Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 2071 Keyhole

Zhang Yu was a magic weapon user and had no interest in weapons, especially in this situation.

His eyes quickly moved to the chest of the black-clothed ninja.

There were five bloody holes on it, shaped like plum blossoms. Zhang Yu said, "Yizhimei, what did you use to beat him like this?"

"My unique hidden weapon, Plum Blossom Dart." Iljimae said.

"It's good that you still have this skill." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"I'm not even close to competing with you. I just don't want you to laugh." Iljimae scratched her little head.

Zhang Yu looked at the entrance of the cave and knew that he could not get out now. The most important thing is that the continuous tossing made his eyelids fight, and even the pain in his back made him unable to care.

With a "plop", Zhang Yu's body softened and he fell to the ground.

"Brother!" "Abbott!" Zhu Jiuzhen and Yizhimei were anxious and quickly checked Zhang Yu's condition. They soon discovered that Zhang Yu's breathing was normal, but he was asleep.

In fact, not only Zhang Yu, but also Yizhimei and Zhu Jiuzhen were exhausted.

Zhu Jiuzhen looked at Yiljimae and said, "He's too tired, let him take a nap."

Iljimae nodded and said: "I haven't slept for such a long time. No one can bear it. I think we will take turns sleeping for a while. Your injury doesn't matter. I'll go check on these little devils." Do you have any trauma medicine on your body?"

"Yes, let's look first to see if there is any trauma medicine. The most important thing is to stop the bleeding of brother first." Zhu Jiuzhen said.

The two of them immediately went to look for trauma medicine. Not to mention, the little devil was well-equipped. Long guns, short guns, daggers, trauma medicine, bandages, etc. are all available, and they even bring water and compressed biscuits.

The effect of the hemostatic medicine was particularly good. Zhu Jiuzhen stopped Zhang Yu's bleeding first, and then simply bandaged himself. The two ate some biscuits and drank some water. Zhu Jiuzhen asked Iljimae to sleep for a while while he was responsible for watching.

Outside the underground palace, Hibe and the others were still standing there on guard.

The sound of dogs barking lasted for more than two hours, intermittently.

This situation made these people highly nervous, but there was not a single person in sight, not even the shadow of half a dog, which was really unbearable.

The stone door of the underground palace was still closed tightly, and Hibe and the others did not dare to touch Yuanpan at will. It was heart-wrenching to wait.

After some time, Hibe became visibly irritable. He was pacing back and forth, his palms sweating unconsciously.

Ajiu could see Hibe's mood and guess how nervous Hibe was. Ajiu himself was a little scared, so he simply said: "Mr. Hibe, waiting here all the time is not an option."

"Then what do you think we should do? Isn't it too early to go back now?" Hibe said.

"Actually, it's not too early. I think we should go back as soon as possible. After we go back, you can call and mobilize more people. The entrance is obviously empty now, and we don't know whether Zhang Yu or the others are there in the underground palace. I didn't see it, but I just know that our people have gone down. In case Zhang Yu and the others are not here, don't let them break out. The stone door here is closed. It is useless to continue waiting here." Ajiu is determined. said.

"That's true." Hibe nodded, and then said: "Then let's go back first, and then come down again after mobilizing manpower. If that doesn't work, use explosives to blow the door open!"

After saying this, he waved his hand forward and said, "Open the way!"

The two red-clothed ninjas were a little worried when they saw that they were about to leave, but they also knew that it was Hibe's decision here, and if they stayed here, they would not be able to help at all, so they had no choice but to leave.

They escorted Yang Huanzhang back towards the way they came. Just like before, the dog's barking was still intermittent and intermittent.

As they walked, they came to the pile of corpses of the Japanese. This place is not the location of the golden seal, but the place where Zhang Yu rescued Yang Huanzhang.

When Hibe and the others came, they also passed by here, so they didn't stop by this time and continued to move forward.

After they walked past these corpses, a corpse with its back facing up suddenly jumped up.

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!".

The corpse waved his hand and fired eight fire talismans, shooting at the group of people on the side of the sun.

On the side, they only focused on observing the left, right and front. Where could they imagine that there would be corpses jumping up from behind and sneaking up on them.

"Ah" "Ah" "Ah".

The little devils were hit by the fireball almost at the same time, and their bodies were burned by the fire. They screamed, struggled for a while, and turned into a ball of ashes.

The one with the best luck was undoubtedly Yang Huanzhang, a ninja in red, and a gunman. Because Yang Huanzhang was being escorted, he was walking in front. The red-clothed ninja and the gunman also walked in front to clear the way, so they were lucky enough not to be taken away by the wave.

Yang Huanzhang lay directly on the ground, holding his head in his hands, not daring to move.


Seeing his companion being killed, the gunman quickly turned around and subconsciously pulled the trigger.

"Tu tu tu tu"

Just as the gunshot rang out, he saw another fireball coming towards him. The gunman wanted to evade, but couldn't find time.


In an instant, he was burned to the ground.

There was also a fireball hitting the red ninja. This serious person was not as useless as the gunman. He jumped over the fireball, raised his right hand, and fired six fiery red ninja darts at the corpse that fired the fireball.

The corpse is also flexible and faster than a ninja. It can dodge to the side and shoot out a bunch of things at will.

"Ah" The red-clothed ninja who was jumping in mid-air was hit directly. He screamed and fell to the ground.

The corpse was wearing a black suit and looked similar to the corpses of those little devils. However, that is because others are not looking carefully. If you look carefully, there are still some discrepancies.

That's right, this person is none other than Gou Wen.

Gou Wen was originally responsible for responding, but he didn't wait for Ji Bing and Hou Xuan to come up for a long time. The result is great, the little devil is here again. He could only hide. With his ability, it would not be easy for the little devil to find him. After discovering that Ribian was leading people down, Gou Wen couldn't sit still anymore. He simply attacked and killed the little Japs guarding the stone chamber above, and then drove down.

He walked forward slowly and found that Yang Huanzhang was not dead. This was because he deliberately left him alive and did not want to kill everyone.

"I know you're not dead, get up." Gou Wen said coldly.

Yang Huanzhang sat up tremblingly and said carefully: "Well, don't kill me."

"As long as you are obedient, I will spare your life." Gou Wen said, looking at Yang Huanzhang for a few times, and chose to find that this person was not a threat to him.

He then walked up to the red ninja and looked down. Five copper coins were embedded in the red ninja's body. Yes, this is Five Emperors Money.

Gou Wen took the Five Emperors' money and said, "Where are the others?"

"It's, there's the underground palace over there." Yang Huanzhang's voice was trembling as he pointed to the location of the underground palace tremblingly.

It really cost me my life. The people I met recently were all evil spirits, each one more ruthless than the last.

Yang Huanzhang is grateful that he can still survive until now.

Within the underground palace.

I don't know how long it took, but Zhang Yu opened his eyes and fell asleep, feeling more comfortable.

Then, he heard the ear-splitting snoring, and looked to the side, and it turned out that Zhu Jiuzhen was sleeping soundly.

Zhang Yu didn't bother him, and turned around to look for Yizhimei. He saw Yizhimei searching at the divine case in front.

He slowly got up, and after a while, Iljimae turned around. Seeing Zhang Yu get up, Yizhimei ran over. When he got to Zhang Yu's side, he said with concern: "Abbott, you're awake. How is your health now?"

"It's getting better. I feel a little more energetic. By the way, have you discovered anything?" Zhang Yu said.

"A little bit," Iljimae said.

"A little bit!" Zhang Yu's eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly: "How do you say it?"

"Do you remember the skeleton that was always standing before?" Iljimae said, pointing in the direction of the mysterious case.

The standing skeleton was originally there, but it collapsed due to the explosion of the grenade.

"Of course I remember." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

"Although the skeleton fell down, I just discovered that his feet were still standing there. I tried to move it with my hands, but it didn't move. It was like it was nailed there." Iljimae said.

"There's still this matter." Zhang Yu sighed, and he stood up while sitting on the ground. He then said: "Let's go and take a look."

"Do you want to call him?" Yizhimei looked at Zhu Jiuzhen.

Zhang Yu thought about it, Zhu Jiu really knew how to organize, so it would be better to greet him. Although I don't want to disturb Zhu Jiuzhen's rest, opening the mechanism is a big deal and must not be delayed.

"I'll greet him." Zhang Yu bent down. The wound on his back was a little painful. He ignored it and greeted him in a low voice: "Brother, brother. Wake up, wake up."

Zhu Jiu is really practicing kung fu. If there is any disturbance, under normal circumstances, he can hear it all at once. He was also exhausted now. Zhang Yu greeted him several times before he stopped snoring and opened his eyes.

"Brother, you're awake."

"Wake up. Brother, are you okay?" Zhu Jiuzhen said, getting up from the ground.

"Much better. I just found Yizhimei. Let's go over and have a look." Zhang Yu said.


The three of them walked towards the divine case together. As they walked, Zhang Yu repeated what Iljimae had just said.

Zhu Jiuzhen became curious after hearing this.

When they came to the place where the skeleton stood before, sure enough, the pair of foot bones and calf bones were still standing there, but the bones on top fell behind.

"It's really weird." Zhu Jiuzhen bent down, stretched out his hand to hold the leg bone, and moved it gently to move the leg bone away.

Just as Iljimae said, the leg bones seemed to be nailed there, and even if Zhujiu really applied strength, they were still motionless.

"What's going on?" Zhu Jiuzhen muttered, lying on the ground, reaching out and tapping lightly on the leg bone.

Listening to the voice, it seems solid.

Iljimae said next to her: "I just knocked it, and it's solid inside."

"It's true that there is no mechanism." Zhu Jiuzhen put his ear to the ground and tapped it gently again.

This time, he knocked more than ten times, and then raised his head excitedly, "Yes! Yes! There is a mechanism under his feet!"

"Really?" Zhang Yu and Yizhimei shouted in unison.

The last chance of survival!

If nothing is discovered here, there is a high probability that he will be trapped here to death.

"With my ears, what I heard is absolutely correct. But, how to open this mechanism?" Zhu Jiuzhen kept looking around and said slowly: "It is not difficult to confirm now that this skeleton is a mechanism. The skeleton He fell down and opened the mechanism on the hidden arrow on the wall. Since this mechanism is connected to the stone door outside, as long as it is found, it should be able to open the stone door outside again."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yu clenched his fists fiercely and shouted: "That's right!"

"What's wrong?" Zhu Jiuzhen and Yizhimei looked at Zhang Yu together.

Zhang Yu's brows were filled with joy, and there was excitement on his face, as if he had made a major discovery.

"Although I'm not sure where the agency is, I guess it's almost the same." Zhang Yu said excitedly: "You two, step aside."


Zhu Jiuzhen stood up and walked to the side with Iljimae.

Zhang Yu walked up to the pair of foot bones, followed Taoist etiquette, bowed and saluted, and said: "The junior accidentally entered the place where the senior came into being, and the senior's skeleton was destroyed by the traitor. Now that the skeleton has been destroyed, All of them have been executed. I would like to apologize here and hope that my senior can rest in peace!"

After saying this, Zhang Yu knelt down on the ground and performed the greatest Taoist etiquette, kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times.

When the last kowtow was over, there was a soft "click" sound, and the pair of foot bones standing on the ground fell backward on their own.

The foot bones that could not be moved just fell down like this. Zhu Jiuzhen and Iljimae standing beside them were dumbfounded. They really couldn't imagine why it was like this.

Zhang Yu understood the reason for this. The reason was very simple. This was not the first time he had done such a thing.

The last time he saw the statue of the Patriarch, it was because of the great gift that he had escaped from death and obtained the "Tian Yi Mi Tu".

Taoism has always paid attention to etiquette, and this Taoist priest must be a senior expert from Yuxu Palace. The things here are also reserved for the disciples. If anyone dares to be disrespectful, it is definitely not a disciple of this sect. For example, if he destroys the bones, he will immediately trigger the hidden arrow mechanism in the wall and bury the bones here.

On the contrary, if you are a disciple of our sect, you must kneel down and worship after seeing the bones of the ancestor.

How was this kind of mechanism designed? Zhang Yu believed that it was not only the ingenuity of the mechanism, but also the formations and spells hidden in it. However, he had not fully understood the secret yet.

Just after the foot bones fell, the originally tight stone slabs under his feet slowly bounced up.

Zhang Yu and the others opened their eyes wide, and soon saw an envelope placed under the stone slab.

There is no word on the envelope, and the envelope is brand new. It must have been pressed here all the time, so it has escaped the changes of the years.

Zhang Yu reached out and picked up the envelope. As soon as Xin Feng took it away, the three of them discovered that there was a keyhole underneath the envelope.

The keyhole has a special shape and is a bit wide, but the key is missing. Zhang Yu touched the envelope carefully and found that there was no hard object inside. It seems that if you want to know what this keyhole is about, you can only get the answer by seeing the letter inside.

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