Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2089 Good intentions

At this moment, Zhang Yu was worried about Zhenren Jia's safety. He subconsciously looked at Zhenren Jia's face, intending to see how his master looked.

Although it is inconvenient to directly open the Heavenly Eyes, you should be able to see some clues just by looking at the colors on the Yintang. If there is a bloody disaster, it can be seen at a glance.

Zhang Yu watched for a moment and didn't see any problems. Because he looked carefully, Zhenren Yuan, Zhenren Jia and Shangguan Ning naturally noticed his actions.

Jia Zhenren felt warm in his heart and said with a smile: "You are reading my fortune."

"This disciple has made a mistake." Zhang Yu said quickly.

"Haha." Master Jia smiled heartily and said, "What do you see?"

"Everything is normal. I didn't see anything. But I always feel that this matter is not simple. Master, it's better to be cautious and try not to be left alone, so that others can take advantage of it." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"The enemy is in the dark and we are in the clear. There are some things that cannot be prevented by being careful. But don't worry, I will be careful and vigilant and will never be negligent. Alas." At this point, Master Jia couldn't help but sigh, " In the past four years, the junior brothers have taken action on four different people, but it is very regular, and they suddenly take action every two years. It's hard to guard against."

Zhang Yu had heard before that one person was killed by the Flying Star Nine Blades four years ago, and another one died two years ago. Counting Taoist Meng who died today, there were three in total, one every two years. As for the number of four, it is natural to include Daoren Zhan who died a few days ago, but that was an accident.

But Zhang Yu felt that things would not go according to the previous script. He did not dare to say with certainty: "Master, uncle, although that person used to take action once every two years, the person before did not dare to go there. The White Eyebrow Palace took action. This time, he was so crazy that he dared to go to the White Eyebrow Palace to kill someone. This was a provocation, and I even felt that that person was very likely to take action again."

"I will continue to take action." Yuan Zhenren groaned, then took a deep breath, and her face became more serious.

Shangguan Ning on the side suddenly said: "Master, I have something I don't know whether I should say."

"Say it." Yuan Zhenren said gently.

"Disciple feels that our Baimei Palace is so big, it would be very difficult for outsiders to commit crimes with a target here. Just like the death of Master Meng, that person obviously knew the inside of Baimei Palace very well, and not only could Avoiding everyone's eyes and ears, you can also choose the most appropriate time to kill Master Meng. So I think that there is an internal problem in all likelihood. The murderer is either someone from the White Eyebrow Palace, or someone from the inside brought it in. "." Shangguan Ning said calmly: "Although what happened before, the disciples did not get started at the time, but now I have heard that the murderer could be prepared to know that the two murdered uncles left the White Eyebrow Palace. Without our help , how could it be so clear? In addition, the murder of Master Zhan also illustrates a problem. That is, it is easier for our own people to do this kind of thing."

"I thought so too. There is a problem within our White Eyebrow Palace." Master Yuan said, bent down, and pulled out the Nine Flying Star Blades from Taoist Meng's chest.

Zhang Yu had never seen what the Feixing Nine-Blade blade looked like before, but now that he saw it, it was no different from an ordinary dagger.

Yuan Zhenren turned her left hand, and in the palm of her left hand, two daggers suddenly appeared, exactly like the nine-blade flying star. No need to guess, Zhang Yu could also guess that these two daggers were also flying star nine blades and were left behind by the murderer.

"No matter who you are, once I catch you, I will definitely crush you to ashes!" Yuan Zhenren said through gritted teeth.

Immediately, she looked at Zhenren Jia and said: "Junior brother, I leave the investigation of the murderer and the aftermath to you. Let me investigate carefully in Baimei Palace!"

"Yes, senior sister!" Jia Zhenren agreed immediately.

"Yes." Master Yuan nodded slightly, then walked straight to the door, "Let's go."

Shangguan Ning followed immediately, Zhang Yu and Jia Zhenren also followed, and they left the room together.

There was no one else in the courtyard, only some disciples standing outside the courtyard. Yuan Zhenren walked out of the courtyard and ordered his disciples to help Jia Zhenren deal with the aftermath. She left with Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning.

It was already past dinner time, so Master Yuan asked Zhang Yu and Shangguan Ning to have dinner with her in her abbot's hall.

Master Yuan was obviously preoccupied and not in the mood to eat. Zhang Yu ate a little. Seeing that Master Yuan had put down his chopsticks, Zhang Yu said, "Uncle, I'm full. I don't know if I have anything else to say."

This is a prelude to leaving. I can't help if I stay in Baimei Palace. Even if I can help, this is Baimei Palace, not a hotel on the edge of Taihang Mountain. If Zhang Yu is asked to help, wouldn't it look like Baimei Palace belongs to Baimei Palace? People are too incompetent.

Sure enough, Master Yuan had no intention of letting Zhang Yu help. He nodded and said, "It's nothing else."

"It's getting late, so I'll take my leave first. Master, if you have anything to do, just give me your instructions." Zhang Yu said politely.

"Yes." Master Yuan nodded, but then he seemed to think of something and said: "Xiannephew, didn't I say before that I would let Xiao Ning go to England with you? Now the White Eyebrow Palace is in troubled times, and I can't live without you. If you open someone up, you can't let her go with you."

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Yu said immediately.

After hearing this, Shangguan Ning's eyes flashed with a trace of disappointment unconsciously. Immediately, this loss disappeared.

Yuan Zhenren nodded slightly, then took out a small white bottle from the cuff of the Taoist robe and handed it to Zhang Yu. She said again: "This is Miaomiao Powder. Although it is not as good as the Xiaohuan Dan taught by Quanzhen, it can still be regarded as a good elixir." It's a good medicine for restoring vitality. If you carry it with you, it might come in handy at a critical moment."

When Zhang Yu first fought with Yang Qizhao and Zhou Tongbo at the Fengchan Platform, Master Yuan once asked Shangguan Ning to send Zhang Yu Miaomiao Powder. Relying on Miaomiaosan, Zhang Yu won.

The benefits of this medicine were still unforgettable to Zhang Yu. When he saw Master Yuan giving Miaomiao Powder to him, he was moved. After receiving it, he said: "Thank you, Master. This time, my disciple will go to England to fight the foreign devils, and he will never insult Taoism!" "

"There are many young heroes among our Taoists, but in my eyes, you and Xiao Ning are the most outstanding ones in the world." When Yuan Zhenren said this, he also glanced at Shangguan Ning.

Shangguan Ning said quickly: "Master, you are so complimentary."

"A teacher will never misjudge someone." Master Yuan smiled kindly and said, "Okay, it's not too early. You go down the mountain with Zhang Yu first."

"Yes, Master." Shangguan Ning nodded in agreement.

Zhang Yu thanked Master Yuan again and said goodbye, and then he and Shangguan Ning left Master Yuan's room.

The situation in Baimei Palace is complicated and no one has a clue. Zhang Yu can only tell Shangguan Ning to be more careful. Shangguan Ning sent Zhang Yu out of the mountain gate. They said goodbye and Zhang Yu left alone.

When Zhang Yu's back was no longer visible, Shangguan Ning turned back and went to Yuan Zhenren's room to recover.

The tables in the main room have been cleared, and Yuan Zhenren is meditating on the bed in the bedroom. After Shangguan Ning returned to life, Master Yuan pointed to the chair beside him and asked his apprentice to sit down first.

Looking at Shangguan Ning, Yuan Zhenren said after a while: "Xiao Ning, do you really want to go to England?"

"There has been a sudden big change in Baimei Palace. Even if the disciples are determined to go there, they must focus on important matters and obey the master's instructions in everything." Shangguan Ning said hurriedly.

"This time Zhang Yu held an exchange meeting on Eastern and Western astrology and Feng Shui with the foreign devils in England. As the Taoist from Eastern China, he was the only one who didn't have the opportunity to go to the Taoist temple on his own. It really seemed weak. Logically speaking, I also wanted to go as a teacher, but after thinking about it again, I still decided Can't go. Xiaoning, do you know the reason for this?" Yuan Zhenren said kindly.

"Master is the abbot of Baimei Palace. He is a figure like Mount Tai and Beidou in the Taoist sect of China. Once the master comes forward, the foreign devils will definitely face a formidable enemy, and many master-level masters will definitely come forward. On the contrary, let Zhang Yu go to the meeting alone, It won't attract so many masters, and the chance of winning will be higher." Shangguan Ning said slowly.

"Yes." Master Yuan seemed to be very satisfied with his apprentice's answer and nodded, "Zhang Yu is already a mage. Even many famous Taoists do not have his strength. As you said, foreign devils see him young , if the grandmaster is naturally inconvenient to take action, it can actually increase the chance of winning a lot. But this time, it will be hard for him to go to the meeting alone. "

"Master's good intentions, I believe Zhang Yu will understand. This time, we will never lose the face of our Taoist family." Shangguan Ning said.

"I hope so." Master Yuan nodded again, and then said: "I originally planned to let you go, but right now, there is something important that you need to do."

"Master, please give me your instructions." Shangguan Ning said immediately.

"As you said, something must have gone wrong in the White Eyebrow Palace. Either someone committed a murder internally, or someone collaborated with outsiders. I previously asked Junior Brother Jia to take charge of this matter, but I know that I want to find the real culprit from the outside. , absolutely impossible. Therefore, the purpose of letting you stay is to make you responsible for the secret investigation. You have only been here for a short time, so you will not arouse suspicion, and you are my disciple who is about to close the door. Very convenient." Master Yuan said calmly.

"Disciple understands. Master, please rest assured. I will do my best to find the real culprit!" Shangguan Ning said confidently.

"Although you are young, you are experienced in doing things, which is very reassuring. However, there are bound to be risks in this secret investigation. Even if you have the two dragon swords in your hands, you are in the dark. Once you are discovered, you are very likely to be poisoned. "

Having said this, Master Yuan took out a box from under the low table on the couch and handed it to Shangguan Ning, "Xiao Ning, take this."

Shangguan Ning didn't know what it was, but he quickly stepped forward to take it. The box was not small, and it was heavy. The contents seemed to be very heavy, weighing at least ten kilograms. She said curiously: "Master, this is."

"Open it and take a look." Yuan Zhenren said with a smile.

Shangguan Ning opened the lid of the box. Inside was an ancient armor with metal iron plates on it, pieced together piece by piece.

Before Shangguan Ning could ask again, Yuan Zhenren said kindly: "This is Qinggang Armor. It is a protective magical weapon given to me by my master, your master. Although this thing may not be able to block The Flying Star Nine Blades, but it also depends on who is using the Flying Star Nine Blades. If the person who uses it has limited cultivation, he will definitely not be able to break through the Qinggang Armor. Even if a master uses the Flying Star Nine Blades, with this Qinggang Armor The body armor can also block it to a certain extent. In addition, there are three signal bombs in the box. Once there is danger, they will be shot into the sky immediately, and everyone in the White Eyebrow Palace will see it. "

"Thank you, Master!" Shangguan Ning said gratefully.

This is a protective robe!

Shangguan Ning also understood that there should not be many such magic weapons in the White Eyebrow Palace. The fact that he was able to obtain this magic robe was entirely due to his master's respect.

"Be careful." Yuan Zhenren warned again.

Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion!

In the backmost corner of Tianshi Mansion, there is a small courtyard called "Closed Gate Pavilion".

The name is very elegant, but it is true that no disciple of the Tianshi Mansion wants to come to this place. Because this is where disciples are punished. Once they enter, it is equivalent to a fixed-term prison sentence.

This place is built against the mountain. There is no scenery at all in the yard, only the position against the mountain and four portals.

Three of the portals were dark inside, and only one portal had a faint candlelight visible through the frosted glass.

Outside this portal, four disciples in Taoist robes sat on the ground warming themselves by the fire.

Obviously, they were responsible for guarding it.

But in that stone room lit by candlelight, it was really too simple. On the stone wall in the front, there is a mural. The person on the mural is immortal and majestic. He is none other than Zhang Daoling, the founder of Tianshi Mansion.

In front of the mural is an offering table with two candles and an incense burner with incense inserted in it.

In front of the shared table, there was a yellow futon, and a little girl was kneeling on the futon. It is better to say that he is kneeling than sitting with one leg.

That's right, this little girl is none other than Zhang Yinling.

After she came back, she was imprisoned here by her father and began to serve a fixed-term sentence, facing the wall and thinking about her mistakes.

This girl has always been lively, how can she bear it if she is locked up here.

What's even worse is that it's winter now, and there's no heating equipment here. Zhang Yinling is just wrapped in a cotton jacket, shivering from the cold. If it hadn't been for my mother sending someone to bring some delicious food every day, I would have probably suffered from frostbite.

The little girl looked pitiful and helpless. She flattened her mouth and looked at Zhang Daoling's portrait. She said aggrievedly: "Ancestor, what did I do wrong? My father and the others are timid and fearful. They are a disgrace to our Tianshi Mansion. Look. Look at them, they can't even compare to Zhang Yu, but they just bully me, a little girl, for being capable. If you have that ability, go fight with the foreign devils."

She talked to herself, talking about her unhappiness, but it was of no use.

"There isn't even a bed here. Even in the middle of winter, they can't bear to treat me like this. Zhang Yu is the one who treats me better. Huh." The more Zhang Yinling thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. She wanted to run away, but there were four senior brothers guarding her outside. I can't beat myself either. Even if you can fight, you probably won't be able to escape from the Tianshi Mansion.

"Alas" the little girl sighed, her legs were numb, and she was extremely tired, so she lay on her back on the ground.

"Huh?" As soon as she lay down, she suddenly saw something flashing above her head.

She followed and looked carefully, and then discovered that something was really hanging from the beams on the roof.

"What is this?" Zhang Yinling, who was extremely bored, immediately became interested and got up from the ground to take a closer look.

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