Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2149 Disaster

"Hahahaha. Hahahaha. It's successful. It's successful."

In the bedroom of the Catholic church, Bredvar, who was standing beside the bed, saw a sudden burst of flames in the distance, which made him scream in excitement.

"It's burning! It's burning!" Father Rooney, who was standing nearby, also shouted excitedly.

His fists were clenched tightly, his eyes were blazing with hot light, and he continued to say: "Burn you to death! Burn you to death for letting you stinky Taoists come here to fight against us Catholics. Now, let's burn it. "Death to you"

Both of them were very excited, and Bredvar also said: "Rooney, you can see it now. This is the anger of God accompanied by flames. Everything in Sanqing Temple will be burned clean."

"Yes, catastrophe, this is catastrophe," Father Rooney said happily: "Don't they believe in prophecies? There is no need to wait until tomorrow morning. It only takes a while, and everyone in the town will be..."


Father Rooney was talking, but before he could finish his words, suddenly, a series of raindrops suddenly hit the glass of the window.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa." Immediately afterwards, the raindrops became more intense, and the rain outside was like pouring water.

Looking at the red flames in the distance, they were getting smaller and smaller and soon disappeared.

"The fire is out" Rooney was stunned when he found that there was no flame.

"This..." Bradvar was also stunned. He never expected that the flame would suddenly go out.

"Where did the heavy rain come from? How could it rain so heavily? It shouldn't, it shouldn't," Father Rooney shouted unwillingly. He really couldn't accept that at such a critical moment, it would rain so heavily in the sky.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

The heavy rain continued, and heavy raindrops hit the windows.

But soon, a strong wind blew outside again.

"Hoo ho ho ho ho."

The strong winds made the windows creak, and coupled with the heavy rain, it seemed that the windows might be broken at any time.

"This rain seems a bit evil and too heavy." Father Rooney couldn't help but become a little nervous.

"Isn't it just raining? There's nothing to worry about. They'll be lucky tonight. They can wait until tomorrow."


Bradvar wanted to say, 'Wait until tomorrow and burn all the people in Sanqingguan with fire.' But before he could finish his words, the glass on the window was actually smashed by raindrops.

The broken glass shards went straight to Bradvar's face. Fortunately, the guy reacted quickly and quickly turned his head to the side, barely avoiding his face. However, there was still a small cut on the cheek, which was scratched by the glass, and blood dripped out.

"Hua Hua Hua"

Raindrops kept blowing in from the outside, and Bredvar and Rooney retreated continuously.

But just after taking three or four steps back, there was a sudden thunder explosion, "Boom!"

There was lightning and thunder, and huge lightning appeared in front of the window. The two people who were retreating couldn't help but feel a "sudden" feeling in their hearts. Father Rooney even felt his feet weak and sat down on the ground.

Bredvar looked down at Rooney and said disdainfully: "What a waste!"


Suddenly, there was another thunder, and this time, lightning shot into the room through the window and went straight to Bradvar.

The lightning was so fast, when Bradvar saw it, he had no time to avoid it, "Ah"

There was a scream, and the person was already a bloody mess.

"Ah uh." Father Rooney, who was sitting on the ground, watched helplessly as the lightning chopped Bredvar to pieces. He screamed in fright, and then he couldn't breathe. He lay down directly, not knowing that he was dead. , or passed out.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom."

The thunder outside the window seemed to have no intention of stopping. Along with the heavy rain and strong wind, it ravaged the Catholic Church and even the entire town of Lesha.

Three Pure Views.

Behind the Medicine King Hall, Zhang Yu, John Brown and the disciples in the Taoist temple were all standing in the rain.

Tom sat slumped on the ground. Everyone could clearly see that the clothes on Tom's body had obvious traces of being burned by the fire, and even his face was dark. He was covered in rain now, but it was obvious that he seemed to be in shock.

When John Brown received a call from Zhang Yu, he left the Sanqing Hall. Then he saw the light rising from the back of Yaowang Hall. He was so frightened that he exclaimed, attracting all the disciples who were attending evening classes in the hall.

Fortunately, when everyone ran over to check, the fire had been extinguished by the heavy rain falling from the sky.

Everyone's eyes were on Zhang Yu and Tom, wondering what happened.

Zhang Yu's gaze was cast into the distance, listening to the sound of thunder in the distance.

"This is not an ordinary thunderstorm. Someone is doing it." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

It turned out that the sudden heavy rain was not caused by Zhang Yu. With Zhang Yu's ability, of course it is possible for such heavy rain to fall. To be precise, Zhang Yu has already prepared the formation to pray for rain. If something goes wrong, he will immediately pray for rain. Only this time, before he could ask for rain, the rain fell on its own.

Zhang Yu himself knew how to pray for rain. Coupled with the bursts of thunder in the sky and the suddenness of the heavy rain, Zhang Yu was vaguely sure that this rain was not normal rain, but was prayed for by someone.

Precisely because of this, it made him even more puzzled, who could be asking for rain?

Is this person asking for rain helping himself, or is there another reason?

Zhang Yu thought about it and couldn't think of a reason.

"Brother, what happened?" At this time, the little girl Zhang Yinling rushed to Zhang Yu's side and asked curiously.

She had attended evening classes with him before. When she came over, she found that it was raining and Tom's appearance was so baffling to her that she finally couldn't help but ask.

Of course she was not the only one who was confused. Everyone looked at Zhang Yu when they saw her asking.

Zhang Yu did not answer Zhang Yinling's words, but slowly walked up to Tom, reached out and patted Tom, and asked: "Are you feeling better?"

Tom was so shocked that he didn't notice Zhang Yu coming in front of him. When he reacted, he shouted unconsciously: "Fire! Fire! Such a big fire. I didn't die. I didn't get burned to death. I was scared to death." It scared me to death”

"You're not dead yet. John, come here and ask him for me," Zhang Yu said calmly.

John Brown walked to Zhang Yu's side and squatted down to look at Tom.

Zhang Yu said: "Ask him, what did he do here after coming out of Sanqing Palace?"

John Brown nodded immediately and asked Zhang Yu according to his thoughts.

"I, I need to go to the bathroom," Tom said tremblingly.

"The bathroom doesn't seem to be here, right? You were holding a cross in your hand. What is this thing for?" Zhang Yu asked in a deep voice.

John Brown translated again, also staring closely at Tom. Because Tom said he came out of the bathroom at that time, why he ran to the back of Yaowang Palace, even he couldn't figure out.

"That cross of mine is for praying," Tom stammered in a panic.

"Pray." After listening to John Brown's translation, Zhang Yu chuckled, looked around, and quickly found the red cross on the ground that was being soaked by the rain.

Zhang Yu walked over, picked up the cross, returned to Tom, handed the cross to Tom, and said with a smile: "We Taoists do not object to believers believing in other sects at the same time. Praying with crosses in Taoist temples is also It's not a big deal. It's just that this cross seems weird. When you lay down, you chanted some unknown words, and then suddenly it became hot and set off a fire that looked like a cross. To be honest, the rain didn't come. It’s timely enough, otherwise, Sanqing Temple would probably be burned to the ground. Can you explain what’s going on?”

Zhang Yu's words immediately attracted everyone. Even in the pouring rain, everyone was staring at Tom intently. John Brown translated Zhang Yu's words and waited for Tom's answer.

Tom quickly said: "I was just praying. I don't know why it suddenly caught fire."

"You don't know, so you should know where this cross comes from, right?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"The cross is mine. I have been a Catholic before." Tom did not dare to say that Bradvar gave him the cross. Of course, he still doesn't know exactly how the fire just happened.

"It's yours." Zhang Yu looked unbelieving. "You also have a fire-breathing cross. Otherwise, just take it and pray again."

With that said, Zhang Yu put the cross into Tom's hand.

"I don't want it, I don't want it." Although Tom didn't know whether the fire came out of the cross, but in his impression, it seemed like this.

"Why not? Isn't this yours?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I, I." Tom didn't know what to say.

"I guess you don't fully know what this cross is about. Let's try again." Zhang Yu said, picked up the cross, threw it far ahead, and said: "It's far away now. The rain is heavy, even if there is a fire, nothing will happen. Just pray as you just prayed, let's see again what happened!"

When John Brown was translating, his expression was also very serious. Look at the meaning. If Tom didn't agree, he would never give up.

"I, I. Then I read." Tom was so frightened by the current situation that he had no choice but to recite, "Our heavenly Father, may your name be glorified, may your kingdom come, may your will be carried out on earth. , as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread, and forgive our sins as we forgive others. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

When he finished reciting, there was a "pop" sound, and the cross that was lying on the ground suddenly spurted out flames that reached into the sky. The flame was like a pillar of fire, more like a cross.

Fortunately, the heavy rain kept falling, and the flames were quickly suppressed and disappeared.

"This", "this", "how could this happen..." "Such a big fire". Everyone in the Sanqing Temple was stunned. No one could have imagined that such a big fire would break out from that humble cross just by Tom praying casually.

You know, this is still in the rain. If there is no heavy rain, once the fire spreads, I am afraid that the small Sanqing Temple will be burned to the ground soon.

Tom also witnessed the pillar of fire with his own eyes and was frightened.

Zhang Yu squatted in front of him and said calmly: "If you hold this cross and pray here, are you planning to burn this place down? By the way, even you will be burned to death. Are you planning to do this with us?" Let’s die together.”

John Brown immediately repeated Zhang Yu's words, with a compelling light in his eyes.

"I don't know. I don't want to die. It was Father Rooney who took me to see Father Bredvar. Father Bredvar gave me the cross. He said it was given to me by God. Hold this cross until three Qing Guan prayed to spread the gospel for God and to save all the people here. He also said that he was doing things for God and that God would give me the gospel. I really didn’t expect that it would be like this and that the cross would set fire on its own.” Tom didn't dare to hide anything this time and told the truth.

Because after seeing the cross spitting fire, he knew in his heart that he would definitely be burned to death.

John Brown gritted his teeth with hatred, but he still translated these words to Zhang Yu first.

The foreign Taoist priests standing behind were all looking furious now, wishing they could go up and tear Tom alive.

Zhang Yu listened to the translation, smiled lightly, and said: "I won't hide it from you, this should be the seventh prophecy of the Catholic Church. The Sanqing Temple will be destroyed. Once the fire breaks out, the Sanqing Temple will be destroyed." It’s inevitable that we will be doomed. It’s just a pity that God’s calculations are not as good as God’s. God made such a rain, so that the Catholic people did not succeed. It seems that his prediction is not accurate. The only misfortune is that if the prediction is accurate, you You will also die together with Sanqing Temple. If you stay here every day, in the eyes of others, you are also a traitor to the Catholic Church. Being burned to death should be regarded as God's punishment for you."

"No, no." After hearing the translation, Tom couldn't help but feel chills all over his body. Because he believed what Zhang Yu said. That's right, I was taken advantage of by the priest. The fire spewed out from the cross was so powerful. I touched a little of it earlier and was burned like this. Fortunately, the heavy rain came in time, otherwise, I would have been burned to ashes. .

"Catholic people are so abominable." "They are simply worse than animals." "What gods? I think they are simply devils!" The big guy was already filled with righteous indignation and couldn't help shouting.

John Brown looked at Zhang Yu and asked: "Master, what should we do now?"

"Let's wait until dawn." Zhang Yu said, walking towards the cross again, and he picked it up again.

The cross is still filled with evil energy, but half of the evil energy on it has been consumed.

When he was full of evil spirits before, Zhang Yu couldn't tear it apart at once, but now, he showed his black scissors and tore the cross to pieces in just a few strokes.

Zhang Yu walked back to Tom, glanced at him lightly, and said, "You are just being used. I won't make it difficult for you. You can go."

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