Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2139 The villain in the West

"It's so serious." For a moment, Zhang Yu couldn't sit still, and he quickly said: "Now, you must find a way to save John Brown's life. I will go to England immediately."

"Yes, Master. You must hurry up," Zhang Qingfeng said anxiously.

"I know." Zhang Yu hung up the phone and immediately dialed Yang Wenbin's phone number.

After the call was connected, Zhang Yu immediately expressed the hope that Yang Wenbin would lend him a special plane to take him to England.

Of course Yang Wenbin didn't hesitate. The plane was at Zhenhai Airport and Zhang Yu could just go there. He will arrange for someone to wait at the airport.

After talking to Yang Wenbin, Zhang Yu called Li Mingyue again and asked Li Mingyue to notify the disciples who had already applied for their passports and visas to set off and fly to England together.

He then looked at Bai Xia, who was already sleeping on the kang, walked out of the room and went to Sun Zhaoyi's room. After talking about his plans to go to England to save people, Sun Zhaoyi said that Bai Xia would just stay here, and Sun Zhaoyi would be responsible for helping with the treatment.

Zhang Yu knew that Sun Zhaoyi's strength seemed a bit unfathomable. If Sun Zhaoyi takes action, Bai Xia's condition will definitely be cured.

After bidding farewell to Sun Zhaoyi, Zhang Yu did not dare to delay. He went to the front and went down the mountain with his disciples to the airport. Among these disciples, headed by Wang Chunlan, they have already been ready to set off. Even though it is a bit hasty at the moment, what should be prepared is already ready.

Even when I just received the notice, I even posted a special message on Moments - Let’s go to England.

The group rushed to the airport in two vans and boarded the plane without stopping. The plane took off and roared to England.

There was no talking all the way, and the plane landed at London Airport. Needless to say, Yang Wenbin was well prepared. He even had someone pick him up at the airport in London and arranged a car for Zhang Yu and the others. He didn't waste time looking for a car and headed to Laisha Town as soon as possible.

When they arrived in London, it was already dark. Sitting in the car, Zhang Yu called Zhang Qingfeng first to ask about John Brown's current situation. Zhang Qingfeng's answer is this: John Brown's condition is very strange. When he checked his pulse, he couldn't see anything wrong. He had already taken medicine, which was prepared with ginkgo leaves, trichosanthes trichosanthes, salvia miltiorrhiza, sage bark, turmeric, and licorice, but it seemed that Nothing useful.

John Brown's angina pectoris occurs in waves. When the attack occurs, the person will faint from the pain, and after a period of time, he will wake up. But not long after, the pain returned again.

This kind of symptom is almost never seen, because most heart diseases come on quickly, just at once, and if you take medicine in time, you can save your life. I don’t know when the next recurrence will be, but it is difficult to cure it.

But John Brown did not have a heart disease. His angina pectoris came on inexplicably.

In addition, Zhang Qingfeng also talked about the situation in Laisha Town. People in the town were panicked, and the prophecies were fulfilled one after another. Many people who had worshiped John Brown as their disciples had to go to the Catholic church to confess, hoping that disaster would not befall them.

Fran was the most nervous, waiting for Zhang Yu at Sanqing Temple all day long. There are questions about him in the prophecy. Can he not be anxious?

Arriving all the way to Sanqing Temple in Laisha Town, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening. When he was approaching the door, Zhang Yu called and informed him, and the car quickly stopped outside the Taoist temple.

Before getting off the bus, you could see Zhang Qingfeng, Zhang Yinling, Zhu Jiuzhen, Fran and others standing at the entrance of the Taoist temple.

Opening the car door, Zhang Yu got out of the car first and asked directly: "How is it?"

Just when Zhang Qingfeng was about to reply, Fran rushed to Zhang Yu and said hurriedly: "Master Zhang, the prophecy says that my ranch will go bankrupt and my family will become impoverished. You must save me."

Zhang Yu didn't understand what he said, so he quickly looked up, looking for Zhao Hua.

Zhao Hua was among them, and he was also smart and hurried over to translate.

After listening, Zhang Yu looked at Fran. Fran's face was full of panic and a little haggard. He looked like he hadn't had a good rest. As for the rest, I didn't see it.

Zhang Yu bit his finger again and scratched it in front of his eyes. His luck in love, career, wealth, and health were all as usual, and there was no change.

So, Zhang Yu comforted him: "Mr. Fran, don't worry. With me here, there will never be any problems. Don't worry."

Zhao Hua translated again, and Fran barely breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Qingfeng also walked up to Zhang Yu and said eagerly: "Master, an hour ago, Junior Brother John fainted again. No one woke up before we came out to greet you. And his face became paler and paler. Master, Do we need to go in first to see how he is doing?"

"Let's go in first," Zhang Yu said.

Everyone immediately walked towards the Taoist temple together, with Zhang Yu walking at the front, like stars holding the moon.

Because of his arrival, everyone in the Taoist temple became energetic.

The group went to the backyard and entered John Brown's room. There were several people in the room. When they saw Zhang Yu coming, they hurriedly said hello, but they were speaking in English and Zhang Yu couldn't understand him. He could only see the eagerness and worry on their faces.

Stephen Lisa grabbed it from the bedside and said anxiously in Mandarin: "Master, you are finally here. Senior brother has not woken up since he fainted this time."

"I know, don't worry, I'm going to check on him right away," Zhang Yu said, without stopping, and as he spoke, the man came to the bedside.

When he looked on the bed, he saw that John Brown was in a coma, and his face was too pale to look good. Zhang Yu now has his eyes open and can see the luck above John Brown's head. At present, all other luck has disappeared, and all that is left is a black mist, which is a sign of death.

"This..." Zhang Yu made a confused voice.

Stephen Lisa asked eagerly from the side: "Master, can senior brother's angina pectoris be cured?"

"He probably doesn't have angina pectoris." Zhang Yu said directly.

"It's not that you can't have angina pectoris, right? When my senior brother wakes up, he always clutches his heart and complains of angina pectoris," Stephen Lisa said.

"Zhang Qingfeng said on the phone that John Brown didn't seem to have heart disease in the past." Zhang Yu said.

"No." Stephen Lisa nodded.

"People with bad hearts and people with angina pectoris should not be pale. Most of them are gray-white and purple, and some are dark red. His face is so pale, it shouldn't be angina pectoris." Zhang Yu almost said Said in a positive tone.

Especially after looking at John Brown's luck, Zhang Yu was even more certain that it was not a heart disease. If you are seriously ill, your health will definitely turn brown. But above John Brown's head, there is no luck in health.

After saying this, he sat down on the edge of the bed, reached out and grabbed John Brown's wrist.

Everyone in the room was surprised when they heard this, but because Zhang Yu wanted to treat John Brown, they didn't say anything and just murmured in their hearts.

"Not angina?" "No way." "Didn't John always say he had angina before?".

Stephen Lisa said eagerly: "What kind of disease could that be?"

Zhang Yu did not answer her immediately, but just felt John Brown's pulse. John Brown's pulse was a little weak, but looking at the pulse, Zhang Yu was sure that it was not caused by a heart problem.

He then closed his eyes and felt the three souls and seven souls in John Brown's body with his mind's eye. There was no abnormality in other positions. When he saw the central soul of the navel chakra, Zhang Yu immediately realized that something was wrong. There is also a red villain here in the central soul. This villain is the soul of life. At the moment, there seems to be something inserted above the little red figure of Life Soul, near the heart on the left side.

This thing is too small to be seen at all, it looks vaguely like a needle.

"Zha Xiaoren..." Zhang Yu groaned in his heart, but he was not completely sure.

The reason is very simple. First of all, stabbing villains is a domestic evil. Is it also practiced in the West? Secondly, I have never seen whether the soul of life will be threatened after stabbing the villain.

Zhang Yu knew how to deal with people by stabbing them, and he once used this method to scare Luo Chen. It is also possible to kill someone by stabbing a villain. Generally speaking, it takes seven days to kill the person who was stabbed.

Just looking at John Brown's condition, I'm afraid he won't last seven days. Perhaps, this kind of magic in the West is somewhat different from that in the East.

Zhang Yu opened his eyes, turned to look at Stephen Lisa, and asked: "Has John told anyone his birthday recently?"

If you want to prick a villain, you must know the person's birth date, otherwise it will not work at all.

"No... Senior brother has always been in the Taoist temple, how could he tell someone his birth date for no reason..." Stephen Lisa replied.

"That's true..." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "In this case, go and prepare the incense burner immediately, and give me three incense sticks."

"Okay." Stephen Lisa agreed immediately, and immediately ordered her disciples to quickly get the incense burner and incense.

Zhang Yu untied John Brown's robe and underwear, exposing his body.

Then, he took out an amulet from his arms and put it on John Brown's heart.

Seeing Zhang Yu take action, Stephen Lisa breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Master, senior brother is saved."

"It should be no problem." Zhang Yu said.

In fact, he was not sure whether his method would work, but he couldn't say 50/50, lest he make everyone worried.

The method used by Zhang Yu was a normal method of breaking and stabbing a villain. God knows whether the opponent used this trick.

Soon, the disciple brought over the incense burner and three sticks of incense. Zhang Yu put a piece of talisman paper in the incense burner, then put the incense in it, and finally lit it.

The censer was placed above John Brown's head, and everything was ready. Zhang Yu looked at the crowd and said, "As long as these three sticks of incense are burned to the end and the talisman paper underneath is lit, and the talisman paper turns to ashes, John will be cured immediately."

"That's good...that's good...thank you, master...thank you, master..." Stephen Lisa said repeatedly.

"There is no need to thank you. You and John are both my apprentices. When an apprentice is in trouble, how can a master not help him?" Zhang Yu said seriously.

Then, Zhang Yu took a few steps toward the door, looked at Zhang Qingfeng, and asked, "Why don't you see Allardyce and the others? How are they doing?"

"Allardyce and Eluga went to a hotel in Birmingham, and I asked Brighton to follow them. Cheryl is also in Birmingham, and I asked Yuan Xiaoxiao to keep an eye on her." Zhang Qingfeng replied.

"What happened? How could this happen..." Zhang Yu frowned slightly, then turned to look at John Brown, who was unconscious on the bed. He was planning to meet the Allardyce trio, but John Brown hadn't yet Wake up, God knows if your tricks will work. If it doesn't work and I go to Birmingham again, it will be terrible if anything happens. After thinking for a while, Zhang Yu said: "You all go back to your room to rest. Stephen and I will stay here."

Seeing what Zhang Yu said, everyone agreed and left the room.

Such a big thing happened in the Taoist temple. If they were asked to sleep, it would be impossible for them to sleep. Some stayed in the backyard, and some went to the middle courtyard.

Among these people, there is a disciple who just entered the Sanqing Temple some time ago. His name is Tom. Since half of John Brown's life is now gone, and the prophecies have been fulfilled frequently, many new disciples have panicked and dare not stay in Sanqing Temple. In addition, Sanqing Temple is not that big. place, so I let the newly recruited Taoist priests go back first. Tom was a lay Taoist priest who had just become a disciple. Everyone else had left, but he did not leave, and he worked with everyone.

Now that he came out of John Brown's room, the most others could do was wait in the middle courtyard. It was better for him to go to the front yard while no one was paying attention, and quietly go around to the back of Yaowang Hall.

Tom took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number. The call was quickly connected, and a man's voice rang out, "Hello, is it Tom?"

"Father Rooney, it's me...that Zhang Yu just came back and treated John Brown..." Tom said directly.

"How was he treated?" The person speaking on the phone was Father Rooney.

"He put a talisman on John Brown's heart, and lit three incense sticks and placed them on John Brown's head... He said that after the three incense burnt out, the person would get better..." Tom said.

"After three sticks of incense are burned, people will recover? Is it true?" Father Rooney was somewhat unconvinced.

"That's what he said," answered Tom.

"Then keep an eye on him. By the way, apart from this, does he do anything else?" Father Rooney asked again.

"I also asked Allardyce about the situation of the three of them, but other than that, there is nothing else for the time being." Tom said.

"I know, you performed very well." Rooney praised.

"Thank you for the compliment, Father... Then now... I should be regarded as having done meritorious deeds and will not be punished by God..." Tom said carefully.

"Your current performance has indeed achieved merit. God will remember your achievements. Continue to perform and report everything in Sanqing Temple to me. When you have accumulated a certain amount of merit, God will definitely You will be rewarded." Rooney said seriously.

"Thank God! Thank you, Father..." Tom said gratefully.


In a quiet room, there were only two people, Father Rooney and Bredvar.

The two sat cross-legged. Rooney hung up the phone, looked at Bredvar, and said: "Father, that Eastern boy is back and has already treated John Brown. He said that after the three incense burners are burned, the person will be cured." Okay. What do you think we should do now?"

"Hahahaha..." Bredvar laughed disdainfully, "After three sticks of incense are burned, people will be healed... It's a joke..."


I went to visit today and drank a lot, so I couldn’t write at night. I can only update one chapter tonight, I hope you brothers and sisters can understand and forgive me.

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