Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2171 Vampire

"Yin Ling, what kind of net?" Zhang Yu also asked curiously.

"It's a magic weapon I brought from home." Zhang Yinling said, taking out the 'Drawing Net' from her arms, looking quite proud.

Zhang Yu walked up to Zhang Yinling and said, "Can you lend it to me?"

"Let's see." Zhang Yinling pouted and handed the dragnet to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu took it and took a look, and he could immediately feel the rich spiritual energy on it. This was definitely a powerful magic weapon. Zhang Yu was even sure that the spiritual energy on this magical weapon was no less intense than his own Seven-Star Sword and Yuxu Rope.

He unfolded the "dragon net" again. This net was not big, just like a handkerchief. There were twenty-one bells on it. Zhang Yu could tell at a glance that the bell was composed of four images and nine palaces and eight trigrams, but it was so subtle that Zhang Yu couldn't figure out the clues for a while.

You know, Zhang Yu is most proficient in the Four Symbols, and he is also good at the Nine Palaces and Bagua. But it is unimaginable to superimpose these three together and condense them into such a powerful magical weapon.

Zhang Yu actually wanted to ask Zhang Yinling what happened to this magic weapon, but after all, it was a magic weapon from the Tianshi Mansion. No matter how curious he was, he couldn't be so direct.

He returned the "drag and earth net" to Zhang Yinling and said, "Just now, in the novel, you used this to cover that ghost. What's going on?"

"My baby is so powerful. As long as I push it, I can net people. I can do it from home." The little girl looked proud and almost revealed the truth. She originally wanted to say, 'I can escape from home because of this,' but luckily she reacted in time and didn't say anything.

This girl was also very clever, and immediately said: "By the way! I originally caught that guy who was pretending to be a ghost, but unexpectedly, a white beam of light suddenly appeared from his body. I have seen this white beam of light before. .And you’ve seen it too”

"I've seen it too." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment and said, "When have I seen it?"

"That night, when you and the foreign devil archbishop were fighting, the archbishop's body was covered with a white light. The white light coming out of this guy's body seemed to be similar to the white light on the foreign devil archbishop. All of a sudden, my The dragnet bounced back," Zhang Yinling said.

"White light." Zhang Yu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Zhang Yu, do you think it's the foreign archbishop?" Zhang Yinling asked.

"It can't be him," Zhang Yu said, subconsciously turning his head to look towards the sofa.

Paris was lying on the sofa, her body covered in the same ulcers as the four dead priests. Obviously, Wilmore's spell that can emit white light is very powerful, and not everyone can do it.

If Wilmore arrives tonight, who will be the person who killed the four priests that night? Wilmore was with them at the time and had absolutely no time to kill. Moreover, Zhang Yu clearly remembered Wilmore's reaction, which was absolutely not artificial at all.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but be a little confused and couldn't quite figure out what was going on here.

Unconsciously, he thought about the scene when he met Paris outside just now. That scream must have come from Paris. From the time Paris screamed to Zhang Yu jumping down to find Paris, it didn't take long in total.

"That's wrong!" Thinking of this, Zhang Yu's heart trembled, and he unconsciously thought of another thing, a very important thing.

I set up a formation outside the villa to prevent anyone from coming to attack me. The result was good, the person came in and out of nowhere.

Zhang Yu's South Dou Six Star Formation is a Taoist formation. For masters, it is probably not difficult. Masters like Wilmore or Dhruv can forcefully break the formation even if they cannot find the formation opening. In comparison, it is more difficult to get in and out calmly.

The opponent who knows the magic that emits white light must be a foreign devil. How can a foreign devil be able to come and go freely among the six stars of the South Dipper?

Because Zhang Yu turned back to look at the sofa, everyone here also turned their eyes there, but they didn't understand what Zhang Yu meant.

The little girl's reaction speed was almost the same as Zhang Yu's. She glanced at Paris twice and didn't think much about it, but also thought about that matter.

"Second brother, you said that the formation you arranged was very powerful. If so, how did that person come in? Didn't you feel it at the time?" Zhang Yinling said.

After everyone heard this, they looked at Zhang Yu together.

Zhang Yu frowned and said: "I didn't expect that someone here would know my formation and be able to enter and exit it calmly."

Having said this, Zhang Yu immediately smiled, turned to face everyone, and said: "But this is good, it means that the guy here is not a ghost at all, but a real person. It's just that his cultivation level is very high, and he is not as good as me Under. You must be careful now. It's not early now. Everyone has gone back to their rooms to rest. We will go to the exchange meeting together tomorrow. In this way, work harder at night and try to move all the beds to a larger room. There will be more Let’s sleep together. I’ll give my room to Qingfeng and the others.”

"Master, it's okay for the temple master and I to share a room." Zhang Qingfeng said quickly when he saw that Zhang Yu wanted to vacate the larger room.

He is sleeping in the same room as Wang Jie now.

Wang Jie was also here, and he shook his head hurriedly, "Qingfeng, can you not listen to your master's words? In this case, ask Shang Jie and the others to move to my uncle's room, and we can all sleep together at night."

The current situation is not optimistic. Zhang Yu originally did not intend to make his disciples fearful, but due to what happened tonight, they have to be cautious.

Zhang Yu regretted buying this place and being in such bad luck. If I had known this, we might as well have lived together in Casino Royale, how could there be such trouble.

But now, it seems it's too late to regret. Zhang Yinling is in trouble, and she doesn't know whether she can recover. If she gets sick again tomorrow, she will get into trouble even if she doesn't want to cause trouble.

Zhang Yu asked everyone to go upstairs. They could not disobey, so they nodded in agreement and walked upstairs one after another. Zhang Yu specifically told him to free up his room so that he could stay in Zhang Qingfeng's room later.

After everyone went up, he walked to the sofa in the living room alone and looked at Paris lying on the sofa.

Zhang Yu still had something to ask Paris, but Paris was still pale and without any blood. The severity of her injuries far exceeded that of Zhang Yinling. The ulcers on both cheeks have disappeared, but you can still see that there are still ulcers at the base of the neck. Zhang Yu sat down next to Paris, raised his hand and grabbed Paris's wrist. He originally wanted to check Paris's pulse, but found that Paris's wrist was still ulcerated and sticky.

"Am I going to die?" Paris suddenly said in a low voice.

There was sadness in her voice.

Although she was lying here alone just now, she also noticed that something was wrong with her body. There was almost no pain all over his body. When he raised his arm, he saw ulcers on his arm.

"Don't worry, since you're not dead now, you won't die. Let's go to my room." Zhang Yu picked up Paris and walked upstairs.

The apprentices were all busy, moving the beds into one room as much as possible. I thought I could sleep in a single room here, but now I have to live in a dormitory again.

Zhang Yu carried Paris to the fifth floor. Wang Jie was also moving the bed. Zhang Yu came to Zhang Qingfeng's room and changed his luggage. Zhang Yu closed the door and put Paris on the bed.

He took out an evil-proofing charm from his pocket, took off Paris's sleeves, and the evil-proofing charm automatically lit up and turned into ashes.

With a "chi" sound, the evil-proof charms were arranged on Paris's arm.

"Ugh!" Paris grunted in pain, and when she looked again, her ulcerated arm had recovered to its original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"That's good," Paris said excitedly.

She never expected that Zhang Yu could cure such a serious ulcer in one go.

"I said you can't die, so you can't die." Zhang Yu said, then came to the inside of the bed and pulled up Paris' other sleeve.

This arm was still full of ulcers, with not a single piece of flesh visible, which made people almost nauseous.

Zhang Yu followed suit and used the ashes of the evil-proof talisman to heal Paris's arm.

"Thank you." Paris looked at Zhang Yu gratefully.

"You don't have to be so polite. First tell me who hurt you." Zhang Yu said.

"That person looks just like what your apprentice described. He has red eyes, a pale face, and a pair of sharp fangs." At this point, Paris added, "He is simply a vampire."

"Vampire? How do you say this?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"His appearance is that of a vampire. In the West, there are legends of vampires, but I have never actually seen one," Paris said.

The story of Western vampires has also appeared on the screen, and Zhang Yu has naturally seen it. So, Zhang Yu said: "The vampires on TV are a bit like our Eastern zombies. To be precise, they should be walking zombies. They rely on blood to sustain life, and they have strong fighting power."

"I have also read books on this subject, but I found that vampires are not the same as your Eastern walking zombies. Although they have many similarities, such as being afraid of the sun and sucking blood. However, walking zombies belong to people after death. , become like that. Vampires do not evolve after death, they are living beings themselves. According to legend, there is a vampire family in the world, and the people in this family have eternal life and can reproduce life. People who die after being sucked by a vampire will not become a vampire. Only by sucking the blood of a vampire can they become a vampire. Generally speaking, this must be done voluntarily by the vampire, otherwise it will be difficult to do. The most important thing is that there seems to be any regulations , Vampires cannot develop vampires easily." Paris said.

"So that's it." Zhang Yu nodded slightly, and then said: "Since you have read the book on this topic, do you know what the vampire's attack methods are?"

"There are not many methods introduced in the books. Generally speaking, it is bewitchment, which is used to confuse people's hearts and then suck the other person's blood. In addition, vampires are very fast and powerful. This is all I know." Paris replied.

"Then what was this man's trick to hurt you?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"When I saw him, I was shocked. Before I could react, he punched me. He was so fast that I couldn't dodge. His fist hit my chest, which hurt. I screamed and passed out," Paris said.

"Hit your chest with my fist." Zhang Yu said, looking at Paris's chest.

Paris has a good figure. She is usually wrapped in a black robe. Because it is wide, it is not particularly conspicuous. She was now lying on the bed, her robe clinging to her body, making her team very conspicuous.

Seeing Zhang Yu suddenly staring at her, Paris couldn't help but look where Zhang Yu's eyes were, and she shouted dissatisfied: "What are you looking at?"

Although it is called, the sound is actually not loud.

"I didn't see anything. I just wanted to see how your injury was." Zhang Yu said a little embarrassed.

"I can show you this place!" Paris stared and said dissatisfiedly.

"That's what I said. Don't be angry. If you don't want to see it, I won't show it." Zhang Yu simply turned his head to the side and stopped looking at Paris.

Paris opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she couldn't.

The room suddenly became very quiet, and the only sound could be heard being dragged along the corridor.

The atmosphere seemed a bit awkward. Paris knew clearly that it was Zhang Yu who saved her. Without Zhang Yu, she might have died.

So, she had nothing to say and said: "You don't want to know why I suddenly came to your place this late at night."

"No need to ask," Zhang Yu said disapprovingly: "Tomorrow is the contest between me and Dhruv. I haven't conceived that formation yet. You came here at night and made it clear that you intend to influence my idea and let Dhruv Ruf can easily win tomorrow. I guess tonight, even if that guy doesn't set the fire, you will have to set it."

"I" Zhang Yu's words almost choked Paris to death.

That's right, this is my plan. If he wanted to influence Zhang Yu's ideas and fight him head-on, he didn't have the ability, and he didn't think he had done enough to embarrass himself.

With no choice but to take advantage of others, Paris finally came up with a way, which was to set fire to Zhang Yu's house. As soon as a fire breaks out, Zhang Yu has to put out the fire, and he will definitely have no time to study formations.

Unfortunately, you don't have to set the fire yourself, someone else will. I came here by myself and almost lost my life.

"Haha." Paris laughed dryly and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry."

"No need to say sorry, you can go." Zhang Yu said.

"Thank you." Paris straightened her back and was about to sit up, but her body was so painful that she couldn't help but scream again, "Ah!"

Zhang Yu said nothing, and Paris's hands were trembling. She slowly opened the collar of her robe and looked down. Just one look almost scared her to death.

It turned out that from the neck down, the skin that could be seen was full of ulcers.

"How could this happen?" Paris said in shock.

"You don't have to show me, just figure it out yourself." Zhang Yu said carelessly without even looking at her.

Zhang Yu had already guessed what happened to Paris. Of those who died before, none of them were covered in ulcers. Paris's face was rotten just now, and it's probably the same on her body as well.

He used the evil-repelling talisman to heal Paris, but the area that an evil-repelling talisman could heal could only be so large, and it was impossible to cure all the ulcers on the whole body.

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