Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2115 Coffin House

Several people clinked glasses, drank the wine under the quilt, and then started eating and drinking.

Zhang Yu had something on his mind and thought about it but couldn't say it openly. Otherwise, if Yang Xiaodong learned that there was a problem with the new house he had just bought, his mood would be greatly reduced and he would not even be able to sleep well at night.

At the dinner table, there was also talking and laughing. Zhang Yu talked less, while Yang Ying, Yang Xiaodong, and Fang Tong talked more. Xiao Ling looked listless because he didn't sleep.

Zhang Yu didn't want to tell Xiao Ling about what happened here, but he couldn't help it. No one else was ridden with resentment, but Xiao Ling was the only one who was. There must be a reason for this. Xiao Ling must have encountered something special.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Yu had a plan in mind. He pretended to go to the bathroom. After entering, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Yang Ying - "Auntie, let's find a chance to let Xiao Ling and I have a few words alone. We have something important."

After sending the text message, Zhang Yu was worried that Yang Ying would not go to see it, so he dialed Yang Ying's phone number, but quickly hung up.

Yang Ying's mobile phone is in her bag. There are too many spam messages now, and she usually doesn't read them. When she heard the ringtone of her cell phone, Yang Ying got up to get her bag and took out the phone from it. The ringtone of her cell phone was gone.

When she saw the caller ID, it was Zhang Yu's number. Yang Ying was stunned. What does this mean?

Could it be that it was a typo?

After being stunned for a moment, Yang Ying found the text message sent by Zhang Yu. Seeing the above content, Yang Ying was stunned again. What is the situation with this kid?

She quickly remembered that there was something wrong with Zhang Yu ever since he got out of the car, and he always seemed dull. It was the same after arriving at Yang Xiaodong's house.

Yang Ying was so thoughtful that she immediately shouted: "Oh, my ring fell off."

"Ah? You can't," Fang Tong said immediately.

"It was still on my hand when I came here, but why is it gone?" Yang Ying said, looked at Yang Xiaodong, and said: "Xiaodong, come downstairs with me and take a look."

"Okay." Seeing Yang Ying say this, Yang Xiaodong stood up immediately.

Fang Tong naturally didn't pay attention to whether Yang Ying was wearing a ring, so he came over.

Xiao Ling and Xiao Ling's father also got up and came over to help find them together.

Yang Ying looked specifically at Xiao Ling and said, "Xiao Ling, looking at your listlessness, your eyes may not be good either. Sit at home and don't go downstairs."

"Yes." Yang Xiaodong also nodded, "Xiao Ling, you stay at home."

In this way, Yang Ying easily lured Yang Xiaodong, Xiaoling's father and Fang Tong out of the house.

Zhang Yu in the bathroom heard her statement clearly.

Zhang Yu secretly said to himself that the little aunt is really talented in this area, and she succeeded so easily.

He didn't waste any time and came out of the bathroom directly. Seeing that Xiao Ling was the only one in the living room, he asked, "Where have everyone gone?"

"Auntie's ring fell off. Xiaodong and the others went downstairs to help find it. They will probably be back up soon," Xiao Ling said.

Zhang Yu sat down at the table and said, "Xiao Ling, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Ling wondered.

"Let's make a long story short. You had insomnia last night, not just insomnia. I want to ask if you encountered anything special. Don't hide it from me." Zhang Yu said seriously.

Xiao Ling was startled and said in surprise: "How do you know?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu knew what was going on and immediately said: "You have seen what I am capable of. Let's not talk about this more. Let's just talk about what happened last night."

Xiao Ling has naturally seen how powerful Zhang Yu is, not to mention the fact that he taught a bunch of crooks like them, even curing his father's illness, it also shows Zhang Yu's ability. At such a young age, Zhang Yu has become the chairman of Wudang Group and the founder who loves sleeping on his mobile phone. What a person he must be.

Seeing Zhang Yu being so serious, Xiao Ling was a little nervous. She said carefully: "When Xiaodong and I came back last night, we saw a red shadow in the empty house downstairs, as if it was on fire. Same. I asked Xiaodong to watch it, but Xiaodong didn't see it, and I couldn't see it either. After going upstairs and coming back, Xiaodong went to live broadcast, and I was sleeping alone in the bedroom, and I had a nightmare. There was a fire somewhere, and many people were struggling inside. The screams scared me awake. Then, I couldn't sleep anymore."

"Sure enough, it's an empty house on the first floor." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

"Do you know what's going on with the empty house on the first floor?" Xiao Ling became even more worried.

"Don't worry, it will be fine. Xiao Ling, don't worry, the problem will be solved tonight. Don't tell Xiaodong about this matter, so as not to affect his mood." Zhang Yu said gently .

"Yeah." Xiao Ling nodded solemnly, "I didn't tell him today because I was afraid that he would worry."

Zhang Yu then took out an amulet from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Ling, saying, "Wear this amulet on your body and you'll be fine for a day."

"Okay." After Xiaoling took it, he held it in his hand and didn't know where to put it on his body for a while.

Zhang Yu said: "Just go back to the bedroom and put it away, and keep your heart in your stomach."

"Yes." Xiao Ling nodded again and entered the bedroom with the amulet.

Zhang Yu took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yang Ying - "The matter is settled, you can come back."

After a while, Xiao Ling came out of the bedroom, and footsteps and Fang Tong's voice could be heard outside.

"Little auntie, what kind of brain do you have? You forgot to wear the ring, and you are causing us so much trouble."

"It's not like I was too tired last night and didn't get a good rest. I'm a little confused." Yang Ying said deliberately.

As soon as these words came out, Fang Tong immediately became silent.

Others could not understand what this meant, but Zhang Yu and Fang Tong naturally understood.

The door opened, and Yang Ying, Yang Xiaodong and the others came in one after another. Zhang Yu and Xiao Ling looked natural, as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Yu also deliberately asked: "Little aunt, have you found your ring?"

"It was only after I went downstairs that I remembered that I forgot the ring at home, so I made a fool of myself." Yang Ying said deliberately.

"Then I'll punish you with drinking." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Yang Ying immediately gave him a sideways look, as if to say, you brat, I was trying to help you, but you even punished me with drinking.

Fang Tong didn't understand what was going on, so he started shouting, "Yes, yes, yes, I have to punish my little aunt to drink."

Everyone sat down again. Zhang Yu's worries were gone and he returned to normal. They were talking and laughing at the table, and even punished Yang Ying with drinking.

That night, Zhang Yu, Yang Ying, and Fang Yatou all drank, so naturally they couldn't drive. Even if Zhang Yu doesn't drink, he won't open it.

You can't drive, and you can't drink and drive. Yang Xiaodong and Xiao Ling were very enthusiastic and let them stay at home.

Zhang Yu didn't object. Yang Ying understood that there must be something going on here, but it was inconvenient to ask now, so she could only nod.

In this way, the three of them stayed at Yang Xiaodong's house. Yang Ying and her three daughters crowded into Xiao Ling's bed, Yang Xiaodong slept with Xiao Ling's father, and Zhang Yu slept in the living room by himself.

Everyone drank and fell asleep quickly, but Zhang Yu didn't sleep and kept listening to the goings on at home. At about one o'clock in the middle of the night, when everyone was probably asleep, Zhang Yu quietly walked out of the room alone and walked downstairs.

It was late at night, and when he came to the door of the room on the first floor, Zhang Yu took out a pin from his pocket and put it into the keyhole of the door.

Unlocking is the basic skill of a mechanical door. After entering, you only need to flick it twice, and then you will hear a "click" and the door lock will open.

Zhang Yu opened the door and walked in. The room was dark and cold.

The empty house was already cold, and other people would definitely not notice anything about it, but Zhang Yu was different. He could really feel that there was a sense of resentment in it.

Zhang Yu did not use the fire talisman to illuminate, but just used the faint light outside to look at everything here.

This is a room with three bedrooms and two living rooms. It has the same layout as Yang Xiaodong's house. It is not empty inside. There are some worn wooden boards on the floor, as well as sand, cement and so on.

Some rags are normal, but Zhang Yu was able to quickly conclude that the arrangement of these rags was actually a formation.

To be precise, it is a formation that transcends the resentment of dead souls.

Normally, with this formation, resentment will be transcended. It's a pity that the resentment here seems to be very heavy and has not been forcibly detached.

Even so, it shouldn't spill out. However, Zhang Yu discovered that the wooden boards here had traces of being broken and dragged by rats, which made the formation incomplete. In addition, the old age could not stop the resentment here, and the resentment leaked out.

"This is still an urban area, how can there be such strong resentment?" Zhang Yu muttered to himself, feeling that something was wrong.

With his cultivation, he could quickly find the location of the transcendental formation. It was just a cement bag, but it was very heavy and contained solidified cement. Unless it is moved manually, it will never be moved.

Zhang Yu did not move the formation. Once moved, all the resentment inside would inevitably flow out, which would be harmful to the people living here.

He just closed his eyes and looked at the situation here with his inner eye.

Soon, Zhang Yu could see a small second floor in the darkness. It was a bit blurry and could not be seen clearly.

Suddenly, the small second floor suddenly burst into flames, and figures flashed out of the originally dark second floor windows. There seemed to be people in every room. They seemed to want to escape, but could no longer get out. They shouted for help, but no one came to save them. After a while, the calls for help turned into screams. Through the window, you can see that the people inside have turned into burning people. They are struggling constantly and their voices are even more shrill.

After a while, Zhang Yu's head turned into darkness.

He opened his eyes and looked around. Everything was so quiet.

Everything he saw just now was exactly the same as what Xiao Ling said. From this, it can be seen that the resentment is here.

Zhang Yu could definitely conclude that people had been burned to death here, and not just one, but many people. Because one person's resentment cannot be so heavy.

In addition, Zhang Yu can also confirm that if it was a normal fire and people were burned to death, there would not be such a big resentment, and it would not be difficult to transcend.

If resentment can accumulate and persist, there must be grievances among it. To put it bluntly, someone deliberately set fire to these people.

"Who did it? What kind of hatred could it cause so many people to be burned to death at once?"

Zhang Yu muttered, and a person's information immediately appeared in his mind.

Huang Tao! I once ran a clothing factory here, and later invested in and developed the Huangjincheng Community.

"Golden City Community" Zhang Yu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He thought again that when he first came here, he found that there was something wrong with this community.

"This is obviously a formation. If it doesn't work, I have to take a closer look." After making up his mind, Zhang Yu quickly left the room and walked upstairs.

There are six floors in this building. After Zhang Yu goes up, he can go up to the floor through the ladder in the top floor.

In the dark night, under the starry sky, standing on the building, everything around you can be seen clearly.

Zhang Yu looked around and inspected the layout of the community.

When he was there before, he couldn't see clearly how the buildings here were built. Now, he could quickly see the clues.

Directly in front of the community are three twelve-story buildings, surrounded by ten-story elevator buildings, and in the middle are eight six-story staircase buildings.

There are eight steps and kicking buildings, four in a row and two vertical rows.

After seeing the clues clearly, Zhang Yu's heart trembled and he secretly shouted: "What a tomb! What a coffin!"

The coffin means "promotion and wealth" in Feng Shui. Some communities will also be laid out this way.

However, although this community also adopts a coffin layout, the meaning is completely different.

The three 12-story buildings at the front are called "incense buildings" in the Feng Shui bureau, and they look like three incense sticks. The surrounding circle of buildings is called the "grave building" and looks like a circle of graves. The eight buildings inside are naturally the "coffin buildings".

This kind of building definitely has ulterior motives. If people hadn't died here and there were resentful souls here, they would never have designed it like this. This clearly means burying the souls of the dead. Ordinary people can't see it, but Zhang Yu can see it clearly.

"This community was developed by Huang Tao. What does he mean?" Zhang Yu said fiercely in his heart.

If Huang Tao was destined to be a very conscientious person, Zhang Yu would have discovered it long ago by touching his bones. But he didn't notice it, which made Zhang Yu even more puzzled.

"What happened in the Golden City Community?" Zhang Yu was confused, but the information he saw in the patrol room did not mention it.

He believed that it was absolutely necessary for him to consult Pan Yun again.

After coming down from the roof, Zhang Yu returned to the third floor. The door was ajar and not locked. But standing at the door, Zhang Yu found a faint light on inside. He didn't turn on the light when he came out. How could there be light inside now?

He was stunned for a moment and didn't hear any special sound inside. Pulling the door open, Zhang Yu walked in and closed the door gently.

The place where the light was on was the living room. Zhang Yu was a little confused and walked towards the living room. People were also cautious.

"You're back." A woman's voice rang.

As soon as he heard the voice, Zhang Yu was sure that it was Yang Ying's voice.

"You're back, why are you awake?" Zhang Yu walked towards the sofa.

Yang Ying was sitting on the sofa, wearing a shirt and underpants.

She looked at Zhang Yu, with an anxious look on her face, and said in a low voice: "Little boss, what happened?"

Zhang Yu asked her to lead Yang Xiaodong and others out before, but Yang Ying did so without asking anything. But this does not mean that Yang Ying is relieved. She has always been doubtful in her heart, especially when she found that Zhang Yu went out alone, she became even more worried.

Zhang Yu sat down next to Yang Ying and said, "Nothing's wrong, it's just that the feng shui here is not very good."

"It's just Feng Shui. Nothing else." Yang Ying was somewhat unconvinced. If it was just Feng Shui, Zhang Yu would have said nothing to Xiao Ling alone.

"It's really nothing." Zhang Yu hugged Yang Ying's shoulders and whispered again: "Don't worry, I know you are worried about Xiaodong. In fact, it is just a matter of Feng Shui. I just went out to solve it. I won't worry about it anymore." Something will happen."

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