Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2147 God’s Wrath

After hearing what Tom said, Rooney felt a little dumbfounded, but he still encouraged Tom for a few words before hanging up the phone.

Bredvar kept looking at Rooney from the other side. After he hung up the phone, he said, "What's the news?"

Rooney had a look of resentment on his face and said, "The situation is not good. That Eastern boy seems to have shattered all your predictions."

"What?" Bredvar's voice suddenly dropped. "My prediction has been broken. How is this possible?"

"The news over there is that Allardyce and Cheryl are no longer planning to divorce. Moreover, Manzhu Shahua Company is willing to renovate their burned house for free, and Cheryl also picked up a big Advertisement. Jack was even worse. He had just become a millionaire and suddenly became the same as before, with all the money gone." Rooney said, his voice stuttering a little.

"How is it possible that all the money is gone all of a sudden?" Bredvar said with disbelief.

"I don't think it's possible, but the fact is that Jack's wife went to Birmingham to buy a car, and she got into a car accident and hit a Bentley Accord. Because she hadn't bought insurance, she was fully responsible, so she not only had to compensate her for everything. The financial loss and medical expenses are said to be 900,000 pounds. In addition, the damage to his car directly wipes out the one million pounds he won from the lottery." Rooney said angrily.

"This, this." Bradvar was dumbfounded after hearing this, and was speechless for a long time.

"Father, what should we do now? According to Tom, people in the town are beginning to believe in Sanqing Guan again." Rooney looked at Bredvar eagerly, hoping that Bredvar could come up with another good idea.

"Asshole! Asshole!" Bredvar's body was trembling, and he was obviously extremely angry.

Originally, he thought that as long as he took action, everything would be solved and Sanqingguan could be settled easily. It's good now, I've wasted my time.

Bredvar gritted his teeth and said sternly: "I will never make it easy for them. The prophecy is not over yet. I will make Sanqing Temple suffer annihilation. At that time, let's see what happens to the people in the town. explain!"

"Yes, yes." Rooney nodded repeatedly, "As long as the Sanqing Temple is destroyed, I believe the people in the town will know how powerful God is, and we will see who dares not to believe in our Catholic Church in the future."

After saying that, he looked at Bradvar eagerly again.

Bredvar took out a black Bible from his black robe. He opened the Bible and then took out a silver cross from his sleeve.

Bredvar put the cross into the Bible, then closed the Bible and said: "Go and call the man named Tom, and then wait for me outside. I won't call you to come in, you Don’t come in and disturb me.”

"Yes." Rooney agreed quickly, stood up, and walked over.

Bredvar was the only one left in the quiet room, and he said bitterly in his heart: "Dongfang boy, today I will let you know how powerful I am! Tonight is when you will suffer a disaster! I will Send you all to hell!"

He slowly held up the Bible and began to chant plausibly, "God, you created my body and gave me a soul. You created all things and raised me. You sent your Son to suffer and redeem me. For Save me from the temptations of the devil. You ordered the guardian angel to protect me. Now, those devils are coming again and wreaking havoc. Please send down your divine power."

He held the Bible like this and kept chanting. As time passed, sweat slowly began to break out on his forehead. The sweat flowed more and more, as if it was very hot here, like a sauna. But his face became paler and whiter, as if he was suffering from a lack of blood.

After more than an hour, Bredvar finally slowly put down the Bible.

He opened the Bible to the page with the cross between it. Just look at the previously silver cross, which has now changed color and turned into a red cross.

A ferocious smile appeared on Bradvar's face.

"Orientals! This time I will let you know how powerful God is!"

Bredvar took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed Rooney's number. As soon as the call was connected, he said directly: "Rooney, come in."

Soon, the door opened and Rooney walked in. Behind him, there was another man, it was Tom.

As soon as Tom saw Bradvar, he immediately said respectfully: "Father, what are your orders to me?"

Bradvar nodded slightly and waved to Tom. Tom carefully came to the table in front of Bredvar, but did not dare to sit down.

Bradvar didn't seem to have any intention of letting him sit down. He just handed the red cross in his hand to Tom and said lightly: "Take this."

Tom took it carefully and asked: "This is"

Of course he knew it was a cross, but he didn't know what it meant when Bredvar gave him this cross.

Bredvar said gently: "I heard from Father Rooney that you have made mistakes before, and now you are sincerely repenting. I am very satisfied with your performance. This is a gift given to you."

"Thank you, Father, thank you, Father." Tom said hurriedly.

"This cross is not an ordinary cross. As long as you pray sincerely, God will give you the gospel." Bredvar said with an affirmative tone.

"Really." Tom suddenly showed excitement.

"This is natural." Bradvar nodded and said, "Are you still living in Sanqing Temple now?"

"According to Father Rooney's arrangement, I am now in Sanqing Temple all day long." Tom replied.

"Very good." Bradvar nodded with satisfaction again and said, "Then at 0 o'clock tonight, you will hold the cross and pray devoutly in the Sanqing Temple. This is spreading the gospel, which can purify your soul, and also Those who can influence the Three Pure Views. This is a great achievement, and God will reward you."

"Yes, yes" Tom didn't know what was going on, but he thought it was a good thing and nodded in agreement.

"Okay." Bradward looked at Tom and said, "Then you should go back to Sanqingguan now. Father Rooney, see Tom off for me."

Rooney nodded immediately and accompanied Tom out of the quiet room.

For Tom, he was flattered to be received by Father Rooney and Father Bredvar. Especially when he was able to get the cross given to him by Bredvar, this was simply an honor. You can brag about it when you get home.

Rooney sent Tom away and hurried back to the quiet room.

Bredvar was still sitting there, already tasting red wine. But his face was still pale, without any white spots of blood.

Rooney came to the opposite side and sat down after Bredvar signaled. He asked curiously: "I wonder what you mean by giving Tom a cross? This cross looks very precious."

"Haha." Bradvar chuckled and said, "The destruction of Sanqingguan will be tonight."

"Ah?" Father Rooney was startled and asked, "How is it destroyed?"

"The anger of God will burn down the entire Sanqing Temple. Hahahahaha" Bredvar laughed proudly.

"The Wrath of God" Father Rooney is still a little baffled.

Three Pure Views.

After Jack walked away, it was very lively here.

No matter whether they are old or new disciples of Sanqingguan or onlookers, they are all amazed by Sanqingguan now.

The so-called prophecy has disappeared in the eyes of everyone. Those who should burn incense should burn incense, and those who should seek medical advice and divination should seek medical advice and divination.

Zhang Yu was not idle either. He simply went into the main hall, took out the lottery box, and opened the lottery for the people who asked for the lottery.

With him personally in charge, everyone queuing up to get the signatures issued. Whether you are seeking money, education, or marriage, there are all kinds of things.

Elugao's eyes never left Zhang Yu, because Zhang Yu said that he would give her an explanation. But Zhang Yu seemed to have forgotten this matter.

In fact, Zhang Yu didn't forget, he was just thinking of a way. He said that he would give this girl an explanation, but he hadn't figured out how to explain it yet. After all, Elugao also has great luck in love, and is a perfect match for Allardyce, but she can't say that she should let Allardyce marry Elugao too. In this case, what should Cheryl do?

Is it possible to have one man and two wives in England? Even if there is a match, two people probably won't be able to register. After all, Eluga is also a member of the English royal family. If she and Allardyce are allowed to be together, they can't register the marriage, and they are afraid that their family will not agree.

When Zhang Yu helped people solve more than ten lots in a row, Elugao was already impatient. She couldn't help but said: "Master, I want to ask for a marriage lot."

Zhao Hua, who was helping on the side, translated. Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel moved after hearing this. He nodded, indicating that she could draw a lot from the lot cage on her own.

Elugao directly took out one and handed it to Zhang Yu, "Master, look at it."

Zhang Yu took it and took a look. The signature read: "Going to return home in the wind and rain. His body is like a swallow. He picked up the nio and wanted to make a base, but in the end the base was broken and the beard was restored."

This is the signature of Dong Yong Yuxian, which means: Use all kinds of tricks. Morning and dusk are non-stop. Who knows this. After all, it’s hard work.

Zhang Yu did not answer the sign, so he stood up and said, "Zhao Hua, ask Zhang Qingfeng to come over and untie the sign for me, and then ask your master, Allardyce, and Cheryl to come to my room."

After saying that, he made a gesture to Elugao and walked outside. Elugao didn't know what the signature meant. Seeing Zhang Yu acting like this, he could only follow him.

The other people queuing up to have their signatures answered were even more confused. Fortunately, Zhao Hua informed them that it would be Zhang Yu's disciple who would interpret the signatures. In fact, it would be the same and there would be no deviation.

Zhang Yu took Elugao directly to his room in the middle courtyard.

Elugao followed Zhang Yu, looking a little nervous. She didn't know Zhang Yu's intention. After entering the room, Zhang Yu sat on the futon, and Ailugao sat on the futon that Zhang Yu had started.

Cheryl and Allardyce have already negotiated everything with Dale from the Manzhu Shahua Group and sent people out of Sanqingguan. John Brown greeted the two of them and came to Zhang Yu's room together.

As soon as they entered the room, Allardyce and Cheryl couldn't help but feel a little nervous when they saw that Eluga was there.

Zhang Yu motioned for them all to sit down in front of him, and then took out a set of holy hexagrams from his arms. He held the holy hexagrams in his hands, silently recited a few sentences, and then handed the holy hexagrams to Allardyce.

"After you take it, shake it three times in your hand and throw it to the ground." Zhang Yu said.

John Brown translated, and Allardyce produced the holy hexagram according to Zhang Yu's instructions. After shaking it three times, he threw it to the ground. There were two raised sides facing up. This is a Yang hexagram.

According to the position, Zhang Yu looked at it for a while and nodded. He followed the signal and asked Cheryl to shake it. The result was that the two planes were on top, which was a Yin hexagram.

Cheryl shook out the Yin hexagram, which did not surprise Zhang Yu. He finally signaled for Elugao to shake it.

Elugao, like Allardyce and Cheryl, were all baffled and didn't understand what Zhang Yu meant. But according to Zhang Yu's wishes, he also shook it and threw it on the ground. This time, there was a convex surface on top and a flat surface on top. It was a holy hexagram.

Zhang Yu then bit his finger, scratched it in front of his eyes, and looked at the luck above the three people.

The heads of these three people have good luck in wealth, career, and health, especially in love.

This is what Zhang Yu did after breaking the two-color cross.

After seeing this, Zhang Yu said: "Cheryl, how was your discussion with the people in that company?"

"Everything is settled, I will be filming a commercial in Birmingham the day after tomorrow." Cheryl said after being translated by John Brown.

"How many days will the filming take?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"It takes a week of filming," Cheryl replied.

"Then you are busy with your work," Zhang Yu said, then looked at Allardyce and said, "Allardyce, you have been with me for a while, and this time I have a task for you to do as a teacher. "

After John Brown translated, Allardyce immediately said: "Master, please make arrangements."

"You and Elugao go back to Wudang Taoist Temple in Zhenhai, go there to find Zhao Qiuju, and then find a charity school in a poor mountainous area to gain experience." Zhang Yu said.

"Huh?" After John Brown translated, both Allardyce and Cheryl couldn't help but exclaimed.

Immediately afterwards, Cheryl said eagerly: "Master, why did you let him go with Elugao?"

"We'll talk about this later." Zhang Yu looked at Allardyce and Elugao and said, "You two, go get ready now."

After saying that, Zhang Yu waved his hand directly, indicating that the two of them could go out.

Elugao was filled with joy. This was an opportunity to be alone with Allardyce. She nodded immediately and said excitedly: "Yes, Master."

Allardyce looked at Cheryl, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Allardyce, go out and get ready. I have something else to say to Cheryl." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Yes, Master." Allardyce could only nod.

He stood up and left the room with Elugao.

Cheryl was already extremely anxious. As soon as they went out, she said: "Master, you clearly know what Elugao is thinking, why do you still do this?"

John Brown frowned. After all, he knew what happened to these three people. After translating, Zhang Yu said calmly: "Cheryl, don't worry, they will not be together. I just calculated it for you. Elugao's marriage is in the east, and he will meet her soon. Come. I asked her to go with Allardyce, the purpose is to let her find her own marriage."

Having said this, Zhang Yu pointed to the holy hexagram in front of him and said: "You all shook the holy hexagram just now. You and Allardyce are a pair. In Allardyce's destiny, Ellu is not as good as him."

After hearing this, Cheryl breathed a sigh of relief, "Master, you won't lie to me."

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "What do you think?"

"If it weren't for Master, I would have divorced Allardyce by now." Cheryl couldn't help but smile.

"That's it." As he spoke, Zhang Yu unconsciously saw the top of John Brown's head.

Just looking at it, Zhang Yu was stunned again.

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