Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2159 Festering Corpse

Seeing the seven monsters rushing up from the bar, Zhang Yu did not hesitate. He just released the money sword in his hand and turned into 108 copper coins to hit the seven monsters.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!".

A series of crisp sounds followed. After the copper coins hit the monsters, they penetrated their bodies directly. However, these monsters did not stop because of this. They just slowed down and continued to pounce.

Zhang Yu hurriedly took a step back, raised a fire talisman with his left hand, and hit the black-clothed monster in front of him. He then flashed black scissors with his right hand and shot at a green-clothed monster next to him. The target of this monster is Miss Allen. Because Miss Allen is the weakest, she walks beside Zhang Yu.

After taking action with the fire talisman, Zhang Yu took out the jade rope. After all, these monsters could only survive under the weight of copper coins, so they were not that easy to deal with.

However, before Yu Xusheng could take action, Zhang Yu discovered that this was not the case. Just like the monster in front of him, after being hit by the fire talisman, it immediately burned up at an extremely fast speed and was immediately burned to the ground. The speed of being burned is much faster than burning a person. The most surprising thing is that the smell of cooking does not smell like burnt meat, but a plastic smell.

The black scissors even cut a monster into two pieces and fell to the ground.

On the other side, Wilmore flipped the Bible with his left hand, and a fireball hit a monster in black, burning the monster to ashes. He waved his right hand and shot out a white light cross. The size of this cross was much smaller than the one he shot with Zhang Yu, but when it hit a white-clothed monster, it was beaten to pieces.

From this, it is not difficult to see how powerful the white light cross he attacked Zhang Yu was, and it was probably no less powerful than Zhang Yu's palm thunder.

Not only him, Sister Linna standing next to him seemed not to be in vain. Facing the charging monster, she flipped her slender palm, and a cross of light appeared in her palm. She followed it up with a palm and hit the monster's head violently.

With a "pop" sound, the monster's head was beaten to pieces by his palm. However, after the monster's head exploded, it did not bleed. Instead, it came closer and hugged Linna's shoulders.

Lina didn't hesitate, she muttered silently, and the cross she hung on her chest suddenly emitted a white light and hit the monster's chest.


The monster was completely defeated.

In front of Zhu Jiuzhen and Zhang Yinling, there is also a monster each. Because the monster was fast, Zhu Jiuzhen couldn't hit two of them at once. He raised his leg and kicked the monster in front of him. In his opinion, there was no ghost in this world, it was just pretending to be a ghost.

His kick hit the monster's chest, and the monster was immediately kicked out and hit the wall behind it heavily.

With a "snap" sound, the head, arms, and legs all fell apart.

The little girl Zhang Yinling was not afraid at all when facing the monster that rushed towards her. When the monster approached, she stepped aside and grabbed the monster's arm with both hands. Then she swung the monster away and flew it to the shed. above the top.

With a "clang" sound, the monster was shattered to pieces.

"What?" Zhang Yinling threw her hands, showing disdain.

I originally thought that this monster would be quite powerful, but it turned out that it was really vulnerable.

It can be said that these people killed these monsters almost at the same time. The difference is less than a second. After all, the monsters all attack together.

After Zhang Yu saw it, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and muttered: "What kind of thing is this? It can block my money sword, but it turns out to be so vulnerable."

He took back the money sword, walked to the monster next to him that was cut in two by black scissors, lowered his head, and looked at it carefully.

He soon discovered that the monster was not made of flesh and blood at all. Judging from the cuts on its body, it looked like it was made of plastic. That is to say, the clothes he is wearing are quite strange, especially his face, which looks scary, but if you look closely, you can clearly see that he is wearing a mask.

Zhang Yu stretched out his money sword and pulled the mask off the monster's face with just a slight pick. Looking at it again, it became clearer. Although the monster's face also had facial features, it was clearly a plastic face. It could be used as a model in a fashion store.

"Isn't this just a plastic model?" Zhang Yinling also moved closer to the monster. When she saw this, she couldn't help but curl her lips.

"No wonder the smell of plastic was so strong when it was first burned. It seems to be really plastic." Miss Allen also commented.


The loudspeaker was still playing loud music. Wilmore was obviously very familiar with this place. He went around to watch behind the bar. Sister Lina also followed and said, "There's no one here either."

Wilmore nodded slightly and took a few steps inside. He had already seen the main control device of the stereo and bent down to turn off the button.

The ballroom instantly fell silent. Wilmore looked around again, and finally his eyes fell on Zhang Yu, "There is no one here."

"This is weird," Zhang Yu said doubtfully, "Who could have turned on the audio equipment here and hidden these dummies here to plot against us?"

"Can this pile of junk still be called a plot? It's just like giving it away for free." Zhang Yinling said disapprovingly: "It's too disrespectful."

However, when Wilmore heard this, he suddenly shouted, "No!"

Then, he walked out of the bar and rushed out of the ballroom.

Seeing him running out, Sister Lina quickly followed him.

Zhang Yu and others didn't know what was going on. Zhu Jiuzhen, Zhang Yinling, and Miss Allen all looked at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yinling asked aloud: "What's wrong? Why is he running away?"

"Yes!" In an instant, Zhang Yu thought of something and immediately shouted: "Let's go!"

With that said, he also ran outside.

Seeing him running away, Zhang Yinling and others had no choice but to follow him.

As the little girl ran, she asked curiously: "What's going on? Why are you so anxious all of a sudden?"

"Tiaohu Lishan! Tiaohu Lishan!" Zhang Yu said as he quickly ran out of the dance hall.

He was fast. Although Sister Lina ran ahead of him, she was caught up by him and was the second to rush out of the ballroom.

Wilmore was still fast. After rushing out of the ballroom, he ran straight to the other end of the corridor, with Zhang Yu following closely behind. Sister Linna, Zhang Yinling and others ran out of the ballroom one after another and followed them in that direction.

Zhang Yinling didn't understand what was going on, so the girl asked again while running, "Zhang Yu, don't say half a word, why are you trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain?"

Zhang Yu shouted from the front: "If my guess is correct, someone should have deliberately led us here. He played the music so loudly that once we came in, we would not be able to hear any sound in the corridor. That person's The target is probably what’s hidden in the basement.”

"So that's it." Zhang Yinling finally realized what she was doing and said again, "Then let's hurry up and block that person. We must not let him escape."

They were shouting and rushed into the dressing room again. When he came to the outside of the closet, Wilmore at the front raised his right hand, and the white light cross appeared in his palm. When the cross condensed to its maximum, he stepped in and rushed in.

In fact, in this case, even if the other party is really down there, there is no need to worry. Because there is only one way, as long as the road is blocked, no one can get up.

After Moore gathered the cross, everyone else came in. Zhang Yu was the second to rush in, holding the Seven-Star Sword in his hand.

For Zhang Yu, the person he needs to guard against is not only the person who turned on the sound layout, but also Wilmore.

After Zhang Yu entered, he kept a little distance from Wilmore. But he could tell that Wilmore was really anxious. When he came to the corner of the stairs, Wilmore had already rushed to the bottom.

"Rena! Harry!"

Wilmore's shout rang out, and Zhang Yu ran down, but no one answered.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yu also went down the stairs and rushed out of the stairwell. He only saw Wilmore running towards the opposite side and immediately reaching the opposite wall. As for the four priests who had stayed here before, Zhang Yu saw no one standing. Relying on the dim flashlight light, he could vaguely see four people lying on the ground.

If you look for other people, there will be none.

Zhang Yu also ran quickly towards the opposite side. He could see clearly that after Wilmore came to the wall, the first thing he looked at was not the bodies of the four priests. Instead, he crouched down and looked at the stone wall.

Zhang Yu could see from this angle that the original Virgin Mary carving on the stone wall was gone, revealing a large hole. Although Zhang Yu had not checked the situation there before, he could guess that there must be something different.

He was also very fast, and he came to Wilmore's side in a blink of an eye. At this moment, when he had the opportunity, Zhang Yu also looked into the cave.

The space inside the cave is not large, roughly two or three square meters, and it seems to be enough for one person to lie down. Here, it's empty, nothing.

Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that although Wilmore arrived first, he did not take anything from it, so it was probably empty at that time.

"Huh?" Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong.


There is resentment here!

You know, resentment is basically emitted after death. Often it is the deceased who feels wronged that leaves this behind.

But the resentment here is very strange. Firstly, it is not serious, and secondly, Zhang Yu has stayed in the basement for a long time. If there was resentment, he should have discovered it long ago, but he didn't feel it at all. Moreover, the four priests had already pried open the stone wall a lot before, but no resentment leaked out from inside.

Zhang Yu soon realized that it was most likely because of the sculpture of the Virgin Mary blocking the place.

Now that the sculpture has been pried off and thrown on the ground, it can no longer block the resentment inside and allow the resentment to float out.

In Zhang Yu's opinion, the things hidden here should be treasures or something, not dead people. Wilmore also said before that something is placed here. What is it? How could it be such a coincidence that Wilmore didn't come to pick it up before, but he came to pick it up tonight. And that mysterious man, why didn't he come to pick it up before, but he came to pick it up tonight in a different way?

Zhang Yu couldn't understand the reason, but he was already extremely curious in his heart.

He couldn't help but close his eyes and feel the resentment here with his mind's eye.

Zhang Yu's head first went dark, and in less than three seconds, such a picture appeared.

A woman is lying on the ground, surrounded by six men. Some of the six men held down the woman's arms, some grabbed her legs, and some pressed on her body.

The woman kept resisting, but how could she escape from the clutches of six men alone? She kept shouting and roaring. Zhang Yu couldn't understand what she was shouting. It was all in English.

The six men took turns to torture the woman. They laughed ferociously and even beat the woman.

Zhang Yu couldn't see clearly the appearance of the woman, nor could he clearly see the appearance of the six men, but even so, everything in his mind was outrageous enough. Zhang Yu vaguely saw tears of grief, anger and humiliation flowing from the woman's eyes. Finally, a big hand stretched out toward the woman's throat.

At this moment, the picture in Zhang Yu's mind suddenly disappeared.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on, and quickly opened his eyes.

He followed and saw Wilmore holding the Bible in his hand. His lips kept moving but he made no sound.

The resentment that I could feel just now was completely gone now.

Zhang Yu didn't need to guess, he knew what was going on. Wilmore had forcibly eliminated the resentment here. After all, the resentment here is not particularly heavy. With the strength of the archbishop, it will definitely not be a problem to resolve this resentment.


Suddenly, a woman's voice screamed.

The voice was right behind him. Zhang Yu hurriedly turned his head to look. Wilmore naturally heard the voice and turned his head almost at the same time.

The person who made the sound was Miss Allen, and she, Zhang Yinling, Zhu Jiuzhen, and Sister Linna were seen standing next to the body of the priest on the outermost side.

When Zhang Yu came over, he went straight to Wilmore and did not pay attention to the priest's body. Miss Allen's sudden scream made Zhang Yu stunned for a moment, because the two of them had seen a corpse during the day. Miss Allen acted very calmly and didn't take it seriously at all.

What's more, given Ms. Allen's profession, it's impossible for casinos not to cause trouble.

Zhang Yu stood up and walked over. He could see clearly within two steps.

Seeing this corpse, Zhang Yu was also startled. It turned out that the corpse's face was so ulcerated that it looked like a ghost. No wonder Miss Allen was afraid of screaming. Most people would probably scream in fear when they saw her.

Wilmore also came over, but his reaction was different. Zhang Yu could hear that Wilmore obviously took a breath. This was not a reaction of fear, but of surprise.

Zhang Yu didn't understand why Wilmore was surprised, and he could vaguely realize that Wilmore might have seen this method before. Zhang Yu didn't ask any questions, but took another step forward and looked at the body carefully.

Not only the face of the corpse was ulcerated, but the exposed neck was also ulcerated, filled with pus and blood. It seems that the body under the neck, which is blocked by the robe, is also very likely to fester. It was impossible to recognize which priest the deceased was.

His hands were exposed from the sleeves of the robe, especially the right sleeve, which was pulled up a bit. Regardless of the exposed hand or the upward arm, the whole thing was in a state of ulceration.

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly remembered the corpse that he and Miss Allen had seen together in the evening. The degree of ulceration is almost the same. The only difference is that the one I saw before has no ulceration on the face.


Brothers and sisters, Happy Lantern Festival! ! !

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