Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2122 Unexpected

The old man could no longer answer Zhang Yu's question.

All he could hear was the woman's panicked and pleading cry, "No, please spare me. I don't dare to run away anymore. I don't dare to run away anymore. Spare me. Don't hit me."

Zhang Yu was suspicious and begged secretly: "How is it possible for his daughter? But, would a dead person say such things when he is dying? Go and see first before talking."

I tested the old man's breathing and found that there was no breath at all. The three holes in his body were enough to kill him.

Zhang Yu looked at the wound. It was a little far away and it was dark, so he couldn't see clearly. Now that the distance is close, if you look carefully, it seems that there is something like a green blade in the wound. It is definitely a hidden weapon.

Zhang Yu was avoiding the opponent's sneak attack and didn't notice that the man on the wall had killed the old man.

"So cruel" Zhang Yu felt something was wrong. He was fully aware that this person's target was probably not him, but the old man.

What Zhang Yu couldn't be sure of was whether the other party's purpose was to seek revenge, or what?

I was able to find this place only because I found the Nine-turn Spirit Buddha through the eight-character fortune-finding chart and followed it here. How did you find the person who killed the old man?

There is one more thing Zhang Yu is sure of, that is, there was another person here before. What did this person do? Not only that, the old man was definitely not alone. Huang Tao also said on the phone that there was another person riding a motorcycle who took away the Nine-turn Buddha.

The Nine-turn Spirit Buddha must still be here. Zhang Yu did not take out the eight-character fortune-seeking chart, but with a flick of his hand, he took back the Yuxu rope tied to the old man.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me. I will never dare to hit me again. Please don't hit me. I will listen to you in everything you say." The woman's voice rang again.

Zhang Yu looked into the room, still cautious, and walked in slowly.

The fire was still burning, and everything inside could be seen clearly. There was a room on the left and right sides of the main room. The old man just jumped out of the window on the right side. Not only that, the woman's voice also came out here.

Zhang Yu held black scissors in one hand and a money sword in the other, walking towards the right.

Just as he was about to walk past the door frame, a black shadow suddenly fell from the inner door frame.

That is to say, Zhang Yu reacted quickly, took a step back, and then shot out the black scissors in his left hand.

"call out!"

As the scissors passed by, Zhang Yu could see clearly what the falling shadow was. It was a big black spider.

This spider couldn't stop the black scissors and was torn to pieces on the spot. However, this really startled Zhang Yu. Fortunately, the spider fell quickly and landed in front of his eyes. In addition, he reacted quickly and retreated in time. If you had taken one step slower when falling, you would probably have been stung. Only God knows what the consequences would be.

Zhang Yu was still frightened, so he took back the scissors and entered even more cautiously while holding up the money sword.

As soon as he entered, he looked around. The room was not dark when illuminated by the firelight. The furnishings inside were very simple, including a fire bed and a luggage cabinet on the outer floor of the fire bed. Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Zhang Yu looked around on the ground and didn't see any cracks. Looking at the kang, there is a layer of floor leather under the bed.

"Please don't come, don't come."

Suddenly, the woman's pleading sounded again. Zhang Yu was in the room and heard the sound very clearly. The sound seemed to come from the Kang.

Zhang Yu directly lifted up the floor leather on the kang, and when he took another look, he could see that there was a wooden board under the luggage cabinet, and the gap was clearly visible. There is a small handle on the wooden board.

He slowly grabbed the handle and pulled it up with a slight exertion.


There was a faint light coming from inside. Zhang Yu jumped up on the kang and looked down. He could clearly see a ladder. Looking at the depth, it's about three meters.

With Zhang Yu's skill, he naturally couldn't use the ladder, but he still had to be careful and posted a divine talisman before jumping down.

As soon as the person got down, the money sword in his hand immediately spread out to protect his surroundings. He looked around and was startled.

It turns out that the basement is very neat and clean. Not only that, there is a swing on the left wall, and two copper stoves on the right wall. There are guardrails around the copper stove, as if to worry about someone touching it. Zhang Yu could see that the copper stove was a little red, and it seemed to be charcoal inside.

Not to mention, the top and bottom are simply two different temperatures.

It’s cold up there, fully reflecting the harsh winter season. But down here, it's very warm.

Directly opposite, there is a bed. In the corner of the bed, a woman is huddled. The woman is wearing a set of pink cotton clothes and trousers, very neat. Her hair was tied into a braid. Judging from his age, he seemed to be about forty years old. He was quite beautiful, but he had a look of panic and fear on his face. In her arms, she held a stuffed bear. Not only did she have stuffed toys in her arms, but there were also several beside her bed.

If not for seeing this woman here, everyone would think that she is a spoiled little princess.

But because of this, Zhang Yu was even more puzzled. The woman obviously had not been abused, otherwise, she would not be in this situation.

"Who are you?" Zhang Yu asked gently.

The woman was looking at Zhang Yu nervously. As soon as she heard Zhang Yu's voice, she immediately said in panic and fear: "Don't come over, don't come over. Don't hit me, don't hit me."

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I'm here to save you," Zhang Yu said gently.

"Don't come here, don't hit me. I listen to you and I will never run away again." The woman said again, ignoring Zhang Yu's words.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu was surprised again. This woman had called her that before. After he came in, there was no one here.

How is this going? Could it be that there is something wrong with this woman's brain?

Zhang Yu was not sure, but slowly walked towards the woman.

"Don't come here. Don't come over and spare me. Don't want to". "The woman said this time.

Being close to the bed, Zhang Yu could see clearly that the woman's face was not only full of panic, but also full of tears.

If he said it was a pretense, Zhang Yu felt that it looked too much like a pretense. He finally came to the bedside. When the woman saw him coming, she hugged the stuffed bear tightly in her arms. Her face was even more frightened, and she said pleadingly: "Don't say goodbye."

"Don't be afraid, I really won't hurt you." Zhang Yu said, taking back the black scissors he held in his left hand.

He then slowly reached out and grabbed the woman's hand, "Give me your hand."

"Please, please." The woman's tears kept flowing out, but she didn't dare to resist at all.

Finally, Zhang Yu's hand grabbed the woman's wrist, and he could feel the woman's pulse as he followed.

The woman's physical condition was not bad, but her pulse showed severe phlegm blocking her heart pulse and liver qi stagnation.

What are the symptoms? To put it bluntly, it is very simple, it is mental illness.

You may have a bad temper, talk to yourself, have auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, etc.

Women now are the kind of people who have auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, and talk to themselves. Her symptoms were so severe that there was almost no cure, which showed how much irritation she suffered before she fell ill.

Zhang Yu let go of the woman's hand and looked towards the ladder unconsciously. He couldn't help but think of what the old man said, this was his daughter.

"Real or false?" Zhang Yu was a little unsure, but he was absolutely sure that it was definitely not overnight for a woman to have such serious symptoms.

In addition, the environment here is not abusing her. Could it be that she is really his daughter?

Zhang Yu thought for a while and then looked at the woman. The woman also looked at him nervously, but her eyes were a little dull.

"It's better to take her away first."

Zhang Yu also knew that it would take some effort to take him away directly. He simply stretched out his hands and touched the woman's head.

The woman was so frightened that she just begged for mercy and did not dare to resist at all. Zhang Yu massaged her for a while, and the woman stopped making any sound, her eyes slowly closed, her body softened, and she fell asleep.

"Let's go." Zhang Yu said gently to the woman.

But then I thought about it, it was a bit inconvenient to hold a woman in my arms. Although the spiders, snakes and toads among the five poisons have been killed, there are still two left. Don't let anything happen.

"That's right." Zhang Yu's mind flashed. When he went out today, he took the Cangtian Seal with him, and it will come in handy now.

He took out two blank talisman papers and put them together, took out the Heaven Seal, and chanted a mantra in his mouth, "The Heaven has its way, the Yellow Turban drives it, it can move mountains and fill seas, everything is possible!"

After reciting the incantation, he put the heaven seal on the talisman paper.

After moving it away, you can see a huge red rune on the talisman paper. On top of this rune, there is a faint golden light emitting. He pinched the talisman paper with his fingers and flicked it lightly. With a "pop" sound, the talisman paper ignited on its own and turned into ashes.

In an instant, a golden shadow appeared out of thin air. That's right, it's the small yellow scarf warrior.

Zhang Yu only needed to rely on his thoughts, and the yellow scarf warrior stepped forward and hugged the woman into his arms. Zhang Yu looked at the furry bear that fell on the bed, simply picked up the bear, put it in the woman's arms, and let her The furry bear hugged her with both hands.

He followed and returned the same way, going up the ladder first, and then being careful to prevent any unexpected events.

The yellow scarf warriors then came up and walked out of the room together to the courtyard.

Zhang Yu looked at the dead old man lying on the ground, feeling an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

Even he himself couldn't tell what it was like.

"Are they really father and daughter?" Zhang Yu thought of this question again.

Zhang Yu took out the Seven-Star Knife and a blank piece of talisman paper. He squatted down and cut the old man's finger with the blade, and blood dripped on the talisman paper.

Then, he came to the woman's side, pricked a small cut on her finger, and dripped blood on the talisman paper.

The woman was also sleeping soundly. Zhang Yu's force was very light and did not wake her up in pain.

He lowered his head and looked at the two drops of blood on the talisman paper. The blood was on both ends of the talisman paper and soaked the talisman paper. Zhang Yu began to talk plausibly.

This is a method specially used by Taoists to shed blood to identify relatives. The effect is very significant and there is no deviation.

As long as the spell is recited, if the relationship is between father and son, or father and daughter, the two drops of blood on it will stain the entire talisman paper, and they will be combined together, regardless of each other. If it weren't for this relationship, the talisman would be burned to the ground.

Soon, after reciting the spell, Zhang Yu looked carefully and saw that the two drops of blood spread rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and merged into one in an instant.

"They are really our biological father and daughter." Zhang Yu's body couldn't help but tremble, as if he had been hit by a sap.

In an instant, the old man's voice sounded in his mind again, "If you dare to destroy the thing that saves my life, I will kill you!"

"Five poisons." Zhang Yu looked into the room unconsciously.

Although the room was not a sea of ​​fire, it was almost there.

Zhang Yu's medical skills are so superb, and he naturally knows how to use the five poisons. All things are interdependent, and the five poisons are not only used to harm people, they can also cure diseases and save people. Especially for this disease where phlegm blocks the heart vessels and liver stagnation and qi stagnation, the five poisons can fight poison with poison and have miraculous effects.

"This is the medicine to save her." Zhang Yu looked at the woman in the arms of the yellow scarf warrior and couldn't help but sway.

To be honest, since arriving in Zhenhai, I have gone through many hardships and killed many people. However, Zhang Yu never killed anyone in vain.

Although this old man did not kill himself, he died because of himself after all. It's not easy for the old man to take care of his daughter who has lost her heart. I have no enmity with him, I just want to know why the old man bowed his head to Huang Xin.

What he wants is the specific reason. Only after asking for the whole story can he make a decision. The result was great, the person died just like that, and he didn’t find out anything.

"Buzz buzz buzz."

Suddenly, the mobile phone in Zhang Yu's arms vibrated.

He took out his cell phone and took a look. The caller ID showed Huang Tao's number.

Zhang Yuxin said that it was most likely Huang Tao who was waiting in a hurry.

He put it to his ear to answer and said, "Hey, Brother Huang."

"Mr. Zhang, how is the situation? Have you found the person?" Huang Tao's somewhat excited voice sounded on the phone.

"I haven't found it yet." Zhang Yu didn't know how to answer, so he could only say this. Then he noticed that Huang Tao's voice was wrong, and asked curiously: "Why are you so excited?"

"That person called me just now and said he wanted to thank me for the golden Buddha. Then he told me the formula to treat my son." Huang Tao's excited voice sounded on the phone again.

"Ah?" After hearing this, Zhang Yu was quite surprised. He had obviously found the Nine-turn Spirit Buddha. The Nine-turn Spirit Buddha was here. How could anyone call Huang Tao.

Zhang Yu asked doubtfully: "What is the formula? Does it work?"

"The formula is very simple. It uses ten raw eggs and a bowl of blood from a big rooster. I thought it was harmless, so I tried it. Unexpectedly, after drinking it, my son had diarrhea and a lot of long hair came out. Then he can speak." Huang Tao said excitedly again.

"That's okay." Zhang Yu was surprised again. He really didn't expect that there was such a way, but listening to Huang Tao's tone, it seemed that it was not artificial, and he really pulled out his hair. Zhang Yu couldn't help but said: "Keep those hairs, I'll go take a look later."

"I haven't rushed here yet. I'm calling you just to inform you about this." Huang Tao said.

"Okay, I'll go there later." Zhang Yu said.

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