this way, we can force that guy to show up."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu stretched out his hands, slowly lowered them, and grabbed both sides of the box.

Sure enough, as soon as his hand touched the box, Zhang Yu could feel a strange aura again. This aura should be the same as the aura on the cross.

He slowly carried the box up. The box was also square, about twenty-five or six centimeters long and wide, and square. He put a hand on it and felt it with his mind's eye, but he couldn't feel anything inside.

Zhang Yu put the box on the ground in front of him. According to experience, there must be something suppressed inside. Zhang Yu looked again and saw that there was a button on the lid of the box. As long as it was pulled, the lid could be opened.

He used his teeth to break the bitten finger, blood flowed out and scratched his eyes. Even with the clairvoyance, there is no clue from the outside. Zhang Yu gritted his teeth, simply grabbed the money sword with one hand, and took out the jade rope with the other hand. The money sword in his hand gently touched the button, and with a soft "click" the button was pushed open. Zhang Yu then picked it up with his money sword, and the lid of the box opened.

At the same time, Zhang Yu's body jumped back and jumped more than three meters away. The money sword was placed across his chest and the jade rope was ready to go.

His eyes were fixed on the box, but for five seconds, he didn't see any reaction from the box.

"What's going on? Isn't there something dirty sealed inside? Why doesn't it come out?" Zhang Yu muttered to himself, "Could it be that that thing has been crushed to death?"

Zhang Yu was not sure and could only take two steps forward. From this distance, he could clearly see what was in the box.

There was something bloody in the box. Zhang Yu looked at it carefully. After a few seconds, his heart trembled.

It turned out that the bloody thing seemed to be a human heart.

"People's hearts." Zhang Yu took a breath and walked to the box. Now the distance was closer, and he could see more clearly when he lowered his head.

What's the thing inside if it's not a heart?

"How could there be a heart here?" Zhang Yu squatted down and did not dare to touch it casually, but continued to stare at it with his eyes.

He looked with his heavenly eyes, but couldn't see anything, and then used his money sword to touch the heart. The money sword touched the heart, and Zhang Yu felt that the thing was very hard, as if it was not a real heart.

Of course, if it were really the human heart, it would probably be rotten long ago.

Zhang Yu couldn't figure out the reason, and he became more and more curious. You know, whether it's the cross or the box, they are both pretty good magic weapons. Especially the golden box, it is obvious that it has been blessed by an expert. After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu put his hand into the box and gently touched the heart.

Zhang Yu instantly felt that there was an evil aura in his heart, but the evil aura was not strong. In addition, this thing was really hard, so Zhang Yu unconsciously pinched it with two fingers.

His hand is not weak, and it is indeed very hard when he squeezes it. The most important thing is that Zhang Yu didn't even figure out what material this thing was made of.

It doesn't seem to be metal, it doesn't seem to be stone, and it's even less likely to be flesh and blood.

"What on earth is this?" Zhang Yu curiously pulled out the heart. His heart didn't even beat, but there was still a faint evil energy on it.

He only had a general understanding of Western magic, but in a special situation like this, he couldn't guess what was going on.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yu put the heart back into the box, closed the lid, and placed the cross on the box. He picked up the box and walked outside.

Zhang Yu went up to the fifth floor and came to the room where Paris was now. He was not polite and didn't knock on the door at all. He just turned the handle and opened the door.

After walking in, he closed the door with his backhand and said, "Are you asleep?"

"Do you know, it's very rude of you to do this." Paris's voice sounded from the bed.

At this moment, Paris was lying on the bed, wearing Zhang Yu's white vest on top and big pants on the bottom, looking exactly like a country lady.

It’s just that blond hair and blue eyes that can make you look special, but if you take a photo now and post it on Weibo, it will probably be forwarded countless times and liked countless times.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said carelessly: "You broke into my house without permission. How can you be polite?"

"I" Zhang Yu's words immediately choked Paris. Paris glanced sideways at Zhang Yu and found that Zhang Yu was holding a box in his hand, and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"I was just looking for you to help me identify it." Zhang Yu said. He had already arrived at the bedside. He sat down directly and put the box on top.

Paris was wearing a vest, lying on the bed like this, with the vest sticking to her body, which made the pair of chests fully exposed, but also clearly visible. But she didn't seem to notice this. She sat up and her eyes fell on the cross on the box.

"Authentication for what? This cross is Catholic. Is there any problem?" Paris asked again curiously.

"I also know that the cross is Catholic. You listen to me first. I just went to the basement below and found out." At that moment, Zhang Yu told what he had discovered below and what he had guessed.

After listening to Zhang Yu's story, Paris became even more curious, "You mean, there is a heart in the box, and this box and the cross are both used to suppress this heart. Then open the box and let me see Look what this heart looks like."

"Okay." Zhang Yu put the cross aside, opened the lid of the box, and grabbed the heart from inside.

Seeing this, Paris was also stunned. She stretched out her hand, and Zhang Yu handed her the heart.

Paris stared at the heart in her palm, and according to Zhang Yu's words, she even squeezed it with her hands, but she didn't move it.

She tried to feel what material this thing was made of, and after a while she said, "This is really weird."

At this point, she took a deep breath, as if she thought of something, "Could it be?"

"What is it?" Zhang Yu asked hurriedly.

"The heart of a vampire" Paris said with wide eyes.

Her eyes had shifted from her heart to the cross.

"The heart of a vampire." Zhang Yu muttered and said in astonishment, "How can I say this? Why is the heart of a vampire in this box?"

Paris did not answer immediately. She first grabbed the cross next to her. She looked at it carefully and said, "This is definitely a Catholic magic weapon. It seems to be very powerful. It seems that my guess is correct."

With that said, Paris looked at Zhang Yu and said somewhat seriously: "Let's put it this way, although vampires have always been a legend and I have never seen them, they seem to really exist. According to legend, vampires are afraid of sunlight, Crosses, garlic and wooden stakes, but some powerful vampires, although they are also afraid of the sun, will not lose their lives. If you want to kill a vampire most directly, the most direct and effective way is to pierce the vampire's heart with a wooden sword . However, some particularly powerful vampires, that is, those who have reached Dukes, Marquises, and Earls, their hearts are difficult to pierce. According to records, three Catholic cardinals once teamed up to capture a vampire Marquis. , tried many methods, but could not pierce the heart. There was no way, the three cardinals finally cut out the vampire's heart, suppressed the heart with magic weapons, and then buried the body in an unknown place. Whether it was Neither the suppressed heart nor the buried corpse can be known. Because once the heart is put back into the corpse of the Vampire Marquis, the other party will be resurrected."

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yu said in surprise.

"That's right! This is most likely the heart of a vampire marquis, or the heart of a vampire with a higher status," Paris said solemnly.

"There is such a thing." Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly gasped.

Paris then said worriedly: "Zhang Yu, the guy I saw tonight seems to be a vampire. Do you think its purpose here is to take away the heart? But because he Fear of the cross will not succeed."

"It's very possible." Zhang Yu also guessed the same and nodded.

"If this is the case, I'm afraid things will be in trouble. With this heart in your hands, the vampire will definitely come back to you." Paris said worriedly again.

"I know." Zhang Yu looked at the heart in Paris's hand and unconsciously considered a countermeasure.

This heart was suppressed here by Catholic masters, and it can be said to be very secretive. Now that the vampire master has discovered it, he will definitely find a way to seize it again.

In this case, not only is he in danger, but his apprentice is also in danger.

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