Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2078 Confirmation

After Feng Chongjue, Chang Xin and others left, Shangguan Ning glanced around at everything in the room, and finally set his sights on Zhang Yu and said: "According to your wishes, the murderer who killed my uncle, It should be someone from within us.”

"Absolutely." Zhang Yu nodded and said, "What do you think?"

"I think the same thing as you. Although I don't have the ability to judge whether the dagger is a magic weapon, I don't believe in the revenge of evil spirits. If it was done by an outsider, there is no way that the uncle would not react at all. Still sitting here peacefully. So I think it must be someone who is familiar with the master." Shangguan Ning said with certainty.

"You and your master Yuan Zhenren said the same thing?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

"Yes." Shangguan Ning said.

"Then who do you think will do it? After all, you know the people here better than I do. Do they usually have any feuds between them? There must always be a motive for killing." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Even in Taoist temples, where everyone is usually harmonious, there may be intrigues behind the scenes. Take me for example, there are actually many people who are jealous of me. But on the surface, who I can't tell." Shangguan Ning said with a raised face: "As for what disputes they have behind their backs, I rarely interact with them now, so I don't know very well. Of course, even if there are really any big conflicts, on the surface, I won’t let anyone know.”

"That's true." Zhang Yu nodded and added: "As for the motive, I'm afraid it won't be found out for a while, but in gangster movies, most of them use time to investigate. It is the time when the deceased died. Within the range, everyone is somewhere. But the key now is that based on the degree of rigor mortis of the corpse, it can be generally judged that the deceased should have died before seven-thirty. Why was Chang Xin still there when he came up at eight o'clock? As for the one who is alive, tell me, is she lying?"

"In my impression, before 7:45, everyone except Master Zhan had arrived in the hall, waiting for the evening class. When it was almost eight o'clock, Master Zhan had not come down yet, so Chang Xin went up to ask Master Come down. If what she saw at that time was the body of her uncle, then she would definitely be nervous, unless her psychological quality was particularly good. Moreover, it would also be explained that she was the murderer, and even if she was not the murderer, she would be an accomplice. Otherwise, there is no reason not to say anything." Shangguan Ning spoke very slowly, analyzing everything, "In addition, everyone knows that she is the most trusted disciple of Master, and she has no motive for killing. We are here. Along the way, it can also be seen that the master's uncle trusts and values ​​​​her. In the future, she will definitely get a good job in Baimei Palace and her future will be bright. The most important thing is that once the master's uncle passes away, Chang Xin will never be in Baimei Palace. Gong has a bright future, so she has no motive to kill and should not conspire with others."

"If she is not the murderer and is not an accomplice, then she will still see Daoren Zhan alive. I'm afraid there is only one reason." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"What?" Shangguan Ning asked curiously.

"Illusion array!" Zhang Yu said with certainty: "The murderer has arranged an illusion array here!"

"Here, apart from the dead Master Zhan, I am afraid that my master and I are the only ones who know the magic formation. But even so, after removing the formation, there should be some remnants of the formation. I think my cultivation is not enough. There is no trace of the formation left, what about you?" Shangguan Ning said.

"I didn't find it either." Zhang Yu said: "But I know that most of the remnants of the formation are left because they were too hasty when the formation was removed. If there is a certain amount of time, there will be no traces left. Clues.”

"I heard the Master Master say that it is indeed the case. But none of us have such ability." Shangguan Ning frowned and said: "Even if Master takes action, I am afraid he may not be able to do it so cleanly."

Zhang Yu understood that it was not that easy to remove the remnants of the formation. It was as if he had set up a phantom formation outside Lei Ming Temple, but he had left behind the remnants of the formation due to his haste.

At this moment, Shangguan Ning pointed to the corpse again and said, "Have you seen this book?"

"I see, this book is closed. Generally speaking, it is because I was disturbed while reading and planned to continue reading, so I closed it temporarily so that I can read it again later." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

He just noticed this, so he concluded that an acquaintance committed the crime.

"Master Zhan acted like this because the person who came in was an acquaintance, so he temporarily withheld the book. And the person who came in was most likely the murderer. Evening classes are from eight to ten o'clock. If Master Zhan is that If someone died some time ago, we can investigate and find the suspect based on where everyone was at that time. But if you said it was before 7:30, this really doesn't make sense." Shangguan Ning frowned and thought hard.

"I will never be wrong about the time of death. If a person dies after ten o'clock, the rigor mortis of the body will never be like this. If it is really a phantom formation." At this point, Zhang Yu suddenly thought of a person and couldn't help but gasp. A breath of cool air.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything?" Shangguan Ning asked.

"It's not certain yet." Zhang Yu said with a solemn expression.

The person he was thinking of was naturally none other than the person in the wheelchair.

But the wheelchair man probably had no grudge against the dead Zhan Daoren. Even if there is really a deep hatred, just kill him directly, there is no need to make a fuss. Besides, if there was really a deep hatred, I would probably not prepare a "Flying Star Nine Blades" in advance. More importantly, the wheelchair man was caught.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yu said, "I want to ask the waiter here about something first."

"Ask the waiter, what are you asking about?" Shangguan Ning became puzzled.

"Hel the waiter for me. I'll go out and wait. Just keep an eye on me here." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Shangguan Ning nodded.

She followed Zhang Yu out of the study. In the corridor, there was a service phone number for the hotel.

Shangguan Ning picked up the phone, asked the waiter to come over, and then returned to the study to wait.

As soon as she entered the door, she suddenly found that the tiles on the floor were slightly stained.

"What is this?" Shangguan Ning muttered in his heart and walked over.

Zhang Yu didn't notice this, but went straight downstairs. As soon as he reached the stairs, he could hear voices below.

"Sister Chang Xin, why don't you say anything?"

"Zhenzhen Zhang suspected that I was the one who killed the master. How is this possible? He also said that the killing time was from seven to eight o'clock. It happened that I went to invite the master to go downstairs for evening classes at eight o'clock. But the master was obviously fine at the time. He also said that he wanted to read a book and would not go downstairs to do evening classes tonight. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Chang Xin's voice rang out, and she cried aggrievedly while talking.

"Junior sister, don't cry either. This is just his conjecture. Those who are clean will be cleansed themselves." Immediately afterwards, Bo Chenzi consoled him.

"I also believe you. Saying that you killed Master is simply nonsense. There is no reason at all." Bixingzi also said.

"Okay, don't say anything, we just need to wait." Feng Chongjue said seriously.

After hearing her words, no one made a sound, only Chang Xin was still sobbing quietly.

Zhang Yu also vaguely felt that Chang Xin did not look like the murderer, but the matter was too complicated and confusing. It seemed that everything had to wait until he asked the waiter here to make a decision.

He came to the first floor. When Feng Chongjue saw him coming down, he immediately stood up and said, "How is your nephew's investigation? Did you find anything?"

Zhang Yu shook his head slightly and said: "Not yet. I called the waiter here to come over and ask her something. I will go out and wait first, and I will talk about it when I come back."

"Okay." Feng Chongjue nodded.

Zhang Yu went out directly and waited in the small courtyard. After a while, he saw a waiter rushing over.

When the waiter saw someone in the courtyard, he immediately said, "Who is the waiter?"

"It's me." Zhang Yu walked over, opened the door of the small courtyard, then walked a few steps outside, and made a greeting gesture to the waiter, "I have something I want to ask you. Can you Come over and talk."

"Yeah." The waiter didn't understand and just nodded.

After walking forward for a while, Zhang Yu took out a thousand yuan from his pocket and handed it to the waiter, "A tip for you."

"Thank you, sir." The waiter did not expect Zhang Yu to be so generous, so he quickly thanked him and then said, "Sir, what do you want to ask?"

"I want to ask you, before these fellow Taoists lived here, was there anyone living here?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Yes." The waiter nodded.

"How many people are there? Is there a disabled person among them?" Zhang Yu asked again.

The waiter looked at Zhang Yu in astonishment and stuttered: "How do you know?"

Hearing what the waiter said, Zhang Yu felt happy, but on the surface he remained calm and said calmly: "Just tell me how many people there are, what are their characteristics, and when did they check out."

"There are two people in total." The waiter said truthfully: "One is about forty years old, and the disabled man should be sixty years old. He has a cane. In my impression, I have only seen that man go out, but I have never seen the disabled man. People have been out. I don’t know how many days they had the room open, but after ten days, the manager said that the time was up and asked me to come and ask if I could still stay. When I came, I found that there was no one here. So in accordance with the regulations, the guest checked out by default and the deposit was withheld."

"I see. There are many villas here. Why do we have to stay in this one when we come here?" Zhang Yu asked smoothly.

"Aren't you friends of Boss Zhou? Boss Zhou likes No. 16. Whether he comes or his friends come, they always stay at No. 16," the waiter said.

"Thank you." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"You're welcome. By the way, what are those two doing? Are they wanted criminals?" the waiter asked a little worriedly.

"It's nothing, don't pay attention to it." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." The waiter nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Yu signaled that she could leave, and he returned to the villa.

Now Zhang Yu was able to confirm that his previous guess was correct. The wheelchair man must have been here before.

However, the man who caught the wheelchair man walked away alone, presumably to the Taihang Mountains. How can you rest assured if you leave a person in a wheelchair here alone?

Also, where are the people in wheelchairs?

Full of suspicion, he entered the villa. Everyone was sitting on the sofa waiting, wondering what Zhang Yu meant by going out.

Zhang Yu walked over and said, "Uncle Feng, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Feng Chongjue stood up.

"I want to see all the rooms here. Is that possible?" Zhang Yu said politely.

The meaning of this statement is that everyone's room is to be searched. Although Zhang Yu is the Wudang Archmage, he is not a high-ranking official in the White Eyebrow Palace. It is somewhat rude to directly search the big guy's room.

After hearing this, everyone felt somewhat dissatisfied, but no one dared to show off.

Feng Chongjue even got orders from Zhenren Yuan and had to obey Zhang Yu in everything.

She also saw that everyone was a little reluctant, so she simply said: "Then let's go to my room first."

"That's fine." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

Feng Chongjue is the senior one here. She has set an example, and naturally others can't say anything.

In order to be fair, Zhang Yu said: "Uncle Feng, there are so many people here, we can't all go up. I think we can pick a few people to go up together. In addition, the people below cannot return to the room. They still have to sit here and wait." "

"Okay." Feng Chongjue nodded and said.

She then pointed at Chang Xin, Bo Chenzi, and Bixingzi, and asked these three people to go up together as a witness. The others stayed downstairs and waited, and were not allowed to move.

It makes sense to do this. Now the murderer cannot be said to be his disciple or Daoren Zhan's disciple. If she was the one leading the search with her disciples and Zhang Yu, it would inevitably be a selfless deed. Therefore, she was alone, with three disciples from Zhan Dao Ren, and both sides could talk it over. When someone's room is found, he will call him over and search it in front of his face.

Zhang Yu and Feng Chongjue went upstairs and first went to Feng Chongjue's room to search.

Feng Chongjue didn't have too many items. He looked through all the cabinets and then checked the contents of the suitcase. They were just some clothes and magic weapons, nothing else. Nothing suspicious at all.

Coming out of Feng Chongjue's room, which was next to Shangguan Ning's room, Zhang Yu called Shangguan Ning. Shangguan Ning was calm and handed over the door key and suitcase key, indicating that he would not go in and stay. Watch it here in the study and let Zhang Yu and the others search it as they please.

Zhang Yu and the others entered Shangguan Ning's room with the same care as when they searched Feng Chongjue's room.

Shangguan Ning didn't bring many things, that is, clothes and magic weapons. But Shangguan Ning had quite a lot of magic weapons. The bracelet with thunder split wood, the gourd with thunder split wood, and the peach wood sword with thunder split wood. Their equipment was better than that of Feng Feng. Chongjue are all advanced.

It's no wonder that this person is a closed disciple accepted by Master Yuan Zhenren. How can a close disciple of the dignified master of Baimei Palace be so shabby?

After coming out of Shangguan Ning's room, they went to the two rooms next door, both of which belonged to Feng Chongjue's disciples. After looking at it, he still found nothing, so he walked towards the other end of the corridor.

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