Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2129 Lower your head

"I, I." Huang Tao was asked by Zhang Yu. He didn't know how to answer for a moment, but after a moment, he suddenly screamed in surprise, "I don't know. How can there be a person here."

Looking at him, he seemed confused, as if he really didn't know why there was a little girl here.

Pan Yun had already rushed to the little girl's side, squatted down and pulled off the thing that blocked the little girl's mouth. Another police officer came forward to help and untied the little girl.

The little girl's wrists were already red from being strangled, and she was trembling as soon as they were released.

"Little sister, what's your name?" Pan Yun asked with concern.

The little girl was so nervous that she couldn't speak at all. She was still shaking, obviously she was extremely scared.

Zhang Yu glanced at Huang Tao next to him and said, "Brother Ma, please keep an eye on this guy. I'll go over and help."

After saying that, he walked towards Pan Yun.

Ma Sihai's eyes had already been staring at Huang Tao. Although Huang Tao looks innocent, the little girl will appear here. If Huang Tao doesn't know, even a fool will not believe it.

Facing Ma Sihai's fierce gaze, Huang Tao said aggrievedly: "Why is there someone here? This, this"

"Why is there such a person? Let's wait until we return to the main patrol room!" Ma Sihai said sternly.

Zhang Yu came to the little girl, grabbed the little girl's wrist, and pressed the pulse gate. He could tell through the pulse that the little girl was now mentally and physically exhausted. This word is always used for adults. After all, adults are under a lot of pressure, but now, a little girl is acting like this.

There were tears on the little girl's face, like a tabby cat. It was obvious that he had been crying for a long time and was like this because he didn't wash his face. She had pigtails on her head. When Zhang Yu went to Jinwuhuan Community, he had seen photos of Tang Cuicui, and he was vaguely sure that the little girl in front of him was Tang Cuicui.

Tang Cuicui must have been greatly stimulated to become like this. A little girl was locked up here. She might have been threatened by someone, so she couldn't bear it.

Zhang Yu leaned close to Tang Cuicui, put one hand on her head, pinched the crotch of her hand with the other, and began to massage her. This is an acupuncture point that calms the mind and concentrates the mind. As expected, after pressing it for a while, Tang Cuicui suddenly let out a "wow" and started crying.

Seeing her crying, Pan Yun quickly asked: "How is it?"

"No problem." Zhang Yu looked at Tang Cuicui with concern and said gently: "Are you Tang Cuicui? We are patrolmen and we are here to save you."

"Uncle Patrolman. Uncle Patroller, save me, save me. They are all bad people." Tang Cuicui cried even more sadly when she heard that she was a patrolman, but there was also excitement in her cry.

"Cui Cui, don't worry, the patrol uncle will definitely help you take revenge and arrest all the bad guys who bullied you. By the way, listen to your mother, she went to work that day and you were at home alone, why did you come here? ?" Zhang Yu said gently again.

"It was Zhang Lu who came to my house to find me and asked me to go with her. She also said that if I didn't go with her, she would have my mother and I killed. I couldn't help it, so I followed her downstairs and got into a white car. The van...and then we got here," Tang Cuicui said pitifully.

"Who is Zhang Lu?" It was Pan Yun who spoke this time.

"She is the bad girl in our class and always bullies me." Tang Cuicui said aggrievedly.

"What did those bad guys do to you after you came here?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"They asked me who made me harm Huang Xin. I didn't know at all. Then they scolded me and beat me. Later, an uncle came in and asked them to stop. The uncle came over and touched my hair and said that I just need to be good. Obedient, he let me go, and asked me if my hair has been falling out recently. I have indeed been losing hair these days, so he nodded and said yes. Then he asked me if any strangers invited me to eat. I remembered that I went to school that day. When I was in school, I met an old man at the intersection. He invited me to drink milk tea. My mother told me not to eat food given by strangers. The old man said, don’t be afraid. You can take it to school to eat. He is not a bad person. I have never drank it. I was greedy for milk tea, so I took it to school and drank it. The uncle asked me again what the grandpa who gave me milk tea looked like. I couldn’t remember clearly. He seemed to have white hair, was quite thin, and had wrinkles on his face. When he gave me milk tea, I saw a mole on the back of his hand." Tang Cuicui flattened her mouth and said slowly.

"White hair, and a mole on the back of my thin hand." Zhang Yu muttered, and his heart trembled suddenly. The person Tang Cuicui described seemed to be the old man he saw that night. I still remember that time, when I cut the old man's finger to admit my kinship with Bai Xia, there was a black mole on the back of the old man's hand.

At that time, Zhang Yu was preoccupied with bleeding to recognize his relatives, and his mind was still a little confused, so he didn't take the mole to heart.

Seeing Zhang Yu muttering like this, Pan Yun asked curiously: "Zhang Yu, have you seen this old man?"

Zhang Yu did not answer her words, but looked at Tang Cuicui and asked again: "Cui Cui, has that person named Huang Xin ever bullied you?"

"Woo." Upon hearing this, Tang Cuicui cried even more sadly.

"Just say whatever you have, don't be afraid, the patrol uncle will definitely catch them all." Zhang Yu said in an encouraging tone.

"On the day when grandpa gave me milk tea, school was over at noon. I planned to go to the cafeteria to eat. Zhang Lu and two boys stopped me and asked me to go out to eat with them. I said no, but Zhang Lu refused to let me go with her. Let’s go, and she said that if I didn’t go, I would scratch my face. I was so scared, so I followed her out of school, got into a car, and drove all the way away. I don’t know where it was. Anyway, we arrived at a villa. , Zhang Lu took me to the second floor, entered a room, told me to wait here, and then closed the door and left. I was very scared, so I waited in the room." The more Tang Cuicui said, the more sad she became. In fact, she heard Here, Zhang Yu and the others understood what was going on.

Pan Yun's eyebrows were now raised, and his eyes were widened.

She stood up, looked at Huang Tao, and said coldly: "Huang Tao, please listen clearly now. Your son is worse than a beast. Not only did he not repent after that, but he even got worse. He kidnapped people here with the intention of killing people and silencing them. ! If anything happens to you who committed the crime and participated in it, we will tell you where your son is now after patrolling the main house. Take us there!"

"I, I." Huang Tao had a sad face and hesitated, unable to say a word for a long time.

"Why are you still standing there, let's go!" Ma Sihai also shouted with his eyes wide open.

Another patrol took photos on the spot as evidence. They escorted Huang Tao and Pan Yun picked up Tang Cuicui and walked out of the room together.

After only walking a few steps, Zhang Yu suddenly heard slight footsteps coming from the stairs before he could leave the room.

Zhang Yu quickly said: "Wait a minute!"

Everyone stopped and Pan Yun asked, "What's wrong?"

"It seems that someone has come down. I'll go to the front and take a look." Zhang Yu said, quickly walked out of the room and came to the front of the group of people.

He wanted to continue walking forward, but before he could take a step, he saw two black figures coming out of the stairs first, followed closely by four more people slowly following.

Relying on the light in the corridor, Zhang Yu could barely see that the two people walking in the front were wrapped in black robes, including their heads.

"Let Boss Huang go, and I can spare your lives." I don't know who said it.

Judging from this man's voice, he must be around fifty years old. His voice is very dull and he seems so confident.

After hearing this, the patrol officers immediately became angry. They each raised their pistols and pointed them at the people in front of them. Ma Sihai grinned widely and shouted angrily: "How dare you talk to us like this? Do you know who we are? Hurry up and squat down with your head in your hands, or else you'll shoot!"

"I know you are patrolmen, so what can I do?" It was the same voice just now, but this time, a man in black robes raised the cane in his hand.

Zhang Yu stood in front of the patrol, already seeing that the other party was not simple. When he saw the other party acting like this, he immediately realized that the other party was going to take action.

He hurriedly waved his palm, showed his money sword, and struck forward.

"Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much."

The money sword turned into countless copper coins, like shooting stars chasing the moon.

However, before the copper coin could hit the opponent, he heard a "snap" sound. Zhang Yu saw with his own eyes that the copper coin seemed to hit a piece of glass, shattering the glass.

Immediately afterwards, the glass shot over one after another.

"Ah" "Ah" "Ah".

Screams of pain were heard immediately, and Ma Sihai, Pan Yun and others on patrol fell to the ground with grins on their faces. Zhang Yu looked back, then his body went limp and he cried out in pain, "Ah, what is this?"

He also fell to the ground, his expression extremely painful.

"This is a glass drop. Once you are hit by this, your body will feel like it is covered with glass. If you move a little, your body will be cut by a knife. So, I advise you not to move around, otherwise, you will die of pain." The dull voice of the fifty-year-old man sounded again.

"Ahhh." Ma Sihai's painful voice sounded again.

There was no other reason than that he wanted to raise his pistol and shoot at the opponent. As a result, before he could lift his arm, he was in severe pain.

The man in his fifties said calmly: "I've said it before, don't believe it. If you want to die, just keep going. Boss Huang."

At this point, the guy just waved his hand, and then said: "You are fine now, you can get up."

Huang Tao, like the others, fell to the ground in pain just now.

Seeing the man in his fifties say this, he tentatively got up from the ground.

When he found that he was no longer in pain, he couldn't help but laughed triumphantly, "Hahahahaha. Hahahaha. If you want to catch me, it's up to you. You still want to catch me. Hahahaha, you were so awesome just now. Damn it, you were the only one who wanted to catch me. Ye Huan, what's wrong with the patrol? The patrol is amazing!"

Huang Tao cursed, his eyes fell on Ma Sihai, he raised his leg and kicked Ma Sihai hard.

Even if Ma Sihai didn't move, his body was aching. This kick almost hurt him to death, "Ah"

"Damn it!" Huang Tao cursed proudly, raised his leg, and pretended to kick him again.

But before he could take action, the man in his fifties said dullly: "Boss Huang, how should we deal with these people?"

"What else can we do, kill them all!" Huang Tao said fiercely: "Come here, kill them, and then throw them into the sea!"

"Huang Tao!" Seeing that Huang Tao was about to kill him, Pan Yun shouted quickly: "You dare to kill the patrolman. Do you know what the crime is? This case is just a mistake made by your son, and the crime will not lead to death. If If you do this now, you will definitely die and you will never be able to stand up again! If you let us go now, you will surrender!"

"Hahahaha." Huang Tao couldn't help laughing, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

"Xiaoyun, Huang Tao is not simply shielding and conniving. He has already embarked on the road of no return. If we talk about his crimes, death a hundred times is not an exaggeration. Compared with Huang Tao's, his son's sins are simply a witch. See the great witch. Brother Huang, am I right?" Zhang Yu said through gritted teeth while lying on the ground.

Huang Tao glanced at Zhang Yu and said coldly: "Zhang Yu, what do you mean by this?"

"Let's put it this way, the person who kidnapped Tang Cuicui here was not your son at all, but your handiwork. Your son was beheaded, and I think the agent of this beheading was Tang Cuicui. When you found out that your son had been killed, After solving the problem, it is inevitable to find someone to treat it. It turned out that Huang Xin was beheaded. If you want to solve the problem, it is not the most direct way to find a Buddhist or a Taoist. The natural way is to find a head-lowering master. I had ignored this before, and I only figured it out when I was hit by a glass drop. But no matter who wants to cure Huang Xin’s head-lowering, he must first find a head-lowering master. Source, the inquiry record you showed me is completely false, because you have already obtained the answer from Huang Xin, and the most suspicious person is Tang Cuicui, who was insulted by him. So, you had Tang Cuicui kidnapped here, Tang Cuicui is a little girl and doesn’t know the truth, so you will naturally be able to get your answer." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"Amazing, indeed amazing, you even thought of this. It's just a pity that it's too late for you to think of it now. Not only did you become my pawn and help me save my son, but you also ended up in this situation. Originally, I planned to fight with you I want to make friends, but after what happened, I'm afraid you won't have a chance." Huang Tao said with pretense of regret.

"Thank you Boss Huang for being considerate, but I, Mr. Zhang, don't care about friends like you. If a man dies, he will die. It's not a big deal. But before I die, I have a few questions that I would like to ask Boss Huang to read in my mind." For the sake of being a chess piece, please clarify the confusion. If this is the case, I will die in peace." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"What's the question?" Huang Tao said.

Then, he looked at the man in his fifties and said, "He was hit by your head, so he probably won't get up soon."

"Don't worry, there is no solution for my glass." The man in his fifties said dullly again.

The man in black robe standing next to him suddenly said: "Brother, can you leave this person to me?"

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