Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2125 It’s him!

Zhang Yu was already furious. These people were really worse than animals. Zhang Yu wanted to cut these people into pieces.

But he then looked at the expressions of Sun Zhaoyi and Ouyang Yanyan. Sun Zhaoyi's face was calm, and his red eyes could not tell anything else. Ouyang Yanyan acted very calmly and didn't seem to be angry because of the crazy thing.

But then I thought about it, what does Ouyang Yanyan do? Although he is also a miserable person, as the boss behind the Ocean Entertainment City, what Ouyang Yanyan does after that is absolutely ruthless.

Of course, Ouyang Yanyan is very spicy, mainly for revenge. In the later stages, she can't stop the car. Now Ouyang Yanyan, not only her heart is dead, but probably more or less the same. She only has her daughter and him as her son-in-law in her heart. That is to say, you can live happily in Taoist temples.

Zhang Yu said: "Uncle Grand Master, look at how long it will take for her illness to be cured."

"It's hard to say." Sun Zhaoyi said.

"Her illness is too serious, and I am also to blame here." Zhang Yu felt sad when he thought of killing his father. He then said, "I will definitely avenge her, and I will definitely cure her when she comes back. Mrs. Uncle Master, I will leave you here first, I have something else to do and I need to take a step first."

"Yeah." Sun Zhaoyi nodded.

Zhang Yu said goodbye to Ouyang Yanyan again, walked out of the backyard and walked straight to the front.

When I arrived at my abbot's courtyard, I happened to see Wang Chunlan and Zhao Qiuju waiting there.

The two apprentices seemed to be very worried about Bai Xia. As soon as they saw Zhang Yu, they asked eagerly: "Master, how is it?"

Zhang Yu said: "We have used hypnosis to get her to tell the reason why she went crazy. By the way, wasn't there a person who had sequelae from plastic surgery last night? It was the one with a scar on his neck. Where is he? ?”

"Master, that man's name is Wang Jun, and he slept in the guest room last night." Zhao Qiuju said.

"Let's go, take me to find him." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes, Master." Zhao Qiuju didn't know what Master meant, but since Master said so, she went immediately.

She and Wang Chunlan took Zhang Yu to the guest room of the pilgrims in Zhongjin Courtyard.

When she came outside the guest room, Zhao Qiuju knocked on the door gently, knocking for a long time, but still didn't open it.

So, I found the Zhike disciple who was in charge of the guest room and opened the door.

In the room, the quilt on the bed was not folded, but there was no shadow of that man.

There is actually no difference between Taoist guest rooms and hotels. They all require a registration deposit, and you must leave your name, phone number and ID number. The key was not exchanged for the deposit. Zhang Yu asked Zhao Qiuju to call the phone number according to the phone number left on it. As a result, the phone was turned off.

"Master, he has turned off his phone. Otherwise, I will have someone search for him on the mountain," Zhao Qiuju said.

Zhang Yu thought about it for a while, and he still remembered that this man's hall was black and bloody, and he was told not to leave Wudang Taoist Temple. Where is he now? Could it be that he left Wudang Taoist Temple?

"Ring ring ring"

At this moment, the mobile phone in Zhang Yu's pocket rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Pan Yun calling. Zhang Yu answered directly, "Hey, Mr. Pan?"

The person on the other side of the phone was naturally Pan Yun. When he heard Zhang Yu call him that, he expected that there was someone next to him. Pan Yun said directly and seriously: "Zhang Yu, didn't you say yesterday that you were looking for a worker from the former garment factory? Now you have found one, who is a warehouse keeper from the former garment factory."

Zhang Yu's mind was filled with Bai Xia's affairs, and he wanted to find the bad guys who had hurt Bai Xia. He was not very concerned about the fire in the clothing factory. If it weren't for Pan Yun's call, Zhang Yu would have forgotten about this incident. He was about to say, 'I won't go,' but then he thought, Bai Xia was once imprisoned in a place called Phoenix Hotel, and he had to ask Pan Yun about this.

So, Zhang Yu said: "I'm at the Taoist temple now. Let's go over there. Let's meet there."

"I'm patrolling the main house. Let's do this. In order to save time, I'm going to the west area of ​​​​the town now. You walk along the Ring Road Bridge and we will meet at the viaduct." Pan Yun said.

"No problem. See you later." Zhang Yu said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu said again: "Qiu Ju, now ask the disciples to look for Wang Jun in the surrounding area. When they find it, call me. Remember, don't let him go."

"Yes, Master." Zhao Qiuju nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yu immediately called Li Mingyue and asked Li Mingyue to arrange for someone to prepare a car and follow him down the mountain.

The Taoist temple is so big and there are so many disciples, each with their own responsibilities in everything. If Wang Jie is here, all matters big and small belong to Wang Jie. If Wang Jie doesn't come back, he has to go to Li Mingyue for everything.

Zhang Yu went straight down the mountain and met the disciples who were going to the parking lot on the mountain road.

He drove a car and followed Zhang Yu's instructions to the viaduct in Zhenxi District.

There was no words all the way, and when we arrived at the place, we met Pan Yun. Zhang Yu got into Pan Yun's car. Pan Yun glanced at him and muttered: "I didn't sleep last night."

"You saw it." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"No matter how good your physique is, you can still tell if you don't sleep all night. You are really serious. I haven't seen you sleep properly these days." Pan Yun complained.

"I will definitely have a good sleep after finishing what I am doing." Zhang Yu smiled playfully, as if he was a child who had done something wrong.

"The body is yours, not mine." Pan Yun rolled his eyes at Zhang Yu, said nothing, and drove forward.

Along the way, after several inquiries, I found a place called "Jingbai Dry Cleaning Shop".

The car stopped at the door of the laundry. Pan Yun glanced at Zhang Yu again. Zhang Yu was still wearing Bagua Fairy Clothes. Pan Yun frowned and said, "You said that I am a patrolman and you are a Taoist priest, which is somewhat nondescript. "

"Aren't I anxious?" Zhang Yu said awkwardly.

"Forget it, let's go in now." After Pan Yun finished speaking, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Zhang Yu got out of the car and the two of them walked towards the white dry cleaning shop.

Pushing open the door of the dry cleaning shop, the dry cleaning shop is small, only about thirty square meters, with a lot of clothes hanging inside. A woman in her fifties is sitting behind the counter, busy with a sewing machine.

Hearing the door knock, the woman looked over. Pan Yun was wearing casual clothes and Zhang Yu was wearing a Taoist robe. This made the woman a little confused, but she still said: "Welcome, do you need anything?"

"Are you Zhao Meili?" Pan Yun asked.

"It's me." The woman was obviously stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect the other party to call her name directly.

Pan Yun took out his ID from his pocket, walked up to the woman, and said, "I am a patrol officer and I have something to ask you."

Seeing Pan Yun's patrol warrant, Zhao Meili stood up quickly, "Captain, what's going on?"

A policeman and a Taoist priest showed up out of nowhere, and everyone would be a little worried.

Pan Yun saw the other party's nervousness and said seriously: "Don't be nervous, it's just a routine investigation. Is there anyone else here? If so, let them go out first."

"I'm the only one for now." Zhao Meili said.

"Then sit down and chat." Pan Yun motioned for the other person to sit down, but he was not polite and just pulled a chair and sat down.

Zhang Yu sat next to Pan Yun. Pan Yun took out two pages of paper from his bag and said slowly: "Zhao Meili, according to our patrol room, you used to work in Jinda Garment Factory. right."

"That's right." Zhao Meili nodded.

"You are the warehouse keeper of the garment factory. After the fire in the garment factory, I once conducted an inquiry and investigation on you. Here is your transcript, there should be no problem." Pan Yun said, handing over the two pieces of paper he took out. Zhao Meili.

Zhao Meili took it and read it again, nodded and said, "Yes, this is my transcript."

She was obviously a little worried, it would happen to anyone else, why did the patrol house suddenly come to see her again.

Pan Yun nodded slightly, turned to look at Zhang Yu, and signaled to Zhang Yu that if he had any questions, he could ask them now.

Most of Zhang Yu's thoughts were not on this. Huang Tao also talked about general things, such as why the clothing factory stopped working and was converted into real estate. And the other person who survived was Huang Tao.

But now that Pan Yunbai is here, he can't keep Pan Yunbai busy. Zhang Yu said casually: "Don't worry, our patrol room is investigating again, just to verify. After the fire in the clothing factory, did anything special happen? ?”

"Special things." Zhao Meili recalled for a while and said: "Anyway, many people say it is haunted, and you can hear ghosts crying at every turn, but I didn't hear it. There are quite a few people who resigned. The one that impressed me the most is that our warehouse Wang Jun, the deputy director of the company, seems to have not appeared since the fire. He is also a good friend of the boss."

"Wang Jun!" Upon hearing the name, Zhang Yu's heart trembled and he immediately became energetic, "What does the Wang Jun you are talking about look like?"

"He's tall, strong, and quite dark. He doesn't do anything else at work all day long except gathering people to play poker and mahjong. That's what all the leaders do anyway," Zhao Meili replied.

"Tall, strong, and quite dark." This description is indeed very similar to that of Wang Jun in the Taoist temple. Zhang Yu asked again: "Is there a scar on his neck?"

"Yes, yes," Zhao Meili nodded repeatedly and said, "Not only does he have scars, he also has tattoos on his body. The first time I saw him, I was shocked."

"It's him." Zhang Yu took a deep breath, and in an instant, an idea came to his mind.

I still remember that I asked Bai Xia earlier how many people were watching them and what their names were.

Bai Xia's answer was that there were seven in total, and she didn't know the names. They were called "Second Brother", "Third Brother", "Fourth Brother", "Fifth Brother", "Sixth Brother", "Seventh Brother" and "Eighth Brother". .

At that time, Zhang Yu thought of a question that he forgot to ask. Among these people, there must be an elder brother.

There is a scar on Fifth Brother's neck, which is the most obvious feature, and Bai Xia remembers it most clearly.

A total of six men and seven women were burned to death, and only one man remained. Huang Tao said it was him, is that really the case?

Seeing that Zhang Yu remained silent for a long time, Pan Yun asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Zhang Yu said, then looked at Zhao Meili and asked: "Let me ask another question. Among the people burned to death in your company, the men seemed to be leading cadres. Did they all have good friendships? "

"Yes, we have a very good relationship. We seem to drink and play mahjong together every day." Zhao Meili replied.

"Then do they also call him brothers? Do others call Wang Jun brother?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I can't remember this clearly. In my impression, there doesn't seem to be one," Zhao Meili said while recalling.

"You said Huang Tao has a very good relationship with them. What do they call Huang Tao, do they call him eldest brother?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"In my impression, everyone calls me boss," said Zhao Meili.

"Then they play mahjong in the clothing factory all day long, and Huang Tao doesn't care?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"What should I say? We working people can't report to the boss. I don't know if the boss knows," Zhao Meili said.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly, generally thinking about it.

It can be said that Wang Jun is definitely a crucial figure in this case. As long as he is found, everything will be revealed.

As for what role Huang Tao is, there is currently no evidence and can only be relied on speculation.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu thought that he still had to find Wang Jun and check the Phoenix Hotel.

Zhang Yu asked a few more questions, but found no useful clues. Zhang Yu said: "Zhao Meili, don't tell anyone about our patrol room's visit. It must be kept confidential, you know."

"I know, I know." Zhao Meili nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you, let's go then." Zhang Yu said and stood up.

Pan Yun put away the two documents and stood up. Zhao Meili stood up and sent Zhang Yu and Zhang Yu out of the dry cleaning shop.

Zhang Yu and Pan Yun got into the car, and Pan Yun started the car and drove away.

After the car had driven some distance, Pan Yuncai said, "You seem to have discovered something."

"Yes, as long as we find one person, maybe everything will be revealed." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"That person is the one you mentioned named Wang Jun." Pan Yun was not a fool. He had just heard Zhang Yu talking about this person.

"That's right! It's him!" Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"What happened to him? Did he set the fire?" Pan Yun asked curiously.

"It is unlikely that he set the fire. On the contrary, it is very likely that he was not burned to death," Zhang Yu said.

"The possibility of not being burned to death. What do you mean by that?" Pan Yun became even more confused.

"Didn't you notice that among the people who were burned to death, there were pairs in every room, and only one room had only one woman?" Zhang Yu said.

Pan Yun suddenly realized, "You mean, there should be another man, and that man is the Wang Jun you mentioned!"

"Although I'm not 100% sure, I'm at least 90% sure!" Zhang Yu said.

"But where is he? And, does he know who set the fire?" Pan Yun asked again.

"He must know who set the fire. Otherwise, how could he disappear? Where would he be now?" Speaking of this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly regret that this person had appeared in front of him, but unfortunately he was He ran away.

"I will definitely find him! I will definitely find him!" Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Pan Yun saw him gnashing his teeth and said in confusion: "What happened to him? Why are you so cruel to him?"

"I will tell you later. There is one thing I want you to help check again." Zhang Yu said.

"What's the matter?" Pan Yun asked.

"Find a place called Phoenix Hotel!" Zhang Yu said solemnly.

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