Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2097 Six words and seven tones

"Dharma One Palm Sutra" Zhang Yu muttered. He didn't know anything about Buddhist physiognomy. Curious in his heart, he simply squatted opposite the man in his fifties and asked with a smile: "Uncle, what do I know about this?" I’m very curious and wonder if you can tell me about it.”

"This." The man in his fifties looked at Zhang Yu for a few times. He seemed to realize that Zhang Yu was not really here to tell fortunes, so he pretended to be embarrassed and said: "The Bodhidharma One Palm Sutra is a secret method of Buddhism. I won't give it to you easily." Others read fortunes and tell fortunes, but they only tell fortunes about people who are destined to be together."

After saying that, he half-closed his eyes to check Zhang Yu's reaction.

He looked so enigmatic, but in fact Zhang Yu understood that he wanted money.

Zhang Yu immediately took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it to the other party, saying, "Uncle, I won't let you waste your saliva in vain."

In this street fortune-telling, it is usually considered good to pay dozens of yuan. Zhang Yu paid 200 yuan, which is definitely a lot.

"Haha." The man in his fifties immediately smiled, took the money from Zhang Yu's hand, and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "You are not my destined person. I am explaining it to you just for the sake of your sincerity. "

"Thank you." Zhang Yu showed a sincere smile.

Pan Yun looked on in confusion and couldn't figure out what Zhang Yu meant.

When it comes to fortune telling, is there anyone who can tell fortunes more accurately than Zhang Yu? Is it necessary to find such a person?

She was suspicious in her heart, wondering if Zhang Yu did this on purpose, because he didn't want to go home with her and waste time here?

While she was thinking about it, the man in his fifties had already spoken: "This Bodhidharma One Palm Sutra was created by the Patriarch Bodhidharma who spent nine years in seclusion in the Shaolin Temple. Because at that time, there was an endless stream of people becoming monks, but in fact, Not everyone is suitable for monkhood and practice. So Bodhidharma taught this one-palm sutra method to know whether this person has Buddhist karma. The so-called Patriarch Bodhidharma created a palm sutra while facing the wall; holding the secret in his palm, he pinched the past and present lives. "Your hand is a wordless heavenly book. This calligraphy treasure is in the palm of your hand, so it is called the One Palm Sutra. It can deduce the past and death, and calculate the origin of the three lives."

This guy is also very convincing, and what he says is ridiculous. Having said this, the fifty-year-old man paused and then continued: "Yizhang Jing is different from Ziping, Ziwei, etc. They need to calculate the eight characters or compass before they can perform calculations. Yi Zhang Jing only requires someone to correctly tell the lunar calendar. The year, month, day and hour, all the status of the person can be known in the palm of the hand within a few seconds. One palm sutra is marked with 'Tiangui', 'Tian'e', 'Tianquan', 'Tianpo', 'Tianxie', and 'Tianwen' , 'Tianfu', 'Tianyi', 'Tiangu', 'Tianren', 'Tianyi', and 'Tianshou' are the twelve houses of the year, month, day and time. Use these twelve items to determine a person's parents' ancestry , brothers, husband and wife, and children-in-law. In other words, it is the fate of a person's childhood, middle age, and old age. Of course, a person's good or bad fortune is caused by his past and present good and bad karma."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "I wonder if uncle can do the math for me?"

"Tell me your date, month, day and hour of birth." The man in his fifties was quite happy.

Naturally, Zhang Yu did not give his birth date, but he gave the birth year, month, day and hour of his younger brother Zhang Chong.

The fifty-year-old man immediately started counting with his fingers, and kept mumbling, "Xu Shi, September 24, Xu year. Tianyi Palace, Tianquan Palace, Tianpo Palace, Tianwen Palace."

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yu muttered to himself, isn't this just a layout?

Taoism naturally also has the so-called horoscope. To put it bluntly, it means to correspond the year, month and day of birth to this year, this month, this day, this hour. It is the numerology of this moment, and thus the destiny of a person's life can be calculated.

In addition, Taoist Paipan can also be used on Qimen Dunjia, which has a wide range of uses.

Zhang Yu somewhat lost interest when he saw that the man in his fifties was just using a fortune teller to tell fortunes. I thought that the Buddha's Bodhidharma One Palm Sutra was so brilliant, but now it seems that it is almost the same as that of Taoism.

But then he discovered that the picture on the letter seemed not to be a simple position, but a layout.

"You have a good destiny. You grew up with a golden key in your mouth. After the age of twenty, you will still have great luck, especially with the help of noble people." The man in his fifties continued to talk eloquently, "It's just that you have encountered setbacks now. , have come to the crossroads of destiny. Even if you make the wrong choice, you will not be too disappointed in life, but if you make the right choice, you will definitely make further progress."

He could tell that Zhang Yu was well-dressed, and Pan Yun who followed him was not an ordinary person, he was very elegant. Zhang Yu is young, so it is unrealistic for him to make a lot of money in this era of fighting for his father. Comparatively speaking, being a second-generation rich man is not bad. In addition, Zhang Yu gave 200 yuan before he came up to tell his fortune. He was not like ordinary people who asked whether he was right or not. This shows that he did not take the money back. thing.

Therefore, he concluded that Zhang Yu asked him to tell fortunes because he must have encountered some trouble recently. Otherwise, it wouldn't look like he was sleep deprived.

Regarding his statement, Zhang Yu only listened to one sentence and stopped listening. What level do I have? I grew up with a golden key in my mouth. Just look at the clothes on me.

Zhang Yu didn't listen to a word of the next words, he just recalled carefully and marked the position of the red dot on the picture.

After pondering for a while, he roughly recalled the arrangement of Six Ren, Eight Gates, Nine Stars, Nine Gods, Nine Yang Dun Games, and Nine Yin Dun Games. If we say Liu Ren, it seems to be a little more than Liu Ren, but compared to the Eight Gates and Bagua, it seems to be a little less. It is said to be Tiangang Beidou, but the direction is wrong.

The man in his fifties didn't say a word when he saw Zhang Yu. He just squatted there and said nothing, as if he was thinking about something. After waiting for a while, the man in his fifties became a little anxious and said, "Young man, what are you thinking about? Did I get to the point?"

After Zhang Yu heard what he said, he immediately reacted. He said in his heart, you are totally wrong.

However, Zhang Yu still smiled and said, "When you told me my fortune just now, you probably used a fortune teller."

"Yes, it seems you know something." The man in his fifties smiled and nodded.

"I know a little bit about it. By the way, I don't know if your arrangement of Bodhidharma's One Palm Sutra can be used in Feng Shui." Zhang Yu said deliberately.

"Of course!" the man in his fifties said in a positive tone: "In addition to creating the Bodhidharma One Palm Sutra, Patriarch Bodhidharma also created the Buddhist art of evading armor, which is called the Brahma Heaven Selection Method. This complements the Bodhidharma One Palm Sutra. After calculation, it will definitely make those who are prosperous in Feng Shui no longer prosperous. This Feng Shui technique is my strong point. If you come to me to look at Feng Shui, you have found the right person."

Naturally, Zhang Yu would not let this man show him Feng Shui. He took out a thousand yuan from his pocket, handed it to the other party, and said with a smile: "I don't want to see Feng Shui, but I admire Feng Shui very much. Uncle, can you explain to me how to use the Bodhidharma One Palm Sutra to perform Feng Shui arrangement?"

One thousand yuan is enough to fool a man in his fifties for several days.

But he did not answer it immediately, but said: "My Bodhidharma One Palm Sutra and Brahma's method of choosing a place are secrets that are not taught by the Buddhists. It is really inconvenient to teach them to others. Young man, this is inappropriate, inappropriate."

How could Zhang Yu not understand what he meant? He still wanted money. Zhang Yu already knew his level well, so it was all in vain. However, if you dare to come out to read fortune tellers and feng shui, you can't say that you don't understand it at all, just by talking nonsense. You still need to know some theoretical knowledge. This theoretical knowledge may be just that for a man in his fifties, but it is different for Zhang Yu. One method can solve all problems. As long as he knows the theory, Zhang Yu can generally understand what is going on.

Zhang Yu took out another five hundred yuan from his pocket and said, "That's all I have in my pocket. Uncle, do you agree?"

"This" man in his fifties still looked embarrassed.

Seeing that he still thought it was too little, Zhang Yu immediately stood up and said, "Forget it, I don't have much money today. I'll ask you for advice next time."

Usually, whether it is buying something or doing something, as long as you say next time, it will basically be done.

How could a man in his fifties let go of the fifteen hundred yuan he had received and not make a profit? He quickly stood up, took a step forward, grabbed Zhang Yu's arm, and said as if he had made a lot of determination, "Since you are so sincere, , then I can’t say that my broomstick is precious. OK, I think you are also an upright person, so I will teach you some Buddhist Feng Shui skills. However, you can’t rely on this skill and do whatever you want!”

"Don't worry, don't worry." Zhang Yu nodded and smiled.

The man in his fifties immediately stretched out his hand, pulled the money from Zhang Yu's hand, put it into his pocket, and then said, "Sit down and talk."

He brought Zhang Yu a maza, and the two sat face to face, and then told Zhang Yu the method of Brahma's choice of land.

Not to mention, as Zhang Yu expected, the theoretical knowledge of the man in his fifties is quite good.

Feng shui is about the right time, right place, and right people, so what he says is clear and logical. The rule of ranking can be divided into large market, medium market and small market. The large market is 108, the medium market is 81 or 72, and the small market is 7.

These numbers are commonly used by Buddhists.

When Zhang Yu heard that it was true, his heart suddenly moved and he said, "I wonder if you could tell me more about the arrangement of small plates."

"No problem." The man in his fifties immediately started talking eloquently.

The number 7 is extremely important in Buddhism. For example, the seven types of earth, water, fire, wind, space, view, and consciousness are called the Seven Dharmas in Buddhism. The six consciousnesses of ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, plus the mind root, form the seven mind realms. Killing, stealing, sexual immorality, lying, idle talk, harsh words, and two tongues are called the seven evil factors. Joy, anger, sadness, joy, love, hate, and desire are the seven emotions. In addition, there are seven convenient methods, seven knowledges, seven holy wealth, seven inverses, seven good places, seven gatherings, seven sounds, etc.

When arranging the layout, the main thing is to look at the needs. If you are studying and healthy, use Qizhi layout. If you are seeking wealth, you can use the Seven Sacred Wealth layout. Each has its own advantages and uses.

Later, the man in his fifties explained the specific arrangement method.

After talking for a long time, the fifty-year-old man talked about some beneficial formations, but Zhang Yu didn't think they were similar. Moreover, when a man in his fifties is making arrangements, it is obvious that the arrangements are not complete. At best, he can move forward one step, and then there will be no further progress and he will move to another place.

After the other party finished speaking, Zhang Yu secretly frowned in his heart, and then said casually: "Uncle, you just talked about the seven emotions, the seven knowledges, the seven holy wealth, and the seven places of good arrangement. I don't know what the seven gatherings, the seven sounds, and the seven inversions are." How to arrange the dishes?”

"Although there are seven inversions in Buddhism, these seven inversions are not Feng Shui techniques, so there is no arrangement. There are also seven gatherings, which are called the law of gathering in Buddhism to make them similar. They are controlled according to the violations, so The name is Qi Ju. To put it bluntly, it is used to punish those who have committed the seven sins of Buddhism. Most of this Feng Shui technique is used to harm people... I... am not in a position to teach you..." A man in his fifties He said with an incomprehensible face: "There are also these seven tones, which are even more magical. In Buddhism, they are called the six-character seven-syllables. The Buddha's name is 'Amitabha Buddha'. Although it is only six characters, it can control the palace." The seven tones of , Shang, Jiao, Zheng, Yu, Bian Gong, and Bian Zheng are brought into full play... If you can learn the seven-note arrangement, you can not only become a musician, but also more likely to become the best Feng Shui master... You meet You are lucky because there are not many people in this world who are proficient in the arrangement of six characters and seven tones..."

After hearing these words, Zhang Yu said to himself, you and Fatty Wang are really on the same page, you can brag so freely.

Zhang Yu was certain that the other party would not understand the Qiju layout. That Qiyin should know something.

Although Zhang Yu didn't discover anything from what the man in his fifties just said, it did benefit him a lot. This man couldn't continue to arrange the dishes, but Zhang Yu was inspired a lot. I feel that the Buddhist Feng Shui technique and the Taoist Feng Shui technique look different, but they seem to have similarities.

Zhang Yu was a proficient in rhythm, so of course he would be curious about these six characters and seven tones. He had never heard of the theory of six characters and seven tones before, so he said sincerely: "Can you give me some pointers and open my eyes..."

"A few pointers..." The man in his fifties picked up his accent, "This is enough, then I'll open your eyes...Nanwu Amitabha!"

When he said these six words, it was really full of flavor. Zhang Yu had never paid attention to it before, but now when he heard him say it, it really meant something like six words and seven sounds.

Zhang Yu then asked: "Then how to arrange this?"

A man in his fifties had just given Zhang Yu a demonstration of arranging a game. He used a square object with ninety-nine and eighty-one beads, like an abacus or a chessboard.

He immediately laid out seven beads and placed them on five lines, just like a staff. This seven-yin, to put it bluntly, is Doremi Fa Solasi.

When Zhang Yu saw the placement of the seven beads, his heart suddenly trembled. Isn't this exactly the placement of the dots in the picture on the letter?

The only difference is that there are a total of fourteen dots on the little man in the picture. Zhang Yu could see at that time that they seemed to be in groups of seven. Otherwise, he would not have thought that six was inappropriate and eight was not suitable. Not quite right.

There are two groups of seven red dots each, and the prototype of the first group is the simplest. The second group is likely to be the lineup of the first group.

More importantly, these seven tones must also represent the seven directions.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Uncle, what should we do next? Which direction does the seven tones represent?"


Because of something, I haven't slept since last night. I finally finished writing a chapter, and now I can’t even open my eyes. Lao Tie can only go to bed tonight to recuperate his energy and continue coding. Thank you all brothers and sisters for your support! Thank you very much!

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